Just curious! What are some fun riddles that you’ve heard, read, or made up? Either a classic, a new one, or a random joke.

Preferably, don’t post the answer, and let others figure it out.

Let’s get the brain working!


1. “What is greater than love, more evil than hate. The poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die.”

2. A king has two sons. He is growing old, and wishes to retire. To determine who takes the throne next, he proposes a test.
“Each of my sons will race on horseback around the castle. Whichever son’s horse crosses /last/, will have the throne.”
The princes stood by the finish line by their horses for days, each one waiting for the other to begin. Finally, the wise woman comes out, and says something to them. They quickly leap to horseback and begin riding as fast as they can towards the finish.
What did the wise woman say?



    This one is kinda lame and doesn't make that much sense, but here goes:

    You are trapped in a room with no doors, windows, or other ways out. The only things in the room other than yourself are a table and a mirror. How do you escape?

    (Side note: feel free to give purposely wrong answers as long as they are creative and/or entertaining)


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ah i remember this one! it's an oldie lol. look in the mirror. look again and see what you saw. take the saw, cut the table in half. two halves make a whole, so climb through the hole and escape :)

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    This is my moment…I got two. Alright. So heres the first: there’s a family of fish. A daddy fish the size of a bus, a mommy fish the size of a truck, and a baby fish the size of a Volkswagen Beetle. A huge wave comes and knocks them all over the place. Which one drowns first?



    Ok here’s the second. You got to get an elephant, a shopping cart, and a bag of peanuts through the Safeway doors. How do you do it? You take the S out of Safe and F out of Way. Lemme kno if you need help.



    Once upon a time there were two cats, an English cat and a French cat. The English cat was called "One Two Three" and the French cat was called"Un Deux Trois". One day they decided to have a competition to see who could swim across the English Channel the fastest. So they both jumped in the water and started swimming. Which cat won, and why?


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ohh I see its a pun about French pronunciation. The one-two-three cat won, because un deux trois quatre cinq (pronounced like cat sank). French is weeeeiiiiird.

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    kinda an old one but Pete and repete were on a boat Pete fell of the boat who was left on the b



    It’s true I bring serenity, and hang around the stars. But yet I live in misery, you’ll find me behind bars. With thieves and villains I consort, in prison I’ll be found. But I would never go to court, ‘less there’s more than one around. What am I?



    Remove six letters from this sequence to reveal a familiar English word: BSAINXLEATNTEARS



    so you're driving a bus, and at the first stop, six people are picked up. there are now eight people on the bus. at the next stop, two get off and three more get on. next stop, one gets on and three get off. and at the last stop, ten people get on and seven get off. what color are the bus drivers' eyes?


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    Doofenshmirtz Evil, Inc
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A combination of grey, green, brown and a tinyyy bit of yellow. Maybe some blue, depending on who you ask. My eyes are not one solid color!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    1. 254 bricks are on a plane. One falls out. How many are left?

    2. How do you get an elephant in a fridge?

    3. How do you get a giraffe in a fridge?

    4. The lion King is having a party. All the animals show up, except one. Which one is it and why?

    5a. Sarah wants to cross a river infested with crocodiles. However, she manages to swim to the end without getting bitten. How tf did she do that?
    5b. She does anyway. How tf did that happen?!?!?!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    one night, a king, and a queen go fishing, when they finish fishing three people return how is this possible?



    There are two wells. Both have equal amount of water. You throw 5 sacks of sugar in first well and 10 sack in the second well. Which well will have sweeter water and why?
