Hey Pandas, What Are Some Experiences You’ve Had With Your Brothers That You Think Others Can Relate To? (Closed)
Some of us have brothers, and many of us have had both great and challenging experiences and habits with our brothers. What are some of yours that you believe other brothers can relate to?
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One second were playing tournaments together, no arguments just pure laughter and joy as we kill each other in gang beasts or cod...
The next were maticulously measuring each plate of eggs because we want the most, even tho our mother says theyre the same...
"No they arent cause if you examine the radius of this plate and cross examine it with the depth of said plate it indicates that e=mc squared amd this plate is bigger!!"
Sibling life :]
when my mom cut cake for her or my dad's birthday, she would present two slices to me and my brother. we would examine them closely and then whoever figured out which was larger first screamed "I CALL DIBS ON THAT PIECE" and then snatched it away.
I used to think I was good at wrestling, since I can ambush my brother and pin him to the ground well.
But when trying to wrestle people who were ready for it, I stood no chance.
Turns out I'm only good at bullying
Oh, so do I have to be a brother to add something? I’m the youngest in my family and the only girl. Nobody listens to me or takes me seriously because I’ve always been the one who messes everything up. Even now, I’m 50 years old and my mom still talks to me like I’m a little kid, like I need advice all the time. Like I’m an idiot who doesn’t know up from down. It’s extremely frustrating and it makes me wonder if I really am an idiot. I got a divorce after being married for 21 years to a very controlling man, got a really good job, and secured my own really nice apartment, and I still haven’t heard my mom tell me that she’s proud of me or give me any credit for what I’ve done since getting divorced.
How do I this darn thing? I wanted to add that I have four older brothers who my mom takes seriously. But I don't know how to edit my original post!