Hey Pandas, What Are Some Low Key Red Flags To Look Out For In A Person? (Closed)
Keep it light I am after humourous answers. Make it a funny red flag.
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Gatekeeping specific genres of music. I find this problem a lot in the metal and punk community, you can like more than one type of music yk?
In British terms, they read the Daily Mail, in American terms, they watch Fox news.
- Ordering a steak well-done
- choosing Family Guy over South Park
- beginning a conversation with "On Tik-Tok I saw...."
Likes to use comic sans
This should be much higher. Comic sans is creative crime
The way they talk about ex's. Yes it's fine to not like an ex but if all their ex's are crazy or b#tchs/sl#gs/d#ckheads/@rseholes I'd be very curious as it's normally them that are the issue
Ranting for a literal hour about a fictional, woman eating dead guy who looks like a ducking french valley girl hybrid like hes the hottest thing since the gas stove.
also when ur bf comes to school in a maids outfit, wearing his stepmothers bra, and making out with his guy friend, and then swearing hes 100% straight
For the first one, I have no idea who you're talking about but yeah, that doesn't sound very healthy. For the second, that was oddly specific and a red flag of denial lol.
-won't adjust their socks even if they're wrinkled/uneven
-sets the volume on the car/radio/tv to an odd number (evens or fives only please; arguable if it's a perfect square)
-prefers flat soda (I do, haha)
-prefers coke over pepsi
-bites into a kit-kat instead of breaking the two halves apart (I also do this, mwahaha)
When they unironically like all Steven Seagal movies including the later films where a stunt man/stand in is hired for his walking scenes.
Ordering very garlicky meals is just a subtle nod that someone is not thinking very much about others rn lol.
Maybe the have a fear of vampires? Garlic is pretty tasty, though
Football fans but that's just my personal one