Type I am and then click the middle until it is a sentence.
Here's mine: I am going through a lot. (How is this so right?)
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I am going to chew on the test corrections
I am not going
I am not sure if you are you
I am so sorry for your confusion have a great day.
I guess my phone likes to be polite. On another note, if I type "d@mn" it will suggest "phone".
I am so sorry to bother but I can’t see brown
I am a creature from hell!!!! Omg thats brilliant thats literally what came up 🤣🤣🤣 😈
I am yellow scammed
I am so sorry to bother with this phone
I am so sorry I didn’t get to see you guys today but I have to be in the office tomorrow morning, and will be back in time for the day to get back to you and I will be there in a few minutes.
I amazing my grandma is coming over tomorrow
I am going off the road now…wow that got morbid fast, thanks iPad
I am just a little non binary trans werewolf and they are not allowed ?!!!
I am a little bit too scary but I think I need to get some sleep???!!
Omg this is hilarious 😆 couldn’t resist having another go!
Heres another example:
I am not sure if you want to come
I am so in love with my friends best friend and I wish he would be mine
I- ok ig lol
I am so happy to hear you are doing good and having fun playing it with your family in a moment of love.
I am so happy to be sorry I don’t wanna die for president anymore tho I have to wake you to sleep so bad I can’t wait for my life lol.
I am not sure if I am gay
I am going to cry
I am so excited to see Niki
I am tired of chipmunks
I am quitting my relationship
I couldn't resist doing more than one they were so funny lolllll
I am going upstairs right now to see if I could get a good time to come over for the day I don’t know what that is supposed with but I’m just thinking I have had some good friends friends with friends family friends and friends always family family friends and friends family and family family friends and friends always family family and friends always friends family family and family friends and family family friends and friends always family friends always friends friends and dogs always always friends always have had a good time with my family friends always friends and friends always family friends family family friends and friends always family family and friends and family family friends and family and friends always friends family friends and friends always... It got hung up at the end...
I at work today so I'm going through a lot and trying not like a plant to do so at least I can
Another one
I am so happy to have a happy mother’s family to son to see your door in your dream and be happy to join you for your friendship with you all this year lol you are a good man I know I will never do anything for my family but I’m happy for my family happy birthday and I love your family happy happy anniversary to your happy happy family day happy birthday happy happy birthday to you all you happy birthday happy to happy happy birthday to son son is
I am so so sorry I just have a little more than you can help you to learn to get it in a while
I am not really sorry but if I don’t have a problem I just have a lot to say about the person. (My word bank is sassy!)
I am going home to the ground and it was huge and the card was not in my chest and the receptionist went out and the card was in my head.
Oh gosh this is so fun. The first bit about the ground was a bit morbid tho lol.
Here's another one:
I am so sorry for your first group training session with Magister Dixit this afternoon and I could tell that Lola was going to make the stakes whether we needed them or not is your choice to the kitchen.
I don't know anyone named Lola.
I am really glad you are made it safe and safe travels safe and safe. Oh wow 😯 how is this one ☝️ and you guys all know.
1. I am so sorry I didn’t mean to respond to you again
2. I am not in a hurry and now my brother won’t have my room
3. I am not going on the phone anymore I have to do it for a few hours and then I’ll take it out and I will see if I could get a hold on you
I am currently working on the project management project and I have advice When life gives you lemons days to get back to you about the aromantic and asexual spectrum I'm going to show you this is the logo I have designed for you to use on the website.
And because all of you will want to know my advice is when life gives you lemons throw them at life's face since you don't want life's stupid all lemons!!
I am not wasteful but I do know how much I need one to get him out of the blue collar job and get a lot done with the buffet
I am so sad for this reason why you don’t have a play with you too and I hate to hear it. Makes no sense lemme try again.
I am so happy to see your sister. Eh, not bad.
I am so sorry to bother with this one too lol I am so sorry for your loss. Yeah maybe the second one was perfect.
I am going back tomorrow and tomorrow morning to work and tomorrow is a rough week to start the day and I have a ton to go with the kids but I’m just not a big deal with that lol
I am so glad that the government is not the same as the first time in my life, and that the company will be able to get it done
I am so late but I will be there at the same time I don't have a car so I can get a ride to the airport on Friday and I will be there at the same time I don't have any money.
I am getting married on the bus stop and smell the roses from the hospital
okay, I guess I'm getting married??
I am so sorry I didn’t see your text until I got home lol lol I just got home from church and I was just like oh yeah I just got a new phone call from my phone and I can’t talk to you about it lol