Share something interesting about your pets.


My Senegal parrot, Mango, saved my life. In a very literal way. I was struggling with depression and anxiety; I was close to burnout (working overtime and a lot of job-related travels) and slowly developing alcohol addiction. Then I got a tiny yellow-green bird, very vocal and strong opinionated :))) - and suddenly, life seemed beautiful again. He needs - no, he demands a lot of attention, communication and play time. He is melting with joy when I return home. Oh, and he thinks he owns me and the whole house (he may be right :))). I'll put a picture of him in the comments.
p.s. - In the last couple of years I gave up alcohol, lost weight, started exercising regularly and put my professional life in order. And I'm taking Mango out in the park every weekend :)



    My cat, Jovie, lived in a barn for the first six months of her life. We believed she had some sort of brain disorder, but she's just weird. Her eyes are enormous and she likes to pretend humans dont exist


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    I have two male hampters called Barry and Eobard(flash reference), and they're super chonky and they spend all day sleeping and all night running. They're grey and white and have black boba eyes. They also love sleeping in the weirdest positions possible lol I once found one asleep squished between his hide and the cage wall lol


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    Okay, get ready.

    I have four cats, and I am very loyal to them! I will individually describe each and every one of them! The first one is Tuffy. He is a gray tabby, and about four years old. He's the only cat in our family that I know the exact birthday of, April 16, 2020 (He was a covid kitten!). He is our biggest cat and used to be fat, but he isn't anymore. He was sick for a while a few months ago, but he got better! When he was a kitten, I took him to go get ice cream and he got a lot of pets! Tuffy used to have a girlfriend named Tootsie, who was a little Sokoke kitten. She went missing one day, and it was very sad😭

    Next is Rodney. We got Rodney because he and his brother, Superman, were found next to their flat mom on the road. They were still little babies and still needed to drink milk! ♥ Now they are big boys, almost a year old. Rodney is a gray tabby, like Tuffy, but he's darker in color. He LOVES attention and is an aggressive snuggler!

    Then there is Superman. Superman is a FOOF. He is super fluffy and is a black cat with a white spot on his chest. Despite being super handsome, he is DUMB. He has this one pillow that he SUCKS on. It's disgusting, but I still love him. He constantly gets burrs in his fur and hates getting them combed out!

    Lastly is Rubble. He is our oldest can and used to have a buddy named Nemo. Nemo went missing one day, and Rubble was sad for a while. He is better now, though! Rubble is a fluffy gray cat and he is the handsomest cat I have ever seen. Strange fact about him and Nemo, if you've ever read the Warrior Cats books, then you'll know about Firestar and Graystripe, an orange tabby and a gray longhair. Nemo was an orange tabby, and Rubble is a gray longhair. Firestar died first. Nemo died first.


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    I have 4 tame bunnies. There's Snowy, who's the funniest and youngest and he is an albino. Then Daisy, who is Snowy's mother who is very lazy yet she loooooves digging holes and she's also an albino. Then Bella, who's really feisty and fussy and she is while with black dots. Starangly, she doesn't dig holes. Last is Maurus, who is the oldest and also half albino and loves cabbage!

    Then I have 7 Guinea fowl, birds from Africa.


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    I have around 60 animals (40 of which are chickens) so it will be hard to share only a few but I will try. First I will start with my dog Sadie. She is a big Great Pyrenees/ Anatolian Shepherd and had the floofiest friggin tail you've ever seen. She is *technically* a livestock guardian dog but I see her more as my personal therapist. If I'm having a bad day, stressed out, or anything, I can go sit on my deck and she will sit beside me and allow me to just hug her and lean on her. Then there is my big mutt named Rocky. He is much more wound up than Sadie but he is really sweet too. He constantly has this expression on his face that he is proud of himself for doing the littlest things and it's adorable. I also have 4 cats, Sara, Onyx, Garfield and Benji. Sara and Onyx are both barn cats but are not feral by any means, they will do anything for attention. Garfield and Benji are my indoor cats and they are, well....interesting. One is a chonky orange tabby (imma let you guess which one) and the other is a gray/brown tabby. Garfield is a sweet cat who sleeps constantly and i swear Benjis goal in life is to aggravate and spite me, but I guess that's life with cats. I also *kinda* have a horse, but I will not get into everything about him, I would be here for an hour. He is a black pony named Sox that loves to run. Thats all for now about my large family of animals.


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    It's January 3rd, 2017, I'm on the phone with 911because my husband passed away. The dispatcher instructed me to do chest compressions on my husband as I'm doing this, our 11 month old puppy (we only had him about 2 months) Grae'son was helping me do chest compressions on my husband! The paramedics and chaplain later said that in their opinions, he a "medi-alert" dog. You know what? He is. He knows when something isn't right with the heart. He also seems to know if someone has a blood clot. Like with my friend who just found out that she has 5 blood clots. Right before she found out, Grae'son was nose booping her in two spots of her leg as well as her chest. Everywhere he would nose boop her, that's where she has a blood clot.


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    I have two dogs. The first one I got is Toby. I have had him since he was a puppy. He is a Jug, half Pug half Jack Russel. He seems to have the best of both breeds. He is very energetic and active and loves to play fetch or football but he is not quite as manic and feisty as a Jack Russel. He also does not have any of the health problems of a Pug, he has no weight problems and no breathing or eye problems at all. My other dog is Rocky. He is a rescue dog and a complete mix breed, he is just a generic small brown dog. He has a very sweet and easy going and laid back nature apart from with children. He was bought as a Christmas present for a child who treated him badly and as a result he is scared of children and gets very defensive if they come near him. He absolutely loves the forests and heathlands where I live and his favourite activity is squirrel hunting.


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