I want to cause chaos to my family.


Oooh I got some good ones

1. Clear plastic wrap under the toilet seat
2. replace the ice in the ice maker (if you have one) with something else
3. Send them on a wild goose chase to nowhere (put written clues around the house in a certain order and have the final one be something dumb)
4. Firecrackers under the toilet seat or mattress or whatnot
5. If you have the chance, change their own name on their phone to something dumb
6. Another phone one, rename their SO/Crush's contact name to their parents name and vice versa.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The last one is so funny! But also, mean. I would kill someone who did that to me.

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    pop its under the toilet seat and this would also work for school just sayin


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    for any one else who needs more info on the pop its this is what they look likehttps://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kroger.com%2Fp%2Ftnt-pop-its-snappers%2F0002773604037&psig=AOvVaw0qdHXCw3gSBQXn6J_v8QFH&ust=1634237752649000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCICmiZqIyPMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE

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    Smother some almonds in toothpaste and then say they are “mints” and offer them to your family. You have to hairdry the toothpaste after you put them on the almonds otherwise they are mushy



    Some pranks ive done are put food colouring in milk (only works if its not a see through carton) and fill a cup with dried peas, fill with water and put on a metal tray underneath someones bed just before they go to bed, in the night the peas will expand and fall on the tray and sound like a scary tapping noise under the bed 😂 plastic spiders and pretending a piece of string is a worm scares people, also hide and wait for someone to bend down and you rip a piece of material theyll think they ripped their pants!


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    not your average weirdo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I did the milk one to my brother, I turned it green. He thought it was radioactive 😂

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    If you have a trashcan with a foot pedal thingy that opens it, tape a piece of paper under the lid on one side, and tape the other side to the rim. Then pour flour on top of it. When someone opens it, the flour will explode all over them.


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    3 years ago

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    I once pranked my mom by having a friend call her phone pretending to be from the credit card company. Since I’m her daughter I knew all of the pertinent information. Then my friend kept putting her on brief holds where we would play really REALLY terribly sung music (like listening to cats in heat dying would be preferable). She was really confused and listening to her confusion was hilarious. She still to this day has no idea it was a prank. And it comes up occasionally “that call from the credit card company with the horrific hold music”


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    Here’s one that gets my dad every time. If you have a family computer, cut and tape a small piece off paper onto the underside of the mouse. Make sure it’s covering the light but can’t be seen or felt when using the mouse as normal. The mouse now will not work, and your family member will be so preoccupied thinking it’s a problem with the connection or the computer to think to look underneath the mouse for the real problem. For an added bonus, write a message or draw on the paper.


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    1. Firecrackers/noisemakers under the mattress/toilet seat
    2. rename theirr SO/Crush's name on their phone to their parents name and vice versa
    3. Send them on a goose chase to nowhere (put up little paper clues to where to go next and have the last one be some dumb joke that wasn't worth their time.
    4. Clear plastic wrap under the toilet seat
    5. Unscrew the toothpaste cap, put clear tape over it so when they try to squeeze it nothing happens. Or it explodes.


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    I can only think of a few.
    1. The underwear chandelier. Involves yarn, their underwear and a ceiling fan.
    2. Those little pressure activated firecrackers, tape those under the toilet seat. When someone sits on it, puts pressure, on the seat, pop, pop!


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    I’ve never tried this myself, so I don’t know how well this works, but ketchup under the toilet seat. One of my friends had this happen to them. Will require trial and error, but I don’t recommend you try this yourself…


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I assume you mean the little squeezy tomato sauce packets you can get at restaurants?

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    I got these googly eyes with adhesive on the backs and put a pair of googly eyes on everything in the fridge.


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    Put one of the big yellow new driver stickers on the back of their car, or if you can get on their phone rename their best friend to their parents and vice versa. My cousin did this to me once and my friend got a request for them to buy more apples and my mom got a message planning a prank on my friend's brother LMAO


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    Put a car on a roof.. It actuakky happened search it up...


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    Had a friend bring his girlfriend to a party. She like to drink screwdrivers (vodka and orange juice) He gave her only one with alcohol and the rest were virgin drinks. She acted drunk as hell. Guess its the placebo effect.


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    Make a pan of brownies. On one side top with plain powdered sugar. On the other half top with a mix of a small amount of alum (pickling powder) and powdered sugar.


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    Take an empty mustard bottle, put some sand/water in a ziplock, (for weight), inside the bottle. (You can try it empty also.) Then get some yellow yarn and put in the bottle. Put the end/tip of the yarn in the opening. Pretend to shake and a good squirt on someone. The yard should shoot right out and give a startle or small scare to someone. Had it done to me, and almost died. It was funny though!


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    OOH OOH! If you have any siblings that are texting a boy or girl that your parents don’t know about, change the name of the guy or girl on the siblings phone to mom or dad. And vice versa,


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Changing names in other people phones could lead to harmful misunderstandings and even irreversible sorrow.

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    Not much of a prank, but in the early days of phone cameras there wasn't a 'delete multiple' option. My work colleague left his phone unattended, so I 'borrowed it'... and took a picture of every floor tile in the building.
    It took me 2.5 hours and amounted to over 1k photos. It took him a lot longer to delete them!

    I also poured water onto his office chair, being sure to get a nice even coverage so he would notice a colour change. The foam of the chair soaked up all the water allowing for a slow absorbency into his trousers, it took 15 minutes before he noticed he was damp.

    He sent me an audio file, when I was listening to it I could barely hear what he was saying, so I turn up the volume... he's still whispering so I turn it up more, I hear some words but can't make it out... Full Volume... The entire office suddenly filled with the sound of extremely loud sex!


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