Hello, fellow Pandas, we all have some sort of habit—some of us might even have some weird or strange ones. That's exactly what I want to know about. Tell us about what unexpected or unusual habit you have. What do you do that people are weirded out by? How long have you had it? How did you get into that habit?

Share your answers below and upvote your favorite answers. Please be respectful of each other!


I make better friends online then in real life and i seem to trust my online friends more



    every time i see my bunny i have to boop him on his nose, if i dont i get mad at myself for the rest of the day and i give myself little punishments like standing in the rain for 3 minutes.



    Playing with and pulling out my hair. I do it subconsciously; I have a condition called trichotillomania, or hair-pulling disorder. Basically, a person pulls out their hair as a result of extreme social anxiety. Eventually they get bald spots, leading to even more anxiety, leading to more hair pulling. It's a downward spiral that is hard to escape. You may think "Oh, a few strands isn't that bad, right?" Wrong. It is NEVER a few strands. Yes it is one strand at a time, but it can pile up to be hundreds. And no, we can't stop just because someone asked us to. Even if we don't do it consciously, it works into a habit that we can't control. I've tried to stop and I cant.


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    Pearl Of the SeaWing RainWings
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aw, that reminds me of how I bite the dead skin around my fingernails, and can't stop, even if it bleeds

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    i tend to just stare at one particular thing for along time and just space out no one can get my attention at all its weird one time i did it for 2 hours



    I have full on conversations with objects. Also, If i accidentally bump against a doorframe, I immediately have to go back and apologise to it.



    I remember really strange things about people and later bring them up in conversation, and people think I stalk them.



    1) Everytime I go for a walk and see a pride flag/pride related thing, I text a photo to my best friend (we're both LGBTQ+)

    2) I narrate everything that is happening. Like, my dad will walk in and say "There is no celery left for dinner" and I mutter "The father comes in and announces the absence of celery for [my name]'s dinner. She looks at hims sadly and and says that she regrets the loss of celery, even though her father is oblivious to the fact that she hates celery and is therefore very pleased."



    I crack my fingers. Like a lot. It's really turning into a problem (not really). I've gotten to the point where I can crack every single one of my knuckles. Not just the ones closest to your hand; EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. It's really satisfying though. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it.


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    Arctic Fox Lover
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can crack my thumb knuckles. Not where it's closest to my palm, but the other one. I do it every time I'm about to play some video game that involves a lot of thumb moving :>

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    I get short term obsessive about things. At the moment it's cookbooks. Before that it was sewing. Before that it was growing chillies. Sometimes I cycle back. But not often. I can't seem to maintain interest in anything longer than a few months.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nothing wrong with that. You can experience new things all the time.

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    I love to cosplay. my family thinks it's weird but they got used to me coming out of my room with a face of makeup on or in a costume. I've been doing it a lot and my makeup skills are getting really good and I am working on a new cosplay from MHA. I spend a lot of money on my cosplays and I am really excited to get the new one. My new cosplay is for Deku and my friend is getting a shigaraki cosplay and we are gonna chill at the mall after covid.



    I always use my hand to wipe off anything from the bottom of my feet before I get in bed. I hate having any little dirt or crumbs in the bed.



    dont step on the cracks



    I let my cat climb and snuggle in my sweater of under my blanket.

    Also, music gives me energy. Whenever I hear music, a make-up situation/story plays in my head. It gives me energy somehow.

    I also try to get as many dice as possible. Dice goblin.



    I sort of twirl around this one strand of my hair on my lips. It never enters my mouth. For some reason I do this all the time. I don’t know why.



    My habbit is sleeping in weird positions. Once, my alarm clock went off, and I was covering my ears while I was sleeping. I also have a weird habbit of sleep walking. Once I woke up sleeping in my sister's bed. All of my habbits have something to do with sleeping!



    I have to go up the stairs ending with the same foot all the time


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I must strategize the perfect way to end with my left foot and if I don’t I learn from my mistake and try to do it differently. Stairs with an odd number of steps are a nightmare

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    i just randomly think of kissing someone and I'm like, "i don't even talk to that person, why do I want to kiss them??" *face palms* sigh, I'm weird and think about weird things all the time
    don't judge me



    Pretending to be a dog: Eat like a dog walk like a dog. In truth, when I do that, I act like Gollum...but a little prettier.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember when me and my sister were playing dogs and I ate real dog food (the dry one mind you I almost cracked my tooth) and I drank from the dog bowl. Suprised I didn't get sick

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    Ok, two things:

    1. For some reason, I love reading out loud. I think that just hearing my own voice as I read helps me take the information in better and understand whatever I'm reading more, even though I don't even use my voice, I mostly whisper. Sometimes, I try to say everything perfectly as I'm reading aloud to make it sound like I'm recording my voice for an audio book. Most of the time I have to reread because I was focusing more on saying things perfectly rather than what I'm reading.

    2. Recently, I've been non-stop whispering words. Like, if I read a joke, I would say the very last word of the joke and then laugh out loud. Or say words that I'm reading that I think are really satisfying to say (actually, sometimes I choose the word of the day, which is just a word that I really like to say. For example, two days ago, the word was "bright", and the word today is "fondant"). My mom is constantly like "[Name], could you please stop talking to yourself? I keep losing focus because I think you're talking to me, and then realizing you're just talking to yourself, and having to restart what I was doing." XD



    I have a lot. My mother thinks it is OCD. Can't sit on a seat with an uneven number in cinemas etc. Volumes of TV etc have to be an even number, too. My knives, forks and spoons are arranged in the drawer, as are my socks and underwear. There are more...but the one that annoyes me is that I have to tap my pocket when I leave the house. I put the keys in my pocket, tap tap tap, go to the door, tap tap tap, open the door, tap tap tap, go out of the door, tap tap tap, close the door, TAP TAP TAP. Like, really? Why do I tap after closing the door, if was not there it would be too late!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Volume for me must be even or a multiple of five. I also go right around things--like a pole in the middle of a sidewalk I'd have to go right. I think I have OCD....

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    This isn’t really a habit, but if me and my friend ever talk about how creepy dolls are, we immediately have to stop and compliment them so that they won’t...come for us.



    1). I will just zone out and no one can do anything about it until I snap out of it.
    2). I will act like a Harry Potter wizard and pretend to curse my sister.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You never know. You just might be a wizard. Be careful with your curses. Those things are difficult to get rid of😏

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    I have to have an even amount of food on each side of my mouth like two goldfish o the right and two on the left. I also have a strategy for eating apples and pears and fruits like that. Where i take shallow bites in the middle to make like that iconic apple core in cartoons. the i get the skin off the tops and bottoms then i finish eating the apples! I didnt know until two weeks ago other people dont have stratagy's for that.



    I snap my fingers unusually often especially when there is music or I'm thinking about music.



    Whenever I'm walking on a tiled floor or a four cornered floor, I DO NOT step on the edges. I always have to step inside the block. I apologise to myself everytime I step on the edge.



    If there is a label/tag with how to wash instructions, i have to touch it and wrap it around a finger. Don't know why, but i have been doing this for ages.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can't stand to have tags on my clothes. I just have to cut them off.

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    i have aspergers and i have a habit of counting things whenever my emotions are at extremities. counting days, hours, minutes, steps, bricks, words, etc. in my mind, if i count it, it makes it real. and that helps me calm down.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds like a good strategy. I hope it continues to work for you.

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    I have some more that I forgot.
    I will wake up at 1 am in the morning thinking it is time to start the day.
    I drink yogurt through a straw.
    I can only sleep diagonally
    I can only sit on the couch upside down.



    I suddenly need to shake my left shoulder. I've been doing this forever and is don't know why. Sometimes ill wake up in the middle of the night cause my shoulder feels like it needs to be shaked...



    I literally cannot leave a dry erase marker without a cap. Even if it has already run out of ink, I wonder if it might have some left in the bottom part. Needless to say, my family finds this very irritating. I also take extremely good care of my white board. Did you know that each time you touch your white board with your bare skin the marks on the white board are harder to erase? I never touch it and extremely enforce this rule when my white board is borrowed. (I THINK my whiteboard is shiny.) Anyways, I think you can see my weird habit in this long description.



    most of the time when i'm walking i hold my hands in front of me like im a t-rex or somthin when i was in school people asked me why do it so much


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    SAME i would just put my hands up and it felt normal??? like what? i used to rlly like squirrels tho so ig i thought i looked like a squirrel.


    When I eat a meal, I have to take a bite of meat, then a bite of vegetable, then a bite of bread, then take a sip of my drink. Repeat until all the food is gone.



    i can't get in my bed like a normal person. instead, i have to take a running leap so my feet don't get too close to the darkness underneath. i've done it for years, and it seems silly, but you never know...



    #1) I have a brother that I haven't seen since he was born and he is about 11-12. I will constantly daydream me taking him around, when I'm an adult, and showing him our 11 other siblings and telling him their personalities.

    #2) I peel my lip because it's satisfying. It usually bleeds.

    #3) I clean my house, friends houses, animal cages, kitchens, kids rooms, and anything else but my room. I find it fun unless it's my room. For someone who likes to clean, it's the dirtiest place in the house.


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    Anne Wood
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sister is like 12 years older than me, I havent seen her since I was a toddler.

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    SOOOOO. I like to imagine myself in different movies or books being one of the characters. For some strange reason, I walk around the house mumbling things that nobody can understand.

    I walk around the house over and over again and when I stop, I just continue doing whatever I was doing before. Problem is, I might be eating breakfast and just stop to do it. I didn't even notice I was doing it until my brother asked me what I was doing.



    I do not do it anymore but I sucked my thumb until I was 11 please don't judge me



    Hmm... Every single day since I was in 4th grade until now, I wake up at 7-8:30 and eat breakfast/lunch at 11:50



    i lick the flavoring off chips before eating them..........:)



    whenever I'm bored(and sometimes when I'm not) if I'm on a floor with any sort of patterns, I immediately start pacing/orbiting around the room, walking a certain way on the pattern, like maybe I can only step on the yellow lines or I have to keep my feet going the same way as the carpet grain, etc.

    When I am reading a good book and I'm alone in the room, I tend to pause and act out scenes in the book. by myself.

    This isn't really a habit, but in the week before and during my period if I see a picture/video of any guy who is even remotely good looking, my brain says "they're hot!" so of course, I have to stop what I'm doing and go "WHAT? Where did THAT come from?" and scold myself. It's annoying. and the weirdest part is that sometimes it happens with girls too. I'm straight. I have absolutely no attraction to girls about 95% of the time.


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    Just Another Weirdo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I completely relate to the third habit! I can't recall if it's ever happened to me with other girls, but I honestly think it's something to do with our hormones around that time. I have a theory that because we ovulate the week before, we're subconsciously looking for someone attractive to, er, 'reproduce' with 😬 This would explain why we think it when we see a man we think is cute, I can't think of any explanation for thinking it about girls though.

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    I hurt myself, it makes me feel better. I use to be suicidal but I found somebody to love me but it was fake and later ended it on my birthday over text so I went back to it but family fond out and took away all my weapons, talked, and got me my real love. a puppy. but I love him just not like a soulmate so I confessed but no luck. I began to beat myself up but stopped when I saw my dog hiding in the corner. And i was good for a while but now i have sudden urges and thoughts of blood and murder. I plan out everything. A master plan, but then I look at my puppy and stop but I need some advice for help..


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aw no! Don’t do this! Maybe get a punching bag and try doing it on that instead?

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    I didn’t notice it till my Friend pointed it out yesterday but I will randomly do cartwheels or handstands or front tucks. I’m a level 3 cheerleader on an elite team and I keep doing without realizing it. SOME ONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Joyce Chen
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am a gymnast, and sometimes I can't help but do some tumbling. It's fine!

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    Talking to myself and pretending like I'm a famous person



    If I eat a chocolate bar like a Twix or a Kit-Kat, I never just eat it in the normal way. I always chew the chocolate off the edges first until the inner part of the bar is exposed, then I finish it off. I've done this for as long as I can remember, & I don't even know why I started in the first place.

    Also, if I'm in a shop & there's several items on the shelf, sometimes I'll take the item behind the one nearest to me. I got this habit from my mum as she does the same. If I'm selecting food that has a use by or best before date, I look for the one with the longest date - every time.

    If I'm watching TV or a film, the volume has to be either at an even number or a multiple of five, no exceptions. Again, I've picked this up from my mum.

    I'm weird I know 🤷‍♀️


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do the first 2 of these as well. I always believe the items further back are better because less people will have been touching them. Also if I am in a shop and I see things of different colours sitting together I always rearrange them in the same order as the colours of the rainbow i.e. red, orange, yellow, green. blue, indigo and violet as I am obsessed with rainbows.

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    Every single packet of crisps (chips) that I eat, I have to fold the empty packet into a neat little triangle (like how one would fold up a note to pass to someone). I even do it with the empty multipack bags. Never do it with anything else, it doesn't work as well.


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    Every day, a single word repeats in my head, and it doesn't sound like a real word. They range from bicycle to somebody, and today mine is today... hehehe.
    Also, normally I think in poems?😕


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    Gon Freecss
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think by narrating my every move,"Gon (not my real name obviously) walks outside to jump on the bus"'s weird

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    If I know a song, I WILL hum and tap my fingers in a rhythm that matches the melody, and you CANNOT stop me



    I talk to my cats as if they understand what I'm saying



    Listening to anime intro on repeat to get them memorized, Moving like people in cosplay Tik Toks, and simp for anime boys.



    Being my yandere self ( I'm kinda harmless)



    Sorry for another post but i just remembered another one, whenever I walk around I always have to take a even number of steps, or round it to 4-8. When i walk up the stairs EX.: It took me 13 steps to walk up the stairs, then i will walk around for a bit to get that number to 18 or 24. i don't know why, i guess i always liked even numbers.



    I chew my fingernails nonstop I reallllly have to distract myself to stop and nail polish doesn’t help...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I chewed my nails for YEARS. Ever since I was little. I tried EVERYTHING to stop: bitter polish, acrylics, painting them, etc, but nothing would stop me. I even chewed the acrylics off. What ended up working for me was I started carrying a pair of nail clippers with me EVERYWHERE. When I got the urge to chew because my uneven nail was a little too long, I'd clip it back. I'd also remind myself I didn't like how I ended up pulling them down to the quick when I chewed. It took a lot of time, but now I almost never bite my nails and I actually let them grow out some! Not very long because they break easily, but they're in much better shape now. Start by trimming them down as far as you can, and keep trimming them back when they grow out a little. Make a habit of keeping them trimmed first, then allow yourself to get used to them being longer than before, a little at a time.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I tend to count all the steps everywhere. And I love picking up my room while listening to a podcast =) Also I sing along to music but inside and I do all the face expressions lol



    I trust the internet more than my family because always lie to me.



    Ok- so I have ADHD, (well, assumed ADHD I'm getting a test soon) but I stim whenever I'm happy, sad, mad, etc; but I also zone out for sometimes hours at a time. I normally need to be listening to music to be focused. I listen to music in class, when I'm sleeping, (it somehow helps me fall asleep), and really just anywhere, you'll find me listening to music.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    If I have a writing utensil in my hand and a piece of paper in front of me I get this insane urge to start drawing and doodling. I dunno if this can be considered an "artist's instinct" cause my drawings aren't amazing but they're not awful either. Just one of my little ticks :)



    i like to sleep anywhere, i scratch my arm when im scared, and i draw butterflys on my arm so i dont self harm (my friend showed me this its called "butterfly project (self harm)" it has helped me alot)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I can’t sit against a wall without repeated banging my head into it. I also have skin-picking disorder, which I’m trying really hard to stop and I think I’m getting a lot better. I also sing really loudly while in the shower. Like, metal-screaming.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have the same problem with banging my head but I can stop any time

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    I like to make leaf-cats. You take a fall leaf and turn it into a cat. I do it all the time every fall. It’s fun.


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    Doggo Georgia
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nice. I rip leaves sometimes in a certain way. Sometimes I even make little leaf flowers.


    Probably the weirdest.. I'm like, obsessed with tickling. I'm super ticklish to the point you can't touch my sides, legs, or back. I don't talk about it, but I constantly think about it. I think one of the reasons is my friends are always tickling me (lol) but I'm not sure. It's really weird also because some people just have this vibe that I'm worried they'll tickle me. Any ideas? Maybe I'm just a weird person..


    See Also on Bored Panda

    when I am scared or sad I rub the tip of my horses ears over my lips



    I tend to kicking my desk, I wont even notice untill someone points it out;



    I will randomly make up my own campaign or story in a video game I'm playing


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    I rotate my clothes. When I wash something it goes to the back of the closet and I pick what to wear from the front.


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    i have a tiled floor, and for some reason, i can only step on a certain size of tiles.


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    I have a few, to be honest. One of them is when I fall asleep, I have to have my big body pillow (supposed to be for my head) right next to me so I can cuddle it, and I roll up a blanket so it feels like the pillow is cuddling me back. Another (More recent) habit it that I turn on my speaker, lay on the floor with my head pressed against it, and the music on, mainly on 107.7, and I wake up with a red mark on my face.


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    Whenever I made a mistake or am nervous (which is often) I click my fingers. I used to pull my hair and play with it but then I cut it off and had to find a new habit to avoid going crazy.


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    Anne Wood
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I have a anxiety attack i roll up the very bottom of my skirt. I just need something else to focus on.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I wake up at 4 in the morning and start talking to myself-



    I talk to my car. I talk to "her" about my day, current events, movies or TV shows or YouTube videos I've seen, plans for the future, whatever is troubling me, etc. Occasionally I toot the horn so my car "answers."


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    Alright I feel like this is something kinda weird and im not sure who else does it... But whenever im in the passenger seat I look out the window and imagine like a cat or an Eevee or some kind of animal jumping through like obstacle courses. It sounds a bit stupid and babyish but I do it alot, so- I guess its a habit. :3


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Mine has to do with aluminum cans. Before I open one, I blow on the top a couple times. After it's opened, I take a sip then press an indentation with my thumb, right under the opening. It's a holdover from 20 years of trucking, where I would want a drink but not take my eyes off the road. Just grab the can from the holder, put my thumb in the dent, and viola! no fumbling for the opening.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a habit of pealing the labels of my beer bottles but then i think a lot of people do that

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    I have to check under my bed and in my closet before I go to bed at night. It probably comes from watching too many true-crime documentaries as a kid.



    I have a lot...
    Every time I listen to BTS I cry (then again, I cry for everything), I make weird noises when I'm scared, I make a weird sound when I get extremely excited



    I have extremely bad OCD, Like really really bad. When Im home alone, the volume on the TV has to be at 20 or 25. radio is the same has to be even numbers also. I can also crack almost every single joint in my body. this amazes my friends and used to amaze my ex-boyfriend.


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    I tap my middle finger against my thumb twice when I walk through an automatic door. No clue why... Not really a habit, maybe more a tic...


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    chewing on a pencell i know it not super weird but also fliping over my tong then biting down on it probably not healthy for me but i still do it and another habit it bighting my lips a lot and a lot more


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    Anne Wood
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I obsessivly bite things, pens, pencils, watch bands, paddle pop sticks, fingernails.

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    I've dug more graves than I've eaten loaves of bread.
    (I didn't kill anything/anyone)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whoops, wrote it wrong, I bury a loaf of bread whenever I dig a grave for something cat caught


    If I’m stressed or anxious I tend to roll my tongue.



    I count words on peoples faces. for example, i might hear dogs are cute and count that as one word for the eye the other word for the other eye so on. it makes no sense. so its like dogs (eye) are (eye) cute (nose) or something.


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    I crack All the joints on my fingers and toes. If I see anything of different colours I rearrange them so that the colours are in the same order as the colours of the rainbow as I am obsessed with rainbows. And I HATE going to bed. I just sleep in my chair instead. I usually only get about 2 hours sleep a night 3 at best. And I also try to avoid human contact. I hate being hugged even by members of my family and if someone tries to kiss me I feel like I'm being attacked, yet I love hugging my dog.



    Whenever I'm climbing up or down the stairs, I make an upside down peace sign, pretend the two fingers are little legs, and make it walk beside me.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do that too, but I don't have stairs in my house. Usually I pretend my fingers are a video game character (sonic)

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    i belive i am a cat becuse I LOVE CAts


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    Whenever I think of sports or music videos pretty
    Ty much anything with some sort of fast movement I ckech my hand unconsciously, I started noticing that lately.



    I talk/whisper to myself.
    Basically, I make up hypothetical scenarios in my head and enact them out loud.
    For example, I was thinking about how I would explain being able to tell the difference between twins, and before I knew it, I was whispering animatedly to myself, complete with hand gestures and everything. I didn't even realize!
    What's weird is that I have these hypothetical conversations with myself with flawless speech, but when I talk to an actual person, I always mess up in various ways (eg. talking too fast or stuttering).


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    I Am A Stick
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    9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    rust and ruin i wish i could talk to people as flawlessly as i whisper scenarios and stuff


    I quietly hum unless its a very obvious situation that it would be inappropriate. My voice will hurt and I'll still be humming under my breath. It even annoys me.


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    I have a “habit” of when I’m talking to someone I would imagine them dead it not all the time tho



    not being too PC in my job. I never take anything serious and forget my self in my work. The amount of times i have been called into the office because. but then some of them have been real petty. Never realized how petty PC can be!


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    I don't wear deodorant because I like the smell of BO


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    Sim Wheeler
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    okay no offence but thats nasty do it for the other people around you

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    1) ok this one is gross, skip to 2) if you dont like gross things, but i have terrible dandruff and i like to sctratch my scalp, or put hard bristles of a comb to it, to see how much dandruff i can get off.

    2) I like to know the backstory of nursery rhymes. for example, london bridge is falling down:The hypothesis that the song refers to the burying, or immurement, perhaps alive, of children in the foundations of the bridge was first advanced by Alice Bertha Gomme (later Lady Gomme) in The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland (1894–1898) and perpetuated by the usually sceptical Iona and Peter Opie.

    3)i randomly go into my own world of imagination, usually when i'm bored. usually meeting anime shows like MHA, DEMON SLAYER, or NARUTO

    4) when i have nothing else to do i knit.



    I call my cats "fluff". Their names are Ginger and... (See if you can guess in the comment section!)


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    Gon Freecss
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cats name in Lily but I call her Lily Billy. It's the only thing I guess I could rhyme with? Also 1 of my mouse's names is Freya but I call her Freya weird...

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    I HAVE TO close my closet door every time I go to bed. I'm not scared of monsters or anything, it's just there is a closed secret trap-door type thing that leads to my small attic. At night I sometimes hear scratching and chittering from a squirrel or something on the other side of the trap door. It scares me if I hear it and am still awake. (I had to get rabies shots from a previous bat problem and should be immune for the next 5 years. There is no rational reason to close the door, but it helps me sleep better. (I'm also afraid of the dar, which makes matters way worse.)😅😅😅



    Whenever I'm not using one of my hands, the free hand is shaking a pen/pencil. Like how people shake a pencil to make it look rubber. I've been doing this since I was very little, and have found that it's much harder for me to focus on work if I'm not shaking a pencil.

    Also, at night, I pace back and forth in my room. I tend to get caught up in daydreams while I'm doing this and can pace back and forth for hours. I have ADHD and suspect both habits are related to the fact that I think best while moving.


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    I like to make weird sounds and sometimes I don't even know!
    I also fiddle with my fingers a lot, especially when talking.


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    I think other ppl do this too but I make up arguments in my head but never use them.

    Also, when I was younger I had a very creative imagination so when I would turn off the light at night I believed that if I was touching my stuffed dog (that I had had since I was born) all the monsters and anything harmful would not be able to enter my neighborhood, therefore keeping me safe.


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    I can't sleep without a pillow or blanket to squeeze. I also talk to myself.


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    1) I'm a really picky eater and there's certain foods that I'll only eat one way. For example: there's only one kind of ham I like and the only way I'll eat it is to rip it into small bite-sized pieces.

    2) I have to wipe off my feet before I get in bed.

    3) I like my chocolate chip cookies without chocolate chips or any other mix-ins.


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    I say I am a noodle whenever I feel happy or excited. Also since I play flute and such, whenever I'm listening to music I unconsciously tap the best with my foot.


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    I have a weird habit with shoes. The newest/pretties one I have will be the ONLY one I wear for weeks or more. For example, I got these Vans and have worn only those shoes for, like, a month. I'm working on not doing that cause my shoes get krusty dusty ;)


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    I name everything. Yes normals things like my plants, my stuffed toys, and my pets. But the there's the weird things like my step ladder, my water bottle, my pocket knife I use at work, and pretty much everything else.


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    My weirdest habit would probably be that I always don’t step on the cracks on the sidewalk. I don’t have any superstitions, I just am so used to not doing it for some reason, it had become a habit.


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