I tried to do something deep...Oh well, just post away.


    there is a short story made by Andy Weir down at the comments section. I used the short story as inspiration so I will also put a link to the youtube video that shows the whole story.
    what he is trying to say is that we need to help each other, help the next generation grow and mature like what we did. Not only that, but we need to help each other in times of need, treat each other in brotherly love.
    while their are some days that we may struggle in that. It is our duty to improve the lives of the people around us and ourselves. it can be as simple as greeting them while we pass by, to welcoming them in a party. So please help anyone out, treat them as a good friend, with kindness and respect.



    you live, you die, you feel pain, you cry, life is little like it seems but life is bigger that your dreams (LOL I FEEL SO DUM CUZ DIS IS DUM what i said dont make since)



    To become the greatest cosmologist ever!


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    If we look at nature, it would appear that the meaning of life is to survive and reproduce.
    I'm not too keen to reproduce myself so...
    From a philosophical view point, I would say that the meaning of life is to live.
    From an anthropologist view point, I would say that the meaning of life is to lean and help society grow better and to guide the next generation to improve things for those that come after them.


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    this is what i think. 1.to be torchered 2.to feel pain 3.to be stabbed in the back by people and 4. to have a slow painful death :)


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    There isn’t a meaning to life if you truly think about it. Life is different for everyone. No ones life meaning is the same to another persons, each day is our meaning. Every breath we take, every step we walk, every thought we think, every decision we make is our meaning. The meaning of life is well it’s all of us we mean more life than we think.


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    The world of a very stupid, but sometimes wise, chin
    “You see, Life’s not about the destination. It’s the journey and making friends along the way. The search for meaning is, in fact, the very thing that gives our life meaning, so, really, the only true meaning of life is to find you own way to enjoy it.”
    I live by these words, even if given by a cartoon that, most of the time, is dumber that rock salad. From the Amazing World of Gumball, Sussie the chin said this.



    i think the meaning of life is to find love and let it take over


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    life? life to me is making others happy, seeing someone smile, and loving others no matter what!


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    life? to me, life is just being........being....literally just being. most of the stuff that we have we don't necessarily need for life and you know how sometimes it feels good to just lay somewhere and stare up at the ceiling or the sky. that's because life is being.


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    To live. Its as simple as that.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    To try an be happy.


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    F*****g live it. The ups, downs, lefts, rights... live the life you have, and bring joy and happiness to yourself and anyone you encounter regardless of their shortcomings. Embrace your differences and geek out at those who are different from you. Love each other for who each one of us is. So live and love... that’s about it fam.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Meaning is a human construction... Life isn't. That being said, the less you concentrate on your self, the happier you will be, and the happier those around you will be. Just don't pretend the world isn't what it is; act in accordance with nature and remember: between here and the dust, joy is all we have.


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    life is death, death is life, love is life, death is pain


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