Tell me the best April Fool's prank you’ve done to someone, received from someone, seen, or heard about!
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Not mine but my 2nd grade teacher
She passed around a newspaper clipping saying that an extremely rare bird escaped a zoo in Ecuador and flew north and was last seen around our school. You have never seen a class more dedicated to finding something.
April Fool's pranks were a tradition in my family, we worked at it when I was a kid. When I became a parent... my most elaborate and successful prank on my sons I started setting up 2 days before April 1. We live in Nature, they were engaged with that. Spring right? Boys just off the school bus, 11 and 9... "How was your day?" "usual..." "You know, I saw something flying over today, that seemed different... big, like a Great Blue Heron, maybe, but the sounds the 3 were making were nothing like any GBH. I thought - maybe- Sandhill Cranes? Would be so cool. But we've never seen any here..."
ok. 2 days later- boys get off bus, I wait until they are home- walk with them back out of our woods to where you can see across fields and.. "SHH!! --- LOOK ---- is that-- A CRANE??" I actually had a decoy of a Sandhill Crane- and had set it up- 100 yards away. I had those boys sneaking up on that decoy SO carefully- for 20 minutes... When 11 started to suspect, he didn't spill to 9 - but... hissed; "Dad!! is that..?" Smothered explosions. Me? "Guys!!! What DAY is this??? " April 1.
They've never gotten me back! Still waiting.
Respect for such a family - and even more respect for a trick that took such planning :-)
I bought a pack of 200 "micro-ducks" -- like rubber duckies, but plastic and only a quarter inch long. Put them everywhere -- bathroom sink, on top of the TV, over the microwave, in a car vent -- everywhere. Every half hour or so, either my wife or (adult) daughter would find some more ducks and start chuckling all over again. Lots of laughs, without anybody feeling "pranked".
Excellent, joke not *on* anyone, just a general chuckle that kept on giving. The best sort of jest!
While covering the Cold WarI in class, I pranked my students by setting the alarm on my phone and pretended to receive a call. Then I answered in mock Russian (I learned a couple of phrases) and ran away from the classroom.
Not me but my best friend in secondary school visited his Grandma dressed as the Grim Reaper. She nearly had a heart attack.
I poured confetti all over my 17 year old brother and ran
I said to my clueless little brother there was a zoo nearby (true) and that there was an elephant that escaped and told him it passed by our house and might come back. He has never left me alone for that long.
Every week for a year, I'd smuggle a rock home from the park, and store it in my underwear drawer. On April first, I moved a 50 rocks to my sisters bed, even underneath the bedspread.
The priest in my neighborhood told during mass he was at his sisters at the sea the day before and he got a LOT of fresh fish home. Everyone who wanted fish, should come to his house after mass with a bucket.
My daughter had always been mediocre in math. When the pandemic hit, and schools switched to remote learning, her math grades jumped. Much of this is due to her being able to function more within her comfort zone as a strong introvert, as in-school math classes nowadays are group efforts and extrovert oriented. Having gone from high 60's to mid 90's, this gave me an awesome opportunity. I scanned and printed an official envelope from the school board, complete with printed stamp and address. I also scanned the letterhead, and wrote my own text, with something to the effect of:
"Due to an unexpected number of students found cheating on tests and exams, those students with higher than average grade increased have been flagged as suspicious. This includes your final grades for your math course XXXXX. As such you will be expected to repeat this class during summer school under strict supervision... etc. "
This was signed by April F. Witz (Witz = joke in German)
I left it signed and sealed on her desk in my home office. she opened the letter, read it, total silence, and turned white as a ghost. Caught on a few minutes later when she saw the name. Not sure if I went too far with this one...
Haha I have a teacher who’s last name is Witz, I wonder if they know this
A news segment on a radio station reported that this year's neon crop was especially good.
This was FUNNY. This is a three prank day.
1. I put some saran wrap in my parent's doorway.
2. I changed both my parents ringtones to Rickroll and their alarms to John Cena.
3. THIS WAS THE HARDEST TO DO! I went to my dad's office, swapped EVERY letter to make it alphabetically (Hello would become itssg)
Don’t really do pranks, but one year I showed up to work wearing the engagement ring I inherited from my mom. I don’t really wear jewelry, so it was noticed quickly. Got lots of congrats, and to tell [insert friend’s name who was also a coworker] congrats on our engagement. Readers, I was very single, and had been for nearly 5 years. So anyway, said friend and I have been together for 13 years. Guess the joke was on me.
If you're now in a stable relationship then congratulations, you're a winner ! (unless your friend is a horse, and even then, these days, be happy...)
I put blue food coloring in a plastic non see though cup. My brother tried to get water in the cup, and FREAKED OUT! He thought I put food coloring in the source of the water, so it turned out pretty well.
Not me, but my sibling's entire class turned all the tables upside down, put the chairs on their backs, and just sat there. To say the teacher was unnerved would be an understatement (well, from what I hear).
Later, that same day, they tried to move the whiteboard out of their classroom into mine, but in the middle of their great move, the secretary walked by and was like 'what the hell', and they had to put it back.😂
Unfortunately, my class was/is very boring 😔
We had one student fall asleep in class, so he got cocooned in a mass of chairs and we all tiptoed out (including the teacher). Later he woke up and brought the lot down on himself; only slight bruising but I bet his heart rate hit the roof! That class was rarely boring, looking back I do wonder why he fell asleep. Hope it wasn't home problems.
Kind of a tradition at this point, but I always tape a tiny piece of paper underneath my dad’s computer mouse (it makes it stop working). I do it almost every year, and every year he falls for it.
Hilarious thing I learned: put words in someone’s mouth by stealing their unlocked iPhone whenever you get a chance!
Go to Settings-Keyboard-Shortcuts and take something innocent like, “hello” or your name into something hilarious/random/embarrassing!
Examples are: “I forgot” “cheese” “poop?” And “you are very gorgeous and charming”
Picture of where to go in Settings:
Did this with my friend 😂 hilarious results!
I got this prank from a magazine and I did this to my dad once.....
Put a piece of clear Sellotape on the part of the tap where the water comes out. When somebody washes their hands, the water will spray up and make them wet.
My company released the news that we were opening the UK's first sail through and were believed! Watch this space for the news that the boss actually thinks it's a good idea and does it!
Went in my husband's preference in the Word application and put in my name as a preference when he typed in the word doc his name. Went on for 3 months and he finally asked if anyone else was having that problem. Small but a nice trick
We took the keys out of my friends car when we were hiking out in the middle of nowhere and locked it. He thought he was locked out and it was 2 hours to the nearest town and we didn't have service. We let him walk a couple miles down the road and then picked him up with his car. You should have seen his face
Toothpaste Oreos, basically just replace the white stuff in the Oreos with white toothpaste
Rick Riordan posted on his instagram that he was retiring from writing after the next season of the show comes out, and I totally panicked before I saw the date!
Toothpaste Oreos, basically just replace the white stuff in the Oreos with white toothpaste
Rick Riordan posted on his instagram that he was retiring from writing after the next season of the show comes out, and I totally panicked before I saw the date!