Hey Pandas, What Advice Do You Have For Someone Going Through A Hard Time Right Now? (Closed)
2021 isn't off to a great start. Some people need the advice you have, so feel free to share it!
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My advice for those going through a tough patch right now is that nature is very calming and right outside...
you are not alone. i cant count a third of the people going Through something like you are! you dont need to feel hated, or forgotten,or just sad.it will get better! if you want ,i think a good boi is out there for you too! dog, cat, bunny, anything . find your faverite song, or draw! pick up a hobby that you like, or you know what makes me happy when all else fails? bored panda! :)
my advice for my BFF who tried to commit not alive last week
we all love you for who you are and you should too and I don't know if you know but(i kinda sorta maybe have a crush on u)
I think it's called "commit suicide," not "commit not alive."
This is the hardest it's gonna get.
Don't worry you don't have to do the pacer test.
It’s going to get worse, before it gets better. This thought always helped me get through hard moments in my own life, and made it easier to notice the light at the end of the tunnel. Because, if it’s bad now, that means better times are ahead to look forward to.