Hey Pandas, What Are Some Controversial Political Opinions You Have?
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I have my own opinions on things- but i just wanna say we should all respect each other no matter what our take is. Know you can disagree with someone, and still love them as a human being. Just be kind no matter what- have polite debates/conversations if you have to- and don't hate people just because they think/act differently. Be kind everyone
Pineapple on pizza is great and pretty much all phones are equal.
This was written a while ago but I meant with the phone things that andirod and iPhone are pretty much the same and don't need to compete blah blah blah
I really don't mean to offend anyone, and I'm sorry if I do, but cats are very cute and cuddly. No one can change my mind. I know some people might not like this clearly controversial opinion, but I can't help it. I like cats too much not to speak up. 🐈⬛🐈🐈⬛
It's not the government's problem what anyone does in their free time as long as it isn't actively harming anybody else. Also, gerrymandering is unconstitutional and a rather important issue, yet no one seems to care.
-someone who lives in a state where the minority party controls the legislature (the one that doesn't represent the views of the people)
Democracy isn't democracy any more. Vote whatever party you want. The final power rests in hand of a few billionaires only.
The Republican and Democrat parties are trash now. I have a family member in politics...you can't do what you believe is right anymore. You have to conform to party guidelines.
I'm thinking of registering as Libertarian. 🤷♀️
It is what I believe, and what I am currently teaching my children.
Anyone that gets into the office of presidency is honestly doing the best they can with what they are given. I do not believe that anyone is actively trying to destroy America -and whether or not I agree with the decisions, they believe that it is the best choice in that situation and should be respected for it.
If their choices are truly horrible the next election cycle will sort it out. It is pointless to get upset to the point of incapacitation over politics.
Most of those aren't controversial, though. Like respect, or phones, or that gerrymandering is bad, or that cats are cute. Like, yeah, nobody's disagreeing here.
Most of those aren't controversial, though. Like respect, or phones, or that gerrymandering is bad, or that cats are cute. Like, yeah, nobody's disagreeing here.