Where are you going to hunker down and what are you slaying the undead with?


I'm getting bitten asap. Rather be a zombie than deal with the apocalypse, tbh.



    Oh this is easy! I'm going north to thousands islands. They are quite wooded with animals I can hunt for good, get a tonne of sun for growing crops and have beauifully expensive homes with alarm systems on generators already. They also are far enough from each other that any sound you make isn't going to be too much of a red flag. That being said, at most another island may have 1 other person that would then need to traverse fast moving water to get to you... I think it'll be fine.

    So... step 1, grab my tools, spices, mason jars, tea, coffee (literally enough to last years) my veggie starters &seeds and clothes, sheets (really any material I can), load it into my car. Take my snow blower and siphon the gas from it and dismantle it as much as I can for parts I can tinker with later.

    Everyone will be at home depot so I'm going to go to home hardware-- jk. I would actually go to indigo and grab a tonne of books if various types-- budget recipes/ electrical/ green living etc but also entertainment and kids books and poloroid cameras/ soft textured things to feel more at home like throws and mugs, teas, puzzles etc.

    I'd drive to my brother-in-law's see if they have a plan, offer my plan and offer to take my nephew and their dogs. Siphon gas from their car (my car just makes sense to have as even though it is older, it is less reliant on electronics and is more reliable and the most popular make/model/year for our country-- easier to get parts). If they don't go obviously i won't do that.

    I'd then drive to my parent's, fill their van (chickens, dogs, sentimental items, hydroponic grow-gear, bikes and fishing gear as well as medicines) repeat, and then we'd drive up 5 hrs north taking as many backroads as possible. Once up north i'd stop in at a hunting shop at a reserve where I am friends with the owners and would buy a recurve bow, compound bow, and arrows as well as a blind. In the reserve I would try to buy a few goats and a rooster from farmers but they aren't necessary, just would be nice to have.

    Then I'd go up on gas in both cars, continue up to thousand islands, have my husband stay with the cars, commandeer a motor boat. Boat out to what I consider is the best location while also appearing to vacantand while internet is still working look up how to disarm a security system-- try to do it, fail. Cut power/let it run out and then call my husband, they start bringing the things from the car, we hide the cars and once we have all our stuff moved in, make a wall, make a gate, hide the boat and live it out in a stolen 3 million property 1acre island with thick folliage, deer/rabbit/duck/fox populations pre-set up to be off-grid and a canoe ride into a small town.

    Plus the leaves look beautiful when they change up there. Might as well enjoy it.


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    Breanna Carlos-Vega
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One small problem with your plan, generators run on gas. Gas after 6 months are useless and unless you have the skills and the tools to make your own (takes 3 months on average for 5 gal) you will have to find a different source for energy

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    I am going to Home Depot. There is a lot of stuff there that I can use to barricade myself in (After I stock food and water of course).

    My weapon of choice if they break in depends. Can they only be killed by head damage? Weapon: Cross Bow with scope..

    Can they be killed by damage anywhere? Weapon: Chainsaw


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    The XM556. Its a type of machine gun that can fire up to 1300 bullets in 10 seconds. Need to buy the ammo though, thats gonna be pricy. But once I get my hands on that I think I'm good,


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    David Furritus
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    While having the ability to spray out enough rounds to kill a small town in a few seconds is nice, you have to remember that you'll need to reload quite often, and have to deal with the barrel overheating after a while...


    So I'm going to pull a move from The Mist and hunker down in a grocery store (Preferably Walmart). Use anything and everything to block any opening. And I think I should be set for a while. My Walmart carries weapons so I should be fine for a while. But I would prefer a small, easy-to-carry gun with ammo, and then I'm going to die :D



    Lowe’s then my bff’s house so we can shoot the people we don’t like together :)


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    Shaba Ding Dong
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sees the karen down the street and shoots at her even though she isn't a zombie

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    I have a key for Whole Foods. I’m going there.


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    I'd probably head to a gun shop, because it's all weapons lol



    I would go to my summer camp because it is in the middle of nowhere yet there are cabins with bunks and a bathroom. There is also a hotel-like building that is comfortable to live in. Not to mention a dining hall complete with all sorts of ovens and stuff.
    My weapon would be a stainless steel sword. The trick is that the sword's blade can be ejected using a spring. It is still connected to the hilt with a 75 ft long steel cable. The end of the hilt is also made out of flint, meaning that I can hunt, and cook my prey with a natural fire in case I have to evacuate or lose access to the dining hall. The sword is not very heavy and comes with a sheath.


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    Grudge-holding Treefrog
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey, one of my main DND characters has a similar weapon. Instead of a spring, they have a garrote in the hilt. It is based off of Nico DiAngelo’s sword and Alex Fierro’s garrote from Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase, respectively.


    Having your first 48 hour plan is the most important, that's what makes or breaks your living. In the first 48 hours things are going to be downplayed to nothing but a concern if that. Knowing all your supplies, how long it can last you in your current position is the smarter thing to do (bug in). After those 48 hours that's when people start panicking, they want answers, they want out and they will do anything to protect themselves and their family. Going to the store and buying two more cans of beans, canned fruit ( LONG shelf life), getting small survival gear time to time (before s**t hits of course) and know your EXITS. Gas does expired after 6 months so don't stock up it will be a waste, having half of what your car does take (my 25gal) on hand to get you further when already full is a plus (if bugging out but not recommended) you're going to get stuck on the bypass/highway traffic along with thousands of others trying to get out, having a bug out bag with you, in case the situation happened while you're at work, on vacation (in your car). Your bug should be for 72 hours. None perishable items, water, first aid, weapons (GUNS SHOULD BE YOUR LAST OPTION!), a map, and a spare change of clothes. The lighter you are fast you move, less energy you use. Bugging in for a month should be ANYONE'S goal. After a month the military will most likely have fallen, that's when it's time to seek out supplies, water (get tablets, water straw filters, or a gal gravity filter, like I have) food, weapons (your weapons do not last forever you will need to replace them), and medical supplies. The first month will be the scariest, nothing is more scarier than panicked people trying to leave. Stay home and bug in!


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    I would be going to a mall and creating a base in a storage closet. using random things found in department stores, I would create makeshift weapons. I would take in the injured, nurse them back to health and create an army to defend our mall


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    Grabbing a chainsaw then heading to Antarctica to hide with the penguins.


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    I would probably go down south (I'm in Michigan) for the warmer weather and the fact that zombies will rot and fall apart faster in the warmer climate. Weapon of choice is a flame thrower and I would ALWAYS carry fireworks on me. They can be used as a distraction if I get in a tight spot.


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    First, i'm gonna get some supplies like wood, metal, nails, etc, then i'm gonna barricade my home and make an entrance the zombies won't be smart enough to open, and then I will get all my stuff, get on my bed, and hope I don't die.


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    Chainmail. I don't get why they always fight zombies in T-shirts then they are horrified they get bitten. Chain Mail, heavy gloves, canvas pants (with chainmail under them) and heavy duty boots.
    For weapon, I have plenty of blades, including an authentic Kukri, which is like a knife and axe in one. A broomstick with a fillet knife taped at the end would do in a pinch, or a small garden tool that has a trident at the end (I have one). Plus a sharpened long screwdriver. And a bicycle.


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    believe it or not i would stay in my school because after an attack it became extra high security.

    for weapons a flamethrower is a simple and noiseless perfection


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    David Furritus
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Flamethrowers are awesome, but remember that a burning zombie will still keep coming...

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    I'm going to the northwest woods and taking my longbow, carving knife and my arrows. I'm a good archer and I'm very strong home in the woods, and zombies wouldn't be there much



    Machete. If you've read the zombie guide by Max Brooks you'll know that's the best weapon.


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    I took up archery as a hobby before and I think this time, it would definitely pay off. If all else fails or I run out of ammo, first things I'll be grabbing are an axe and a sledgehammer. So when the zombies arrive, time to go Axe N Smash!!! XP


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    I'm going to a Wal Mart Supercenter. Plenty of tools to defend yourself, food to keep you alive, and supplies to keep you comfortable. Weapon of choice? Whatever I can find to take the armies of the undead down. Shotguns are a nice start, but you'll need a steady supply of ammo and even a Wal Mart will run out eventually. So, I'll eventually use bladed implements like machetes, spears, and archery equipment...


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    im going to the walmart cuz it has enough guns and garden tools to make a one man army plus there is usually enough canned food to live off of


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    2 years ago

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    go to sleep then in the morning collect the burnt zombie flesh to save for trading.


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    I'll probably go to a very secure bunker with a garden and a way to generate electricity through exercise. (Like biking)

    My weapon would be an acid gun. Acid would just dissolve the zombie and get rid of it completely.


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    2 years ago

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    I would [steal] machine guns :). Then I would go to Home Depot to get all the supplies to build and drive to a secluded place, I start building a fortress, I put walls up and find other survivors to study the plague and fix the world. I might steal a helicopter.


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    Okay I know I have another plan, but I don’t care about only having one submission, I have tons of plans.

    If it happened while I was in school, I would group with my friends, everyone would freak out but I’d get my group and run, there’s a police station by our school so I’d grab a gun from there and then run down to a hardware store or big store. I would pack up a stock of food there [finders keepers] and build a fortress, after that, I would try and find other survivors, and then wait till this is all over.


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    Head to a local Vault-Tec vault and grab a Fat Man.


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    Central bank - Large area with fences, weapon storages, emergency power generators, thick vaults in the ground, near the highway and a garage full of armored trucks.

    Weapon of choice axe or sword - because there is no chance of running out of ammunition


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    Either Costco, or the Walmart near my home town. It's on top of a very steep hill and has what's close to cliffs on each side. Weapon of choice would be a spear or Halbert. Any kind of blade on a pole. The reach will keep them at a good distance plus if I'm quiet it wouldn't attract others. I know archery, but that's not gonna help much unless I can hit them in the head or pin them to something.


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    I would go fight the zombies than be bitten by one and I’d take a knife and/or a chainsaw. :)


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And maybe find some people to team up with; strength is in numbers so that would be a good plan


    Watched too much of resident evil, I'm going to get underground (though where it all started), and have guns with me or anything that works from a safe distance.


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    I'm going to stay in my house, or follow whatever the government says. My weapon of choice would probably be a big stick.


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    2 years ago

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    Are they John Romero zombies (slow and dumb) or Return of the Living Dead (as smart as they were when they were alive)? If shambling, then glue traps take care of them, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, a vat of lye...


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    I'm going to Canada or wales/UK. And I'll use a dagger, thank you very much.


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    Flamethrower, the perfect way to deal with zombies, fire is the best option in the zombie apocalypse.


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    id go to iceland or northern sweden. id pack my stuff and sum toys to keep me entertained. then id go with my family in our camper van. We go to iceland or northern sweden with my cousins and get a home there. We would get lots of guns. And build a cool base with a fence all around.


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    Grocery store with a pharmacy. Weapon of choice would be plenty of Molotov cocktails and my husband to shoot and stab the zombies cuz they're icky.


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