Can you share some controversial opinions?


We need to start treating people with mental health issues and d**g addicts as human beings. Wasn’t there a country that made all d***s legal and only fined and then supported those with more than a ten day supply? And I’m pretty sure it worked, although i didn’t do much research on this topic.

Help those who need help, and then maybe they won’t continue in a downward spiral.

And cereal goes in the bowl before milk. I thought this was universally agreed upon but more than half of my class disagrees.



Pineapple belongs on pizza.

We all need to eat less meat and live on predominantly plant based diet.

Hot Dogs are sausage sandwiches.

Max Max Fury Road was an okay action film only, it does not deserve the hype and love it receives.

Anyone who develops the time machine has to promise to force George Lucas to do the Star Wars prequels properly, no cheesy little kids, no Jar Jar Binks, no midi chlorians, and make sure the third film has the rise of Darth Vader, overpowering and monstering the Jedi like a bit knife through butter.



Nothing and I mean nothing in real life is a simple fix. Remove one problem now there's another.


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Trans women should not compete in sports with cisgender women. It's unfair and potentially dangerous.

If you can't have your driver's license, you can't run for president (US).

The feminism movement has swung too far and hating men has become socially excepted. We need better balance.

Energy drinks are not good for pre-teens/teenagers and we need to do something about it.

Jesus Christ is a real historical figure.


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Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
Community Member
2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Jesus may have been a historical figure, it can be argued one way or another, as I see it there is no controversy over whether or not the man existed. However that does not mean the mythical elements to his story is, in anyway, real.

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I feel some people are born heterosexual and others are not. To me, God made us and He doesn’t make mistakes. So gay, bi, LGBTQ, however you feel, is just how it is. It is not a choice. Nobody influenced ME to be attracted to the opposite sex, thats just how God made me. My daughter loves her wife and I am happy for her! And I hate the term “straight” because the opposite of that is crooked and being attracted to the same sex is not crooked. Lastly, we don’t question people about being heterosexual, its no big deal. So why do we have to label and question a LGBTQ person.



Biological sex is bimodal not binary.


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Aroace tiger (she/they/he)
Community Member
2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The fact its not binary is a scientific fact- amd then somehow people expect gender to be when sex isnt


First of all, I think abortion should be legal in most cases. This isn't just for issues such as the standards of: rape, incest, and/or the mother's life being at risk. This should also be for if you've tested the fetus for some conditions and it's 95+% going to have a horrific medical issue that will cause it to suffer and die horribly.

Seriously, I'd understand any parents that would choose to abort because Tay Sacs Disease and/or Sickle Cell Anemia alone. I'd also understand for the very, very rare "literally born with only half a brain in their head" situation - I've witnessed someone who had that in real life (a classmate), and that's not living as a 'person'. They can't do a lot of stuff and never would be able to do a lot of things.

I don't think this should be the case for any medical issues, but I can respect a parent that choosing non-existence over suffering horribly.

I think Trans athletes should have a completely separate sports category from their Ci-gender counterparts.

With women, this could actually cause some injuries for multiple sports and/or deaths for certain sports (like boxing - head trauma can be fatal with enough in the right spots). With men, that causes an unfair advantage for the Ci-gender due to the fact of how bone structure works on someone with two X-Chromosomes vs. a XY Chromosome pair. Just make a third category instead.

Revenge can be the same thing as justice - it simply depends on context. Just look at how Israel treated Nazis they captured, and than, tell me I'm wrong. I don't think you'd be able to.

Lastly, seafood can work on Thin-crust pizza. I personally love Shrimp on pizza myself.


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Your religion (or lack thereof) does not indicate how good of a person you are at all. There's also no such thing as a religion full of bad people, if you find yourself judging someone solely based on their religion (not the individual beliefs they hold, just their religion), then congratulations! You're stereotyping them.

Dumbing Christianity down to an easy-to-dispute set of values is fun, but not accurate. If you want to actually have a debate (and I mean a respectful sharing of ideas, without turning the whole religion into a straw man and then mocking it), I'm more than happy to! But it's rude to mock other people's religion when you don't even understand it yourself.

Designer mixed breeds (dogs that are bred with 2 different breeds) are almost always from unethical breeders.



Felons should be able to have their records expunged. ( to a certain degree. Murderers, rapist, etc shouldnt)

White privilege is real.( im casper white my son is a minority. Knowing he will get 2nd looks bc of his race is disgusting )

Abortion and gender care should be left to individual or family. Of course women should always be in charge of their bodies. If a child needs to transition it should be left to them and/or their families.

Pinapple does not go on pizza.


See Also on Bored Panda

5E is an excellent system for introducing people to D&D. It has it's flaws, but a good GM can work around those pretty easily.


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Crocs are the best.



Bored Panda is just Lithuanian Reddit. PROVE ME WRONG.



Crispy fried bacon is the best food ever, particularly with eggs over easy and buttered


See Also on Bored Panda