Hey Pandas, Tell Me Your Favorite Word, Its Meaning, And Why You Like It
My favorite word is panini because it just sounds funny (btw it's like a sandwich but it's a panini)
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Antigodlin. It means lopsided. I love it because I kind of thought it was made up because my grand parents, great grand parents, etc. used it a lot and it just ran through the family but I never really heard it otherwise and it always cracks me up!
While cursing: Nincompoop and grasshole.
Nincompoop means a foolish or stupid person.
Grasshole is the cover-up for the A-hole word.
defenestrate - to throw someone or something out a window
"If you don't shut up right now I will defenestrate you."
Use it all the time. Best word ever
Are you throwing things and (god forbid) people out of windows all the time, or just threatening people with defenestration all the time?