Tell us about your encounter with a Karen.


Yesterday. My doctor is called Karen and is one of the kindest most caring and helpful person you could ever meet. She is more than a doctor she is a family friend and someone I know that I can really rely on. I hate the fact that these over entitled middle age personifications of true horror with a bad haircut are called "Karen" because all of the Karens I know are warm kind wonderful people my aunt being one and the nurse who looked after my mother when she was dying of cancer being the other two Karens I know. Surly there is another word these horrible women can be called? I feel sorry for all the Karens out there who have to put up with the stigma with their name when they are just as nice as the Karens I know.


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Lady of the Mountains
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

yes these people are definitely a specific enough group to have a name, but could it maybe not be the name of some actual people who may or may not actually be in the group of people?

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    My name is Karen ,I've worked in retail 22 years and I have met male and female, black and white, entitled people .They all need to work with the public for one holiday season to be more understanding.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i always say all politicans should work one holiday season in retail, 3 months in a restaurant, 3 months in care (eldery people care or intesiv care) and 3 month as garabage people. after that they're allowed to make laws

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    I used to work at a pizza place and we had coupons that you could redeem only during weekdays (it even said so on our website, and our partner's website, as well as on the coupon itself) so this lady comes in on a Saturday with a coupon and we said to her that we couldn't accept it because it's Saturday and its busy, not to mention the coupon wouldn't work on weekends even if you tried to scan it. She wouldn't shut up about it so we scanned it for her just to prove it, and what happened was that she came in with a used coupon she was trying to redeem twice. Of course she started screaming at us and ask for a manager (which she was screaming at the whole time) and when she got nothing and was nearly escorted by security she went ahead and called our headoffice to complain. The whole restaurant and people in line were laughing at her so she started crying while she was calling outside of the restaurant. It was one hell of a show.



    i work at walmart and in mine we get a ton of wierd food items that dont get locations. so during the summer a karen grabs my cart that im pulling for a delivery and demands that i tell her where the alchoholic popsicles are and i have no god damned idea that existed much less where it was so i told her i dont know and so the b**** says then find me someone who can you damned monkey! and i would just walked away but she didint let go of my cart so i had to find out what the hell those things were, find the location that didint exist, and give the pig her escape from her pathetic reality. she walked away but she didint pay attention to her little demons that ended up destroying 2 glass casings that kept people from stealing products and $130 worth of wine and $50 worth of yogurt. i enjoyed her crying her eyes out as she lost her money and her right to shop at my walmart. suck it wh***.



    Married to a Kelly/Karen for over 10 years. (Couldn't see the red flags through my rose colored glasses) Went off on anyone who didn't do what she wanted. Demanded to speak to a supervisor for every customer service phone call. Went on about "loosing her business" when she spent maybe $20 a month someplace. Our kids and I will need therapy for the rest of our lives.


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's horrible. You must have felt terribly embarrassed too. Those threats like "losing my business" and "contacting my lawyer" are so stupid.


    Unfortunately, my paternal grandmother. We were waiting for a table during lunch rush and she kept leaning over the fence and rushing the waitresses and badgering them. We could not shut her up.


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    Mini Karen at preschool. Yes, a 4 year old Karen.
    She said that she must get the best toys and she could trade a dirty car for the 1 iPad using an expired coupon. We made them out of paper so it was easy to counterfeit btw. I said no (I had the iPad) because who would trade an iPad for a dirty car. EPICALLY LARGE TANTRUM ENSUES! Then she threatened to “sue” (yes we made our own mini society) for 5 dollars. Keep in mind we are 4. So we held our own “court” at recess. She loses, so as predicted EPICALLY LARGE TANTRUM. So Karens are born karens.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love that ur preschool had a economic and legal system XD

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    I was the Karen. In a waterpark we bought slippers, because we couldn't find ours. They warned us there are no returns. Okay, sure. We put them on but right when we were about to leave our own slippers were brought to us. We were kinda broke, we didn't step out of the store so I wanted to return the new ones. Sure they said no. I got upset, I used my stern voice and demanded to see the manager. The teenager behind the counter said no as long as he could but finally gave in and called the manager. She came over and after a short deliberation she returned our money, I guess just to get us out of the shop. Two minutes later I already felt bad about the whole thing. It doesn't matter how much money we would have wasted it didn't worth it to chew a kid up and ruin both his day and mine. Well, I hope at least I learned something from it.



    I honestly don't know if this even belongs, but my experience was years and years ago when I worked at the Humane Society. We had a lovely female American Pitbull Terrier (white with black spots) named Suzy. A nice couple I was helping out put a hold on her, filled out the majority of their paperwork and seemed to be a great fit. Right up until the point when they asked if they could take her today or if they needed to come back. I informed them that she would be sent to one of five vets of their choice to be spayed and they could pick her up there. The girlfriend's reply was that they did not want her spayed as they have a male that she was going to breed with. I told her that that is why many animals are here, especially bully breeds. Cue the yelling of "YOU and your STUPID rules are the reason that dogs are stuck here until YOU KILL them". Their names were taken down and they were never allowed to adopt from the shelter. I guess first impressions aren't that reliable.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just wanted to add, Suzy got adopted by an older gentleman, was renamed Sugar and became a loving lap dog. :)

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    I work at a deli. Snowstorm (a once-in-20-years phenomenon where I live ) meant no supply trucks for three days due to dangerous roads and our shelves were bare. Electricity was out for a good share of the area. So, in short, the deli meats and cheeses were about the only protein source for many families who had no working refrigerator since the meat dept was picked bare. Only three of us could even make it in to work and we spent the entire day slicing what we had, and it disappeared as soon as we put it out. There were signs out that stated we were not taking orders. But Karen stood at the counter and whined because she needed pepperoni. I told her no but she kept at it. Someone finally caved and cut it for her. I grabbed the bag and smacked it on the counter and snapped “Here it is”. (I wish I would have said, “Order for Karen”.). Unreal how self-centered people can be.


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    Stephanie Did It
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah, the Texas Snowvid week. We all had so much fun when all the meat disappeared yet no one could even cook it unless they had gas cooktops and ovens.

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    My mom is a classic, embarrassingly.
    Going to any restaurant is always a "fun time" watching her fuss around with everything, look for any small reason to complain. If anything goes wrong with her food or anyone else's, no one is allowed to just make do and enjoy the rest of their time.
    I feel sorry for the waitstaff as they have to stand there while my mom makes a soap opera out of the issue, dramatic pauses and all. Last time she ordered soup she said it was too bland, instead of ordering something else mommy dearest decided the best way to make the cooks see the error of their ways is to sit there on a hunger strike.
    My mom thinks never going back to an establishment really sticks it to them, somehow. LOL



    When I was in 6th grade I rode my bike to school at the beginning of the year. One time I was about maybe 100 or 200 yards away from the school when a woman stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. She put her arms out and when I tried to go around her she would move her arms. Finally, I gave up and went off the curb onto the road. I fell off my bike in the process. My hands and knees had cuts all over them. When I got back on my bike she yells at me
    " YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO RIDE ON THE SIDEWALK!!!" Wow. At this point in time, I am 11 years old. Just starting puberty.


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    Cat LOVER
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We took our road riding tests then so we wouldn't have known how to ride on the road anyway!

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    Today makes the third week straight that this exchange has happened with this one old lady: “Can you help me find something?” “Sure, what do you need?” (VERY vague explanation follows) I stare in confusion. “What is it exactly?” (Same vague explanation) “I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you’re talking about. What is it for exactly?” Last week this was the point where the old lady glared at me and said. “Oh, I’ve run into you before. You’re the useless one. Get someone who knows what I want.” I explained (again) that I work alone in this particular section of the store, and that there was nobody else available. She called me useless and no help and stormed off to loudly complain about me to every one of my coworkers in a thirty-foot radius. This has happened three times in three weeks. Also, she leaves an absolute mess behind.


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    I managed a nice restaurant that used butcher paper on the tabletops. One Karen lost her keys at the end of her meal. The waiter could not find them, so the Karen called for me. She insisted that the keys were rolled up in the butcher paper and thrown out. After searching the can in the dish room and coming up empty, she got loud and insisted that I check the trash dumpster. When I refused, she loudly threatened every employee who had anything to do with her time in the restaurant. Wanting to protect my team from her drama, I agreed to search the dumpster while she waited.

    I did what I promised and still came up with no keys. Returning to the dining room to report out, Karen continued on her rant accusing theft now. Everyone was staring at her in disbelief when her friend who she was dining with said “ Oh look what I found in my purse!” Her keys. My goodness the look of embarrassment on her face! She just turned around and left without another word.

    I was pretty angry on that one for a long time. Still might be.


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    Nicole Cabrera
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I worked in restaurants to put myself thru school. So from cocktail waitress to the Big Boss, building restaurants - I've seen it all. I should write a book. Lemme tell you, she didn't lose a wink of sleep over her faux pas. Garbage people.

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    my mum was a karen one time at an electronic store. it was so embarassing for me! i apoligzed loudly to the staff for her bahaviour and my mum was mad at me for doing so. we discussed what happend and later she admitted that she was wrong and apoligzed to me.
    i worked in retail and i hate persons that behave like they're entitled to everything.


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    Not really a fascinating story but a few years ago there was this Karen who went up to the Mc Donald's cash register and asked for the manger, later it was commenced that the Karen was complaining that the toilet paper was too rough, and the manager let everyone have free sundaes because she was really overreacting.


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    Here is a little back story for people who do not know how Boris started. My name is Scott and my fiancé is Samantha. Last year I was involved in a bad electrical accident at work. Long story short I was electrocuted by 277 volts. Spent months in and out of hospitals and have had 7 surgeries since . Still out of work from it. So last August Samantha said I could buy this 12’ skeleton from Home Depot . We love Halloween and Christmas time . We go all out. Put him up for Halloween and took him down right after. Than I asked Samantha if I could put him up for Christmas as the grinch. So we put him up and the day after Christmas we received a letter saying it’s up to us but we should take him down because it ruined Christmas for them with him out . They mailed the letter and signed it “A Citizen”. No return address. So this made us decide to keep him up now LOL. We even heard they complained to the town about him and was told there was nothing against the law about a naked 12’ skeleton . So after a few months of him being up and decorating him we had someone come to the door and asked if we could give him a price to take Boris down. He said it bothered him . Finally after another month or so , we decided to start using Boris as a way to bring awareness to the community about different things like autism awareness month , now brain cancer awareness month. We plan on continuing this for rest of year having different awareness each month. So we have many more costumes and surprises to come . We have had 98.1 the hawk do a story on Boris and also wbng do a story on him. These articles and video stories from the news are all on the page . We started with Boris personal page and we are few people from the limit of 5000 friends so we had created his fan page where we are able to do fundraisers for different non for profit organizations. Making new friends with Frank the Christmas Gargoyle . Thank you for your support and knowledge with the help of Boris TheSkeleton.


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    Man, have I got a good story! During my film assessment for school, a friend asked me to be an actor in hers, and I, of course, agreed. I and another guy had to dress in all blacks and walk up to her house (we were filming a horror; also it was broad daylight). After a few takes, she told us to hold metal softball bats as we went. Literally, the minute we touched the bats, a woman pulled up in her car and rolled her window down, and told us to get off her curb. We weren't on 'her' curb at all. She then asked wtf we were doing in all black with softball bats. We explained we were doing a film assessment and pointed directly at my friends, one who was holding a light defuser and one who was holding a camera, to prove it. She then said, and I quote, "I'm sure the police will think that." She didn't call the police but when we told my friend's mum, she offered to go round and "have a talk" with her.
    My first Karen did not disappoint.


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    I work in a fashion/dept store in the UK. Karen went through the door, had her shopping basket piled full, and it set of the alarm. I had may arms full, put everything down, and followed her to the parking lot. I cheerfully called after her “hello madam…” she immediately starts raging at me about obviously I’m going to want to see her receipt now. Um, yes, i am. She’s yelling that she’s just spent £83, still not found everything she wanted, and we didn’t have bags, so that’s why she’s using the basket, she’s disgusted, and throws her receipt in my face. I start saying “oh, I’m so sorry to hear that”, just as she’s screaming that she demands an apology. Kind of took the wind out of her sails for a millisecond. She screams that I’m a s#@t security guard, then looks me up and down (I’m 5 foot 2, 50 yrs old, tired, and looking at her with side eye) and screeches “You’re probably not even a security guard, are you?” Um, no, no, I’m not, you’re quite right mam. She is by now so shrill, only the local dogs can hear her. “ They don’t even pay you enough to chase me into the car park.” Again, you are quite correct madam. She snatches the receipt out of my hand, scratches my arm in doing so, throws her basket at my feet, and concludes with “AND now you can take my f#@&*ng basket back too.” Well, I was going to anyway mam, so do have a LOVELY day! She can’t see me pulling faces, I’m wearing a face mask.
    This happens far too often.
    I might work retail, but I am not a lightning rod for everyKaren’s moods.


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    I work in healthcare so all the time! Many women turn into Karen’s when we don’t give them what they want most recently with covid a lot of older folks don’t want to come in to be seen, last year no issues because insurance was covering virtual or phone visits this year they stopped around March…now we get calls to refill drugs but we can’t if we have seen you in a year…I’m constantly being asked for out managed luckily for me my manager tells them the same thing…the look on their face is priceless:D



    My older sister’s named Karen. She’s retired now but leaves her hearing aids off so she’s that much worse. I used to think if god needs a vacation he’d pick her…and we’d all be in trouble.


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    Happi doggi (ve/ver/vis)
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    3 years ago

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    And your name is Kyle, aka the male version of a Karen. Did your parents want you two to be Karens?

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    In about 1974, in kindergarten, my mother asked the teacher to call me by my first name Karen. At home I was called by my middle name Trish…. I don’t understand the logic- but my mother thought this idea was great. In kindergarten I was a wild child, like the human form of Tigger. The teacher told my mother I should see a child psychologist. When my mother asked why I was being so bad- I said the only thing I could come up with, “If my name’s Karen, I don’t have to be good”. Since then I have gone by my middle name Trish in school & home.


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