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Costume party: she was dressed up as a man and I was dressed as a women. She is now my wife.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd like to add this detail: she says her favorite part of that encounter is looking out her window, the morning after, and seeing me do the walk of shame while wearing a dress.


    I was carrying a heavy box of books into my workplace when I heard a voice behind me saying, “Want some help with that?” And that is how my husband gained a wife, by the old-fashioned schoolboy “carrying her books for her” technique. He is still forever a sweetheart and a gentleman, after 21 years.



    Well, I worked with a local rock band and we were doing a benefit show with another band. A girl I was friends with came to see the show and brought her friend with her. I took one look at the friend and she was just my type to a T! They went in, saw our guys play and came out between sets. The girl said she loved our band and wanted to get on our mailing list. (all done by cards back then!) So she filled one out... name, address & phone. My being a chowderhead around women and too punked to really chat, I folded her card and put it in my pocket. About 2 weeks later I sent out that months mailer that had our PO Box on it as well as my number on the bottom (for booking and info.) Guess who called me? So... I met her at a show, proposed to her at a show and no need for a wedding band as all my friends were musicians so we say we got married at a "show!" We've been together 23 years and counting!



    I was walking to a specific seat in one of my auditorium college class. This seat was right next to the door so I could leave quickly without fighting the crowd.

    As I was 3 seats away from my chosen seat, this woman took it! Flabbergasted, I did the next best thing I could think of and sat right next to her. We were married the following year.


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    We met in 6th grade, algebra. We started off as friends an he started telling me about how he was having some issues with his sexuality. He told he he might be gay and one day while in the gym locker room he kissed me and we started dating. We've been together for 11 years now and we're getting married in October!



    My friend suggested I check out Puffin Books dating app (me being a book nerd and all). I did and discovered it was just a reskin of match.com and there was only one interesting sounding woman in my area anyway. I shut it down and never intended to look again. The next day I was walking to work and saw the woman walking in the opposite direction. I promised myself if it happened again I would ask her out. I saw her two days later and to my surprise she agreed to go for a coffee with me. The only woman I've ever asked out on the street. We've been married 11 years now.



    Senior year of college, I was celebrating having finished my senior thesis with some friends. One of my friends’ housemates tagged along. When he walked into the room I thought “I want that one!”

    He was very shy. It took his housemates seven months and seven gin and tonics to convince him to ask me out.

    Twenty years and two kids later… we still can’t get enough of each other.


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    My future SIL & her roommate set us up, 40 years ago last May. Married 39 years in Aug.


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    Prison...been together for 26 years, married for 11 years. He's my soul mate and the love of my life, and we were both correctional officer's LOL!



    bored panda



    She asked my friend if he knew someone who could sell her some art supplies and recommended me. We had a nice chat and started dating after that. Been together for 3 years.



    His brother was flirting with me at the bar. Married 4 years, together 7.


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    Met in entrance hall of our building, both lived here 3 years, never seen each other before.


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    He was working his way through college at a laundromat while I was taking care of my sick mother. I ended up taking her place in the errands roster, which is how he and I initially met. When she passed the week before Thanksgiving, my neighbors bought me and my brother a full turkey dinner in sympathy. I found out he had no relatives nearby, and we had a ridiculous amount of food-- so I invited him over to share. That was 11 years ago this November-- still sharing food today!


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    AA meeting. There is an unwritten rule that two alcoholics probably shouldn't date each other. We were both sick and needed to focus on ourselves. Over time we got closer and closer. We have both struggled over the years but we support each other.

    I tell people our marriage is 90% perfect. 10 % total and utterly batsh** crazy. 😀 We are children of chaos. That's normal for people like us. ( Friends of Bill W. Will understand)



    My hubby and I met in a video game. We were both in our 30s. After a couple years hanging out online, he came out to visit and my jaw dropped. He was - and is! - the complete package: kind, funny, generous and so hot. lol. Next month we celebrate our 15th anniversary. I won life the day I met him.



    My beloved first got hold of me via email to ask me about a translation project that I'd abandoned. It was such a humorous and well-written email that it caught me off guard, and I broke from my usual policy and responded to explain why I'd given up on it (due to not having anyone to handle the software side of the project). She asked if she could help find someone to lend a hand. Within a week of that, she'd set me up with a contact within a translation group so that I could finish my project. That was well over 15 years ago now, but it still stands out in my mind as the first time that anyone had gone out of their way to help me make my dreams a reality.


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    He was my cat's vet.


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    I met my S/O at basic firefighter training. We were both volunteers, graduating together.



    Every Christmas day evening it was the tradition for our group of friends to meet up at the local pub and play a drinking game called 'Jacks'. If you get the first jack dealt, you pay for the drink, second picks the drink, third fetches the drink and fourth downs it in one.

    There were some nasty drinks coming out, including, but not limited to, a Baileys and lime juice concoction called a 'cement mixer' (a bit less 'drink' and a bit more 'chew') It was one of those nights when every fourth jack seemed to be falling to me, so I got to sample a whole range of abhorrent mash-ups from the bar.

    We had been playing this for an hour or two when this gorgeous blonde (who none of us recognised) walks in with her friends. It was revealed later that they had not so much 'selected' our pub, but rather had been 'left with' our pub. Nowhere else was open within about a five-mile radius. Fate?

    To cut a long story short, I was absolutely plastered and my future wife (blondie) was stone-cold sober when we first met over a ciggie in the frosty December air. Luckily, she didn't mind me drunk and we got on great and spent the next three days together. After two years, I proposed and then we married (each other). That was 14 years ago this Christmas.

    I would like to say that it was the best Christmas ever! But one year I got a Lego Monorail, so....


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    I'm in a platonic relationship with my best friend of multiple years.
    We met in first grade after she moved from Minnesota and my teacher had me show her around the school.
    I moved a few years ago, but we still keep in touch since I only live an hour away.
    We call each other every day.


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    I first met her on athletics when I was 15. I immediately fell in love, but I first had a relationship with someone else I also liked a lot. When I was 17, the relationship ended and I still saw my crush around 2 times a week. I became friends with almost everyone there until I became friends with her. When we were 19 we started dating and now we’re still together.


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    I was at my aunt & uncle's 50th wedding anniversary party, held at the banquet area/bar of a local restaurant. He was at the bar, saw me and asked my mom and dad if I was single. My sister, who I don't get along with, saw this and told me not to talk with him, so....I walked up and introduced myself. We have been together 15 years.


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    New guy in church sitting behind me in the pew. Said "Hi! I'm Tammy. Would you like a piece of gum?" Ditched the religion, but we've been together for almost 30 years now.



    I met my husband online...in 1997...on AOL. I decided I wanted to date a Marine. So I filtered through profiles until I found one that sounded interesting. His profile said he was a photojournalist in the Marine Corps. His quote said, "ask me about my phobia", so I asked him and his 24 year old dumb ass said..."fat chicks". He quickly said he was just joking and we starting IM'ing for a few weeks. Turns out he was not an ass-hole and was quite charming. We finally met irl and dated for about 2 years before we got married. 22 years and 2 kids later, we are still happily married and still chat online while at work!


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    Met at bar through mutual friend. Fed me tequila shots and per my request slapped me in the face several times because I
    was amused that I couldn't feel it.


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    Went to university after leaving an abusive relationship. Third year of undergrad, friend recommended the place she was staying at to move to. So I did. My landlord technically, we were lodging. Lovely guy, made friends with him, played D&D, hung out, tht jazz. Stayed on for my postgrad, stuff, fell in love.


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    In the back of a police car on Bourbon Street, New Orleans.
    That was 21 years ago and we're still together.

    (And all the charges were dropped, btw...)


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    I was living with his friend. His fiancee cheated on him, mine cheated on me, together 21yrs



    Online. She described herself as a zombies headshotters. Then I experienced it first hand in where she would annihilate 100 or so zombies in a video game while I killed 4-5 yelling "I'm helping!". Needless to say, we already know how to barricade our home in case of zombie apocalypse too.


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    We met online in a group for transgender people over the age of fifty. I was going female to male and she was going male to female. She flew out to meet me; we liked each other's looks, found out our fathers told the same jokes, and it fit. Were married a year later and then both transitioned. Now we're just another old, boring married couple, except for that one thing. Married twenty-one years now.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you! I should think that your wholesome love story would be an inspiration to many. Here's to the next twenty-one!


    World of Warcraft. Both gamers, he is a game developer from Norway and I am from Sweden. After his education was done, he moved to Stockholm for me.

    6years, 4 of those married and still going strong.


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    I still haven't :'(


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't lose faith people! I had given up on romance at 30 after lots of bad experiences. My future wife walked into the pub on Christmas day that year and we've been together 14 years this Christmas. All the other pubs were shut. Fate found me and I hope it finds you too. Never give up. You are someone's lobster, you just haven't met them yet.

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    #1 was at a party my friend was throwing. #2 we both worked at the same place. #3 customer at my job at the time. #4 one night stand from a bar. #5 we were both taking the same exercise class. #6 we both were taking this class where we met. #7 online dating website. #8 online dating website. #9 online dating website. #10 i woke up and when i was looking in the mirror, there they were. we both said "hey good looking" at the same time and we've been an item ever since. we see each other every time there's a mirror around.



    Writing MLPFiM fan fiction. He used to be my editor! After years of weekly Skype calls I flew to the other side of the country just to meet him. That was four years ago.


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    Twitter. Seriously.
    We both were following and actively interacting with a tight community of urbex, haunted explorer youtubers. Out of all the people we met in the community we're the only ones who stuck around for each other, got to know one another more, chatting every, single day. He asked me to be his girlfriend a couple times. I eventually thought, "Why the heck not." We've been in a long distance relationship for 3 years, and met in person the year before the whole worldwide situation started.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We're still together, going strong, and hoping everything's all clear to travel to UK to see him next year. We may be 10 years apart in age, but so are is parents. The amount of coincidences are uncanny between my family and his family.


    We went to high school together. We weren’t really friends but did have the same friends. I made the first move while at the drive ins with some mutual friends. We’ve been together for 7 years now and have two fur babies!


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    We met through a mutual friend, the daughter of the much older guy I was dating at the time. Now-hubby was a friend of her husband. We were actually in their wedding together, I found out much later my then-boyfriend warned him that I was "taken". Fast-forward 10 years, we are both single and the same woman sets us up on a date. We got married almost 2 years later, this weekend is our 28th anniversary.


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    We were Facebook friends and she asked a mutual FB friend, that I had met IRL, if I was ok (not a creep). The mutual friend assured her that I was a good guy, we met and got married three months later. Just celebrated 6 years together.


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    I was stuck at home with a broken foot and missing my friends, so made a Facebook account. One day saw a pic "Your a child of the 80's if you remember this!" Was a clip from Neverending story. I scrolled through the comments and someone asked what Sebastian calls out at the end. I always had the captioning on so I typed in the answer. Years later I had gotten out of a long relationship, and I had a message that said "thanks! I've always wondered!" We started talking everyday. My message had sat in her Spam or something till it popped up in one day. She had just got out of a relationship too! She lived in a different state. She came to live with me, its been 5 years now! The timing was like fate! And we watch Neverending Story all the time! She'll Always be my Moonchild! ❤


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    Met in medical school.. we were dissecting the heart of a sheep. We both held the heart while the teacher explained the various parts of the heart.



    So, I "came out" at 30, after being engaged for 12 years (apparently I was "English" not gay ;) seriously that's what people said) anyway - met a much older guy on Craigslist (REDFLAG) &, after 6 months when first legal in CA, got married....
    About a year later opened the front door to a guy who was coming to meet me for a dinner party?!?! Yes, my husband had posted pictures of me on, guess what.... Craigslist....looking for a hookup!?!? WTF? The guy realized what was happening .... we have been together for 11 years now & my divorce was just finalized last year (ex was a psycho not very good lawyer who just kept submitting crap to the courts so it took a long time)!


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    A guy I recently met and befriended took me to meet his boss at the bar behind work to show me off. His boss and I hit it off and we are now married, even though the guy tried to break us up like a hundred times.


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    40 years ago I went to my apartment complex recreation room to watch “Animal House.” ( before videos & streaming were a thing)
    Future S.O. Showed up to watch it too. Other neighbor left in disgust. 😎 I guess we just had good taste in movies.



    my ex and I met in high school. we were together 30 years. then I got sick with GBS and he left


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    V Martinez
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry he left. Hope you have some good memories if you chose to keep them. I'd imagine you have a few to be together that long. I also wish you well now!

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    I started renting a flat & the letting agent told me that girl who also just moved in below mewas an air hostess, he told her I was a published author, got to know each other over time & both realised the letting agent had been lying to both of us, anyway NYE comes around I go and show her what I’m wearing that night in the hope of picking up a girl & jokingly asked “so if you were, pissed, gagging and desperate would I do” she replied I’d have to be pissed, 1/2 later she came to my flat to show me what she’d be wearing out with her friends & I being a Yorkshire man told her she polished up well…

    So midnight comes and I ring her to wish her Happy New year & she lets me know that if want a NYE kiss I need to come back to my flat as she was heading home…. 21yrs later we are still togeather


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    We reached out for the same orange at a little grocery in france...just kidding. Tinder. Now married with two lovely kids


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    I signed up for this government sponsered program to help people get out of a rut with their lives. It helped with job search, networking, self esteem, etc. It was nine weeks so I didn't have a problem with that. I met him the second day because someone dropped out and he was called. After the nine weeks, we continued being friends and hanging out. We went on our first date in June, moved in together end of July and have been together for 17 years now, married for 8.


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    We were co-workers. Both living in the same village nearby our company.
    I used to bike my way to work/home, crossing a few miles of ‘no mans land’, even after nightshift.
    One day he approached me, asking me why a woman would travel all alone in the dark?
    He just told me that from now on he would pick me up by car to make sure I got home safe every day, and he did.
    He never left my side since that day, and our first son is about to be born this september.


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    We met on Instagram, I live in Alaska and he lived in Ohio, he was a random that followed me on there one day and tried talking to me but I ignored him for days cause I figured “why? He lives far away and it’ll never go anywhere “ but I caved in and decided to talk back and actually kinda liked him , so long story short we talked for 2 months and decided to meet in person so he flew me to Ohio and we randomly decided to get get married that day in a Columbus courthouse (crazy right ?!) He literally picked me up at the airport that morning when we met for the first time at 6 am and decided to go straight from the airport to the courthouse, we now live back here in Alaska together and going in 3 years of marriage , happier than ever !


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    Blind date.


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    Kinda long but its the best thing thats happened to me, so one day i was playing apex legends and i got this person named loserville as my teammate, well we ended up dying and i asked if he wanted to play again. He said sure and we ended up becoming friends, well without asking me, he added me to a text group, and i made a party so me and loserville could play, well he invited someone named pvpmaster and navin1108. well, i started getting feelings for navin, (yeah plot twist, loserville isnt it) and on 8/14/20 we started dating, its been a pain long distancing since he's in new york, but we are getting thru it..


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