Hey Pandas, Tell Me Something Funny You Saw Happening In The Background Of One Of Your TV Shows
I’ve seen funny moments in my fav shows in cobra Kai for example in the fighting scene on the last episode of season three where an extra crawls on top of somebody else because there’s no one else to fight.
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Well, it's not really a TV show per se, but I was watching a performance of "Rhapsody in Blue" by the Royal Academy Philharmonic orchestra. It's a concert piece that features a piano soloist through much of the piece.
Apparently, no one thought to tell the violinist seated behind the piano that he would be on camera for most of the piece. At one point, during one of the pianist's extended solo sections, he was caught by the camera picking his nose. Just picking, not tunneling, but it was still funny!
You can find it on YouTube. The performance is wonderful, a really robust and youthful performance.
One of my favorite episodes of M*A*S*H shows Radar mailing a Jeep home a few pieces at a time.
ok so im late but. ENCANTO. when surface pressure was playing, in the pink cloud part, you could see mirabelle struggling to put on her glasses which were floating away and when she was struggling to get up on the donkey unicorn thing. yey