Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of The Most Confusing Question The World May Never Answer? (Closed)
Tell me confusing questions like, "what came first, the chicken or the egg" and other confusing stuff like that.
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Hey insurance companies! When did our teeth and eyes become separate from our bodies???
Is their a layer of reality that we don’t know of because we don’t have an organ to perceive it( like sight-eyes)
There are many indeed. If string theory is correct, then space isn't 3 Dimensional. In fact there may be as many as 10 spacial dimensions, folded into the fabric of the universe. But our bodies aren't able to perceive beyond three dimensions. Consider a being that exists in two dimensions. If you walked into it's space, it could only perceive that sliver of you that occupied the space that it could comprehend. If you picked it up, then it would see different slivers of you, but it could never fully grasp a three dimensional object in it's mind. So what would we see from a 4 dimensional creature. Or 6 or 7 for that matter. The universe is far more complex than we can grasp intuitively.
In the U.S. you're required by law to register for Selective Service (aka: The Draft) at the age of 18 because that's when the government deems you as an "adult" to where you can be forced into military service so you can then be whisked somewhere overseas and possibly get killed, lose a body part or two, and/or end up with serious PTSD or worse......but God forbid you want to purchase a cold beer or go to a bar before the age of 21 because you're not "adult" enough to consume alcohol ? F*****g really !?!
Similar question, why is it that you're mature enough to buy a firearm before you're mature enough to buy a beer?
Why do we park in driveways and drive in parkways?
Why is it called cargo on a ship and a shipment in a car?
Answer for (a) is it's a way (path) you can drive upon. Parkway is not a term used outside USA, but it means a road near a park/with trees/ etc. Park as in leisure park. (b) Cargo = from spanish carga (to be charged or loaded up). A ship is a germanic word, seen in dutch schip, german schiff, swedish skip, etc. -ment means condition-of, in french. The word "shipment" is a combination of a germanic stem (ship-), meaning thing that transports goods or people, and, (-ment), meaning condition of. So condition of transporting goods. A car therefore can carry a shipment, as can a backpack, a ship, a drug dealer, or a space shuttle.
does everybody see something different? like my orange is your red???
can animals understand us fully?
is it possible to speak animal???
(i could go on forever so i’ll just stop here for your own sanity)
1. Yes. My eyes see colour slightly differently. I have to open both to see the same as "normal" people. 2. Dogs can apparently understand about 100 words, mostly verbs and nouns, as can great apes. So I suppose it's a training and intelligence thing. 3. Theoretically yes. They're trying now with dolphins and with pets. I imagine their language is verbs, warnings and nouns. So: "eagle!" or "food!" or "friend!" Whether this counts as 'language' depends on whether it has grammar, whcih it doesn't seem to. However, cetaceans might have grammar.
if Cinderellas shoe was a perfect fit then why did it fall of
why do we bake cookies and cook bacon
Any number divided by zero.
if you put a straw through a blueberry, would it be a blue strawberry, or a straw blueberry?
wouldn’t the back of ypur back be the front of you?
Do plants talk?
Yes, through chemicals released into the air, on contact or symbiotic fungi connecting roots.
How much wood exactly WOULD a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Also, why do we call it a woodchuck if it can't chuck wood? Feels like a bit of a misnomer.
Why did all the senior Empire bad guys on the Death Star speak in British accents when they were from outer space and there was no Britain?
Hollywood! It wasn't just the early Star Wars films either. For a few decades the casting people got very lazy.
Does anyone else realise that we are sideways on earth? maybe that's why we are comfortable when we lay down because we are finally standing upright! 0_o
I think we won't ever answer the "life after death" question to everyone's satisfaction. Or the "is there a god" question. I'm happy to go on believing no/no to those. YMMV. If you want to believe in them, cool, just don't try force anyone else to believe it.
I believe the wonderful Dame Maggie Smith had the best response to a religious question: Having a religion is like having a penis. It's okay to have one and be proud of it - it's not fine to get it out in public and try ramming it down anyone else's throat!
On a slightly more serious note: Why do they call it "non-coding DNA" when in fact it does code for stuff, just not for proteins? How is it non-coding if it codes for things? E.g., certain kinds of RNA molecules. Inhibition of other genes. Binding sites for proteins. Activation of or deactivation of transcription of segments of code....
Someone tell me why the eff it's "non-coding" when it *obviously codes* for molecules that are useful in, y'know, our existing... What idiot decided only "codes for proteins" counts as "coding"?
Because when it was discovered, they couldn't figure out what it did, so they thought it was leftover dormant stuff that didn't do anything. This is what they believed when I went to school, but then they discovered that indeed, it's important and codes for things, just not proteins. But nobody wanted to change the name.
Why are the largest weapon manufacturers on the planet also the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council ?
If you drop soap on the floor, is the soap dirty or the floor clean....?
If the Universe is expanding all the time, what is it expanding into?
Maybe it's a torus or toroid and moving along a gravitational surface back to its start point (think of an onion)
Does God exist? Humanity has been trying to figure it out for millennia, and we seem no closer to an answer.
Enquiring minds want to know...
If you believe God exists, then yes. If you don't, then no. As Neitsche once said, "Is man Gods biggest mistake, or is God mans biggest mistake?"
If god made everything,who made god????This is my biggest question.PLEASE ANSWER IT.PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
Humans made God to explain to themselves how everything else happened.
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop
... comment just vanished.... I would , second try, comment on the Empire bad guys talking with a british accent... well .... Now I wonder, too. In addition: even if there also was no Germany, a lot of times the bad guys have a german accent?
... comment just vanished.... I would , second try, comment on the Empire bad guys talking with a british accent... well .... Now I wonder, too. In addition: even if there also was no Germany, a lot of times the bad guys have a german accent?