Make sure your mythology is real stories.
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Zeus constantly cheated on his wife Hera with mortals, Hera then killed the mortals
Hades, the god of the underworld, kidnapped Demeter's, goddess' of agriculture and nature, daughter Persephone. Demeter went out to search for her in the underworld to take her back. She searched for half a year, which is why winter came, because, without Demeter, all plants withered. She struck a deal with Zeus so that for half a year, she gets Persephone back, and for another half, Hades has her. Demeter mourns for her daughter every time, and goes out to search for her, and does not look after nature at that time. And this is why we have seasons. Greeks celebrated this myth once every four years in Eleusinian mysteries. It was a great celebration, and all of Greece had peace so pilgrims could come from all parts of the country to the mysteries.
Fun fact! He didn’t kidnap her, she found the entrance and just wandered in. She thought it was so cool and was just like yeah ima hang here. She ate a shiny pretty fruit from a magical sparkly garden in the underworld. After the whole Demeter/rage/seasons debacle, Zeus changed her name. At first it was Kore, which means little girl, and he changed it to Persephone, which means bringer of destruction.
One time, Hephaestus had a crush on Athena. So he chased after her, and because he can't run very well (he's crippled) he started getting tired and sweaty. He touched Athena's leg and instead of kicking him and running away, her first response was to wipe the sweat off with a hankie, throw it off Mount Olympus, and then run. On the way down the hankie turned into a child, and Athena put it in a box with a snake. Good parenting is not a common sight on Olympus.
To clarify, Athena had put the child into the box with a snake (which is a symbol of Athena) hoping that the snake would give the child immortality. She gave the box to the daughters of the Athenian king and told them not to open it. Eventually the women opened the box were driven mad by the sight and ran off the acropolis to their deaths. The child (named Erichthonius) could not gain immortality, but he became king of Athens so it has a happy(ish) ending.
Hades is the only god who didn’t constantly cheat on his wife
Once upon a time there was a lady who got cursed to have snakes for hair, and to turn everyone she looked at into the equivalent of a fancy rock. Yeah... things didn't work out well for her in the end. XD
This is the well-known story of Medusa. It happened to her because Poseidon (god of the seas) was seducing a mortal woman and long story short they had sex in Athena's temple. Athena was very mad and decided to punish the woman by giving her snakes as hair and an appearance so hideous that they would turn to stone just by the sight of her.
After failing to rescue Eurydice from the underworld, Orpheus bummed around for some time, and then proceeded to be ripped apart limb from limb by members of the Dionysius cult for not honoring their patron God