Everyone has a different story but I'm here to share mine and see yours! Post your cat story down below!
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I got Lion, my sweet and amazing Maine Coon, completely by chance. It was Mothers Day, and my mother was traveling down to FL to visit her widowed mother. Me and my father were helping my Mom pack her bags, when I saw a tiny, orange, kitten in the bushes. Then, the little guy hopped up onto the porch. I was very surprised. Although there were a lot of outdoor cats in our small neighborhood, I had never seen a kitten, let alone this handsome one. I called to my father, who was inside, “Hey Dad, there’s a cat on the porch!” My dad, thinking that it was the neighbors outdoor cat, Nilo, a full-grown, black and white cat, responded with ” ok, you can pet it.” Then, the kitten darted into the house, and ran under the couch. I then yelled, “The cat came inside!” My dad came running, and looked under the couch, and saw the kitten. He quickly assessed the situation… The kitten was very small, did not look well fed, and was not wearing a coller. Me and my Dad got it into the bathroom, (closed the toilet) and gave the kitten some milk. It immediately warmed up to us, and let us pet it. We then put a bowl of water in the bathroom, shut the door, and quickly drove my Mom to the airport, and then came back, after buying a Litter Box, food and water bowls, and the other essential things that cats need. We then returned home, and took the cat to the vet. The vet confirmed that the little guy had no microchip, and that there was no one who was looking for a cat of his descriptions. The vet also said that he was male, and the name Lion was decided on, because of his loud purr, and his orange color, and mane… We took Lion home, and kept him… eventually, we let him out of the house, and he is now an indoor-outdoor cat. He is very sweet, sleeps with me almost every night, and has made friends with almost all of the neighborhood cats. We have had him over a year now, and he has grown so much!
My kitty was found in the street. He almost got hit by a car. My mom took him into her office in her school. The rest of the day, all the girls at her school were freaking out about how cute he was. Because of that, We decided to name him Kassanova. Now he looks exactly like garfield! :)
Thank you for saving kassanova! He probably would have died if you didn’t.
Ok, so I have 2 cats. My first cat, Leo, was given to us by one of my mom's friends, can't remember her name. Our second little fur baby, Ruca, was found at a restaurant during quarantine. She was in a shed somewhere near there. We've had Leo for a little over 5 years, and Ruca for around 7 months. They are very spoiled :)
We got our cat a year ago. My cat had just died about a year before, so we were still sad, but we wanted another cat. It just so happens that our neighbors are huge animal people, and were fostering two orphaned kittens. We were interested, but also didn't know if we were fully committed. Finally, my mom gave in and we got him. We named him after our old cat because our old cat was great and sweet. It's kind of ironic that our new cat is a menace most of the time :)
So sorry about your cat 🐈. Losing pets is always hard
My mom's friend found my cats starving underneath a tarp by their raspberry bush. They watched and no mom or dad came back, so they were absolutely sure that they were abandoned. We took them home, and now Linus and Lucy enjoy a warm house and lots of love.
Ok, Here we go...
So I had BEGGED my parents for a cat, but they always told me we couldn't get one because my mother is allergic to cat hair. I then begged for a hairless. Still a no. So I started scheming. I asked my mom if I ever got a letter from Hogwarts if i could have a cat as my Hogwarts pet. She said yes. I made her put it in writing so she couldn't say she had never said yes. Fast forward about 2 weeks. My friend is going to universal, and we agreed that she would bring me back a souvenir. She comes back, and gives me a Hogwarts letter saying I am to attend. Showed this to my mother, and she HAD to say yes. So now i have a hairless cat named Chunko and he is my child UWU
me and my parents went to pet smart to get a cat tower for our cat we already had and we saw a really cute kitten that was up for adoption,, my mom said no. we ended up with two cats.
My 1st cat was an early birthday present from my Dad, " happy early birthday. hey mom & I are getting divorced." I seriously didn't give a crap or understand divorce, I was 4. I got a kitty cat! ( mom was a veterinarian, dad a botanist). ( I was sent to live, with my cat! To my dads parents. Totally epic childhood. My kitten lived for 25 years). Fast forward many decades.... I've currently got 3 cats. The Gargoyle showed up at my door 14 years ago, and when I opened the door to feed her .... She seriously waltzed in, set her fanny down and has never left! Ambrose I adopted him because the Gargoyle seemed lonely, he's a Maine Coon, totally laid back dude. And then I accidentally rescued Mayhem. A neighbor posted that his daughter found a taped up box of 7 kittens in the dumpster while taking out the trash. ( I was due to have life saving/ maybe life ending surgery) neighbor posted " 3 gingers, 3 Siamese, 1 solid black". "If no one wants them ill drop them off at the shelter". ( so our shelter was then a 95+% full kill at the time). It's now 95%+ adoption.. But their was zero way I was going to let a solid black kitty go to a then full kill "shelter". So I have Mayhem, total snuggle bunny. He is mayhem, I've bought so many shower curtains ... Well I think my local Wal Mart cashier thinks I'm a serial killer!
13 years ago I was working on the 57th floor of a high rise, and a lady from a separate company across the hall came in to ask if anyone could take a kitten. Her son had found it alone and scared by a dumpster, but she wasn’t allowed to have animals in her apartment and didn’t want to take it to the pound. My coworker opted to take it, but called her mom (who she lived with) for approval and got denied. So I thought well sometimes fate opens itself up to you, and this is a pretty crazy place to get a cat (57th floor in my office), so why not. I left work that day with a beautiful feisty calico kitten. She turned out to be the best friend I’ve ever had.
A few years ago my dad was working in an office at a tractor trailer place. He was heading to his truck to go home when he heard crying and it was a little black kitten. He brought it home for it didn't get hit by a tractor trailer. He was planning on taking it to the SPCA. My mom told him that since he showed my little sister he couldn't get rid of it so we kept it. A few years later and she is the best cat ever.
I have been allergic to cats my whole life. Like eyes swelled shut, red lines down my skin allergic. We had rehabbed a hawk that looked like it had messed up his wings fighting a cat. We kept him in the sun room a few days until he could fly. He caught whole mice and ate them too. Anyway, the day the hawk flew away we found a black and white cat on our property. Took her in. She looked like she had been in a fight with a hawk, so we put two and two together and realized the hawk and cat had faught so it was the cat's turn to come in and get fixed up. I stayed on Benadryl for two straight weeks and the allergy pretty much went away. So the cat (kit Kat, the hawk was Tony hawk) was pregnant. In early may she gave birth to 3 kitties on my husband's My Pillow. Two tuxedo cats like her, and s solid black kitty. The kids named one of the boy kittens Bean, and the other boy Buttercup because we thought he was a she. And the all black cat is a girl named cricket. Now they all pretty much take turns sleeping on me at night and get very worried and stressed elegant I take a bath. All 4 keep their eyes on me so I don't drown😊. Over a year ago we rescued a mama-less squirrel in our yard. Gizmo. When he got big we started letting him out during the day. After a few weeks the just never came back. I like to think he found a girl squirrel. He would hid nuts in my hair.
*every time, not elegant. And just wanted to say we first found the hawk just a few feet from outer front door one morning. I think he knew he was hurt and was asking for help. That or he met gizmo in the woods near me and gizmo sent him our way knowing we would help😁
I have no cat but where can i get one
Shelter, maybe one that kills the cats that stay there for too long so that you can save them
I got my cat Ringo, from my dad’s brother’s farm. He was abandoned by him mother, was stepped on by a heifer, and had hook worm. Now he is a happy (fat) cat! P.S. he weighs 17 pounds!😸
My first Cat, George, was given to us by mt grandparents. After he died, we got two kittens named Mazel and Kishi.
I had a cat but for a short period of time. I found the cat getting attacked by other cats. I ran at the attacking cats and they ran away. I took the cat into my home for 2 weeks until I found her family (it live in a barn with an old and kind man) . She was a wonderful cat. Good memories
I've got many cats, but my most recent one, Yami, is a heck of a story. It started like any normal day in late May, where I was going to get the mail, and I kept hearing a mew, mew, mew, mew coming from one of the trees. The mail carrier was there and she asked "Do you hear that?" I answer "Yeah, I'm going to look up in the tree." I look up, and there's a tiny kitten peeking down from a branch, staring down at me. I take the mail down to the house except my package which was a cat toy, which I kept in my pocket. Immediately I announce. "Oh my gosh there's a kitten in the tree." My mom, grandma, brother, and brother's girlfriend all go up with me, having brought cat treats to try to help lure the kitten or at least feed her once we got her out of the tree. My brother gets a ladder even though this tree is on the edge of the hill, climbs up, and carefully gets her down. Grandma lets the kitten eat out of her hand while carrying her down. We got the ticks off her and got her a flea bath after letting her eat some fresh food and drink some water. And then we took her to the vet to check her over, get her first shots, and check for a microchip. Once she was given that clean bill of health and they didn't find a microchip, I started asking friends for name ideas for her. One of my best friends gave the name "Yami", because the kitten was feisty and playful and reminded her of Yami Yugi.
My cat fancy, who is an orange tabby with socks, was found outside at less than 2 months old when she walked her butt sprung up because she was so skinny. At first my dad didn't want to keep her, but now she sleeps on a bed fit for roility.
My other cat Chimmychanga was dumped at my property, as most of the animals are, we lured her out with SPAM she ate it all in one bit now she's bonded to my dad.
My oldest cat gobbles was a spawn of another cat that was dumpedshe is so chubby.
This last part is dedicated to my furr babies that are no longer with us. Pumpkin, Gobbles' brother, ; Minx, my favorite outdoor cat; grizy and tugger, my moms fur babies
im not exactly sure, but i think we got my cat daisy for free at a church here in minnesota
We were looking for kittens and I came across a little tortoiseshell named Mr. Jinx. It was love at first sight. When we came back the next day there was a beautiful amazing little missing Mr. Jinx. (gotcha there) But no! This story does not end in tears! We got a call. Mr. Jinx was at Petco! In a rush, we drove over at what seemed like the speed of light. We got to Petco and looked in the little kennels they hold the cats in. They were in no condition for cats being 2 feet by 2 feet big so we knew we had to rescue him quickly. We got to the kennels and found ourselves asking, "Wheres Mr. Jinx?" Turns out he got adopted TWO MINUTES beforehand. However, as I said, this story will NOT end in tears because we found a little kitten who had a mark on her arm looking EXACTLY like a chocolate chip cookie. We took her home, dubbed her Cookie, and have loved her ever since.
I had lost my cat 5 years before, and when my family went to see my grandparents in california for christmas they told me were adopting a very cute kitten! unfortunately it didn't work out. but before we knew it wouldn't we while shopping at petsmart for supplies we found a cat named inky in the window. we took her home and she has been with us ever since.
I always told my husband I'd never buy a cat. One would be bestowed on us. My daughter and I were walking home from school the day before Thanksgiving 4 years ago when we heard a meowing. I, being the cat schmuck I am, made appropriate pssstpsst kitty kitty sounds and out of an open garage, the fluffiest white cat ran at us, tail straight up. I went to pick her up and she immediately started purring. I went to the house attached to the garage and knocked on the door a few times. I heard movement but no one answered. She felt skinny so I took her home, purring the whole way. I contacted the two vets in the area and put her on multiple face book groups and to my deep relief no one recognized or claimed her. My love cemented when I had to give her a bath due to fleas and she didn't attack, just purred and then cuddled me after. I knew Washburn was my cat. 4 years later and she is the least vindictive, patient, sweet cat with zero survival instinct and I can't imagine life without her.
I had a cat when I was young.
My mom was in her garden one day and he crawled into her lap and nuzzled up. He kept coming back, when my dad was in the driveway or the yard, and eventually he wouldn't leave, so when they moved, they took him with us. He lived with us for fifteen years, never gained a pound no matter how much we fed him, always got up to shennanigans. He was around 20 when he was put down. Stayed a grumpy bastard the whole time, my parents were the only ones he wouldn't attack.
Well...it was my birthday so I said “GIVE ME A CAT” so then I get in the car to go back to my dads, and I see, a dog. Joking it was a cat. so I’m like “MIKO! U GOT MIKO! HES SO FLUFFY AND NOT FAT BUT HE WILL BE. YAS” then I go home. Hooray.
We got our cat one day before the first lockdown. We have this pet store (they're not selling cats and dogs, just food and stuff, and parrots. Anyway...) where they had this little lovely cat up for adoption, and we started seeing her every time we went there, for about a month or so. At first, it was just to make our day, but I started flirting with the idea of getting her. And just as the lockdown was announced, we decided to get her outta there, as the future was uncertain, and we didn't know how they will deal with her. Best decision we've made!
I wax on a trip with my grandparents, and my parents and brother were also gone,so we dropped our cat off at a friends house (she rescues cats and finds them homes) and when my mom went to pick sketti up, she pick up daisy instead, (her name was gidget at the time) I was totally against “ Replacing“ my kitty. But she grew on me. And now daisy has a family who loves her and sketti is living his best life caching mice in a barn.
One of my cats, Frankie, we got her when she was only a kitten! We were getting a cat for my mother's birthday, and because my mother was getting surgery the next day. So we found a beautiful, fluffy, and sweet calico! We've had her for about a year now :)