Hey there Pandas! I have a question for you. What annoys you the most about BP?


The fact that BP cannot rid this site of the transphobic bigot who keeps popping up.



    Constant AITA posts taken from reddit, constant posts about tiktok "stars", ridiculous censorship of text and images and the frequent re-hashing of old posts and threads just with different names but no new content.


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    i can't change my bio :(

    also those idiot trolls



    The downvote gremlins



    All the people that ‘cover up’ bad comments. Just say some random thing like “haha cats” instead of “covering up a rude comment. Have a nice day!” It just makes us want to see it more! I’ve done plenty of comment covering but not once mentioned the rude comment. It’s pretty simple.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s really just drawing interest. A lot of people barely notice any of the comments.

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    The trolls


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    I dislike the new trashy tabloid-style celebrity articles that automatically load with fake upvotes. I don't mind the odd bit of pop culture trivia, but articles about celebrity trash talk, nip slips or petty feuds just bring down the site.

    Yes, I know I can just skip them and I do, but I hope that if we keep down voting them to oblivion, BP will read the room and stop it.


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    Twice in the last two months I have responded to a community post asking for advice with a "list addition". BP staff then edited the post deleting my input AND everyone else's to "moderate" the article (i.e. edit it to look like their post). I don't know if anyone else has experienced this?
    My comments were not downvoted into oblivion just cut out while post was moved to page 1 "featured" tab rather than "community" tab.


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    River wolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes to my AITA cat post. (If you wanna know how it went, I almost lost them last weekend, but they are now an outdoor cat and no more problems)

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    The total lack of ice cream. But beyond that the censoring of normal words, replacing them with "unalived" and similar things. I can see censoring offensive words but death isn't offensive, just very inconvenient.


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    River wolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can help with one of those. 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦

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    The posts take only a while for it to close. I wish we could choose when the posts close, for people to get a chance.


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    See Also on Bored Panda