Hey Pandas, What Are Some Interesting Ways You Have Tried To Get Someone To Stop Snoring At Night? (Closed)
Hey Pandas: What are some interesting ways you have tried to get someone to stop snoring?
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When I was on an overnight road trip my roommate was snoring (loudly)! I had a small bag of reeses pieces left over from the gas station so I started throwing them at his face. It would get him to stop for a minute or two but not long enough to allow me to get much sleep. When he woke up in the morning his bed was covered with half crushed pieces of chocolate. Even though it wasn't totally effective it was pretty fun to throw candy at someone's face.
Suffocation has the BEST results, I know from experience. My friend hasn´t woken up since!
Really nothing unless you sleep in separate rooms, but sleeping on the opposite sides helps alot