Not mine but my LA teachers. I'm writing this in her class. On Schoology, she made a folder titled "Test Answers (do NOT publish for students)" upon opening the folder you get rickrolled. If that's not the best thing ever I don't know what is.
My best was a non-prank. For years, I'd do elaborate things. Then one year I did nothing. Everyone was on tip-toes all day. I didn't mean to scare anyone; it was just too much trouble that year.
Taking a screenshot of my mom's computer and putting it as her background.
I woke up at 4 am this morning to break into my twin brother’s car and fill it with colorful balloons. He was definitely surprised when he opened the door to go to work three hours later lol
My mom is deathly afraid of snakes in toilets ( we have lived in a place where that was an issue) . Our neighbors have this really realistic looking rubber snake. It will be found under the toilet lid with just its head sticking out. And now we wait
I worked for a company that made 'Scratch 'n Smell' stickers. One year the printed stickers that smelled like skunk-- the odor was so strong they didn't need to be sctatched, you could even smell them trough the package.. They didn't sell well, so the majority ended up on the employee free shelf. I took several packages. When I went to a new job, I stayed late the night before April
Fool's and put those stickers all over the office, but like on the undersides of desk drawers where they couldn't be seen. The whole place reeked of skunk! No one could find where the stink was coming from. After lunch I hung a notice by the time clock that said 'got stunk by the skunk?' and put one of the stickers on it...and mentioned to look under items, like destk drawer, etc.
Never admitted I did it. Retired now.
I once got a fake scratch card and took it into work. So i scratched it in work and started getting really excited. Everyone else started getting excited too. Even the bosses were patting me on the back. One colleague phoned her mother about it. So anyway I left it for the whole day everyone congratulating me before I told them it was a fake.
I tore it up and put it in the bin. They didn't believe me. One colleague even rooted through the bin for the pieces. It could've of been worse, i could've given it to one of them!
Me and my best friends made cake pops for the class. Except around half of them had a twist: They were actually brussel sprouts and/or mini potatoes covered in chocolate and sprinkles! My favorite comment: "What... it's GREEN!!" Yes they got real ones later.
Then at lunch we gave one of the older students one. He bites into it and everyone starts laughing! It was so funny!
The Echo Dots will be playing Never Gonna Give You Up at random times all day.
Once my grandpa actually managed to convince me that there is a train in the backyard of my apartment complex! I got super excited and ran to look through the window. Surprise: the train wasn't there.
My on abc I turned a bunch of things in our house upside down and backwards while my dad wasn’t home
This is one my mom did.
Mom: "Hey KS (My younger brother's initials) come here."
KS: *Walks over to Mom*
Mom: "So I just got an email and they're making all the virtual students do school over Summer."
Me: "Wait for how long?"
Mom: "Well into July, he'll have about two weeks off."
KS: *Just lays down lol*
Mom: "April fools!"
We didn't even know it was April. I have nothing planned. Mom wins.
If mom has a non-apple computer (idk how to do it on apple products) you can right click the desktop and there will be something like "display settings" or something else and through that you can flip the whole screen upside down. Did it to my sis lol
Give your brother a cup of perfectly normal water, but shove a camera in there face so they think there’s wrong with it
Drew all over my sibling's face while he was sleeping.
Last year, put water on their bed so it look like they 'wet' it. Didn't notice that it actually worked until I found mom changing the sheets.
I'm rickrolling my classmates in science class with a supposed "link to a funny periodic table video" lol
Told my sibling (who is obsessed with fortnite) that fortnite got banned.
They are not addicted but then are super hyped up about it.
There is a website where you can buy these small sticky cards that make cricket noises. I hid one in my coworker’s desk and throughout the day she gets more and more agitated and getting mad trying to find it. As this is going on half my group is in on the joke trying not to lose it. Finally, she calls facilities and they come and start taking apart her desk! I walk over and pull the card out. I saw hatred in her eyes. But she laughed about it.
My mom did this. So it was April 1 and I was fully online for school. My mom came up to me that night and said, “The Governor said you have to repeat a year of school!” I got pissed and tore my book in half. She’s yet to buy me a new one.😡
That question mark was an emoji. Guess bored panda doesn't support emojis
I woke up and i was like s**t, it’s April fools day. I need to think of something fast. The best thing i could think of to say to my parents was “i plugged the toilet at 2 am” and “the dog got muddy footprints on the white couch”. I am ashamed. I have always done better. ;—;
Drew a spider a few squares into the TP roll... now we wait >:D
When our daughter was about 10 y.o. we conspired to pull a good one on Dad. He was very regimented in his morning routine and so we prepared with great care the best April Fool's prank ever! She and I got up while Dad was showering and dressing; we totally emptied the refrigerator!! When he came out, got his dishes and utensils and opened the fridge, it was a classic. The look on his face...he couldn't comprehend. Daughter and I were rolling on the floor!
Last year, I blue tacked all my mum's expensive work pens to the ceiling of her office and this year, I told her that my little sister had painted the wall of her bedroom yellow XD
i told my brother that roblox (his favorite game) that it was banned from the US
P.S. he freaked out
Mom tricked me that it snowed outside.
I tricked my colleagues that our CEO was writing something very urgent.
I talked in pig Latin in band class all day.
okay so this is a big one my little four-year-old mine that would be a good idea to get my hands on some fireworks in my humble self Thought it would be a good idea to set off the fireworks in my mom's bedroom because it would be a funny April Fool's prank.
I am mailing my mom glitter(shes a neat freak and hates anything and everything to do with glitter lol)
I printed out a bunch of opossum pictures on a sheet of paper, cut them out, and taped them everywhere.
The whole class agreed that 2*2 = -4 as positive and positive make negative. We played out an entire scene where we were discussing a question and the little "mistake" was 4 instead of -4. It got better when another teacher walked into the classroom to get something and played along. Our math teacher was shocked.
i took cardboard. got it all soggy. ripped holes in it. rolled it up and it looked just like a turd. made a couple of those. then put them n the side of the toilet seat to make it look like somebody "missed" (fooled many people)
I put red googly eyes on everything in the fridge and turned it all backwards. My dad freaked out. Nearly spilled my precious milk.
I printed out a bunch of papers saying "Chewbacca Roar Contest" with someone's phone number and said there was a $50 prize and posted them around my school.
Last year I woke up early and put googly eyes on almost everything in the fridge. Some of them are still there now!
We have this movie box where there are pieces of paper with movie titles and it's on paper so I cut paper and wrote "hi" instead of a movie title and took the movie titles oml it was so funny
okay so this isn't very good but I made two giant paper eyes, a monster mouth, and two angry eyebrows, and taped them all to the living room window. Nobody in my house has seen them yet, I think.
Alright, I’m not very good at April fools day.
1, I hid in the bathroom and when my mom got home from work I started texting her and leading her through the house with comedic comments about scary things in my house of horrors.
2, I changed the password on her old phone that she rarely uses. Not a good one.
3, I went for the classic unscrew the salt shaker top. I have yet to see what happens.
i made a ton of paper googly eyes and stuck them on everything on the kitchen. nothing was spared. i feel sorry for whoever needs tape next
printing my dad's back around so when he went on to it he thought it was frozen....Then he found out
I told all my family which is mostly sisters and their kids that I have lice and they all were so mad at me how could I willingly do this to everyone.
My friends and I took the scariest teachers stapler and brought it back in jello. We watched him dig it out as we were all laughing, even him. It was awesome(the stapler was in a bag in the jello so it wasn't ruined) XD
I took an old shirt and a pair of pants and stuffed them with other clothes, had my sister (who is a good artist) draw a realistic-looking face, made some feet and hands and put it all together. Then, I planted it in my mom’s bed and covered it up with a blanket.
I had had a long-running disagreement with my boss at work, and I finally gave up a few days ago - I was resigned to the fact that she would never concede. I sent an email headed "Resignation" sounding like I was leaving my job, but written in such a way that the first paragraph began with A, the second with P, the third with R and so on. Then I sent another email saying only to read the first letter of each paragraph (which would spell out APRIL FOOL). The boss sent an email saying it wasn't funny at all.
your boss needs to find her sense of humor thats fricking hilarious
I wasnt able to do this prank today (🙁), but i'm going to do it tomorrow.
I'm going to make an animation about me tell who my crush is to my friend (the friend is not the crush). Im going to have a 5 second countdown before i "tell" who it is and then- BOOM. You get Wreck-It Ralph Rolled.
For those who don't know what a "Wreck-It Ralph Roll" or "Ralph Rolled", Disney made a video "showing" a trailer for Frozen 2. If you click on it, it shows a video of Wreck-It Ralph singing Never Going To Give You Up (idk if thats the sing :P).
Last year for April Fool's I took a screenshot on my mom's phone of her homepage, made that her background, and moved all of her apps on there to another screen. She rebooted her phone twice before saying anything.
putting toilet paper over my mums bathroom toilet (I'm a teenager) I did this the day before after she'd gone to bed only to wake up at 3 in the morning to the loudest scream I've ever heard
maybe a little overkill but i told my parents that there was going to be another season of firefly. they didnt fall for it though
I put slime on my hand and hi fived my mom hehehehehehe
This was at school in and my freind both just got over a broken foot and our prank on the teacher was that we would trip wnd fall and hurt ourselves again 😅 it worked
I did the oldest trick in the book: fill a glass with water, put a paper on top, set it on a table, and slide the paper out. The glass wasn't clear so my dad actually picked it up.
A few years back on March 31st at school, the whole class was packing up when I yelled, "Be prepared for a huge 'surprise' tomorrow!" Since I was known as one of the most mischievous kids in that school, everyone was really anxious.
The result? I didn't do any pranks the next day. Seeing my classmates' frightened faces was a pretty astonishing sight, actually!
Wrapped co workers car in large industrial Saran Wrap. Filled another once w packing peanuts.
My prank is soon here im gonna tell my sister that we'll be pranking her teacher for zoom classes and we're gonna switch computers but when we switch i'll flip her desktop upside down. And my friend just did that to his brother.
In first grade, my teacher gave us "chocolate" filled marshmallow ducks. It was sriracha sauce.
Also, I'm planning on doing a speed-paint of Rick Astley so I can rickroll my friends
I don't think a teacher would be still teaching after giving six year old children very hot sauce filled candy. Sorry, don't believe it. I cry April fool's!
Made all my little brothers grades E's, the look on his face
(art of inspect element)
I don't know how good that is but changing grades is considered hardcore in my parents' eyes lmao
printing my dad's back around so when he went on to it he thought it was frozen....Then he found out
Chocolate-covered cotton balls. Changed somebody's screen saver to look like they got a 'hit' with their SETI At Home account. Shrink-wrapped *everything* on boss's desk - individually (_each_ pen, pencil, etc), then collectively.
printing my dad's back around so when he went on to it he thought it was frozen....Then he found out
Chocolate-covered cotton balls. Changed somebody's screen saver to look like they got a 'hit' with their SETI At Home account. Shrink-wrapped *everything* on boss's desk - individually (_each_ pen, pencil, etc), then collectively.