Hello! Tell a funny story from your trick-or-treating years. I know we all have a couple of gems! Halloween isn't all about horror, but also about fun and laughter.

My friend was alone on Halloween so she made this. Then she asked me how to spell Halloween—she initially wrote Howl-ween.


My trick or treating experience was a fun and scary one. One person who gave out stuff was this weird old lady. It started when she asked if we wanted to see something cool. We said yes and she said, and i quote, “I was cleaning out my fire pit and found this lepord slug.” This slug was 3 or 4 inches long, an dit was fat. Then she went inside to grab some trick or treat bags. We looked inside and there were 3 smartie packets and a pice of paper along with a mask with a owl on it. The paper had 14 cool owl facts for kids. That is my story!



    Ok, So I went to my mom's friend's house for Halloween. There we ate dinner and hung out, I was watching Hocus Pocus, my Lil' brother was playing with my mom's friend's daughter. My mom has this fantasy in her mind that my brother and her friend's daughter will marry each other when older. Anyways, so they were playing and zozo (that's her nickname) fell down, Cash (my Lil bro) came over to help her up, he gave her a hug and kissed her on the check. FR tho. It was so cute! I love seeing little kids hug!!!!!! Anyways that was funny and cute... so thanks for reading my post!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn't that so cute?! My sister got her first kiss on her first birthday. I know that feeling you had.

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    So me and my brothers were going trick-o-treating at my older brothers friends house so my two brothers and his went a different way then me and my mom so we were just trick-o-treating with my wagon cause I was 5 but a cop car stopped us so we thought he was just patrolling on Halloween but he stopped us and gave me 9 full sized candy bars to me that night was the funniest Halloween ever I hope you like my story.😋👻💀🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏼‍♀️



    So me and my best friend along with our younger siblings. We were walking back to their house when a man white a creepy mask and a chainsaw was walking towards us. I casually waved then we walked past. I noticed they started to slow their pace and my brother turned around and screamed, no. The chainsaw started and i whispered run. We sprinted 2 blocks and got away, but they came back. My friends dad is a prettty scary dud so he fixed them up, buT, THATS MY STORY.



    it was this years halloween, so i dressed up as light yagami ( death note ), me and my family went out for a dinner since it was my dads birthday. after that we went to the mall and me and my younger sister (who DIDNT dress up) went into hot topic, one of the workers there told me i would have made a GREAT gryffindor( i had a striped mostly red tie, some khaki pants and a white button up shirt ) and i said ¨öh no im light yagami from death note i just forgot my notebook in my car because i just didnt know to wear it¨ ( i just kept on thinking, how DO i wear a notebook????? ) and then another worker showed up looking interested and she told me ¨ aww, you couldve put your notebook on you belt ¨ and i nodded my head in agreement. a bit after that happened, another worker came up to me and said, ¨i thought you were spongebob¨, and i responded with ¨ yeah , ik i thought of that when i put it on too¨. i was just left in how people can mistake who you are just by the color of your tie...



    I was trick-or-treating with my friends and we went to a different neighborhood than usual and there was a big open field that separated a few houses. we decided to run across the field. I made it to the other side but then I heard screaming. when I turned around one of my friends was crawling out of a pond. it turns out that there was a pond that was covered in moss and she tried to run over it but fell in.



    So I went to my friends house to go get candy and spend the night and stuff but later we went to a friend of her parents house for a party. It was nice house but when we were leaving the little girl who lived there too wanted to show me her room so i followed her and she gave me the tour of her room when i heard my friend calling for me to leave i ran out and saw the women who lived there and she was yelling in a friendly way about butts and proceed to turn around and pull down her pants and I ran right out at that time! So ya.. lol



    My story is from the day before this Halloween. My sister (she'sfive) was so excited because a house gave her a full size candy bar. she comes running down the driveway, trips over her own feet and comes rolling down the driveway. I was laughing so hard that i fell over and my mom yelled at me. From that point on I called dibs on walking behind my sister, because she kept dropping candy!! Thats my story hope you enjoyed it!!!



    Not me, but one of my friends got diabetes the week before Halloween. I felt so bad for her.



    My parents threw a halloween party and me and my sister were there. My step dad got really drunk and put his cup of alcohol on the ground. My (recently passed) dog was trotting around and found that cup and started drinking out of it and he got drunk and was really tipsy and my sister and I were laughing so hard



    Last year, my costume was going to be very simple. I would spray paint my hair green, and write FAMILY on my shirt. I would be a "family tree'. I... really didn't care that year. Anyway, my mom go GLOW-IN-THE-DARK spray instead of green. So I had a glowing head once it got late.


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    Billy the kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    LOL. You didnt stand near any traffic lights did you? that would've caused some big accidents!

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    I was with my friends making smores, and my marshmallow caught fire and fell in the fire. I ate it an hour later. It was charcoal by then. #worthit



    Well, I didn't trick or treat, because according to my dad I am "too old" even though im a 7th grader and a lot of my friends were trick or treating and I didn't get to go with them :( anywayss, I spent the night at my friends house and we had a slumber party. Around 1 am, we decided to.. pRaNk CaLl! it was sooo funny! Only two people picked up tho ;-; (we called random numbers so we didn't actually know the two people who picked up)

    Anywaaayyyssss, (sorry this is kinda long lol) *me whispering into the microphone with a spooky voice* "its done..." *pause*
    "i have buried the body".. *pause* "i have you on gps.." *pause again lol* "you better have the money. or else..." then me and my friend waited a bit for their reaction and they said (wait for it) "i know it is a joke (insert my name). We go to school together (insert bad word lmao)"

    i dont know who we even called. o-o



    This is very, very brief, but once my family ran into an alpaca while trick or treating in a 0.3 square mile town. Thought it was sort of crazy.



    ok, so my brother was dressed as a clown, and we were trick-or-treating (we were like 8). This one house had a haunted trail thing in their front yard. We went in there, walked through it, and at the end you end up in this small area with a huge box of candy and some clown statues. So my brother is getting candy, and then sits down and waits for me to get done going through the trail. One of the people who lived at the house and were working on the trail came in where he was, said "When did we get this one? looks so real." and tried to move my brother, thinking he was a statue. My brother scared her so bad, she actually screamed. We got loads of candy from that house.



    Gather ‘round boys and girls, this is a spooky one! On a scary Halloween night, long long ago, I was out trick-or-treating with a group of friends. I was dressed as a banana obviously, because I was a strange child... Anyways, we were skipping down the streets gettin treats, then we saw a group of tHe pOpUlaR bOys frantically running towards us. We said hi, and they said “DONT GO UP TO THAT CLOWN HE TRIED TO CHASE US!!” I looked behind them, to find a clown I’m the distance, the streetlight beaming down on him like he was performing in an actual circus. He was doing the can-can while holding balloons, naturally. We avoided the clown lol but it was funny to see the pOPuLar bOyS get scared. Oh btw this was 2016, the clown year.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    During the 'clown year' in my neighborhood, there was this guy who was dressed like a harmless clown and he was handing out THREE full-sized candy bars to everybody people were terrified of him and when I went up to receive my prize (because he was harmless) everybody ran away and that Halloween rumors went around that a was killed by a clown. One mom even called the cops!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    It was the 70's and my sister and I would dress up as a girl band version of Kiss. We called ourselves Smooch. We went out to a nightclub and entered a Halloween costume contest. As we were leaving the stage, my friend was right behind me and hurriedly shuffling me off stage. I asked what was up. It seems my pants had split in the back and my friend was trying to save me some embarrassment. I ended up spending the rest of the night with a jacket tied at my waist.


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    I usually do a thing every halloween with a local theatre group where we do a fun/creepy dance outside of a haunted house. (sadly this year i couldn't do it) and every night after our dance closes we get to go through the haunted house during the 21 and older hours.


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    So, uh, apparently when I was 4 I went trick-or-treating as Mulan. We went to a house, and, to my horror, a lady was handing out VEGGIE STICKS as Halloween 'treats'. I stomped up to her, looked her in the eye, and yelled "THAT'S NOT CANDY! YOU SUCK!" And then a threw the basket of veggie straws onto the sidewalk. Fast forward 7 years and I had forgotten about the incident. I was a dragon. I went to a house, and coincidentally the same was lady sitting there, and she said "Oh! You've grown so much! I'm so sorry about the veggie straws, have a plush!" She was moving to a different state and had a huge bin of stuffed animals AND large sized Hershey's bars.


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    I went trick or treating with a group of friends and we stopped at one of their houses for a water break. My crush at the time (LOTS of drama went down too but im not gonna talk abt that) Looks over to the window. She goes "(Blank) what the HELL is that?" and my other friend goes "What are you talk- OH MY GOD IT HAS CLAWS!" And im standing in the kitchen chugging water So I didn't know what they were talking about. But then my friend who's house we were at goes "Oh you found Bertholomew!" and pulls back the curtain to reaveal a 5 foot tall Firby with claws. At this point I choked on the water. So basically it was a Firby that they made a super long body for. She goes "He even has a spine" and unzips the back of the firby monster and shows us like AN ACTUAL SPINE made from like clay. So yah by far the funniest moment. May I also mention that It was in the window in HER LIVING ROOM!!!!!!!!???!??!?!?


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    So this halloween my two friends and I were planning to go trick or treating and that didn't happen because of the massive hail storms so we played out in the lightning storm in our bra and undies. It was the best halloween ever except for the fact that the neighbour was watching us and then we went inside and played with the costume box and put on the craziest costumes and danced around.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I was out of town and was staying at this house. I heard music outside and walked out. There were people in the middle of the street, with their costumes on, blasting "Dancing Queen" from the car speakers. AND THEY WERE DANCING!!! IT WAS SO AWESOME!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    This was the day before Halloween but it has to do with Halloween. At my school we could wear our costumes and it was cosplay as Nishinoya from Haikyuu and I had walked into my homeroom and my teacher said "I like the raccoon on your head" referring to my wig and I felt kinda upset, but it's also kinda funny.


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    Couldn't find my cardigan for my costume, so I just wore a hoodie. THE CARDIGAN WAS IN THE LAUNDRY PILE.



    So this when I was 8 (I think!?!) So we where walking up to a house and then the Son of the owners house JUMPS OUT OF THE GARAGE I FALL AND START HAVING A NOOSEBLEED Btw the boy Was a SUUUPPER retaliating Zombie 🧟‍♂️ and Then the boy Gave me and my friends all the candy in the basket (witch was a lott) That’s my story Byeee!



    About 2 years ago, I was trick or treating with my friend and we had stayed out for quite some time, and we then just started to run around and goof off. Both of us are fans of Gorillaz, so we decided to sing Clint Eastwood as we were running down the street.

    Some time later, my friend was in that same neighbourhood when she heard people say "oh yeah there was like two girls who were singing something about Clint Eastwood, they were probably drunk lol"




    Not so much funny as pathetic but a coupe of years ago all of my friends went trick or treating together and didn't invite me. So I was stuck at my mums friends house and they hve a kid who is abut the same age as me and so I just sat there and watching him play xbox and so it got really quiet for a little like even the adults upsatirs were quieter and so I put this creepy lullabye on like really quiet so that you could only just hear it and then started to get tense and then ome trick or treaters came by and knocked on the door and he freaken jumped out of his skin and screamed! it was so halirous....



    I didn't do anything :(


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    This Halloween, while my sisters and I were trick-or-treating, our political sign got stolen. My Mom was with me and my sisters and my dad went out to get more candy, so we weren't home. When we all got back the sign was gone and there was a beer bottle in our yard. Our sign said "Biden Harris 2020" and our neighbor has 2 Trump flags up. I can't really point fingers with no valid evidence, but lemme just say, politics are a sensitive subject. Be careful who you talk about it with. Lol otherwise, my Halloween was ok. :)



    2020 happened and nobody is trick or treating. SURPRISE! Anyways, Halloween is still getting shorter and shorter :(


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    Nothing really. I don't have any friends or anything and I'm too old to trick or treat but this Halloween I watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time.


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