Get things off your chest that has been weighing you down for a while.

This is a no bully space.


Can everyone just shut the hell up, instead of spouting their ignorant opinions? So much noise on the internet over nothing, I'm so tired of it lately.

I'm not talking about this thread of course. Keep it going!


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe it's not the opinions so much, but the fact that people often take them for facts and repeat them.

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    I'm borderline suicidal, School has been wrecking me, mentally and physically. I got so used to lock down that now i feel as though i'm about to burst. Not to mention my mom found out iv'e been self harming....its just been a rough year


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    Corgo Man
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can sadly relate. Life has pretty much suckerpunched us all right in the chin in the past 2 years. It's caused depression, anxiety, and paranoia for me. Maybe try to find a counseling for it though. I'm sure it can help. Glad someone can talk about their true feelings (kinda insulting myself there)

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    December 20 is the 15th anniversary of my 21 year old daughter's death from leukemia. She was diagnosed at 4 1/2 and battled for 17 years and 3 days from diagnosis to death.

    I live with my other daughter now and we're both working and I'm having a hard time keeping my head in the game as counselor the closer we come to those two dates. I'm short-tempered with co-workers, I'm not as attentive with my clients as I need to be (I work in a methadone clinic) and I'm feeling myself shut down. Please tell me that I'm not a horrible person for still letting this affect me so deeply. She was my 1st born, my baby and we went through so much, the 3 of us.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Far from being a horrible person, you're obviously a compassionate soul who is capable of very deep connections with other people. Your great sorrow over your loss plus the fact that you're a counselor attest to that. I hope you can find a way to process your grief.

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    Panic mode reporting. I'm old enough to remember when you could watch the national news on any one of the three networks available and get the same, unbiased story. You picked which on you watched on style, not on leanings. No editorial, that was Sunday mornings.


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    Mel Schmidt
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I enjoy knowing what is going on in the world but my husband is a MSNBC addict. By the end of the day I feel so bummed out. That is when I turn to binge on the X-Files!

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    Wait! A 'safe space' where downvoting is allowed? How many people will feel 'safe' revealing something intimate or controversial when downvoting is permitted?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree but still not trying to be rude but give the creator a break please

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    You might think that I'm a terrible, heartless person right now, but I wish half of humanity would just go away. There are far too many in the world, we kill each other, we kill animals and nature. There is already a fight for raw materials, food and living space. The cities are too full, the aggressiveness is increasing. And this development is getting worse every year. The earth needs a deep breath from humanity.


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    Bored Seb
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    put that glove and those stones on the ground, you giant purple titan :)

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    Sometimes I want to die, and I hate myself for it. I feel like I have everything to make me happy, so I shouldn't feel like killing myself, but I do, and it scares me.


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    Mary Padgett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Woah, self doubt, self hatred, uninterest in life, that is all completely unrelated to success, blessings or stature in life. Don't needlessly mix guilt into suicidal thoughts. Take them as purely what they are. Address them, find help for them. They are real and manageable. You sound like a very smart, very self aware person who is ready to find some solutions for this.

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    The lockdowns in my country killed me mentally but I'm afraid to talk about it for fear I'll be judged as an anti so-and-so. I know the mask is supposed to protect us but at the same time it messed with my head and now I feel uncomfortable with anyone seeing my face and mouth at all, I feel insecure without it on, I feel like I have to hide behind the mask whenever I'm outside or else I feel exposed and unsafe. Not because I'm worried about covid at all, but just because I don't want people to see my face because of acne and stuff like that. I relied on it too much in the beginning of the pandemic because it covered my acne and prevented people from seeing my imperfect face, and now I don't want to take the mask off.


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    Mary Padgett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have 2 teens and this is a really common thing right now. About 1/2 of the kids at their school still mask and it's because they enjoy the "security". It is the same phenomenon as people tucking under hoodie sweatshirts or wearing long hair over part of their face. It's a really natural thing and you shouldn't feel bad about it. Life gave you a tiny security blanket during a really rough time and just because things are starting to open up again doesn't mean you have your "blanket" pulled out from under you. There is a huge number of factors that play into self doubt, insecurity, anxiety - if a little piece of fabric can be a crutch for you to function during the day after the past few years by gosh use it! Never underestimate the effort it takes to be a functioning human. You're doing amazing.

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    I think anyone who says they don't judge people is a liar. It's fine to have an opinion and it's fine to dislike someone or something they do. Just as long as you learn a) there's no need to spread your opinion around when nobody asked b) to tolerate and respect others even if you don't like them c) others are going to judge you too, and they may or may not have a valid reason.


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    bumble bee
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh you mean when there used to be decent societal norms? Where attacking people for whatever they do, say, or don't is the new hobby taking over society.

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    I confess that I am glad my wife left me, because now I can have an opinion any time I want to.



    The fact that i'm annoying and loud. So loud that people think something is wrong when i'm quiet. Plus I keep trying to deny the fact I have ADHD but it shows so much that there isn't much I can do about it. One last thing: My paranoia will be the death of me.



    I am 100% over the mandates, masks, and lockdowns. With people hospitalized and scared for their health and general wellbeing, I am embarrassed to admit it has just about broken me.


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    Girl Anachronism
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I admit, I am ashamed my adult son is immersed in conspiracy theories about the vax, but can't answer my ultimate question, 'what is the end goal of 'Them'? Why do They want to take away your freedoms? How does this benefit Them? Why do you think They are trying to sterlise the youth? How does this benefit Them?' And so on. The only freedom will come when people stop being so self-absorbed and start thinking about the universal good. He says to me, 'only 0.000x% of people even die from it' (a made up number from the most recent uneducated youtuber). Nobody is out to get you. The government doesn't want people to stop paying taxes (caused by unemployment), they don't want people to stop spendong money (caused by public restrictions). This doesn't help them at all. It really all will be over soon if everyone simply receives their vaccinations and stops spreading their potential germs (by way of masks) in the meantime.

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    Being a mum who works full time is a s**t fest. 2 kids one in nursery ft & one in school wrap around care ft. Total monthly bill £1400. I get 20% off tbut it's crippling amount. I'm expected to be richer than PT mums or stay at home mums. In my recent review I was told how great they are for letting me work from home when kids ill but I can't expect promotion as I cant work past 5.


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That must be hard Abigail. I have the utmost respect for working mums. You have it hard but you are FANTASTIC.

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    Plenty of things, except I’ll never share them because trust issues *jazz hands*. Also because some of them are just too nasty and show how deep my self hatred has gone


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OK then. Tell me, how your art is going? I remember your post from October.

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    I don't know what my gender is anymore :D
    Also I don't find a point in life anymore but I can't die because I don't want to leave my best friend...
    I'm a mess :DD


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    Mary Padgett
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So many people feel similarly when it comes to not seeing a point in life. Just remember, if you didn't feel this way 2 years ago, you likely won't still feel this way in 2 years from now. There are loves you haven't met yet, purposes you haven't figured out yet and interests you haven't stumbled across yet. Feeling pointless and meh and down is completely normal. But there is a lot of "yet" in those as well. One breath at a time. You're not a mess, you are self aware and considerate.

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    If I ever stop and think about it, I can’t find any point in life anymore. I feel more like I’m just going through the motions.


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    God, aren't we all. Bloody awful feeling but let's hope it will go away. Hug for you.

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    I cant be myself anymore, its hard and so far this week i've had about 5 mental breakdowns and I just cant handle people anymore. Life and school do not mix well together and this is only the beginning :(


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People are exhausting. It's such an odd concept to link education to this 7 hour melting pot of differing personalities crammed in together. If you are able to function to get up, go to school and accomplish your tasks, consider the day a win regardless of how other people behave. The fact that these other humans happen to reside in the same geographical location and are districted to go to the same school doesn't mean they are the best people for you individually. What about your true self do you think you need to hide?

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    I want to die. I know I can't because I have people that need me and I don't have the confidence to commit of I wanted to. I'm struggling with self harming and I'm trying to quit but it's hard... My friends are also suicidal and it's difficult trying to make them feel better. Not to long ago my friend drank vape juice with sone other stuff and had to go to a&e. My squish (its like a platonic crush) has recently told me that he tried to kill himself and I'm worried about if its true or not because I'm painfully paranoid but whenever I try to talk to him about things he changes the subject and its really annoying because I WANT TO HELP. I really like him and I want him to be ok... I want all my friends to be ok...


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    Raven DeathShade
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you're below the age of 18, you can join my support group for depressed teens. It would be a good place to get everything off your chest :). (I'll give you my email if you reply; I'm not entirely comfortable just placing it out for everyone to see)

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    When Amy Snider (I know I spelled her last name wrong, I don't know how to spell it. Names are confusing) on Jeopardy began her winning streak, my dad found out she was transgender and was super transphobic towards her. Calling her slurs and such. I am very supportive of the LGTBQA+ community (my dad doesn't know and would be mad at me if he knew I supported them) and his comments would make me so mad! I don't know what to do because he is acting horrible to Amy. I don't know if it's my place to tell him off because I'm a Cis Straight person, and not part of the LGTBQA+ community. Is it ok to ask for fellow panda's opinions in this forum?


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    grace galán <3
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is absolutely okay to tell your father he is in the wrong. We need more allies like you!

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    People seem to like me more when I'm on a mask, and makeup. I love makeup and it makes me feel confident, but I wonder if people just like pretty people more. Also if people like me more in a mask, does it mean that they don’t like my real face?


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    Mary Padgett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd guess that it's the other way around. That when you feel more confident in makeup or anonomous behind a mask that maybe you are more outgoing or give off a slightly different energy that reaches people more?

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    This is going to sound petty, but I've recently been feeling so...talentless and sometimes worthless. I'm not sure if I'm just a bit of a perfectionist and I may have impostor syndrome, or if I'm really terrible. I try so hard and cheesy as it sounds, I'm a firm believer in dream following. I want to be a singer someday, but I'm scared that I'll make a mockery of myself. Thanks for listening, Pandas


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Great talents feel bloody awful sometimes. You DO have talent and won't make a mockery of yourself. Keep your chin up darling.

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    I am Christian & grew up celebrating Christmas. Then in 2013 my husband of 33 years died on Christmas evening.
    Since then I have struggled to enjoy, let alone even acknowledge Christmas.
    The commercialization of Christmas seems to ramp up earlier & earlier each year.
    For many people it is not “the most wonderful time of the year”!
    The sound of bells endlessly jingling on TV in October, November & December triggers something different for some.
    So much energy devoted to one day of the year now seems so peculiar to me.
    Obviously my perspective has changed because of me grief.
    I may one day decide to “join in reindeer games”. Perhaps not. Baby steps.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You don't have to join in with it. You have your reasons not to and no-one has the right to say you're wrong. Of course this is an emotional time for you, but if it helps, I couldn't care less about Xmas because I'm an adult with no kids and I'm not religious, so it's of no significance to me. Maybe you could use the day simply as a devotion to the happy times you had together and celebrate your husband.

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    My boyfriend of almost 3 years had been cheating on me with a married woman. I forgave him because I love him and here's helped me through so much, like my dad telling me he hates me. Now just a couple weeks later he's breaking up with me because he wants to go sleep with her. I want to kill myself.


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    Mary Padgett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hold up. I am glad that you had someone close to you when you had that horrible incident with your dad. HOWEVER, even though he had that one good moment doesn't make him a good person. He obviously makes really bad choices. The fact that you've known someone a long time doesn't mean they are someone worth knowing. That being said.... the fact that he is leaving you to make another bad choice is no reflection on who you are or if you should keep living. His leaving you is life giving you a gift. It's life removing someone who is a cancer from your immediate influence - life taking away the next 2 years you WOULD have spent depending on him while he was likely out making other shady bad choices. Take the win. For real. Write down 3 good things you learned from that relationship about yourself and your needs and add to that list things you learn from your next relationship. And the next one. And the next one. These are the lessons that will make you perfect for your "one".

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    I need somebody I can explain all my problems too, but I have some serious trust issues. I can't trust anybody with what I want to say cause I feel like I could be attacked.
    And all the people who I thought were my friends are saying crap about me and starting to show their true colors.


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    Mary Padgett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Looking outside your own social circle for that "someone" to talk to and bounce ideas off of might be ideal. You'd be having to explain a lot of backstory probably, but they'd get the whole true picture from your point of view, instead of local friends or people who likely already know part of the story or have made assumptions about you in the past. If you are under 25 then it's likely your friends are still changing and developing what their "true colors" are. Friends don't always grow together. It feels like a betrayal now, but it opens up your time and friendship circle for people who are at a better stage in life/development.

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    My depression is killing me.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sooner or later, things will get better. I know it's hard to believe, but there will be a time where there will be more good than bad.

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    So I have a lot but I'll talk about something that just happened. My little sister who is 10 just said in front of super Christian guests that she has a crush on a girl and thinks she's lesbian. I completely support LGBTQ but I have no idea what to do or what to say or if my parents even know. Help.


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    Mary Padgett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd tell her to make sure anyone she has a crush on is a kind person. Then I'd tell her that she will likely have small crushes on all different types of people - hot, nerdy, funny, brooding, whimsical, sensible... and leave gender out of it. If she is concerned about the lesbian thing you may just say that a lot of people are lesbians and a lot of straight people have same sex crushes earlier on. She may not really know until she has more crush experiences and that's ok - or if she is 100% sure then that's cool too. She'll tell the crush or the parents when she's ready.

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    I have this one friend who goes offline for like a month and whenever she is online everyone ignores me or bullies me. They talk really bad stuff and sometimes I just say hi and they call me names or they remove me for a while. They always call me stupid, cringey or old fashion. Just because I'm late on a few trends. I just wanna be loved be my friends.☹️


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not your friends indeed. Find your own interests and build friendships around those. Friendships based on trends sound kind of immature.

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    I know mine isn't necessarily bad, nor like what others have put up here, but I have a celebrity crush on James Corden. And my friends think I'm crazy. That's not really what bothers me, however. It's the fact at how we treat overweight people. I've seen it in my high school all the time, if you're heavy, you're a loner. It isn't fair. We need to stop being so judgmental and hurtful.



    This week is the anniversary of the time I was sexual assaulted at 17 by a 37 year old man.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It wouldn't let me full in more. I'm 38 now and nobody knows I never told me family. My mam was battling cancer and I thought they had enough to be worrying about.

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    I'm sick and tired of being the funny one. I'm dying inside and mentally I'm a mess:(


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being human is exhausting. Being human around other people is rediculously tiring. I can't imaging existing socially PLUS expending the energy to be "on" providing the humor and entertainment. Stop. If it's not genuinely how you feel at the moment then it's a performance you are putting on for someone else. So just stop. Turn it off, be authentically yourself in that moment. When you do this people will automatically be concerned in what they see as a sudden personality shift. So maybe pepper it in slowly for a while or just straight up tell them the deal. EVERYONE has felt something similar in the past so they will all get it. And probably get more out of the authentic side of you than they did the humorous side.

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    Can we make cishets have to come out as well? It’s so fricking annoying when you ask me why I thought you were a lesbian. Oh I’m sorry I didn’t assume you were straight, logically I’d assume you are in the majority of people. Yeah, shocking it’s the lgbtqiap+ community.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You could just ask if you need to know. I've had people assume I'm a lesbian, resulting in a couple awkward situations. They could have just asked me about it.

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    I lost my job a year ago, and I´m very scary I can´t never get a new job, I´m trying ... but nothing happens, sorry my bad English..



    I feel like sh*t all the time. My depression is killing me and I don't know what to do anymore. I want to die but I can't, I can't put my friends and family though all of that pain when my friends are also going through suicidal thoughts and depression. I've felt so terrible for weeks and no one knows, I don't tell my friends bc of trust issues and I don't want them to worry about me when they have so much on their plates already. This is my first year of high school and it's been so stressful. I always put on a mask at school and tell everyone that I'm doing good, but I don't know if I can keep going anymore.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This would be a good time to check in with a doctor you trust. I suffered from depression for a very long time before I finally got help, and it turns out my brain doesn’t process serotonin properly, and I was put on a medication that helped me continue moving forward. This may or may not be an issue for you, but a doctor can help you determine what is needed to get yourself unstuck!

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    I lost my son at 15 days old and I fking hate the universe for it. I didn't do anything to ask for it. The autopsy showed he died of sids. Got to comfortable and stopped breathing. I fking preformed 15 minutes worth of infant cpr and I lost. And as a medical professional I lost my s**t when no one was looking.
    I'm sick of it will all be okay. It's gonna be okay. Time heals. Me and my husband are not fking okay. My children are not okay. We are not okay. And that's okay. I'm sick of everyone thinking someone lost something so they needs to just be strong for others or be okay. It'd okay to not be okay. It's okay to sleep the day away. To work out till you fall down. Talk your friends hear out. When you lose someone you feel lost af. Stop making it not okay to be okay in lost.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you all for your sympathy and support. I've let my husband know too. Bord panda is honestly amazing. I know the post has some miss spells but i was venting.

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    i'm pansexual, a demi/girl, use she/they pronouns, use a different name and am living in a super homophbic household (where my mom said she'd kick me out if i was queer) and I've honestly had enough with hiding my oreffered name and i regret coming out and changing my name because having to remember who i can be myself around and who i can't is too much and i just wanna start over


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    Yeeda T
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All these terms, love them. It's like what flavor of awesome are you? Glad I never came out to my right wing family. They literally don't understand what anything means like they think being gay is a disease. Like their brains can't, just can't, they just go ??? I don't feel bad for hiding it from them because it would have cost me so many tears and I would never have convinced them. Some people have put in so much work and tears getting their family to accept them, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's not even about love like do they love you enough to accept you. It's more like hey can you be a decent human being and realize that there are different people on this planet? Oof, like talking to a brick wall. Is it worth your time/ emotions? Is it worth your survival? Only you can decide. Hope you get free.

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    Can people not commenting on other's body? Even if it was meant as joke or advice, that s**t is soul crushing. Just stop!


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    JUST STOP! Absolutely, completely keep it to yourself people! [I hope this helped]


    I got hurt at work and I'm having a hard time getting my claim approved. I need surgery. It's a nightmare. I'm so tired and I hurt all the time.


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    R Carson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    L&I usually favors fakers and screws the legit injured-at least that was my experience.


    im sick of christmas. maybe that makes me a bad person. but i am



    Not trying to force any religion or something else dumb, but I think that christians have had a bad reputation lately because of dumb people. Obviously you can't help you your attracted to and even if you don't agree with people being in relationships with other genders, you shouldnt shun or hate them for it. As a Christian myself, I just hope you know that real chrisitans love you no matter their opinion on what is right. They won't hate you because they don't agree. Thanks for listening and I love you (even though I don't know you)


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Please don't get me in trouble. I don't like that.
    Anyway my relationship with life is strained, and the fight against self harm is losing. I'm three months clean but I feel so close to up.
    School is hard, I wish I didn't have so much work to do when I get home from it, it's ridiculous.
    I need to get my license, so I can get out of here.
    I need a job so I can get money to save for college or at least a house if I don't go to a high end university.
    I just wanna be somewhere safe. My house isn't it. I wanna go home but I don't know what my home is or where I can consider home.
    I wish I could just go, without hurting people, myself. I wanna disappear, and maybe die along the way.
    I hope I don't lose this.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It sounds as if you have a good idea of what will help. For the homeless feeling, is there a place that feels comfortable? It doesn't have to be an actual home, can be a place where you like to go. My husband used to go to a cafe; he called it his "living room". It might not be home, but it can be an escape until you can escape for real.


    Now that my kids are grown and moved out, I don’t feel like a woman or a man. (48F) I feel like some sort of hybrid species or something


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You might be non-binary. I've generally felt like a person in a woman's body. Last year, I learned the term "demi-girl" and thought to myself "That fits me - I finally have a word for my gender identity". I found the term here:


    I’m going to be honest this is exactly what I need right now. My depression has gotten deeper and I’m afraid this time I won’t be able to snap out of it. None of my friends (I have three) understand music like I do. It’s the only thing that makes me happy. I used to play video games to escape but now it’s like I don’t have the energy. I hide my sexuality from my parents because they’re homophobic and I don’t know how to explain it but I’m always so exhausted, It’s like I can’t move. My friends are starting to leave me and one of them is my girlfriend. I love her but I think because I’m always so tired that she thinks I don’t like her anymore. I also have to hide my girlfriend from my parents. School is stressful because my parents beat the crap out of me so I get A’s and A’s only. I tried telling my parents that I need therapy but they didn’t believe me. I can feel the energy getting drained out of me, I’m scared.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here are a few ideas: #1: Are there counselors or other kind adults that you can talk to? They might be able to find help for you. #2: Can your family doctor talk to your parents and recommend a therapist? #3: Write down after your parents beat you (date, time, what they did) and take pictures of any injuries (bruises, etc.) - keep those records in a safe place. #4: Tell your girlfriend that you still love her, but the stress is getting in the way of showing it.

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    I’m so looking forward to an Asteroid coming down and resetting humanity! Lol Either that, or the Alien Invasion!


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s nice to know that some people, such as yourself, have something to look forward to!

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    I'm not a girl. I've told a few people, but I know I'm at least somewhat a boy. it's hard.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I felt this way when I was younger, really preferred boys clothes, their attitudes, and their toys and games. Not sure if the term Tom Boy is still around, but that's what it was called then. Later picked a career in a male-dominated field and had a blast. Maybe you're more of a boy than that and want to date girls, but however you go, do what interests you, what helps build the life you want and don't worry about what others think.

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    Ugh, where do I begin? I can't say too much for fear of being found out. Let's just say that at 51, my life is total sh*t. The only good things in my life are my job and my doggo. I was recently diagnosed with a rare skin disease that is secondary and caused by end stage kidney failure. I won't say what it is, but it's disgusting and pics on the internet of of people who didn't get treatment right away. I'm no where near as bad, but I don't want anyone to look, even though we're strangers. There is no treatment, but if I get a kidney transplant, it should go away. I will need help burying all the bodies because they're going to make me quit smoking. Anyone have a shovel?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Need help burying all the bodies—your sense of humor is still on! Sorry you've been dealt such a shitty hand. All I can say is I worked with someone who got a kidney transplant, and even though his health was not so good because of his condition, he breezed through the procedure and actually called our manager later the same day to let us all know that it went well and he was feeling pretty good. This was 20-some years ago, and he's still doing well. Modern medicine is amazing! Anyway, I hope you can sort through the emotions you're feeling and find something that transcends the existence of these fragile bodies. We certainly can't rely on the darned things.


    My cat had to be put to sleep in the early hours of Saturday morning & I stayed with him til he passed. I can’t see past anything right now & just don’t want to wake up. I feel so lost & the pain is unbearable.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, the poor sweetie. But I bet you gave him a good life and his suffering had a peaceful end with his #1 hooman watching over him. You deserve peace as well, in knowing that this creature had a pleasant existence because of you!

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    People being rude from different opinions is driving me crazy, especially when they're dumb. Mainly, I've noticed that "christians" mistreat LGBT people just because of one thing they don't agree with. As a Christian myself, I know that's not how real chrisitans are. I don't want any hate from this, I'm just sharing my thoughts (not spreading any hate either) I know that people can't control who their attracted to at all (some thing a lot of people need to understand) and that's why I don't shun people just because of that. Now, based on my belief system, people who are attracted to same genders should not act upon it, even though they can't help how they feel... But that doesn't mean I hate them or shun them if they do. Again, not trying to force a religion on anyone or try to manifest your minds... Just saying what I wish a lot of people would understand about christians. Lately we've had a bad reputation because of stupid people. Thanks for listening and I don't know you but I love you


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    Summer Mason
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Real Christians love one another. Period. Its what God asked us to do.

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    People being rude from different opinions is driving me crazy, especially when they're dumb. Mainly, I've noticed that "christians" mistreat LGBT people just because of one thing they don't agree with. As a Christian myself, I know that's not how real chrisitans are. I don't want any hate from this, I'm just sharing my thoughts (not spreading any hate either) I know that people can't control who their attracted to at all (some thing a lot of people need to understand) and that's why I don't shun people just because of that. Now, based on my belief system, people who are attracted to same genders should not act upon it, even though they can't help how they feel... But that doesn't mean I hate them or shun them if they do. Again, not trying to force a religion on anyone or try to manifest your minds... Just saying what I wish a lot of people would understand about christians. Lately we've had a bad reputation because of stupid people. Thanks for listening and I don't know you but I love you



    People being rude from different opinions is driving me crazy, especially when they're dumb. Mainly, I've noticed that "christians" mistreat LGBT people just because of one thing they don't agree with. As a Christian myself, I know that's not how real chrisitans are. I don't want any hate from this, I'm just sharing my thoughts (not spreading any hate either) I know that people can't control who their attracted to at all (some thing a lot of people need to understand) and that's why I don't shun people just because of that. Now, based on my belief system, people who are attracted to same genders should not act upon it, even though they can't help how they feel... But that doesn't mean I hate them or shun them if they do. Again, not trying to force a religion on anyone or try to manifest your minds... Just saying what I wish a lot of people would understand about christians. Lately we've had a bad reputation because of stupid people. Thanks for listening and I don't know you but I love you


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Christians vary. In the Pride parade in my town, we have two types of Christians. Local churches march in support of LGBTQ+ rights. At the very end, we let the homophobes carry their signs. There are those who are in-between. Not shunning people is good.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I hate having autism. I'd never hate anyone else for having autism, but I still hate myself for it, despite it being something I have no control over. I feel so ashamed of myself whenever I accidentally stim in public; I get worried people will be repulsed by my weirdness. I hate not understanding things that other people get so quickly and easily, I hate being delayed by at least a couple years in terms of emotional/mental development. I feel like everyone looks down on me, whether they like me or not, and I can't even blame them if they are. I don't think anyone outside my family could ever love me for who I am, I'm too awkward and gross and annoying. I just want to be normal.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry. I understand how it feels. I have autism too, and sometimes I just feel disgusting and unlovable. I know a lot of people who wish that they could just be normal, but I want you to know that despite just being a stranger on the internet, I love you for who you are. And I hope that you will be able to see just how much of a wonderful person you truly are.


    Rant time (please note that I am in therapy for these things)

    I transferred to an in-person school this year. I had previously been homeschooled since kindergarten, which really affected by social abilities. I absolutely LOVE being around people, but I have a hard time backing off and I feel like I'm being clingy all the time. People judge me a lot, calling me annoying, weird, weak, and they spread rumors about me, which I shouldn't let bother me because they aren't the worst lies in the world but I have borderline personality disorder and that kind of stuff destroys me. I feel like my friends only tolerate me or feel bad for me, because I'm always the one initiating conversation and it tends to be a short one anyways. I consider lots of people my best friends, but they've either said or showed through their actions that they care about other people more, which I totally get and they have a right to like who they want. But all I want is for somebody to call me their best friend, for someone to care about my issues and genuinely enjoy my company.
    I also get really upset and jealous when other people gets better opportunities than me just because the adult knows my classmates better and they have more experience than me. I get the value of being able to depend on someone, but I pour my heart into everything that I do and I do feel like I have a natural ability to catch on quickly and have a little raw talent for things like performing arts, but nobody sees that. This kind of stuff makes me wonder if I really am worth it, if I can ever make it as a successful adult. I really want to, both for myself and to show the people in my life right now that I proved them wrong. I cry in the shower about these sorts of things. Am I overemotional?


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, you are NOT overemotional. I find your story very touching. It's good that you enjoy being around other people. Do you have a counselor at your school? Go talk to a teacher otherwise.


    I think I'm lesbian or bi and I want a girlfriend. Like a bestie I can snuggle and show compassion to. And I am pretty young. I also feel like I need a therapist. I mean like I just can't talk to people about stuff. My parents ( who really are great) are very over protective and I AND even like go on youtube. Also I'm Christian. My grandparents are homophobic and hate feminists and so do my parents who are not homophobic. As far as I can tell. They say I'm to young to date and I mean there not com aspletely wrong. But still. Also the kids at church and the younger kids at school are homophobic noisy and annoying. I also don't adore my body sometimes and just compare myself to everyone else. I mean I really hope you have a good day.okay? Okay. If you have any advice I'm all ears and thank you for listening.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A therapist is a very good start. You'll need one that is a good match. For example, someone who has experience with younger people and LGBTQ+. If your parents can't afford it, try finding sympathetic adults at school or groups online. Start here for the groups: - scroll down to "Need Support?". The other good feature is that you can close the site quickly if you need to - there's a button on upper right that says "Leave this site now". Another option: theatre groups tend to be open-minded - you don't have to do acting if you're shy, you can sell tickets, help build sets, make posters, etc.

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    I'm so f*****g scared to be alone. To be left behind. I'm the youngest in my friend group, and most of them will be graduating soon — that deeply terrifies me. I know we'll still keep in touch partially, but I know we'll grow apart too. The thought that I'll be left alone triggers my suicidal thoughts too, so!


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's totally normal to miss people. Some of your friends might miss you too. However, it sounds more serious, as if you feel as if you're being abandoned and can't manage on your own. Can you talk to someone about your fear of being abandoned or separation anxiety?

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    I'm anxious and depressed because I can't get anything done and the deadlines are approaching but I can't get anything done because I'm anxious and depressed because I can't get anything done...


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel ya. Take it in little steps, do maybe a question at a time so you feel like you accomplish something. I like to make a list of things that are simple to do because it gives me satisfaction to cross them off. It will get better, I know it sucks now.


    I’m tired of my tax dollars going to support people with children that either 1) HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING THEM or 2) can’t afford them. If you’re not working; then you shouldn’t be having children. Don’t get me wrong there are legitimate reasons for needing help, and those I understand. Being a lazy POS is NOT one of them.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Taxes go into paying for a lot of things, like roads and schools. Just think that that is where your money is going.

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    So my friends are on my climbing team, and it’s awesome. I get to hang out with them for an extra three hours a week and climb together. But they’re leaving the team, and I’m pretty sad about that. I have to actually talk to people. I don’t like people, let alone talking to them for extended periods of time. I feel like for the past two months all I’ve been doing is packing, unpacking, driving in a car and being in a hotel. I’m so f*****g done. I just want to stay at home, catch up on the lore, and play some minecraft. I had to travel again last weekend, we went to JMU, which was ok, but I had just gotten off a plane and wanted to go home. All of my friends got together, which never happens, but instead I had to go see my friend who is basically my sister, whom I love seeing, she’s awesome, but she had her friend over, whom I despise for personal reasons that I don’t feel like typing. I would have much rather seen my friends. And I have to live with my grandma for the next month. I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but I just don’t want to live with her. She doesn’t use my pronouns at all, and it just sucks to be misgendered constantly. She also is like realllly touchy, and I hate being touched. There are three people whom actively seek hugs from, which is my mom, my crush, and my best friend, but besides them I don’t like being touched. And kisses are the absolute worse and I loathe them. Also the wifi at grandmas house kinda sucks, but that’s not as important. BoredPanda has been weird lately, like it’s not showing me the nice normal screen, it just shows a white screen with black and blue text, and I can’t check my notifications which is obnoxious. Lastly, I ordered a thing in SEPTEMBER AND IT STILL HASNT ARRIVED. Anyway that was kind of long, sorry about that, and sorry if I sound rude/bratty/entitled or anything. Thanks for reading


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It sounds like the month with your grandmother is going to be tough. I'm throwing out a few ideas here: #1: Try to find excuses to be elsewhere than her house (libraries are quiet; plus if you don't want to talk to someone, you can say "I have a deadline"). #2: For your room: Tell her you have a lot of work, put a Do Not Disturb sign on the outside of the door, and place a chair under the door kn0b inside so she can't get in.

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    "I sit here surrounded by the wreckage of all I wanted from life." I'm getting old, and although I've spent my life trying to make the world sustainable, I have no heir, and worry that all my tools, books, and projects will just be trashed. I should be a real asset to some young partners, but I can't find any.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kind of tough talk here, but you might consider why you've chosen to put yourself in this situation. There are ways to connect with people and activities if you want to, with the internet and maybe social media being good windows for seeing new possibilities. Maybe it's time for you to do the reaching out. Regarding your possessions, it's generally true that the younger generation doesn't want most of our stuff, as per many many articles in the news (59-year old here, I don't want most of my mom's stuff and regularly get rid of my stuff that I haven't used in a while.) You might start letting it go mentally, and then maybe literally by giving stuff away to thrift stores. This can be easier to do if you start having new experiences and new things to look forward to.

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    honestly I don’t even know if people actually like me or just plain hate me ahaha, my paranoia is killing me from the inside but if I die how will my internet friends know :/


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Most people are busy worrying about whether anyone actually likes them or hates them and is just pretending, so, we're all in the same boat. And the answer is: everyone is worried about themselves only and are barely thinking about you. The only person who thinks about you more than 0.25 seconds per day, is someone who has a crush on you.


    Hi I suffer from anxiety and depression. Furthermore I am extremely sucidal.

    I go to a school which is a ‘special’ school where teacher are supposed to be more capable at dealing with issues. My Science teacher has not been helping. This happened a week ago.

    Me to my friend :Can you tell me what revision resources your brother used as he did so well in his GCSEs.
    My Science Teacher: How dare you insult me. You are abnoxious child who has no idea what they are doing.
    Me: my apologies for saying something that you deamed offensive but it was not directed to you or at you.
    My Science teacher: Get out of my classroom.
    Me: Of course but not because you order me to but because you make my life hell.

    She later sent an email to my form tutor calling me rude and obnoxious is this true


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This teacher must be fired. Please identify the school and report them here. This person in particular should NOT be at a special school. Given that you're competent at expressing yourself I assume you are Asperger's. You need to move to a montessori school or self-teach. Standard government schools in the UK are highly regimented and horrible.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Ya like Spore?


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, sorry Bacony. I'm the old fashioned boardgame type, Rummy, cardgames stuff like that.

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    My life dream ended up being a complete nightmare and I have no idea what to do next.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish you had given some details. What happened with me is that I was fired a week after the boss told me everything was going great. No hint of problems. I found a retreat to go to and stayed there for a few days. I didn't do anything but relax and take care of myself. I felt a lot better, came home, and started job-hunting. Fortunately, I found one fairly soon. (As an aside - the company went bankrupt a few months after I got fired.) Are you married? Maybe counseling can help. If you're really miserable, talk to a lawyer about divorce. If you have kids, you are still their parent. Change jobs if you're stuck in a rut. What ever is going on take care of yourself. I hope this helps.

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    I wish my boyfriend of 6 years ask me to marry him.



    I'm worn out from continual financial pressure and needing to support my mom and sister. It's complicated but I really wish I could just tell my sister to grow up and not be so irresponsible and immature all the time. And so many people tell me to cut them out my life or not help them or things like that but to me family is important and I care about them.
    I am also completely done with this pandemic and wearing masks and all the health protocols. I will still continue doing what is necessary for the greater good but can we just be done with it already?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are enabling your sister's behavior, helping her become more and more dependent and weak. Does helping her fail in her life qualify as compassion?

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    i just started my period right before finals excuse me while i go jump off a cliff :)


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If your having cramps you can get stuff at the pharmacy. Good luck with the finals !


    I’m so not happy at work. I want to retire. I’m not even 40. I can’t live off of nothing for 25 more years until I hit social security age (if it’s not a higher age by the time I’m that old). And I’m miserable. I took 10 days off. Spent it with my mother (who I live with taking care of her bc she has dementia). It’s the happiest I’ve been in years. I am supposed to go back tomorrow and I just don’t want to. I don’t hate the people there I love them but I hate the job. I hate managing people and I’ve been on call for almost 10 years. I’m so burnt out. I wish I could live without work. I wish I could retire now. I hate having to work to live.


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Candice, did you always hate your job? You sound exhausted and could be heading towards a burn out. I hope you're ok.

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    People being rude from different opinions is driving me crazy, especially when they're dumb. Mainly, I've noticed that "christians" mistreat LGBT people just because of one thing they don't agree with. As a Christian myself, I know that's not how real chrisitans are. I don't want any hate from this, I'm just sharing my thoughts (not spreading any hate either) I know that people can't control who their attracted to at all (some thing a lot of people need to understand) and that's why I don't shun people just because of that. Now, based on my belief system, people who are attracted to same genders should not act upon it, even though they can't help how they feel... But that doesn't mean I hate them or shun them if they do. Again, not trying to force a religion on anyone or try to manifest your minds... Just saying what I wish a lot of people would understand about christians. Lately we've had a bad reputation because of stupid people. Thanks for listening and I don't know you but I love you


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    Hi pandas. Can you talk about "The depression that mother in law give us all the time" please.



    Humans. Why?



    Hi Pandas. Kind of a heavy topic in this one, and I need advice. First off, I'm a teen with bad social anxiety. So here goes. I was sexually abused by my father twice when I was very little. He and my mom divorced. Just in the last month, he was arrested for cp. I want to help with the trial, but there is no evidence my crimes happened except for my voice. Even if that's enough for the case, I am uncomfortable with testifying and dragging up those memories. Also they may not be reliable, I was 5 and 7 and a lot of memories from that time are missing, wrong, or made up. However, I do know that a child would never be able to make up the memories I have in my head. Any lawyers or sa survivors out there, I would love some advice on what to do. Thanks


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure I can advise you. Check if someone can talk to the prosecutor on your behalf: what happened to you, that you are very anxious about helping. There may be alternatives to showing up in court, such as testifying by video. Another possibility is that the prosecutor may decide that your testimony won't help the case. In which case, you know you've done your best. If you decide that it's too hard to testify, that's okay, too. That just means you're making your mental health a priority and you're not ready yet to discuss your memories.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    If season 2 of 'Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart' doesn't come out bu next July, I will scream.


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    I have a history of depression. But I have also always known what is causing it. Drugs will not help. My first pet saved my life, because I was sure that if I killed myself my mother would put him down out of spite.
    I changed my circumstances and have only had short bouts of depression since. Until 6 yrs ago when it became clear that tfg was going to win the republican nomination for president. Despite not having any plan on how he was going to do anything that he promised. Despite the fact that he continually put down people for their appearance in his debates. Despite that there was No substance to his campaign. Despite his obvious lies. There was no voter fraud. He started the idea of voter fraud long before the 2016 election. When asked if he would concede if he lost, he made it clear that if he did it meant the election had been stolen.
    We have a great president now in President Biden. He cares about the people and his is fixing what the former guy broke.
    But tfg is still in the news every day. So my depression is just as bad as ever. The gop need to stop lining their pockets and Start working for the people.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not going to happen. Sorry. Change parties? If you don’t want to throw your lot in with the Dems, there’s always Libertarian or Peace & Freedom. You can also abjure party affiliation altogether, though it really limits what you can vote on.

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    I am a Mormon. I very much believe what my religion teaches and I haven’t had a problem until now. I try to be an supporter of LGBTQIA community but due to me part of the Mormon church, it makes me seem like I’m not a supporter. I wish there was a way for me to be both and that I could actually help the LGBTQ community but right now that doesn’t seem like an option.
    For those who don’t know, my church has been against LGBTQ people up until very recently. They have publicly been against laws helping LGBTQ people in Utah, and I don’t know if this is true but they have been funding conversion camps. I don’t think it is true but I’m not going to dismiss the idea. Anyone’s thoughts?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    With the greatest respect, because I have many religious family and friends, I suggest you ask yourself (a) whether you think your church is likely to ever be inclusive, and (b) whether your church, or any other for that matter, is correct. Let's start you off with a simple thing to think about. Is it just luck of the draw that God placed all the righteous souls in Utah, and absolutely nowhere else? That you were born into a mormon family by sheer luck, and that God essentially created ALL other humans on this planet to be damned forever, in some sort of... prank? I mean, surely you realise that everyone born in other geographic locations is born into a different religion, and considers you to be damned forever? How can you TELL that for example, the Amish are wrong, or the Adventists are wrong, or the Saudi Muslims are wrong, or the Hindus are wrong? They ALL think YOU are wrong. So, if religion and truth is a matter of luck of the draw, IS THAT FAIR?

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    I'm pretty sure I have anxiety but I'm not diagnosed so there's the guilt of "am I just pretending" even when I know I'm not. Ever since I was a little kid my parents have pressured me to be perfect so if I make a tiny mistake I label myself a failure. I want to go into design but every time I bring this up with my parents we go to the artist=starving for into stem conversation. They have begun to be borderline manipulative and I'm kind of scared that I'm being manipulative as well. On top of this I'm bisexual and don't feel like I can tell them no matter how much I want to because it feels like every time I talk to them about something serious they end up yelling at me I don't know what to do. I'm becoming borderline suicidal and I feel like unloading on my friends would be unfair to them


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    CALL YOUR LOCAL SUICIDE HOTLINE! They can help you navigate your way to safety. Are your parents funding your college education? If not, they can have no say in what you study. If they are, would it be possible to work out a compromise where you take mostly STEM classes with a couple of electives for fun and a fuller perspective on life? I hope you are able to reach a satisfactory outcome!

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    People being rude from different opinions is driving me crazy, especially when they're dumb. Mainly, I've noticed that "christians" mistreat LGBT people just because of one thing they don't agree with. As a Christian myself, I know that's not how real chrisitans are. I don't want any hate from this, I'm just sharing my thoughts (not spreading any hate either) I know that people can't control who their attracted to at all (some thing a lot of people need to understand) and that's why I don't shun people just because of that. Now, based on my belief system, people who are attracted to same genders should not act upon it, even though they can't help how they feel... But that doesn't mean I hate them or shun them if they do. Again, not trying to force a religion on anyone or try to manifest your minds... Just saying what I wish a lot of people would understand about christians. Lately we've had a bad reputation because of stupid people. Thanks for listening and I don't know you but I love you


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    My friends all call me gay, not as an insult they legit think I’m gay, even though I identify as straight.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, they don’t call me gay, but they call me bi romantic and asexual?

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