Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Pet Peeves About Stereotypes Inside The Lgbtq+ Community?
I specifically mean ones caused by the community, and rotating in on itself.
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Gender isn't sex.
i really dont want to come across as mean, but i am trans and i dont quite understand this one? i always was under the impression that gender is who you identify as, and sex is just what is/was down below, but that your sex does not affect your gender? can someone please explain this one to me a little better? i dont want to come across as rude or mean, i just really dont understand this one.
Not all pan people look good in bucket hats.
I'm pan but I love my pink bucket hat. I didn't even know pan people wore bucket hats till' now. Hehe
That who you're with shows what you like. Lots of people have sexual preferences that they don't act on because they never meet someone they're attracted to in that category.
Transgender people are just looking for attention. I've heard this line from numerous gay/lesbian/bisexual people, especially ones recruited by right-wing sources like PraegerU. It's disgusting, and a slap in the face especially to those who have struggled greatly because of it. Speaking as a transgender person, I didn't loose friends, risk (and end up) getting outed to conservative family, and be given death threats (amongst other things) for a like on social media.
That gay people make being gay their whole personality. I mean, It can be true but sometimes people say it when it isn't. Sometimes people say that when someone is just living their life. IDK it just frustrates me. If someone thinks someone's only personality trait Is being lgbtq+ they probably don't know the person well enough. Have a nice day!
When I first felt safe enough to come out and admit i was lgbtq+ in school a lot of people either thought I was doing it to fit in with more people, and that I was making it my whole personality cus I was having a gay panic over this girl I genuinely liked and couldn't stop talking about.
Lesbian does not mean a girl attracted to another girl. It means someone who isn’t a man, who is attracted to non-men. Girls can be lesbians, obviously, but lesbians also feel attraction to non-binary people and others. However enbys attracted to women can also be known as trixic, this is a good fact to know. It’s a common misconception.
This is also the same for gays but with, ya know, non-women.
That people assume that gender identity issue automatically means being gay as well.
Nope, before I found out I was a Lesbian I was Non-Binary and Attracted to men. I still am non-binary but I am attracted to female's
That xenogenders are fake. That xenogenders are only for autistic people. That neopronouns are only used online. Using SAM (Split Attraction Model) means you cheat. Being polyamorous means that you cheat. Hoarding genders means you’re doing it for attention. Having multiple names means you are plural (nothing against plurals). Being xenogender means you’re otherkin.
i have multiple names and i shall say this; I AM THREE DOGS IN A TRENCH COAT
That every gay guy is automatically a drag queen or something. I have gay friends and they don't act like that. :P
same! I feel u some guy in my class who was in a relationship with my other friend broke up with her anda year later came out as gay. He does not act like the "stereotypical gay run, gay hand and gay voice/mannerisms" AT ALL! i hope i dont offend anyone
Im ace and i dont like garlic bread 🤢 i do like cake though
I doubt anyone will get this, but . . . Did you know the cake is a lie?
That MTW trans people (like me) are by default lesbian.
this is just wrong. like, im FTM and i'm not gay, so why would someone who is MTF be lesbian? i just dont get the logic behind this.
if your anything other than gay or lesbian or trans, they think you made it up 😒
Exactly. For me I'm an abro demi-girl and a lot of people are like " Wtf is that? Did you just come up with that?"
That Bi people are only attracted to men and women. Like the definition is attracted to 2+ genders/sexes! It's so annoying.
That you HAVE to be androgynous in order to be non binary. It annoys the f**ck out of me that people think this.
That bi people aren’t “really” in the community. Like you have to be fully gay to be considered LGBTQ
Gay men like pink
That "it is a phase" if someone is bisexual because "you're either gay or you're not"....always hated that one in particular.
So true with this one. For me I got told that being bi was fine, but since i was dating a guy I was straight
I’m pan and some of my friends tell my I’m faking like WTF what am I faking
Update my friends saw this and apologized they feel bad and they accept my as I am with my ADHD brain Ann’s my gayness
that if i dont use labels, im not really lgbt+, or that i have to choose masc or fem when i really pingpong around the spectrum
that if i dont use labels, im not really lgbt+, or that i have to choose masc or fem when i really pingpong around the spectrum