I want you to tell me about yourself. What do you like to do, your hobbies, your job, your family, anything you feel like sharing!


I'm 12 and autistic I love my little pony and my hero academia I'm new on this and I dont know how to make an ask pandas but I think that collecting lol surprise dolls Is fine and i dont care whether or not people make fun of me i just imagine a horrible death for bullies and bad people to cope with hurt feelings
I have wanted to commit suicide because my ex boyfriend believed horrible rumors about me spreading rumors I dont know who was spreading them but I have a feeling it was the only other person who knew some stuff about him that he had only told his closest friends
I have been quite lonely this year ever since covid came around the worst part is my b-day party was the day quarantine started



    14, Female, bisexual. I live in Philadelphia (germantown), but i was born and raised in berlin. I have a brother and a baby sister. I have ADHD, DID, depression, and anxiety. I have a 2 year old daughter, though she was the product of a rape so she got adopted, but i still see her and communicate with her adoptive mom. I have two dogs


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    omg im so so so sorry that something that horrible happened to you!!!! i hope the person that did that to you got arrested. again I'm so so so sorry, that is horrible and it makes me really sad that it happened to you. i hope you are better now <3

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    i'm a lazy bisexual 11 yr old who watches to much youtube, my hero acadamia, avatar, and- well you get the picture. I used to love being around people and talking to them, but after quarantine i'm scared of all of that, idk why but i feel like people are constantly judging what i do and how i look. i have no siblings, but i have a dog, though when i grow up i'm gonna get: two dogs, a cat, a mouse, and a ferret. i absolutely love talking with my friends and being around them.



    well hello there- im 13 years old- im lesbian... (or bi idk) uhhhh i live in a state filled with ugly ass corn. i have green eyes and blondish brownish hair (idkkk) uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have a doggo. my parents are divorced. my two other siblings are on here (@Catnip @Strongsquidward) annndd im the oldest at my moms house but my older sister at my dads house is in college and moved out. uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im dating my best friennddd lmaooo. annddd IDK. if you have question feel free to askkk idkk lmaoo



    I'm 11, ace and i live with my mom and 2 older brothers, my grandma died of a brain tumor on sunday and yesterday i just found out that my dad, who i see weekly (my parents split when i was 6) was cheating on my mom when they were still together.


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    Black Panther
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad also used to cheat and have s** with ladies he also tried to rape our maid

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    Angie, 63 & single (divorced) by choice. Banker and hoping to retire in 2 years. 2nd oldest of 4 kids to a single mother. Zoe is my black 55 pound shepherd mix. I sew and make jewelry; mostly beading. Of Hispanic decent, divorced with no children also by choice. One of the things I miss due to the pandemic is going to the movies. Purchased my one and only home at the age of 52 and very grateful for it otherwise I don't think I could afford the rents in California. Love the smell and sounds of the ocean. Love the sounds of children/babies laughing. Miss hugging friends. Love to walk/hike. Blue is my favorite color and born under the sign of Cancer.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you think you made the right decision not having kids? People always tell me I will change my mind, but I really do not want them

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    I'm Kathi, a 19 y/o german potato from Hamburg. I recently finished my training as an office manager and no work as a Chief secretary/scheduler/accountend (it's a mix :D) for a car dealer. In my free time I like to paint or draw, do make up, read and spend time with my friends. I am also really into Harry Potter, true crime stuff, creepy/horror stuff, tattoos and scented candles. As soon it's save to leave the house again (covid) I'm planning on traveling to London again, to New York, LA, Russia, Tokio, Sydney and many more. Like in the next years. I also really wanna work and travel in London for maybe a year or two. Rn I'm onto getting my license and saving money to get my dream Jeep on day. Save to say that I have expensive plans :)



    im 13, pansexual, and agender. i am more fem but I have short brown hair that has blue at the tips. i have two very annoying dogs and one very annoying younger brother. i love to cosplay and read. i am a runner and I do x-country and track. i am in 8th grade and don't have many real-life friends. i love to play roblox and watch youtube at night. my favorite fandoms are undertale, fnaf, mha, ddlc, batim, sandersides, and harry potter. i am a single potato from Oklahoma and I love to make friends even if it just for a short time



    38 year old British female. Harry Potter and cat crazy. Separated with two grown up children.



    I am 13 years old and overthink everything. I have problems with feeling anxious but don't know if it's actual anxiety of if I'm just overreacting. Don't want to tell anyone about my problems bc I feel like a disappointment and a burden. Last I counted, I am in 9 fandoms. Steven Universe, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Gravity Falls, Sanders Sides, Keeper of the Lost Cities, Avatar the last Airbender, The Owl House ( I haven't finished the current season yet so NO SPOILERS) and The Hunger Games. If anyone wants to discuss these fandoms, I'm here to listen. :)



    Julia, 15, I am lesbian, and I like baking, painting, sparring, swimming, and sleeping. And chocolate and cake. I also have been blogging since I was 11. I review children's novels and YA (young adult) fiction. I take all honors classes, and sometimes the pressure to succeed in everything I do becomes too much to handle, and I occasionally have breakdowns and panic attacks.



    Greetings, Mortals! I just joined Bored Panda and I'm excited to get to know you all! I'm 13, bored as all get out, and like to draw. :) I have ADHD and am proud of it, like Undertale, Hollow Knight, and anything Mario or Pokémon, and hate spinach. Have a nice day!


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    Doughnut Drizzle
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow why are there so many 13 year old's in bored panda!? I'm also thirteen!

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    I'm a 12 year old girl who is aromantic and asexual. I have my parents 1 sister 1 brother and a dog in my family. I live in England. (btw I've never heard anyone with the famous English accent) I'm not good at PE or maths but I'm really good at reading. I have read the 2nd most words in my class🧠. I have social anxiety. I can't think of anything else to put so I'll shut up



    Hello! Im Trinity im in 6th grade and live in NNY. I am doing hybrid learning in school. Every year my math teachers tell me I have a math brain and/or am gifted. Which yes I am smart in math but when she makes a public announcement to the class its kinda embarrassing. I love running and I live in the middle of town and own 20+ pets.



    I’m 11 and love to read. I’m a huge Percy Jackson Harry Potter wings of fire lord of the rings and land of stories fan. I love animals and am anti social. I love doing arts and crafts tho I’m not that good


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    Well ,I'm a lame 11 yr old who can't study but can spend the whole day playing bus simulator games and my parents divorced (dad is a b****) and I'm indian also sometimes (pretty rare ) I flirt with a girl 😭 which I shouldn't be doing at my age but I'm not a pervert which I'm sure about and also I love dogs . wakanda forever.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I'm 16 and have a back for drawing. My mom has Bipolar I and my father Bipolar II so I might have one or the other. I'm also a sophomore and don't know what to do with my life. I enjoy video games, art, and music. I feel like, as both are superpowers, China, Russia, and the US have a unique responsibility but unfortunately the governments don't care. I am indeed a furry (don't hate me) and am confused if I'm either gay or bi. So yeah that's me.


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    My name is Dana I am a 16-year-old female in the midwest but I live in Vegas for breaks to see my Mom because my parents are divorced. I have 3 dogs: 2 live in Vegas, they are Scruffy who is a Cairn terrier Brussels griffon mix (profile pic), Froggy who is a bat/mutt/terrier thing, and living with me right now I have my Pekingese Lilly. I am a junior and I am obsessed with Broadway - mainly Newsies - I am in class writing this about to do a presentation on Broadway actually- and I love Starkid too. I discovered BP through that post about "Premie does manly things"


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My name is Lis (weird I know), I'm 12, I was born in Brazil but live in the US so I can speak Portuguese and English and understand a little bit of Spanish. I like drawing, cats, drawing cats, BoredPanda obviously, random computer games like google doodles, weird facts, listening to music (mxmtoon, girl in red, cavetown, etc.) I'm bi, and I like to read. I'm reading "The Astonishing Color of After" right now. :)


    See Also on Bored Panda

    16-year-old pansexual mess and I could talk about myself for YEARS on end, but fortunately I don't have the required self-esteem. I love drawing, and I'm starting to get kinda good at it. I struggle with self-harm, and I might have depression (my mom does) We have 5 cats and the one that is mine is literally named "baby" because I name everything that way. My latest obsessions are the song heather by Conan Gray, Marshal Lee from adventure time, and ask pandas. I've been on here almost a year but only started commenting a ton recently. Lastly, I'm super happy cause yesterday I found out my crush liked me back!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I’m Harløw-Banditø but you can call me Harlow or Qibli (I’m used to being called Qibli because I run an account called QibliOutclaw632 on Fandom Wiki, though I’m not very active on there anymore). My pronouns are they/them and I’m a teenage artist from the MidWest. I mostly draw cartoons and my main medium is digital art. I use IbisPaint X but i’m buying an iPad so that I can use Procreate, the overlord of mobile art apps.

    I love Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, and twenty one pilots (though that’s pretty obvious). According to a few quizzes, I’m more Josh than Tyler, and I’m not sure how to feel about that because I love them both equally.

    I love to read, and I’ve read the Twilight Saga, Harry Potter, Wings of Fire, and a bit over half of the Warriors series (it’s difficult to keep up with because there are 70+ books and counting).

    I have two guinea pigs, three dogs, one cat, and one fish.

    I’m very into the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Animation, Math) field. I would like to be a paleontologist, archaeologist, or animator.

    I am an atheist but I respect anyone who’s religious, as long as they’re kind to everyone.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I enjoy playing video games, primarily Mario, Sonic, and Animal Crossing. I also like to watch YouTube and obviously I enjoy BP. Also, how do I use a sm64 level editor, specifically Toad's Tool, because that's the only one I could get to run under WINE on my Linux PC. Oh, did I mention that I'm a big Linux fan and Linux Mint is my favorite distro?


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Thank you all for responding I really appreceate it it means a lot to me



    Im am thirteen and a female. Im from india and i have lived in Singapore uae and india. I am currently in middle school in a private school . I have very few close friends but lots of people think i am weird.i like emojis food, reading going online and on bp . I also like listening to music and playing make your own decision games. And also endless runners.my favourite genres are pop kpop and desi. Pop i also like listening to podcasts . And am trying to cease my procrastination. And do better in life.



    Water dragon. Either bi or pan. I shall not tell you my age or gender in case you use it against me. I can’t start conversations. WINGS OF FIRE IS AMAZING. So is ATLA. Yep. Um. Idk what else to tell you so...



    I'm Thirteen, I LOVE baking, it gives me peace. I love birds but I had to give my budgies away for breeding reasons this year. I'm a very sensitive person. I cry in a lot of movies, once in a baking show, (plz dont judge it was a very emotional scene.) I also get stressed really easily. That's why I dont like airports the vibe is just so stressful. I'm an Ambivert.(that's basically mixed between an extrovert and an introvert.) My personality is Funny. I also like candy.(sour patch, reeses, snickers, Twix, I could go on...


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    Im Eva a 11 yearold girl. I currently live in cary, NC but I have lived in Georgia, Philly, and was born in Tennesse. my mom and dad are divorced and my dad and stepmom live in Tennesse. I have a little sister from my mom and stepdad and my step mom is currently pregnant with twins. Boy Girl, Penolpe Lane and Milo Albert. I love rock music like MCR and Blink 182. I also love t- swizzle and Panic!. Im not a big Rap person but I like NF and chance. I love halloweeen and creepy stuff. I have a lot of anxiety but I love to be around people and hang out with my friends in the 6th grade. about to start 7th and doing 8th grade math. on a A and B average but that's weird cause I'm dumb. I have three cats and love them very much. Reading is one of my fav things to do. The Giver is a good one and PERCY JACKSON omg. I'm very funny I guess [ people tell me that a lot but I have no idea], love Disney and writing. I think that I'm a good drawer but still its a tuchy subject.
