Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of The Weird Names You Call Your Pet(S)?
We pet owners have a habit of coming up with strange nicknames to call our pets, most of the time having nothing to do with the animal's actual name. For example, the nickname I use for my dog Saide is Floofabutt. Don't ask me where that came from. Now say what crazy names you gave your animals.
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My cat's full name is Marie Charlotte Amelie Victoria Leopoldine Anna Feodorovna Karenina.
I call her Nina, for short.
Not so weird but one of my female cat is called Shampoo. It looks stupid at first but it's not about the soap but it reffers to a manga character. In Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi that's the girl who transform to cat.
This is kinda funny, but my friend calls her cat pookie. And he gives the best Bombastic side eyes ever, it's hilarious.
I will refer to my dog, Grae'son as...
*Diva Boy, *A$$hole, *"G", *Bubba, *Bubby, *MiBeeBeez, *Nibbles, *Nibbler, *Furious Digga...
Umm... super innapropriate but we all call him Lil Fucky-Pot
Guff-a-goof, Griffy, Guffy boy, dingus, dumbáss, the dingy dingo dingus, Mr. Thumpa-tail, Mr. Snoofoos, Sir Shrieks-A-Lot, Sonic Weapon, the Destroyer of Eardrums
Gwen (Gwennie):
Miss Thing, Gwennie-beans, mop tail, jumpin’ beans, the silly little jumpin’ beans, little girl, wiggly girl, miss wiggles, miss stinky, smelly girl, the butt-scarf
Gryphon is a border collie and Gwen is a tiny rescue of indeterminate parentage and truly spectacular odor
I had a Yellow Lab (Charlotte) and a Black Lab-German Shepherd mix (Camille). I called them Charlotty-Warlotty-Parlotty-Poo and Camille-Adeal-Adinkle-Dunkle-Dorkle-Doo.
I call my Chihuahua named Gatsby Boogah, Columbus, Poothead, Good Boy, G, Monkey, and Anteater (his nose is always on the floor/ground) and a variety of other things, depending on what he’s getting into at the time. But he’s 13 and knows his name well.
My dad always called him Zaxby, as in a fast food chicken place in the US for those of you who aren’t familiar. (It’s actually Zaxby’s,though.) Columbus is my favorite because G sure likes to explore.
stink. stinky, smelly baby, poop head, annoying butt head, silly goose, big Mac, mac daddy. stinkus, beb. bebe , mac attack. (she is a tiny cat)
I call my dog Michael Jackson because of the awkward howls he does… they sound like singing.
I have two cats named Dante and Rikku. I call them Los Dantos and Rikkuta. My fluffy cutiepies. No, I don't speak Spanish.
My rats name is technically Max Anderson but we call her papusa, ham cube, mr.rolls, pibbs, grem grem, and gremlin.
I call my dog-Tucker-Tuckypoo, Tucknado (Tuck+Tornado bc he spins like a tornado when he gets the zoomies), Tuck, my good boi, and Tucky boi
My hamsters are called Mochi and marshmallow, and for whatever reason my siblings call em Mochikaboola and Marshmallowkaboola lol
I used to own fancy rats for awhile and both of them were male. My first was called Mr. Pedro Peabody. He was a hooded brown rat and mischievous lol. I got the name Pedro because I was watching Spaghetti Westerns (cowboy films made in Italy) at the time.
My second rat was called Noddy and he was a pink-eyed white ,which looks like an albino except the fur has a yellowish tint to it or something. He would nod his head up and down to help with his eyesight since with pink eyes your eyesight isn't as strong.
My dog is named Pippin Charlemagne Peregrine Took and his nicknames are: Shnerdel,, Pipsqueak,, Piparroni, Pipshnitz,Dr. Pipper, Mr. Pip, Pip Daddy, Pip Pip Cheerio, Pippinheimer, Puddin' Pie Pippin and when I am exasperated Pippinstein or Little Bastard. There are songs that I sing to him utilizing all of the aforementioned, too. And, yes, I know.
Big dog is Sushi. I call her Shmoopie (from Seinfeld's Soup Nazi episode), bonehead, poopie, and dummy.
Small dog is Semillon. I call him Semi, pest, psycho
One of my cats is called Countess Griselda. Countess is pretty self-explanatory to anyone who had a cat, and Griselda is a pun - in Polish it sounds very similar to "biting", which is Countess' preferred method of displaying contempt.
Rat Freyja gets called Freya bug. Rat Loki gets called Loki loo. Jack jack a very big ferret gets called fat Jack or Big lad.
My roommate and I had a cat named fuzzybutt. It was really Vera, but Marina called her fuzzybutt.
My roommate and I had a cat named fuzzybutt. It was really Vera, but Marina called her fuzzybutt.