I love love stories so if you got a fun story you made up or a real-life love adventure you took, please share!


I adopted a 10yr old dog who had been abandoned in a back yard. She had been an outside dog, so had to learn how to be an inside dog. She didn't even know what a toy was and at first would run away when they squeaked. Over about 6 months time she figured everything out and was the best, sweetest dog I ever had. There is nothing like the love of a dog


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Awwww that's such a cute story, your right there is nothing like the love of a dog!


    It was September 1977 and I met a girl who worked at a bank branch (I worked at another branch nearby), we got married a few months later. This year we will celebrate 44 years together! And if we add up all the days that we are separated, they will not reach a total of one week. If this isn't a love story, I don't know what it would be!



    My kitty of 21 years died, and I couldn't go home to an empty house. So I went to the shelter, and a beautiful older cat caught me eye. Her previous owner had taken her to the shelter because the owner had gotten a new kitty, and the cat didn't like it. (The cat was named Precious, which she clearly wasn't anymore.)

    They opened the cage, and she walked right into my arms. It was love at first sight for us both.

    I renamed her "Minute" (she was so smol), and when it was time for bed, I'd sing "Frere Jacques" to her, and she'd race to the bedroom and sleep on my chest. I rescued her, but she saved me.



    A cliche story happened for real: my Grandpa was the heir of a rich farming family. My mum told he was quite the catch too, with many women interested in him (not sure if it was for the money and/or the looks). He chose my Grandma against the wishes of his parents, because she was from a poor background. He still married her, knowing that he would be disinherited. So they lived a simple life, but a happy one. They went on to have 14 children, and she never had anyone else after he died at 44. Isn't this a beautiful, forever love?



    so when i was like 10 there was this girl i liked (called ash) and i told her that i liked her and so she threw snow balls at me and i was just so embarassed .💘💘😘💝💘



    /Half made up/ Once upon a time, there were 8 kittens. They were all named after Harry Potter characters. One day, a family wanted to adopt some kittens. They adopted two: a black cat and a torbie. The kittens loved each other, but would have to say goodbye. When the time came, the kittens gave their final goodbyes and the two kittens were taken away. Those kittens went into a loving home, and the family loved them. They were so young, they might not even remember their siblings, and the others might not remember them. I don't know what happened to the other kittens, but the two we adopted now live with us, and we love them.



    i was 10, and my mom rescued a cat from the middle of the highway, and now four years later, he is my bebeh OvO



    When I was in 5th grade I had a crush on a guy and we went out for 2 months. We broke up 2 weeks after Valentines Day. He is now dating my best friend. What a beautiful love story



    The little princess and her knight:

    Once upon a time in good ol’ arizona lived a little girl. She thought of herself as a noble princess who’d fall for a dashing knight just like the princess did in the stories her sisters read to her. But she didn’t like all the mushy gushy kissing stuff, she thought it was gross and liked the idea of kissing a frog over a boy. This little princess loved the mud and sparkly princess shoes. Her sister would always ask her if she ever found her knight how would he want her if she was so muddy. The little princess responded with the tilt of her chin, he would want me for me even if I was muddy.

    The little princesses family of nobles knew another family of nobles, in fact the two houses of nobles liked each other so much it was almost as if they were one big family instead of two. In the other family there was a father, a mother, a son, and a daughter. The daughter was older than the little princess and didn’t play as much. The son was waaaay older than the little princess, in fact he was going to a knight school (better known as high school). The little princess loved the knight very dearly, he would already play in the mud if she asked and she knew that he was the one for her. He even like her sparkly shoes and mud pies. But alas the knight was to old for the little princess as she was only 5 and he was of the Knightly age of 16. But the knight indulged in the princess fantasy and cherished their time together down to the minute. Teaching her tons of knightly duties and other duties such as loving yourself and cherishing the time they had left in the world.

    But as life goes on and people grow older so did the princess. She became her own knight and found comfort in the quiet. She studied and did her best for her education. She loved the smell of rain and the deep growl of thunder. And yes she even like sparky shoes. The knight went to college and is engaged. His betrothed is very kind and extremely caring. The princess still loves the knight but not in the way you’d expect. Her love for the knight is something that can’t be labeled. She thanks him for showing her how important she is and that she’s enough regardless of what other tell her, even herself. The knight showed her that love had no bounds but that it was important to love yourself in order to love others.

    So whenever the princess finds herself wishing for more love in her life she looks back to what the knight taught her. Then she looks up to the sky and the clouds that roll past and she waits because if this one knight could help her see who she really is then she can wait for her prince to show her how far love could take anyone who is willing to be whisked away by it.

    The end.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This story is about my family friends son and me. My family has known theirs since before I was born. And yes I’m still waiting for my princes or princess lol

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    Me, 3 AM, the leftover pizza in the fridge.

    And also Luna, the kitty I adopted on Samhein. But she also likes pizza.



    I reluctantly took possession of a cat. I thought he might be lonely so I got another.

    My love just grew for them and now I have seven.



    I lived in Tennessee for most of my life. We weren’t exactly rich, so when my dad got a job offer in Texas we moved as soon as we could. I was only 8 but I still had a pretty good friend group. It was a difficult move. When I moved there, there was this really sweet girl who always made it a point to talk to me. I thought she was super pretty. About two months later she asked me to be her Valentine using a little hand made card. (Yes I still have it) We started “dating” and it never stopped. 15 years later I asked her to be my wife. Our 10th anniversary is this month.

    TL;DR, A girl at my new school had asked me to be her valentine in 3rd grade. Married ten years.



    Girl likes guy. Guy moves away. Girl is sad.guy moves back.girl happy. Girls life is ruined because she told her friend and her friend told the guy.
    I’m still waiting to see if he treats me differently now 🤞🏻



    I had a crush. I told friend. "Friend" yelled it too the entire cafeteria and told crush. Guy tells me he has crush on me. Next year he asks me out on the bus. I say sure. Guy ghosts me and I move.



    (True story lol) I found her in a garbage can, it was love at first sight. I took the poor kitty home, bathed and combed her, and fed her. We watched cheesy Christmas movies together and snuggled on the couch. 🐈



    So, I made this one up when I was 6 or 7, but I'll share it with you because I was a cringey little kid:
    If I remember correctly, there is 13 year old girl (thirteen was super old and mature to younger me) who was homeless. I believe her name was Precious. She lived outside of a convenience store that she bought all her food from and was able to afford said food by using the various coins and occasional dollars that people dropped/gave to her. She also had a black and white cat named Domino that she bought food for using the same money. Her friend, Cosmo, would come by every so often to give her food and to talk to her.
    One day, Cosmo came by and told Precious that his school was hosting a homecoming. He asked her if she'd like to go with him, and she accepted. He then happily asked her if she wanted to go on a canoe ride with him, as he was about to go by himself but wanted to bring her along. Precious also accepted to that, and they were off. Of course I made the whole canoe ride super sappy and cliche (not to mention the fact that is doesn't make any sense). They were drifting around in the small lake by where Cosmo lived. Then they just happened to flow under a cherry blossom tree that was shedding its petals. Standing up, Cosmo pulled a (packaged) dress out of his backpack and gave it to Precious, telling her that she could wear it to the homecoming. They were busy gazing into each other's eyes when Domino, the little turd, leaped into the canoe as it drifted close enough to shore and made it wobble. It tilted so much from a little cat jumping into it that it made Precious fall into the water. Cosmo freaked out and dove in to save her, pulling her back onto the canoe and paddling the rest of the way to shore. An hour or so later, Precious wakes up in the hospital and freaks, immediately babbling questions out. Where's Cosmo, what happened, where am I, what did Domino do? The nurses finally managed to calm her down and got her set so she could leave the hospital.
    That's about where I stopped writing because I lost my notebook, but I think my plan was to have her go to the homecoming, this whole sappy "I love you" situation happens between her and Cosmo, and the Cosmo find out that his mother's friend was actually Precious' aunt, so she gets off the streets and lives happily ever after growing up with Cosmo. *Huge eyeroll*


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is completely adorable 😄 It can be hard to look back on our cringey past selves, but I saw something online somewhere that pointed out how if you cringe at something you did when you were younger, it means you've grown as a person. 🙃

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    Once a long time ago, in pre-k, there was a boi named ryver, i still go to school with him today, i had a crush on him... but we are just friends. sadly im in the 8th goin to 9th



    I looked up. I had arrived at the beautiful shimmering castle. The white, blinding lights greeted me as I entered. Shamens in blue aprons introduced me to their master. One in particular, by the name of “phil” caught my eye. He was a BABE. he told me the palace was called krõgër. Phils oversized eyes stared at me through his inch thick glasses. We met gazes. He made a move forward... so did I. While I was swooping in though, I noticed another hawt thang. Póptàrts. What a name. I stepped over the dirty tile, a sign of how weathered and old the palace was. I couldnt choose between them... poptarts and I met gazes... his crunchy, hard outside protected his soft sweet inside... the suit of silver he was wearing, was so fine, I stopped breathing for a minute. I swept his frosting. I cant choose... upvote for part two lol ill create a story about it.



    I have a doggy called Chloe. I wanted to get her a playmate because I thought she might be lonely when I’m not at the house. I see a gorgeous boy puppy advised that I fall in love with straight away. (Love at first sight!) I take Chloe to meet him to see if they get along. They love each other as soon as they meet. I adopt him. Name him Teddy. Chloe and Teddy are the bestest of friends!



    "Jack and Jill went up a hill both with a buck and a quarter... Jill came down with two fifty... Ohhhhhh" - Andrew Dice Clay



    There were 2 young people, called Charlie and Oliver. Oliver was non-binary and Charlie was a demiboy, but, as everyone thought they were both girls, that’s what they believed. Olivers parents had split up and they were feeling really sad. They had been staying with their gran in one of the cottages she owned, on a island. Charlie and his family had decided to stay there for a week, for the summer holidays. Charlie was so excited. Maybe he’d see a red squirrel, or find some good trees to climb! He had no idea he’d find the love of his life.
    Oliver barely wanted to do anything, including going outside. But then their gran told them that someone around their age was arriving that day and staying for a week.
    The island was even better than Charlie expected! Everyone there was so friendly, but, he still hadn’t met any children his age and felt lonely.
    A couple of days later, he spotted Oliver on the swings with their mum and sister. Charlie found the confidence to speak to them, and they became good friends.
    They had loads of fun, including a rainy-day party in the shed.
    But all too soon, Charlie had to go home. Neither Charlie nor Oliver had a phone, and they had no contact with each other.
    But Charlie didn’t forget about Oliver. Next year, Charlie and his family went back to stay at the island again.
    They had loads of fun again, doing things like the traditional rainy-day party, playing tennis (badly), and even getting a giant waterslide out!
    They met other children, two sisters called Rita and Eva. At first they didn’t get in with each other, in fact, Oliver and Charlie accused them of stealing their ideas. But, soon they became friends!
    Three nights before Charlie was due to leave, they had a sleepover.
    The next day, Charlie and Oliver were sitting at a table eating breakfast, when Olivers mum came to pick them up.
    They said a small goodbye, because they assumed they’d see each other again.
    They didn’t.
    Not for a year.
    Charlie and his family went back to the island a year later, and, it was such fun!
    A year later, the virus came, and they couldn’t go to the island. But, Charlie and Oliver still texted loads!
    Eventually, in June 2020, Charlie asked Oliver out!
    And they said yes.
    And that, my fellow pandas, is the story of a long-distance relationship.



    We were working together and since Day 1, I knew he will cause me trouble.. like for 2 years, 2 wonderful years, then we split. But I ended up with his sister as my bff, even now after all these years 😏



    When I was 13, I had my first love
    There was nobody that compared to my baby
    And nobody came between us, nor could ever come above
    She had me going crazy
    Oh, I was starstruck
    She woke me up daily, don’t need no Starbucks
    She made my heart pound, and skip a beat when I see her in the street and
    At school on the playground, but I really want to see her on the weekend
    She knows she's got me dazing, cause she was so amazing



    Once Upon a Time, there was a beautiful girl who was in her third year of Hogwarts. She was kind, optimistic, and could make anyone laugh. She was in Gryffindor and was a chaser on their Quidditch team. The whole Gryffindor Quidditch team were best friends. But the seeker always caught her eye. He was a blond, tall boy who was always really nice to her. He held the door for her, complimented her hair, and always made her laugh. His name was Adam. She's always had a crush on him ever since their first year together, but her parents were always strict about her dating and wouldn't let her till she was 16. At some practices, her friends always joked about it saying that he should be her partner for warmups, she was sure Adam heard.
    One night she got an unexpected letter from a white snowy owl. It said:
    “Who do you like?
    -From Adam”
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHE FREAKED OUT! Her friends in the dormitory told her, this is your chance to tell him! So she found her favorite picture of him and wrote below it “him” and sent it back. When the owl returned it had a letter saying “Who me?” she laughed, who else could it be! She replied on the back:
    “Well yeah. You probably already know”
    And sent it. It was the most stressful and intense 10 minutes of her life. It wasn't like the owl had far to go, his dormitory was only a tower over, but what if he didn't like her back! Finally, the owl came back with another note she read aloud:
    “Yeah I like you to”
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHE FREAKED OUT AGAIN! All her friends freaked out too! Her crush liked her back! AHHHHHHHHHHH! But then she noticed that there was more on the letter:
    “But since we aren’t allowed to date, we should just stay best friends till we are old enuff. See you tomorrow in Herbology”
    And she dreamed about him the whole night. Every day since then she and Adam always hung out with each other every chance they got. They wrote to each other every day. Being around Adam just made her so happy.
    No matter all the rules people can set,
    the boundaries of love will never be kept.


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    4 years ago

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    note: this is a story, not real!

    i always wondered what love would be like. would there be walks in parks, under the stars? would there be road trips for weeks on end without getting bored? or would it just be me and my partner, best friend, together, forever?
    i hoped it would be forever. i really did. but my fate wasnt meant to be that. someone, somewhere mustve decided, that for me, i was meant to go it alone, that i didnt need anyone at all. after the few short, precious years of walks in the park under the stars, trips to different places, sitting in cafés for hours until we got kicked out, just going to each others messy apartments to see each other and talk about the things we missed from our week, and even the occasional silly argument which always got resolved after one of us saw sense...
    it ended as quick as this sentence.
    time stopped for a minute when it happened, everything slowed down. for months i felt incomplete... that turned into years and still i feel like only one half. my apartment is still messy and littered with photos, books and drawings, to remind me of her. she was the best, and though she's gone, though it didnt last forever, i always loved her and always will.


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    Part 1:
    The first day of the school year was over. His rucksack, heavy from new books, pulled his shoulders down, making him walk slouched. His head was down as a strong wind blew flecks of cold rain against his face. He hated this weather; he hated this town. For a long as he could remember it was always the same, cloudy, windy, raining or a combination of all three.
    As he was about to turn the corner and begin the walk up the steep hill towards the small structure he called home, he heard a noise. It confused him, it was a sound he had heard before, but that was a long time ago. He hadn’t heard that sound for nearly 5 years. 'Must be the wind' he thought to himself, and no sooner than he thought it, he heard it again. 5 years! 5 years this coming November was the last time he had heard that sound.
    He was 11 years old when his mother died on 15th November. She had been ill a long while but, when the time came, the family gathered around. She smiled to him, calling him towards her using just the power of love in her eyes. The last words she ever spoke, was his name.
    That was the last time he heard that sound, the sound of his own name. Strange how hearing his own name sounded foreign to him, yet since his mother’s passing, all anyone seemed to call him was 'Buddy', 'Champ', 'Kiddo' or any other generic term people use when they don't really know what to say.
    The sound again! His name, he was sure now. He turned his back to the wind and looked down the street he had just walked up, to see a figure in a bright red raincoat jogging towards him. ‘Didn’t you hear me?’ she asked, almost shouting as she caught up to him, ‘I’ve been calling you since the town hall!’. He looked at her, her usually perfectly styled shoulder length brown hair was now blown wild in the wind, her small pug nose was wrinkled as she squinted into the blasting air.
    ‘It’s the wind, I can’t hear much at all’ he replied, more confused than anything else. ‘Did you need something?’
    ‘Nice of them to give us this much homework one the first day eh.’ She felt stupid saying it, she’d always hated small talk. She was determined to try and act natural. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him looking at her. She carried on walking knowing that he would follow and turned into the street where she knew he lived, it was the wrong way for her but she had wanted to talk to him all day and never got the chance.
    ‘Don’t you live the other way?’ he asked, his words stopping her. She turned to him, trying to choose her words carefully, she looked into his eyes, the colour of brushed steel, ‘Listen. I wanted to talk to you’. She couldn’t hold his gaze, not whilst saying what she wanted to. ‘I erm… I know we haven’t spoken much before…’
    ‘You’ve never spoken to me before today!’ His reply, while probably true, hurt a her a little.
    ‘Well, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about’ She tried to continue,
    ‘You wanted to talk to me, about not talking to me?’
    ‘Yeah…No… I-I erm…’ She cleared her throat, composed her self and started again, ‘Look, when I moved here a few years ago, everyone was really nice to me, except you…’
    ‘Wait I… I never did anything to you…’ He interrupted, feeling attacked
    ‘I know, that’s not what I’m saying! You were just this miserable kid that wouldn’t talk to anyone, and when I asked about you, everyone said to just leave you alone, that you preferred to be left alone! The thing is, I only found out last week, about what happened and I just want to say, I get it. But I don’t think you should be left alone, I want to help you move on.’
    There was a long pause, He thought about all that had happened since his mother died, about how lonely he had felt and how everybody seemed to avoid talking to him. He grew angry, who did she think she was bringing this up? He wanted to shout at her, tell her to leave him alone… But that would make her right, and she wasn’t!



    Part 2:
    He stared at her, waiting… She shifted, as though uncomfortable in her own skin. Slowly she raised her head until, finally her eyes met his. The anger he was feeling fell from him, like a bucket of calm had been poured over his head. As he looked into those brown eyes, all he could see was someone that actually cared.
    ‘I can’t imagine what it feels like,’ She said, breaking the silence, ‘but if you want to talk about it…’
    ‘I never wanted to be left alone’ His voice stayed calm, thanks to those caring eyes, ‘Everyone did that on their own, they treated me like a lepper, like I was tainted in some way.’ He wasn’t quite sure why he was saying the words as they came out of his mouth, maybe it was those eyes? ‘Do you know, you’re the first person I’ve heard say my name since my mum died?’
    ‘That can’t be true!’
    ‘Oh, it is! It felt weird!’
    ‘Would you rather I didn’t?
    ‘No! It was nice, I’d just forgotten what it sounded like.’ He smiled at her. When she returned the gesture, he felt a strange effervescence in his stomach. ‘You know, this is the first actual conversation I’ve had in a long time.’
    ‘Well, I’d like to carry it on, if you’re up for it?’
    ‘Yeah, I’d like that!’ he said, still smiling.
    She took his hand, instantly warming him from the cold, and suggested, ‘Lets find somewhere out of this weather where we can sit down.’
    She led him to up the hill a short while, before turning into the town park, heading straight for the pavilion in the middle. Once out of the reach of the blasting air, they sat down. There was no one else there and they began to talk. They talked first about his mother, but the conversation soon turned to the things they both enjoyed, things they hated, even about the ridiculous amount of homework they had been given.
    As the evening drew in, they both agreed they should probably head home. She stood first, taking both his hand in hers and said, ‘I’m glad we spoke, I look forward to doing it again tomorrow’. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He felt her dry lips, a cold warmth that lasted, even after she had walked away.
    As promised, she spoke with him the next day, and the day after that, and all the days after that. Always ending up at the pavilion until the night took over the sky. They talked about everything and sometimes about nothing. Sometime they would just sit in silence, but it wasn’t those uncomfortable silences he was used to with other people, this was a calm silence, a safe silence, a peaceful silence. It was during one of these quiet moments, when they were lounging in the bay window of the old pavilion, she sat up and turned her face toward his, just inches away. ‘You know, I’ve been thinking’ she said, almost whispering, ‘I’ve never felt more comfortable with anyone. And well, I was thinking…’ she moved a fraction closer, ‘I was thinking about how glad I am that I spoke to you’. She moved a hairs breadth closer, he could feel her light exhale on his face making his heart beat harder. She paused… pulled back a little, ‘Only, I… I don’t want to ruin anything.’ She moved in again, ‘But sometimes…’ her face was now almost touching his, ‘Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, right?’ Her own heart was racing, almost threatening to become one continuous beat, ‘I’m sorry if I’ve got this wrong, please… don’t hate me if I have, but I wanted to say, I think… I think…’
    But he finished the sentenced, his barely audible voice said the words ‘I love you’ that that screamed inside her head, her stomach rotated like a washing machine with a brick inside! She closed the gap between her lips and his.
    He felt his heart stop! He couldn’t believe he said it! He couldn’t believe she had kissed him when did!


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    Part 3:
    5 years! For 5 years she has been hearing that sound. The sound of the man she loved saying ‘I love you’. It still felt the same every time, the warmth it brings, the smile that spreads across her face like a reflex action, even her stomach flipping over. Now, as she stood in front of the pavilion, “their pavilion”, she felt that feeling again.
    For the first time that anyone in the whole town could remember, the sun was shining. It’s light reflecting on the details of her white dress, making her appear to sparkle.
    A few moments ago, she had said the words, ‘I do’, 2 words that had the same effect on her as when he spoke 3. She knew that people refer to wedding days as the happiest of their lives, but she felt sorry for those people, because she knew, together with him, every day would be just happy.

    Sorry it's so long, I started on Word and got carried away. Anyway, let me know what you think. LPK.


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    *insert best, william x clara, love story ever*


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    a cute little cat stood on your bed, you wondered what it wants. and the cat comes down and gives you a card you read it. and when you stop the cat want you to follow it, when you finish the short walk, the cat's tail tip turned pink and the ears turned red, and the body turned pink, and a heart appeared on its chest. you wondered why there was a heart on it's chest, and the cat rushed away. you follow it, when the cat stops you see a box full of kittens that look like it. the kittens look at you. they lick you and prr you pet them. the kittens pull a mega cat carrier. and they open it and get in it, and another cat appears and gets in, you look at the female one and it get in too. then you close it. bringing a ton of cats home with you.when you get home you notice the cat have thumbs! the cats snap a lovely tune. it sounded like classic study music. it atracts more cats then it makes 20 cats be in your house! then the cats start making hearts.


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    I found my crush at school. It took me some time to figure out I like her, but she is my best friend and my everything. I'm still a little scared to ask her out, but she agreed to be my valentine. My friends also tease me for blushing when I'm around her. Most times I find myself thinking about her when I'm supposed to be doing something.



    Ok pandas, Making up a story here.

    I remember like it was yesterday. 1989. In the great state of Tennessee, It was homecoming season. His name was Sam. Red hair and freckles across his face. It was frowned upon I know. But I loved him. I loved him so. I had written him a note. ´ Meet me in the back of school' it said. he was like me. broken and defective some might say. But I thought it was perfect. I waited there. behind a tree. I heard noises. ¨ Got yourself a little note I see!¨, I walked silently to see Brutus and Sam. Brutus with my note in his hand. Sam with a bloody nose. I silently marched over. Sam saw me and smiled. ¨ What are you smirking at punk!¨ Brutus pushed Sam into the sign that said. ´ Stop bullying at Hercules High school!´ ironic I know. I tiptoed behind Brutus. I kicked his shin and he fell back. He hit his head on a tree trunk and his eyes were closed. Ï ran over to Sam and cleaned up his nose and now bleeding lip with a tissue. As he looked at me in my eyes I looked at his. ¨are you okay now-¨ he grabbed my face and kissed me. Änd that kids is why there is a heart in that old tree trunk with the names Sam and Max etched in.


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    This is a poem I wrote about a special someone!

    ♥Your smile makes my lips curve up on their own, and when I realize that I have been smiling for too long I have to push them down, with all my might.
    ♥Your touch makes me feel warm, relaxed, and comforted even on the coldest night.
    ♥Your jokes make me laugh so hard my stomach starts to hurt and I can't breathe, even when they don't make any sense.
    ♥Your eyes when we look at each other tell me exactly how you feel before you tell me.
    ♥Your words make me feel loved, appreciated, and like the luckiest girl in the world.
    ♥Seeing you fills me with joy.
    Love is like a wadded-up ball of yarn, you never know where it starts, where it ends, or how to use it. But you will never forget the feeling love gives you.


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    Buckle up! Here is something I wrote:
    Fifteen-year-old Rose Whitlock’s curly, dark hair spilled over her pillow, as she lay in bed, asleep. Her cream-colored skin seemed to almost glow in the moonlight. As she slept, a shadow flitted across the room. The shadow was followed by a flash of bright light.
    Rose sat up and looked around the room, looking for the source of the light that woke her. She didn’t see anything. Then she saw a flicker of movement in the corner of her eye. She gasped and turned. In the corner was a boy. About her age, he had hair as dark as hers, and a mischievous smile.
    “Have you seen my fairy? I think she came in here. Tinkerbell?” A sound like bells came from her wardrobe. “What are you doing in there Tink?”
    The sound of bells rang out again. “You don’t need to look at her clothes, we shouldn’t say such things about what people wear.” He listened. “I don’t care if you think they’re ugly, you don’t say things like that about others.”
    Turning to Rose he said apologetically, “I’m Peter Pan. What’s your name?”
    “I’m Rose, Rose Whitlock. Why are you in my room, and is there really a fairy in my wardrobe?”
    “Well, of course! Tink! Come out of there! Tinkerbell, if you don’t come out, I’ll banish you!”
    A streak of light darted out of the wardrobe, when it lighted onto Peter’s shoulder, Rose could see a tiny woman, in a dress made from leaves. Her wings were intricate with designs and flowers decorating them. She seemed to be glaring at Rose, as though she despised her.
    “Where do you live?” Rose asked.
    “I live in Neverland! Second star to the right, and straight on till morning!”
    “How do you get there? It’s not like you could fly.”
    Peter laughed, “That’s funny, of course you fly!”
    “How do you fly? I would love to try!”
    “All you need is faith, trust, and some pixie dust!” He grabbed a tiny bag that was hung by a cord around his neck like a necklace. He reached in and pinched out some sparkly dust. He then sprinkled it over Rose’s head.
    “Now, think of something happy!”
    Rose closed her eyes, and thought of Richard, a boy in her class. She opened her eyes, and looked down, her feet were still on the ground.
    “That thought must not have been happy enough, think of something else.”
    She closed her eyes, and thought, a memory surfaced, running through the sun with her friend Lucille on a summer day. She opened her eyes and saw that she was floating above the ground!
    “I’m flying! I’m flying!” She cried.
    “Do you want to see more magic?” Peter asked.
    “Yes, please!”
    “You’ll have to come to Neverland with me.”
    “Really? I can go with you!”
    “Of course! As long as you be the lost boys mother!”
    He led Rose to the window and said, “Think of something happy again.” When she thought of that day again, she started flying again. “Let’s go!” he took her hand and flew away.
    1 Year Later
    Rose sat sewing the shirt of one of the lost boys, Chief. When Chief came to join the lost boys, he was 6 years old. She was now 16.
    “Chief, come here and put this shirt on, so I can see if I mended it correctly.”
    “Yes, mother.”
    “Oh dear, you are starting to grow out of your clothes, I must make you some new ones.”
    Peter Pan looked up. Then seemed not to care and went back to sharpening his knife.
    The Next Morning
    When Rose woke up, Peter had already left on patrol for pirates. She turned to Smiley, “Hey, I’m going to forage for food. If Peter gets back before I do, tell him where I went.”
    Rose put on her moccasins and left the underground house. She took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. Then she set off into the forest. She found pinecones, and broke them apart for pine nuts, and went to her favorite meadow to gather wild strawberries.
    She was in an apple tree when she heard a branch snap below her. She looked down and saw a head of bright red hair. Chief! Rose decided to scare him. In the year she had learned how to move without making a sound and avoid rustling leaves. Pt. 2 coming soon!


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    But, as she was about to make her way down, she noticed that chief was scared. His back pinned to the tree.
    Then she saw Peter.
    This was not the Peter she knew, the Peter she knew was silly, took care of all the boys, and would never dream of hurting them.
    This Peter’s eyes were full of hate, and malice. This Peter seemed to be stalking the six-year-old like a jungle cat, a knife in his hands.
    “Peter! What did I do! Please! I didn’t break any of the rules!” Chief said, all signs of his crooked smile gone, tears building and spilling out of his vibrant blue eyes.
    “Oh, Chief, but you did break a rule. You’re growing up. Rose said so herself.”
    “I’m trying not to Peter, I promise! I’ll try harder!”
    “Too late.”
    Peter Pan rammed the knife into Chief’s stomach.
    Rose was frozen in shock, she couldn’t move. Her mind was blank with panic, and pain.
    Chief tried to double over, and hold his stomach, try to stem the bleeding, but Peter shoved his shoulder against the tree. Still holding the knife into the little boy’s stomach. Chief’s face paled, as he lost the blood that was staining his shirt, gushing over Peter’s hand, onto the forest moss, staining vibrant pink, blue and yellow flowers red. The air filled with the copper smell of blood.
    Pan stared into the boy’s face until his once vibrant, sparking, cobalt blue eyes dimmed to dull marbles. Once they did, he shoved the child’s body, and Chief fell over sideways on the grass. He was dead.
    “Serves you right for growing up.” Peter scoffed.
    Suddenly, Peter froze. He cocked his head to the side, listening.
    Then he looked up. Rose and Peter’s eyes locked.
    That snapped Rose out of her terror, she launched herself from the tree, over Peter’s head. Then she took off running, blind fear and adrenaline lending her speed she had never had before. She ran through the bushes, and trees, heedless of the paths. When she felt she was far enough she climbed a weeping willow to sleep.
    The Next Morning
    Rose woke with a start. Someone was standing below her. She started climbing, to get above Peter, because she knew it was him. She was almost to the top, before she decided to look down.
    But when she paused to do so, she felt the branch give underneath her.
    As she fell, she tried to grab other branches, but they just whipped her as she went past them.
    She braced herself for a hard landing, but instead, a pair of strong arms caught her.
    She looked up into the face of a pirate, but not any pirate, it was James Thatcher. The 17-year-old captain of the pirates.
    Captain James had a strong square jaw, striking green eyes, sea tanned skin, and his long black hair was tied back into a low ponytail.
    He also hunted lost boys, and when he caught them, if they wouldn’t join his crew, they would walk the plank.
    Rose started to thrash to get out of his arms, but he tightened his grip.
    “Let me go, or I’ll scream, and you’ll regret it!”
    “No, you won’t, you don’t want Pan to find you, do you?” His baritone voice was amused, but with an edge of apprehension.
    He was right, if she screamed, Peter would find her. But how did the pirate captain know that she was hiding from Peter? And was he going to kill her?
    “Let---me---go!” Rose continued to fight and thrash.
    Instead, Captain James tightened his grip, and another pirate walked out of the woods, holding a sack. It was then thrown over her head, and her hands and legs were tied.
    “Truly, I’m sorry about this.”
    “You mangy dogs! Let me go!” Rose thrashed trying to escape her bindings, to no avail.
    “I wish I could, but then you’d run away, and we can’t have that.” Said the captain, as he ripped the bag off her head, “Unfortunately, since you seem bent on screaming until that little demon finds us, we’ll have to knock you out. He pulled a bottle with a faded label that read: Chloroform. He wetted a handkerchief and placed it over her mouth until her eyes rolled back and she passed out.
    pt. 3 coming soon


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    “Once more, I apologize.” He said cordially. Then he placed the bag over her head again.
    On The Jolly Roger
    When Rose came to, she heard ocean waves, she was still bound, and still had the bag over her head. She heard men laughing and dancing, and she felt rocking. She was lying on the deck of the pirate ship!
    She decided to lay still, until she could figure out how to get out of there.
    But then she heard, “I think our girl has slept long enough, we’re far enough from shore that she’ll be difficult to hear if she screams.”
    Rose felt hands rolling her over, so she feigned unconsciousness, the hands were surprisingly gentle as they untied her hands and loosened the ropes around her feet.
    As soon as they pulled the bag from her head, she punched the teenage pirate in the stomach, and ran across the ship, scaling the rope ladder to the crow’s nest.
    “Grab her!”
    “Stop her!”
    The crew stopped shouting and looked to their captain for instruction.
    “Are you alright, Smee?” He asked the pirate Rose had sucker punched.
    “Yep,” the pirate grunted, “Just a little winded, that girl can punch!”
    James grinned, “Can she now? Well, Little Miss Fighter, why don’t you come down from there, and we can talk about this. It’s not as if you can go anywhere.”
    He was right. They were too far out to escape by swimming, and there was no way she could steal a longboat to get to shore. There was nowhere to go, but she wasn’t going to come down. Not unless they forced her. She told them so.
    “Alright, you can stay there, but once you get hungry or thirsty, come down and we’ll talk, okay?”
    They were going to starve her out! Well, they wouldn’t get her until she was ready. So, she sat down and waited.
    That Night
    Rose peeked over the edge of the crow’s nest. Captain James was still there, grinning up at her, eating an apple.
    “You know, this is a really good apple, are you sure you don’t want one?”
    Rose did want one, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. She glared at him.
    “I’m not hungry.” She said defiantly.
    “Suit yourself!”
    She sat back down and let out a frustrated sigh, how could she get food without giving up her position? She decided to wait, he had to fall asleep eventually.
    pt 4 coming soon


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    Rose Whitlock looked down. Yes! He was asleep, she could finally sneak down and get some food and water. She stealthily climbed down, landing on the deck like a cat. She crept down the stairs to the galley.
    She saw a loaf of bread on the counter. Perfect! She reached toward it.
    Without warning a hand grabbed her wrist. Someone spun her around to face him.
    Of course.
    “You know, for someone so stubborn, you lack subtlety. You’re very predictable.” James said.
    Rose attempted to stop on his foot, but he danced out of the way, keeping a hold on her wrist.
    He tsked, “You should learn when you are caught. Why don’t we talk in my cabin?”
    “I’m not going anywhere with you!”
    “You don’t have a choice,” He said, all merriment gone, “We are running out of time.”
    He pulled her up onto the deck, and across to his cabin. He shut the door behind them.
    “Sit down. We need to talk.”
    Rose sat down and eyed him warily.
    “What do you want with me?”
    He sighed, and leaned against his desk, “I’m sorry for being so rough with you, I just didn’t know how else to deal with you. You already know the truth about Pan. Don’t try to lie to me about that, I heard Pan telling his fairy to search for you, and that he didn’t care if she hurt you. Which means you found out; how did you find out?
    Rose took a deep breath, no point lying now, “I saw him kill Chief, a six-year-old lost boy. It was my fault. Peter found out that he was growing up, because I said he was growing out of his clothes. He stabbed him… it… it’s my fault.” She broke down in tears. Letting out the sobs she had been holding in for so long.
    James’s face softened, “Hey, no, don’t blame that on yourself. It’s not your fault, you didn’t know that he was a monster, you had no way of knowing, he’s devious. Trust me, I know.”
    Rose looked at him, wiping tears from her face, stifling sobs, “What?”
    “I was a lost boy, when I was seven, I came to the island, Peter was kind to me. I was an orphan on the streets, Peter invited me to live with him. Adventures, a warm home, mermaids, friends, it sounded like a paradise, so, naturally I went with him.
    “I lived the life of a lost boy until I was 8, another boy, Tiger, was also growing.” I was hunting in the forest with Tiger. We separated so we could sneak up on a rabbit. I was hiding near the hole, so I could grab it when it ran. Tiger’s job was to scare it, so it would run towards me. But when Tiger ran out, an arrow hit him in the throat. Then, Peter landed in front of him, the rabbit ran past me, but I didn’t care.
    “Peter killed him, and he was going to kill me next, but since Tiger and I weren’t supposed to be hunting together that day, he thought I was on the other side of the island, so I didn’t die. I ran and hid. Throughout the years, I’ve collected other lost boys. We’ve made a crew.”
    Rose was stunned, “What about the boys you make walk the plank, there’s no excuse for that.”
    “Ah, but there is, have you noticed that we always have them walk the plank in the same spot? Near Skull Rock is a portal back to earth. We send the boys home. Those who wish to stay, because they feel they have no life back on earth anymore, join our crew. Our mission is to stop Pan.”
    Rose was stunned, but the story made sense. Why the only one they ever seemed to want to kill was Peter, why they only kidnapped lost boys, and didn’t kill them in battle.
    “How can I know you’re telling the truth?” She asked.
    “There’s no way to prove my words short term. You’ll just have to trust me. Now, here’s the real question: Do you want to go home, or do you want to sail with us?”
    Rose took a deep breath, “Can I think about it? Please?”
    James smiled gently, “Of course, you’ve had a long day, we have a spare cabin, would you like to sleep there?”
    “Yes, please, but first, can I eat?”


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    “Oh, yes, of course, where are my manners! I’m afraid Cook is asleep, so we can’t get you anything particularly fancy, but I’m sure I can find something, wait here. Drink this while I’m gone.”
    He unhooked a canteen from his belt and handed it to her. “I want that to be gone before I come back, you haven’t had much to drink in the past two days, have you? Thought not, drink all of the water in there.” He then left the cabin.
    Rose unscrewed the cap from the canteen. She sniffed the contents, smelled normal. She poured a drop onto her tongue. Heavenly! After two days without water, it felt as though she was drinking from a mountain spring, despite the water being room temperature, with a metallic taste. She drank the entire canteen in no time. She was just drinking the last few drops when the pirate captain came back with a basket full of food.
    “Hey, are you feeling better? I hope so. I brought food.”
    He started setting cheese, bread, apples, grapes, and some dried meat on his desk. He placed some of each on a tin plate and handed it to Rose Whitlock.
    Rose ate it all, she didn’t care about the toughness of the meat, or the staleness of the bread. That’s what hunger will do to you. It will make the saddest meal in the world taste like a king’s feast.
    James laughed, “Wow, you really wanted that, huh?”
    Rose rolled her eyes, and wiped her lips, “Give me a break, I haven’t eaten in two days.”
    “We have plenty would you like some more?” James asked, as he sat down at his desk, across from Rose.
    Rose remembered her manners, “Yes, thank you.”
    He filled her plate again, but instead of walking over and handing it to her, he set it on his desk.
    “I don’t bite, I promise. Come sit with me, we can eat together.”
    Rose scooted her seat away from the wall till it was at the desk. She then started eating more slowly. Taking her time to savor every bite, and observe her meal companion, who was filling a plate of his own. His dark hair was wavy, and a few locks had fallen out of his ponytail. He had various scars, on his face and hands. He wore a brown leather coat that was long, along with a white shirt, and black pants. He had been wearing a brown leather hat, but he had taken it off. He had multiple scars on his arms.
    He noticed her staring and glanced at his arm. “Oh, Pan absolutely hates me, and wants to punish me for escaping, so every time we meet, he tries to cut off my hands. He thinks it would be a fitting punishment.”
    “That’s horrible. I’m still trying to process what I saw yesterday. Until then, I thought Peter was a good person.”
    “We all thought that. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” He said, furrowing his brow. “Maybe you should get some rest, are you all done eating?
    Rose wiped her mouth, “Yes, thank you. But why are you being kind to me?”
    He smiled, “Why wouldn’t I be, you’re just as lost and confused as I once was, I wish that I had a kind and friendly face when it happened to me.”
    They walked out of the captain’s cabin, and onto the deck. A large swell rocked the boat as they walked out. Causing Rose to stumble. James caught her.
    “You just can’t help falling all over me, can you?”
    Rose pulled away uncomfortably.
    James laughed, “Sorry, couldn’t help making a joke. But to be serious, I’ll always catch you when you fall. Since you seem to do that a lot.”
    “I’m tired, where is my cabin?” She asked quickly.
    James led her to a door behind the helm. “These are your quarters. Try to rest.”
    “Thank you.”
    He left, shutting the door.
    Rose looked around the tiny room. There was barely enough room to stretch her arms across the space. There was a small bed that took half of the room. She suddenly felt so tired. It had been a very long two days. Her head pounded from the chloroform, and she needed some rest. She lay down and almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep.


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    The Next Morning
    When Rose woke up the next morning there was a white short sleeved shirt, some black pants, and a belt on her bed. Wonderful! Fresh clothes, her nightgown which she had been wearing for the past year, was ripped and dirty. Although it would feel strange to wear pants.
    Once she had changed, she emerged from the cabin. The deck was ablaze with activity. She made eye contact with James as he was issuing orders. He smiled at her and motioned for her to wait there. She did since she could go nowhere else.
    Once he had finished giving his orders, he made his way over to her.
    “I’m glad to see you awake. Did you sleep well?”
    “I did, thank you.”
    “I’m glad, why don’t we go up to the crow’s nest and talk.”
    “Why not?”
    James gestured for her to climb first. After she got about 10 feet up, he climbed after her.
    “Don’t worry, I’m here if you fall!”
    Rose rolled her eyes. “I won’t fall, I fall once, and you don’t let me forget it.”
    James Thatcher laughed, “How could I let you forget something like that?”
    Rose reached the top and climbed into the crow’s nest. She turned and helped James up.
    “Alright, what did you want to say.”
    “I need to know your decision. We can’t protect you against Pan unless you join our crew. So, we need you to make a decision, he isn’t stupid, he’ll find out you’re here. Are you going to go back to earth, or are you going to stay here and join our crew?”
    Rose thought, she could go home. She could have her old life back. She could find Lucille and resume their friendship. She missed her parents, she missed London.
    But… she thought of Chief’s face as the knife was buried in his abdomen. Could she really abandon Smiley, and the other boys to the same fate? Could she allow Peter to kidnap more innocent children? No. She couldn’t leave them.
    “I’ll stay, I’ll become part of the crew. I’ll save them.”
    James smiled at her, but then his smile disappeared as he looked behind her. She spun around just in time to see Pan slash a knife across her cheek. She screamed and fell out of the crow’s nest, but James caught her wrist.
    She would have died right then, vulnerable, hanging from the crow’s nest, but one of the pirates pulled out a pistol and shot at Peter, so he flew away.
    But not before throwing out a parting remark, “Don’t think that this is the end Rose. You will die, slowly. Trust me.”
    James started pulling her back up, but he was having a difficult time.
    “Rose---Rose don’t look down. Look at me. It’s okay. I’ve got you, like I said, I’ll always catch you.”
    When he pulled her over the edge of the crow’s nest, he saw Rose’s pale face, and saw she was shaking, she was going into shock.
    He pulled Rose into an embrace, “Hey, you’re okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you, it’s okay.”
    He held her out so he could observe the slash on her face, it was deep and needed immediate attention.
    “Rose, do you think you can climb down from the crow’s nest?”
    Rose couldn’t speak, but she shook her head, there was no way.
    “Okay, I’m going to turn around. I need you to wrap your arms around my neck and don’t let go, okay? Do you think you can do that for me?”
    Rose nodded.
    When she wrapped her arms around his neck, James started to descend.
    He continued to talk to her as he climbed down.
    “Rose, I’m right here, okay, I won’t let you fall. Just don’t let go.”
    After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the deck.
    James turned and embraced the trembling girl. “Hey, you did it, it’s okay, now let’s take care of the cut on your face okay?”
    Rose nodded, “Okay.” She said in a very small voice.
    James led her to a stool one of the men got out and she sat down. One of the men used some rum to sanitize the area, James let her squeeze his hand while Smee sewed up the deep slash in her face.
    After he was done, she stayed on the stool, taking deep breathes. Eventually, she was able to calm her breathing, and slow her racing heart. James hadn’t left her side the entire time.


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    She looked at him, “Thank you.”
    James smiled, “You just can’t seem to stop getting in trouble, I only met you yesterday, and I’ve already saved you twice. How did you ever get by without me?”
    Rose laughed, mostly as a stress reliever, “I don’t know, but I think I should stick with you from now on.”
    James smiled, “I think that’s probably a good idea.”
    Rose’s Birthday; One Year Later
    “Happy birthday, Rose!” Smee handed her a clumsily wrapped present. His light blue eyes filling with excitement. They were having a small party down in the galley of the ship. “Go on, open it!”
    Rose laughed, “Okay, okay!” She tore the paper and string away to reveal an old pair of socks.
    Smee started laughing, “Gotcha!”
    Rose laughed, “Good one, Smee!”
    She had seen many such gifts, but some sweet ones as well.
    Smiley had given her a bowl that he carved, with an angel on the outside, “That’s you!” he said with a giant smile.
    Ace had given her a thin leather cord to use to tie her very curly dark hair back.
    As she laughed, she locked eyes with James.
    Her stomach jumped. Over the last year, she had developed feelings for him. His roguish smile turned her stomach to butterflies, as if she had pixie dust and she was flying. His green eyes sent lightning through her. She also loved how kind he was. He was very gentle with the boys who the pirates rescued. He helped them feel comfortable. Hugging them, being gentle and kind, and offering food.
    He gestured that she should join him on the deck, then disappeared up the stairs.
    Rose excused herself from the group of loud pirates and made her way up the stairs. When she reached the top, she looked around, and noticed him standing at starboard.
    He turned and gave her that smile that made her heart melt. “Hey.”
    “Did you need something?” Rose asked.
    “I just wanted to give you your present.” He said, “Close your eyes, and turn around.”


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    Rose did, and she felt him fasten the chain of a necklace around her neck.
    “Keep them closed.” James said.
    She heard him walk in front of her.
    Then his lips were on hers.
    Her eyes opened in astonishment, but she closed them, and wrapped her arms around his neck, and returned the kiss.
    He drew back, startled, “I didn’t think you felt the same way about me.”
    Rose smiled, “Of course, like you said a year ago, I can’t help falling for you.”
    James returned the smile, “and I’ll always catch you.”
    He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her once more.

    Later That Night
    Rose and James climbed to the crow’s nest. They stared out at the ocean.
    Rose took a deep breath of the salty air, “It’s beautiful.”
    “You’re beautiful,” James said, staring at her, “And kinda crazy.”
    Rose punched him in the arm, “And why is that?”
    James winced and rubbed his arm, “Ouch! I just meant you’d have to be to fall for me.”
    “Do you remember the first time we were up here together? When I decided to be part of the crew?”
    “Hmmm…. No, I forgot, that day was so forgettable, what with you almost dying, and all.”
    “I really thought I was going to die that day.”
    “Take a closer look at that locket.”
    Rose held the circular gold locket in her hands.
    “Open it.”
    She pried it open with her fingernails. There was a tiny inscription inside.
    Rose Whitlock, I James Thatcher, love you forever, and I would give my life for you. I promise, if you fall, I will catch you.
    Rose smiled. James held her face in his hands, his thumb rubbing the scar that ran across her right cheek. Then he kissed her, a short, sweet kiss.
    And just like on that day, she started crying.
    “Oh no, Rose, did I do something wrong? Rose?”
    “No, it’s just that this night is so perfect, and I know that it will have to end.”
    “Yes, it will have to end, but let’s enjoy it right now.”
    So, they did, they sat in the crow’s nest, leaning against each other, watching the stars.
    Rose eventually fell asleep, so James let her use his lap as a pillow and took off his coat and placed it over her.
    He moved a lock of hair off her forehead and kissed it.
    “Goodnight, Rose Whitlock.”


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    2 Years Later
    19-year-old Rose had been with the pirates for three years, and in Neverland for four years. It was Rose’s turn for watch. Wearing a black long sleeve shirt, and a pair of brown pants, she was to watch for any sign of Pan or Lost Boy activity.
    Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind, she yelped, grabbed a hand and flipped the attacker over her shoulder.
    “Ouch… remind me never to do that ever again.”
    “James! I am so sorry!”
    “Nope, my fault, good job reacting quickly, if you tried that on Pan, maybe he’d leave for good!”
    Rose laughed, and helped her boyfriend up, “If only it were that easy!”
    “How’s watch going?”
    “Uneventful, why do I always get the boring shifts?”
    “It’s because you’re so scary, nothing dares start trouble when you’re on watch.”
    “Oh really?”
    “Oh, yeah, even I’m scared of you, and I’m in love with you!”
    Rose tried to punch James, but he caught her hand, and kissed her knuckles. “You know you love me; you wouldn’t hurt me.”
    “Oh yeah? Watch me!” She lunged towards him, he wrapped his arms around her, slung her over his shoulder, and started running around the deck.
    “James Henry Thatcher! You’ll regret this!” Rose yelled, laughing.
    “Who will make me regret it? You? It seems like you would have a hard time doing that right now.”
    “I’ll put cuttlefish in your bed, in the morning! You won’t know they’re there until night, so they’ll have time to get nice and stinky!”
    “Ooooh, seems like you need to cool off, Ms. Rose Marie Whitlock!” Said James. Holding on to Rose firmly, he started leaning backward over the water.
    “You wouldn’t dare!”
    “You’re right, I wouldn’t…Oh wait, oh no! I’m losing my balance; I think we’re both about to take a swim. Oh no!”
    He deliberately leaned backwards all the way, and they both fell into the water.
    When they both surfaced, Rose splashed James with water, “James Thatcher, you are impossible!”
    “And yet, you love me!” He laughed, splashing her back.
    She splashed back, soon they were in a splashing battle.
    “Man overboard!” They heard called from the ship.
    They both burst out laughing as the light of Ace’s lantern shone on them.
    “Sorry Ace, we decided to go for a swim, would you lower the ladder?” James said, through his laughter.
    “Yes, sir!” Ace lowered a rope ladder, Rose and James swam over to it and climbed up to the deck.


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    They knew they must look crazy, dripping wet, and unable to stop laughing, but they couldn’t stop. Looking at one another made it worse. While Ace stood in front of them looking confused. Which made them laugh even more.
    “Ace…would…you…take over…watch…for…Rose please? He said, still laughing.
    “Yes sir!”
    “Let’s… get…changed.” James wheezed.
    Rose was laughing too hard to say anything, so she just nodded, and walked to her cabin, while James went to his.
    Rose changed into a cream colored, long sleeved shirt, and grey pants, and elected for no shoes. After wringing out her wet hair, she used a leather cord to tie it up into a bun on top of her head.
    When she walked out of her cabin, James wasn’t out of his cabin yet, so she sat on the rail in front of the helm, and waited, shivering a little as droplets from her hair made their way down her back.
    “I’m behind you, don’t murder me, please!”
    Rose rolled her eyes, and turned to James, who was standing behind her. He was wearing his hair loose, with a loose white shirt, and his usual black pants, he also was barefoot.
    “Let’s go to my cabin, I want to talk to you.”
    He took her hand, and they walked together. When they reached his cabin, he opened the door for her, and bowed, dramatically. Rose giggled.
    She walked through the door, and gasped, his cabin was completely decorated with roses, and there was a candlelit dinner at his desk. She turned to James Thatcher. He walked past her and pulled out a chair.
    “Would you like to eat with me?”
    Rose smiled, and walked towards him, “Of course, I would love to.”
    She sat down, and he pushed the chair in. “So, what’s the occasion?”
    “Does there need to be a special occasion for me to do something for you?”
    “Fair point, but this is a little much for just a random surprise.”
    “Just be patient.” He laughed.
    They dined on a roast boar, with sides of cheese, bread, and grapes. When cook brought a dessert of chilled berries with cream, James seemed to get nervous.
    “What’s wrong?” Rose asked.
    “Remember how I told you I loved you and I would die for you?”


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    “Yes.” Rose said, staring at him incredulously.
    “I meant that, but…ack, why is this so hard…but what if I told you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you?”
    He got down on one knee, and pulled out a ring with and emerald, the same color as his eyes.
    “Rose Marie Whitlock, would you like to become Rose Marie Thatcher? I promise to love you forever, and catch you when you fall, I promise to always take care of you. Will you marry me?”
    Rose stared at him, tears filling her eyes, a smile taking over her face, “Yes! Yes! Yes! James Thatcher, I love you, yes!”
    He placed the ring on her left ring finger, then he jumped up, buried his hands in her hair and kissed her, as she kissed him, it seemed as if the entire world was focused on that kiss. Then they walked out of the cabin, huge smiles on their faces.
    Then James scooped Rose up into his arms, spinning around the deck, both of them laughing. They danced for a while, then climbed up into the crow’s nest and watched the stars. Rose felt she would never be able to sleep. But she did, her head on James’s shoulder, and his head on hers.


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    The Next Day
    Smiley climbed the crow’s nest early in the morning. “I’m so sorry captain, but there’s important news. A lost boy is growing up. Right now, he is picking fruit on Rainbow Cliff. It’s an opportunity that would be a sin to miss.”
    Rose and James stood up, “Thank you, Smiley, set sail for Rainbow Cliff, we need the element of surprise, we’ll come up from under him.”
    “Yes, sir!”
    Rose stretched, “Please tell me last night wasn’t a dream.”
    James smiled and kissed her, “Look on your left hand.”
    She looked down and saw the emerald ring and felt the same thrill as when he first proposed. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She was so excited to spend her life with him.
    “Now what do you say we go save that little boy, then get married.”
    “Today? Moving a little fast, aren’t we?”
    James laughed, “I’ve waited three years to marry you, I don’t want to wait any longer.”
    “I guess I can’t argue with that reasoning!” Rose laughed, before climbing down the rope ladder.
    James shook his head, chuckling, and climbed down after her.
    They were sailing swiftly for the cliff. When they were close, James turned to his crew, “We need a volunteer to scale the cliff and grab the child. Is there anyone willing?”
    No one stepped forward.
    “I will!” Rose said.
    James turned to her, “No, Rose that’s unacceptable.”
    “Because I can’t lose you, we’re supposed to be married today.”
    “We can’t lose anyone. I’m a member of the crew, what right do I have to ask others to risk their lives, but not risk my own. It’s not right!”
    “And you think it’s right that you are going against me?”
    “I’m not going against you! I’m just trying to save a child’s life. What’s the difference between this mission, and the others you let me go on?”
    “On those mission’s I could be with you, to protect you! I can’t if you go on this mission.”
    “I don’t need protection! I can take care of myself!”
    “Rose, as your captain, my answer is no!”
    “Oh, as my captain is it? Really? You’re pulling that card with me? You’re fiancée?”
    “I thought you were just like any member of the crew! I guess not, if you don’t follow my orders! The answer is no, and that’s final!”
    He stalked off to his cabin, slamming the door.
    The crew stared at Rose, as she let out a frustrated scream, and stormed off to her cabin.


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    She changed her clothes to a blue off the shoulder tunic, and black pants, her boots were also black. She kept her hair in the bun on top of her head, she didn’t bother fixing the curls that had escaped the bun.
    When she emerged from her cabin, she took a deep breath, then walked to James’s cabin. Knocking hesitantly on the door.
    Quietly she said, “James, we need to talk. Please… I’m going no matter what, but you’re going to regret us not making up before I go. Don’t make me go with us being angry with each other. Please…… I love you.”
    His door opened, his eyes were red, he looked at her for a moment, “Rose…Rose, please don’t go, if you get hurt, I’ll never forgive myself.” He enveloped her in an embrace, “I’m sorry.” He said, in a quiet voice in her ear. She wholeheartedly returned the embrace.
    “Thank you… I didn’t want to leave with us not made up.” They went into his cabin, and sat on his bed, holding hands. “I’m sorry, I just can’t let anyone go on good conscience, you know I’m the best climber. I’m the only one who could pull off this mission.”
    He placed a hand on her face, his thumb brushing against her scar. “Is there anything I could say to change your mind?”
    “No, I’m sorry, but this is something that I need to do.”
    “He lifted her chin and kissed her gently. “Then I suppose I can’t stop you.”
    She wrapped her arms around his neck, and let her fingers get tangled in his long hair, then she kissed him, long and lovingly.
    Then she stood, “It’s time to go, I’m sorry, I’ll be right back with the little boy, and then we’ll get married, sound good?” She asked, holding out her hand.
    He smiled a brittle smile, took her hand, and stood. “Sounds wonderful to me!”
    When they walked out of the cabin, the crew watched them carefully. James took a deep breath, “Rose will be performing the retrieval. Then, after that, prepare for a wedding ceremony, Rose and I are going to be married this afternoon.”
    The pirates let out a sigh of relief. Then started preparations. They knew that Rainbow Cliff was a popular spot for lost boys, so a rope was already tied. The pirates lifted a stick and dislodged the rope, it swung down and thudded onto the deck, just in front of the helm. Rose started to walk toward it with purpose.
    “Rose, wait!” James cried, grabbing her hand, he swung her around into a kiss, “Rose, please return from this mission, you can’t leave me at the altar.”
    Rose placed a hand on his cheek, “I promise.”


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    Y'all are gonna hate me:
    Then she walked to the rope and started climbing. But when she was halfway up, she realized something was wrong. There was a sound like the tinkling of bells.
    Oh no.
    She looked down to see Tinkerbell laughing. She had tied the rope securely to Rose’s ankle. Rose decided to keep climbing, she couldn’t untie it while climbing. But after she had gone another 30 feet, without warning, Pan lowered to her eye level, laughing.
    “Rose! How nice to see you! You look lovely, oh, wait, there seems to be a nasty mark on your face, what happened?” He asked with a nasty grin.
    Rose said nothing. Only watched him warily, clinging to the rope.
    “What? No words for your old friend? No hello? No Peter it’s nice to see you?”
    “I have nothing to say to someone who murders children.” Rose said calmy, even as her insides turned to ice, and a pit filled with dread opened in her stomach.
    “I’m disappointed in you Rose, you’re a grown-up now…… Wait, oh this is too good, is that an engagement ring? You’re engaged to a pirate, who’s the unfortunate man? Wait, don’t tell me; it’s the pirate captain isn’t it? Oh, this is perfect!
    “You know, Rose, you’re in quite a precarious position here, it would be quite a shame if you just… fell.”
    He pulled a dagger out and slashed at her hands.
    Rose cried out, and involuntarily let go of the rope.
    She started to fall, but then she felt a jarring pain in her ankle, as the rope caught her.
    “Thank goodness Tink thought to tie that rope around your ankle!” Pan said, feigning relief, “That fall would kill you for sure! And I’m not done with you yet!”
    Rose tried to reach for the rope behind her, so she could pull herself right side up. But Pan darted forward and slashed her palms. Now her hands were covered in blood, they hurt so badly she couldn’t grip the rope.
    He tsked, “We can’t have you getting away that easily. I need Captain Thatcher to see you. And I promised you, you would die slowly.” He flew up to her leg and slashed a deep cut in her calf.
    “Captain Thatcher! I’m hurting your precious ladylove!” Peter called down.

    From the ship, James was watching the scene from a spyglass. “No, no, no!” He slammed his fist on the rail. He felt so helpless, he couldn’t shoot at Pan for worry of hitting Rose.” But she was getting hurt! This is what he was afraid of! But he couldn’t do anything. Only watch through his spyglass.

    Up on the rope, Rose was now covered in cuts. Pan was laughing.
    “Maybe you could come back with me! The boys miss you!” Peter said.
    “Yeah, and then you’ll gut me in the woods, right?”
    Peter shrugged, “I can’t promise anything, after all, you broke the rules, you grew up!”


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    “The rules you made up! So, you could kill innocent boys!”
    “Wrong! The boys died in tragic accidents. Just like you will be.”
    He pressed the knife, wet with Rose’s blood, to the rope, it started to fray, suddenly struggling to hold Rose’s weight.
    “Maybe you could go home, stop annoying me! Now there’s an idea!”
    “Not a chance!”
    “Well, that’s too bad! Goodbye Rose.”
    Then Pan slashed the rope.
    It seemed to Rose that she fell at hyper speed, and in slow motion at the same time.
    As she started to fall, she looked into Pan’s eyes, maybe for an ounce of regret, but she only saw unshielded glee.
    She crashed down onto the ship’s deck, boards splintering underneath her, but not completely breaking. She lay there paralyzed, broken, breathing shallowly, dying.
    “Rose! No,no,no,no,no,no, Rose, please!” James ran towards her, kneeling next to her.
    He cradled her in his arms, “Rose, speak to me! Say something, anything!”
    She weakly opened her eyes. She touched his cheek with a bloodied hand.
    “I…I…love…you…James Thatcher.”
    He put his hand over hers, tears filling his eyes, “I love you too, Rose Whitlock.”
    She coughed up blood, so much blood.
    Then she started convulsing.
    “No! Please! Rose, I can’t do this without you! Rose!”
    He held her till she fell still.
    “Rose, say something, anything, tell me you’ll put cuttlefish in my bed. Tell me you love me. Tell me you hate me, I don’t care, just say something.”
    Rose’s blank eyes stared, lifeless. Her lips stayed still, heedless of James’s pleading.
    James’s shoulders heaved, as he held the body of the only girl he ever loved, the girl he was supposed to marry that day. The girl he failed to catch when she fell. The girl who now lay dead in his arms.
    James threw his head back and let out a scream as if his soul were being torn from his body. And it had been, Rose had been his heart and soul. Now she was gone.
    He stayed there for a long time, sobbing, cradling Rose’s body. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Rose, I should have caught you, I promised to catch you.”
    Eventually, his sobs quieted, he closed her eyes, and gently, lovingly lay her down on the deck.
    Then he turned to face his crew. They stood frozen with shock, trying to comprehend the horror that had unfolded in front of them.
    “She……. I……. her last wish was for us to continue in the mission, we will honor that wish. Now we do it for Rose.”
    He looked up to see Pan observing the scene.
    “And I promise, I will not rest until Pan is dead.”
    The End



    Me (4): Hi
    My mom's friend's son( Jason): B@#$%
    Me: Boyfriend
    Jason: NOPE
    Me to Mom: Jason no want my love nor affection.



    You knew you weren’t kidding yourself…and yet…you couldn’t help but wonder. Were you just telling yourself you liked her?
    Was it real?
    The only certainty was that she would never feel the same way about you.
    And so, you helped her with her guy problems.
    You agreed that all guys were jerks, then the next day listened to her talk about how sweet her newest crush was.
    You held her hand in debate rounds.
    You cuddled with her while watching a movie, all alone on her couch in the dark.
    You borrowed her shirts, and vice versa.
    You always told her she looked good, especially when she tried something new.
    You baked with her.
    You went shopping with her.
    You told her almost everything, with this being the exception.
    You lent her books.
    She helped you when you were having a breakdown.
    You held her board for her so she could practice kicks.
    You watched her staff form over and over again.
    You endured her suggesting guys you could date.
    She told you she loved you.
    You said it back.
    You walked to the store with her.
    You’re pretty sure people thought you were a couple.
    You walked in the rain with her.
    You snuck out of the house with her.
    You listened to music together.
    You shared drinks, and food, and one time, a mask, but that’s a long story.
    You tell her about your stresses, but not the only real important one, and your successes, though the one you wanted most you hid.
    She taught you.
    You taught her.
    You went to Six Flags together.
    You told an employee to “surprise us” and got a weird mix of soft drinks.
    You, laughing, told her if you died on that rollercoaster, she should know you loved her.
    You laugh a lot when you’re around her.
    You share inside jokes.
    You realize you don’t need inside jokes. Your relationship goes deeper than that.
    She leans on you when she could have chosen anyone else.
    She teases you.
    You tease back, sometimes, but you hate the thought of her taking it the wrong way, and goodness knows she needs no more insecurities.
    You assure her you’re fine.
    You listen to her tell the same stories you’ve heard so many times before.
    You dance together.
    You sing together.
    You listen to her tell you that she is and always will be
    You cry when she isn’t looking at you.
    She tells you she’s never seen you cry. You’re good at hiding.
    She crushes on your brother.
    You want her to be crushing on you.
    You both lament your lack of first kisses, even at ages 14 and 15.
    You wonder what it would be like to kiss her…
    You’re lonely.
    You begin to wish, at 11:11 pm, as is proper, for somebody else to love.
    You wish to forget her.
    You wish for things to be as they were before you realized just what she was to you.
    You tell her you might like a guy, but you’re going to let it sit for a while.
    You don’t like him.
    And you give up.
    You never tell her about your feelings.
    And then you sit down and write this.



    Once upon a time, there was a nerdy girl, named Mel. She was always a very quiet kid in elementray school, so while she did have friends, they were not the very closest of friends. In middle school, she switches to the other part of the district, and there she meets so many friends that bring out her amazing and weird personality, and she would trust all of those friends with her life. About three months in, she develops a crush on a guy. Her and the guy eventually become friends, and even though he knows that she likes him, he doesn't like anybody, and so they stay friends. In december of 7th grade, the girl realizes something about herself. She's Bi! she figured it out when she realized she had a crush on one of her best friends. Said best friend was dating a guy, but he was kinda toxic, and eventually they break up, near the end of february. The guy says one thing before they break up. "I don't care who you date, as long as you don't date girls." By now this best friend knows i like her, and so the next day, i ask her out (MEGA CRINGE but anyways), she says yes and we start dating. I tell my sis and she's happy for me. Unfortuanately for me and my happily ever after, she also tends to not think before she speaks, so later in the car, she asks me very loudly in front of my mom, "So, are you going to tell her?" "NO, {sis}, I wasn't going to tell her." then my mom asks what, and i couldnt think of a lie quickly enough, so she finds out. Both my parents are homophobic, so uh, i had to move schools, and slowly lost touch with all my friends, except one, a different one not mentioned in the story. Happily never after.



    Once there was an ugly girl who fell in love with a man way out if her league, she new he liked her but in a flash a hot blonde stole him. She was sad but her friends said it was for the best so they went out and partied instead


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    I looked up. I had arrived at the beautiful shimmering castle. The white, blinding lights greeted me as I entered. Shamens in blue aprons introduced me to their master. One in particular, by the name of “phil” caught my eye. He was a BABE. he told me the palace was called krõgër. Phils oversized eyes stared at me through his inch thick glasses. We met gazes. He made a move forward... so did I. While I was swooping in though, I noticed another hawt thang. Póptàrts. What a name. I stepped over the dirty tile, a sign of how weathered and old the palace was. I couldnt choose between them... poptarts and I met gazes... his crunchy, hard outside protected his soft sweet inside... the suit of silver he was wearing, was so fine, I stopped breathing for a minute. I swept his frosting. I cant choose.. PART TWO. forced to chose between these babes, I went home and turned on netflix. *sigh* I CANT CHOSE OH MY GAWDNESS. HELP MEEEEEEEEE. PHIL IS SOOOO HOT. BUT POPTART IS CALLING MY NAME WITH THOSE EYES. those eyes I tell you. *corny romance song plays* im inviting both the guys over...I heard a knock at my door.. I opened it to see phil. Well, see his bald head. Hes really short. “Hey phil”, I said. Wheres poptart? “OH THAT OTHER GUY”, said phil.”HE WENT WELL WITH MY GRUBHUB. *gasp* gasp* gasp* phil.... HOW COULD YOU.... PHILLLLLLLLLLL.
    thx guys this story is a reason why I got diagnosed with bipolar lol
