Hey Pandas, tell me about a pet you’ve lost that you will never get over as long as you live.


My first dog, Murphy was a Great Dane. he was so sweet, you could climb on top of him and he wouldn't care at all. I would share all my secrets with him, He became an angel in February. sadly a week from his birthday. I wish I was there with him when he had to be put down, that's my biggest regret. a piece of my heart went with him. not a day goes by I don't think about him. sometimes I miss you, Murphy. Rest in peace. 💔


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Miss Frankfurter
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How difficult that must be to not have been with him. He knows how much you love him. A piece of your heart went with him, but he's in yours forever. The hardest part is the stuff you used to do together. It may sound crazy, but I still talk to my Lucy. It helps.

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    My first ever cat. I've realized I've done many mistakes when growing up: didn't feed him correctly, didn't give him enough attention, probably annoyed the hell out of him and didn't understand his signals, and most importantly, wasn't there for him in the vet's room when he had to be put to sleep. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but I've learned a lot of painful lessons, and I'll never forget him.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've had cats all my life and I'm still learning about them; I'm 53 so it's an on going process


    Saxon Von Helsing; our beloved German Shepherd. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge on the 4th of July 2018. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and the good times we shared. (And who's cuttin' onions as I type this?)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's the onion chopping ninjas coming our way. I'm so sorry for your loss and I do love his name though.

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    My beloved american staffordshire terrier nicknamed "mabighead". He was the most gentle, the most sweet, the most funny, the most loving, the most playful and the most happy dog i ever had. Is only purpose in life was to spread joy and laugh and love to every living creature he encountered (except sheeps). He was always happy no matter what and shared his happiness with everybody, it was impossible to be sad or mad around him. Sadly in 2016 when he was almost 10 i noticed a slight lameness, a lot of vets told me it was nothing (jumping in the vet office, happy dog) but i knew him very much and kept searching more competent vets. I was right he had a bone cancer and a paw with multiple fracture, the bone was sponge shaped, eaten by cancer. I was mortified and took him to the bests specialists but it was too late. So i searched a home with garden to rent to give him one last week of happiness and accompany him through his last moments, a vet had come the last day and i told him goodbye softly. I spoiled him for a week, he ate his favorite food (lamb) all the week and the last day i even gave him kitkat, brioche...since he was atopic (allergic) and couldn't try it before. I miss him everyday and everybody who knew him still talk about him, he was greatly loved and he's cruelly missed, and thanks to the OP but now a lot of water is running over my face.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's so frustrating and madenning when they won't listen to the people who know them best. It was such a wonderful thing to do for the both of you that last week. Sad to know why you are at the time, but also there must have been great smiles (he had a great one) laughs, barks, and wow that was good mom's and he was happy. What a gift back to him.

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    My horse, Rockabilly. He's been gone since 2013 and it still feels like yesterday. I go in the barn and look at his stall and envision him in it. I remember every second of his last night and I dream of all our rides.


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    My cat, Raymond. He was deaf and blind. He would walk into walls and a lot of cute quirks. When we came home from vacation 3 years ago, he had somehow gotten out, and been killed by a coyote. He was just 2 years old. I miss him so much. Rest in peace, little baby. Mommy loves you.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, how so very sad. But you loved him and gave him a wonderful home when he would have been unwanted by so many folks.


    My sweet angel Gracie (13 yo Golden Retriever) and my Myles (16 yo Maine C**n Mix) passed within 2 months of each other. Gracie was my most faithful companion and provided me with countless smiles when my life was darkest. Myles loved me fiercely and absolutely hated everyone else. They both were with me through the death of both of my parents, my divorce, 2 miscarriages and 2 moves across country. They loved me through depression, illness, failure, defeat. I have never been loved more unconditionally and I will never fully recover.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry to hear about your two wonderful companions who saw you through a lot of hard times.Two months apart. I can't imagine that kind of pain. Animals have a sense about us and support us and are there for us and love us in a way that humans are unable to.

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    My first and only dog roxy. My family adopted her as 2 months. I grew up with her. She was my older sister. God damn it I’m crying. her health started to deteriorate. She was 13. She got an ulcer in her eye. She had a tumor on her ear. In October of 2020 she woke up one night stumbling around. My dad held her and brought her outside. They brought her to the vet. She was put down that night. Every day I think about her. She was part of my family. I loved her so much. This was hard to say.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is hard to say. It's hard to put into words what really there are no words for.


    Ragamuffin was a stray cat who showed up at my house one day. She was clearly pregnant, which was all the more reason to take her in lest her kittens wind up as feral. She got her name because she was long-haired, and when I first saw her she was rather scruffy-looking.

    She had her kittens in my bathroom. Once they were old enough I got all five of them in good forever homes. I also had Ragamuffin fixed.

    She was my constant companion for 17 years, and passed peacefully in her sleep in May of 2014. I have since acquired another cat, thanks to a former co-worker who took in a pregnant stray. However, no cat could ever replace Ragamuffin in my heart.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No cat ever will. But somehow we always manage to find room in our hearts for another, even though we know it's going to hurt eventually we just can't avoid the joy part.


    There's two. Sanford and Sadie. Sanford was a Great Dane Mastiff mix, got him when I was 5 (had Sadie before I was born), both of them were siblings to me. I played with them, laughed with them, made so many memories with them. One day in February of 2020, Sanford started throwing up a lot, my Grandma was watching him while I had a cello workshop. Later that night we took him to the pet ER, where we discovered he suffering from severe bloating that came on in one day. We put him down at midnight because we were too poor for surgery and even if we had the money, survival wouldn't be likely. He was 7. Then there's Sadie, she was an American Eskimo Beagle Corgi mix (probably something else too), she was quite literally my Nanny growing up, the funniest dog with the most personality I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. In September of 2020, first day of school, actually, we had to put her down because of old age, she was practically 18, we called her miracle dog because she survived so much! I miss them both with all of my heart, and even though I have made new family with new pets, that hole still remains empty with old memories.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The whole stays empty, but your heart always gets bigger for all the others who come into your life.

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    I've had a couple, but the one that stands out the most is Lucius (my ooshy bear) After my 6 month old pitty was murdered by my neighbor I swore off dogs. But then Ooshy came into my life. He was a rescue. An albino red nose pit. When I went to see him he scared the crap out of me, he was used as a fight / bait dog before he was rescued. Someone had docked his ears way too short so being all white with red eyes and way too short ears he looked scary. they had poured hot grease down his back so he was scarred. He was HUGE. Biggest Pit I've ever seen. I tried to break the ice and offered a treat and he put his big old head in my lap and sighed as if to say "Finally I can be at peace" I took him home and he was the best and sweetest dog EVER. At the time my youngest was about 4 and she'd jump on him and pull his ears and tail and he would just lay there and occasionally look at her like "are you tired yet? No? Ok" She would use him as a body pillow and sleep. 6 months in he out of nowhere started having seizures. He had 8 in the span of 2 hours and had to put him down. I cried and cried. I've had dogs since and not one could hold a candle to Lucius. Now I'm a bird mom and I'll tell you what, if my Wendy girl goes before me (my Blue and Gold Macaw) that'll be the end of me. I still miss my Ooshy Bear and I hope he's happy and running and waiting for me, I'll see you one day buddy.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    God i love pits, they look terrifying but they are the sweetest if you get the right ones, not the dog its the owner,

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    My first dog. After years of begging, my mom finally got me a pupper when I was younger. I loved him so much, his name was Ron (after Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.)
    He was a tiny breed, so he was always scared of every little noise, so whenever Ron heard the neighbors he would bark. That wasn't a problem until my sick grandma move in. She has a heart condition and Ron's barking would always scare her, so my mom gave him away to family friends. I was devastated.


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    When I was younger we had a black cat named Chloe. She had a liter of kittens shortly after we got her and only one lived, so we kept him.

    Well, my parents would let Chloe and her baby, E-Bob, outside every now and then. There was a storm one night they let her out and she just disappeared. We looked everywhere for her and never saw her again. E-Bob knew she was gone and began acting differently. Well, a few months later he went outside and we could not find him the next day. He disappeared just like his momma did.

    It broke my heart because we just did not know what could have happened to them. I still miss those two...



    I always wanted a black cat and one of our previous cats gave birth to a black kitten. Named him Bear. He was such an amazing friend, we shared snacks and he hung out with me in bath. Never seen a cat who likes water. He liked sleeping on windowsills. Mum left a window open one hot summer night. I guess he fell out. Never found out where'd he go. Saw some black cats afterwards, but could never make out if it was him, he never came when called his name even before. I still wish that window was not left open. Such a stupid little thing that made a cat lose its home by accident. And for me to lose my best friend at the time.


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    It's hard to pick one. I was in my twenties when a friend of my room mate asked if I wanted her kitten, she couldn't take it home. Shalimar came into my life, a small fluffy gray tipped hairball. She was supposed to be a Himalayan (there is a "smoke" color that fits). She was tiny but mighty. I could hold and snuggle her, she'd sleep in bed with me. If I climbed a ladder she'd follow me up. She was dedicated hunter and one afternoon came waddling down the drive dragging a white rabbit between her legs. It was bigger than her! One night I was greeted by more than 15 dead mice. She was laying in the middle of the carnage at the base of the stairs. She would pat my eyelids to wake me in the morning claws kept covered. She'd lick the inside of my husbands nose to get him up. she could be found sprawled out across branches in a bush looking like she was lounging in a comfy chair. Shalimar was a character, such a great lovely cat. My husband was not a cat person when he met us. I have pictures of him walking around with her draped around his neck ( a favorite spot). He even built her a kitty condo, a cage that she could go out on the roof safely to be outside, he couldn't abide her being stuck inside when I put my foot down, it was not safe in our new home for her to go out doors. She was spoiled but deserved it. She even knew to use her soft touch on our daughter when she arrived. She left a big hole in my heart. Along with several others.


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    My Punky. She was a middle aged grump that pissed on everything. But she was MY middle aged grump that pissed on everything. Dead for about 5 years and Always in my heart.


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    My lovely silk hen called Küki.
    We had tree silk chickens and no chicks yet when I was 11ish. When my favourite hen died I was really upset but even more happy when a chick hatched from one of her eggs literally a week or so after her death. I had summer break at the time so I could spend very much time with this chick, which it needed because the other hen didn't accepted it and it had no siblings. We grew incredible close to each other and I even managed to taught her a few tricks.
    Every time I came home from school, she would run towards me and wanted to get hugged and pet. We watched series together (she sat on my leg or shoulder), ate together (I gave her sometimes a few vegetables from my ) and I even persuaded my parents to took her with us on vacation (she didn't liked being without me and the rides weren't very long).
    I loved her so incredible much and you could tell just by the way she looked at me she felt the same.
    She was my best friend.
    Two and a half years forward some dumbass neighbor kid kicked it while I wasn't home and my stupid teen mind wouldn't accept the fact that my hen was now ill and needed special care. She seemed so healthy but looking back I know that she really suffered. Tree days after the incident I found her death lying on her side while the other chickens stood kinda confused around her. I still blame myself for her death to this day. I should have cared way more for her and maybe she would have survived if I had done so. She was so young, just two and tree quarters years old and I'm crying while writing this. I doubt that I will ever love someone the way I loved her.
    So please spend every minute with your pet as long as you are still able to do so


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never knew the wonderful pets that chickens can be until I watched a program about it. Amazing. It's hard to deal with guit. I do about Lucy, but do not feel one more moment of guilt. You gave her the best care anyone could have, would have because you loved her. Put the blame on your disgusting, cruel neighbor kid. That's where it belongs. It's obvious that you were loved back, and that's everything.

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    My first cat was a few years ago. I was driving home from work and I saw these kittens at the side of the road so I took them all and tried to find homes for them. I ended up keeping the smallest one. I named her Bluebell...only to realize it was a boy, so I shortened it to Blue. He was not very vocal but always made his presence known with his funny antics. Lol. There is a shelf next to my bed which he would sleep on...he'd jump onto the headboard and then onto the shelf. When I had dental surgery he slept on my chest for all the days that I was ill. about a year after he went missing for a few days (he was an indoor/outdoor cat and I was contemplating having him neutered at the time. I was told that he may have run off since there was no other female cats around. He came back after a week and after a few months..one day we're in the garden and he just starts walking off....then he stopped, looked back and then ran across the neighbors property. I haven't seem him since. I really hope he found a gf with a family that took care of him. He was an amazing cat. I was always torn when deciding if I should neuter him. I wanted him to live a natural life you know, enjoy everything, be outdoors. Maybe I made a bad decision there, I still don't know. I haven't gotten a cat since. I decided that I'd only get one if I had an apartment or a house where they can be an indoor cat.


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    Sammy BlackChow
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a tom cat that would sometimes disappear for two or three days and come home all beat up. I finally had him neutered. He might go out for a bit but never stayed long.

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    Oh my God. I tried to make it through all of these before writing mine, but I can't. It's too much. But I will go back bit by bit to read all of them. They all need to be honored.
    For me, it was my Little Lucy Loo. She was named for the character Lucy Ricardo on I love Lucy. And oh how I loved Lucy. I had decided on her name before I found her. I just went around picking up puppies and look at them and ask "Are you a Lucy?". I knew it when I found her. That's my Lucy. In the ensuing years she saw me through so many things. Carried more on her little doggie shoulders than any dog should carry. Oh how we loved each other. We went for walks so she could schnurffle all over. Actually, she took me, because I let her go wherever she wanted to out through the trees and the field. Every morning, toast and tea and one tiny piece of banana. Cantaloupe, melon, apple, licked every single dish I ever ate off of. The last 6 months of her life I noticed that sometimes when she was walking she'd just stop and stare for about 15-20 seconds. Thought it was old age. Her last night she suddenly went blind. She walked into a wall and would just stand there. This was very very late. Then she totally started losing it. I could not calm her down. She actually screamed in pain. Not a yelp. A scream. I live out in the country and there was no one to call at 4am. There was no way I could drive to the ER the way she was. She had about 3 seizures. Finally at 6am I called our dog sitter who was now a friend. We went to the vets. They weren't even open, but a vet tech was there early. She called the vet owner of the clinic who was there in 10 minutes. My Lucy's suffering was over. She is my heart, and my heart is shattered into a thousand tiny shards of the best crystal. I still talk to her sometimes and tell her how much I miss her. She is waiting for me and when we are together again we will do all those things I miss and stuff ourselves to our heart's content on all our favorite foods. I think I'm going to have a good cry now and hug my cat. Thanks for listening.


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    So I was still in middle school and the first cat that was "Mine" and not just the family cat was a huge boy named Hope. 15 lbs of pure muscle but the sweetest thing and a baby scared of his own shadow. The whole family had to go on some kind of extended trip (don't remember why at the moment) and so we left him with my aunt for about a week.
    Trip went fine but when I got back and went to pick up my baby I found out that she had put him down. Because his nose ran a little bit and she was worried that he would "infect" her cats.
    Didn't call to ask me about my opinion (or ask my parents) or give me a chance to find somewhere else to house him. Just got home to a cold, dead, body that I had to bury in the backyard.
    After that I never trust my pets to any family/friend. I purposely avoid any trips that I can't take my babies with me or that last longer than they can reasonably stay at home by themselves for. The one or two times I wasn't able to get out of a trip I shelled out the money for professional pet boarding/hotels that have impeccable reviews.


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I absolutely understand. Hopefully your aunt was dealt with. I had a terrible experience with a pet hotel one time. Lucy caught Giardia and another bowel infection and nearly died. I wouldn't go anywhere either until I found someone who had a pet sitting service in her own home and only took 5 dogs at a time. She didn't want Lucy to get stressed so we spent our time free of charge with Lucy getting acclimatized to there. Lucy loved it there and she was loved. Lucy even slept on their bed. One time she was there for a whole month while I was in the hospital and I didn't have to worry. I'm glad that you have found places that are safe and you can go on vacations or getaways.


    Toby. My little warrior, Toby. I'm not generally a dog person. They're cute and sweet but I'm also allergic. So when I say that I loved this little dog so much it hurt, I mean it. He was a senior dog, somewhere between 12 and 16 according to the vet. This little guy was scared of cats half his size and would shake whenever they were around but he was friendly and loving and not at all a yapper like most people would think a Chihuahua/Terrier hybrid should have been. He would put himself between me and people that made me nervous, too. Just the sweetest, most loving and protective old man.

    I begged my parents to let me keep him after we had been fostering him for a while. They said fine, but only after he was taken to one more adoption event. Another woman took him home that day. I'm still heartbroken I lost him, but the woman would send updates because she had heard from the shelter owner (we fostered for a no-kill shelter) how much his foster family loved him.

    Toby lived for several more years the absolute lap of luxury before old age became too much for him. Knowing his final years were full of dedicated love, attention, and care is the only reason I don't STILL cry over losing him that day. It's been 13 years and still no dog has ever measured up to my little man.


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    My dog Laddie, a border collie, rescued from the cat and dog home when he was around 2. someone must have taught him circus tricks because he could walk on a barrel we had in the garden. he would escape our garden and come to my school and run around the playground. he got on a bus once and my dad had to pick him up from 20 miles away. he was the smartest dog in the world and the dumbest. a knock on the door when i was 12, found someone telling me my dog had died and was lying about a mile away. i found him and carried him home, could hardly see for crying. years later the neighbors told me they were watching that scene and were almost hysterical with grief at my plight.



    My cat Myrtle. She along with 3 other kittens, maybe all siblings, were dumped out at our neighbors. At the time, we lived in a rural area and many irresponsible people would dump their unwanted pets near our or the neighbors’ barns which were located near the roadway. I loathe people who do this because the cats and dogs were often, within hours or days, killed by cars then we’d have to bury them – jerks all.
    Anyway, one day, on of the kittens, we named Myrtle, followed me home and stayed. She was the absolute best cat ever. She played “hide and seek” and “Cowboys and Indians” with us where we’d jump out from behind a door and make a shooting sound and she’d jump into the air then run behind a different door to do the same to us. She was amazing – sweet, smart, and unusual. She lived with us in three different houses and in each one, managed to find a way to get on the roof where she’d sit and watch what went on.
    Our beloved Myrtle was killed by a neighbor’s horrible dog who they did not keep on a leash and would get out of their yard. We knew it was that dog because he/she had come into our yard numerous times and tried to attack Myrtle. We were always there, and I always protected our sweet, sweet girl. We talked to the owners many times and they, frankly, could not care less.
    One day, Myrtle got out without us knowing and the dog was also out. We found our Mrytle dead in our yard dead from what our vet said were classic signs of being shaken by a dog. That’s how dogs kill cats, they shake then. We also know the aggressive and uncontrolled dog was out because a neighbor saw the dog out. However, even though we knew the dog had tried to attack Myrtle before and neighbors saw the dog out, no one saw the dog kill my cat so nothing could be done. I became friends with local LEOs and made it my priority to document with video every single time I saw the dog off their property and off leash. They were fined many hundreds of dollars and finally moved – yeah, a pox on them.
    My son, age 10 at the time, and I were devastated, and I remain sad, 20+ years later. I will also forever dislike Dalmatians and despise people who have aggressive dogs.
    Myrtle was the best!


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    We had 2 rescued cats names Bean and Sunfire. Both came from different places. Bean came from a broken home, neglected. We knew the owner and she was going through some personal struggles. She saw we had her cat when she came back from jail and didn't say anything.
    Bean was initially timid, territorial and underweight. We rehabilitated her and got her to be the loving cat she became, although feisty and protective.
    My daughter found another tiny kitten at a drive in diner. She named it Sunfire. Bean took the kitten in as her own.
    Unfortunately what we thought was our forever home we had to move from. The pet-friendly apartment we had moved into was poorly management, very corrupt and unsanitary, we discovered, and we had to break out of the rental contract. We ended up having to give our beloved cats away, as we couldn't find another affordable, pet-friendly place and we didn't want to risk sneaking them in. It was like having to give away a baby. Since no one we know wanted to adopt them, and all the no-kill shelters refused to take them in, or they really were full, we had to give them to the Humane Society. I hope they were given good homes. I'm certain Sunfire, being the laid-back cat he grew up to be must have been a favourite. But I'm certain Bean wouldn't have been accepted as adoptable. The way she looked at me was fear and betrayal. I'll never forget her big, pleading eyes.


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    Lost Emma - guinea-pig - last year. Got her from a guinea-pig shelter when she was six months old. Till then she lived all alone in a small cage, serving as a toy for four children till they lost interest in her.

    First thing she did at ours was fighting the male boss of our guinea-pig group. Next day she was perfect friends with him and all group members. After that she was the nicest, most caring guinea-pig we ever had. Every time one of the group was sick, Emma sat right next to them. Every time a new guinea-pig arrived, she directly made friends with them. Every time one of them died, she was sad for days.

    She developed some tooth problems over the years and something with her lower spine was wrong, both treated the best way we could. She survived a major tooth surgery. When she turned five, we started feeding her a small piece of fruit every day because, "She's so old. Let's spoil her for the last months she's got left." So almost every day she had a small piece of banana (big guinea-pig no-no) plus all fancy food she loved (parsley, basil, ...).

    Emma was 9 1/2 years old when we had to put her down last summer. Her hind legs gave up eventually. I am pretty sure if that hadn't been the case, she'd still be hanging around ordering her daily banana.


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    Teresa Stewart
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow! 9 and a half is amazing for a guinea pig! She must've really been a special girl!

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    My doggie Neysa. I got her when I first moved out on my own, she was with me through a couple of breakups, then meeting and marrying my husband. She was a shelter dog, probably mostly some kind of terrier. Fiercely protective of me, and a better judge of people than I am. I miss her so much, had to put her to sleep after a return bout of cancer when she was 13.


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    I had two pet turtles in China, Skipper and Snapper. Snapper was very fierce and she didn't like anyone. Skipper was larger and he liked jumping (weird, right?). He also liked eating shrimp. Because of the pandemic, I couldn't go back to China to see them. My uncle let them both free into the Ming Jiang river. (I live in Fuzhou.) I still miss them.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a turtle. My sister flipped him over and he was stuck like that for hours. He was dead the next morning and I never forgave her.


    My last dog Snow. He was a samoyed. We first found him running down the freeway with a chain around his neck. It was matted into his fur. He was a huge Matt. He was afraid of loud noises and people. He was afraid to accept food from us. We gained his trust, shaved him down, and washed him up. He was the sweetest,most loving, behaved dog we ever had. He'd never run away. Sometimes he'd relax in the front yard while my dad did yard work. He loved it when we pulled him on our wagon. He slept in my room on a carpet with a baby blanket on top. He never did make it to old age. He was stolen one day when I was at school. A note was left on our door "we're keeping him." He was diabetic and had arthritis. I still miss him to this day. I hope he was taken care of. I hope I'll see him in the afterlife.


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    We had a tiny kitten Poppy, only 8 weeks old. We were looking after an overweight labrador called Jaffa who accidentally sat on Poppy. Poppy was crushed and died before we could get her to the vets.


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    I will never get over my brindle French Bulldog Cosmo, whose nickname was Monkey 'cos he looked a little like a gorilla. He used to act like he was my dog husband. When he wanted attention and I was on my laptop, he would place his entire body on the keyboard. We joked that he was saying, "No woman of mine's gonna work!"
    He slept at the foot of my bed, and when it was time for me to turn in for the night he'd sit next to me and bark. If that didn't work he'd run into the bedroom and stand on the bed and bark. If this, too, failed to get me to bed on time, he'd run down the hallway between the two rooms, barking.
    If I took a trip without him (which was rare), he'd shun me for about three days after I got back, to "teach me a lesson."
    He was the moodiest, sweetest boy. In his dotage, he stopped eating and my father had to feed him by hand, which he said he considered "an honor." My last photo of Cosmo is Dad sitting on the floor and full-body embracing him - Dad didn't even know I took the picture.
    He lived to be 15 and I miss him every day.


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    My cat Batista (my brother gave him that name). He's never been a cat who would come to me for cuddles. But he'd stare at me with his big eyes, sit with me when I felt lonely. I always felt how much he loved me eventhough he didnt show it in the way other cats do. Then one day my other cat had to be put down (I'll also never forget about her). She was the one sitting on my lap whenever possible, complaining as soon as I stoped petting her. Whenever I felt sad she'd be with me, giving me all her love while Batista would just be as close as possible without touching me. One night after she was gone I sat on the kitchen floor, crying and feeling so damn lonely. Then my 20 year old Batista sat down next to me, looked at me like he always did. Knowing he was with me was already so comforting but he suddenly got up and for the first time in his life he climbed on my leg. He sat down and kept looking at me like he wanted to know if he's doing it right. After that night he always sat or slept on my lap. I dont know why he did it but it always felt like he only did it for me. That he could feel how much I missed cuddling with my other cat and that he just wanted to make it easier for me. And he did. Coming home, knowing that he'd be there waiting for me, has always been reason enough to smile, no matter how sad I was. About a year later he had to be put down, too. I went to the doctor with him and, like my other cat, he looked me in the eyes while he took his last breath. After all they've done for me knowing that the last thing they saw was a person who loved them with her whole heart is kinda comforting. But I still miss them everyday and I dont think that I could ever stop.


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    An Australian Cattle Dog named Rasputin. As an adult I missed having a dog, I felt my childhood dog - a staffie (staffordshire terrier, similar to a pitbull) named Oxo - basically raised me, so towards the end of my studies I started researching and visiting the SPCA, for months. I fell in love with the breed, but knew they are hard work and not really suited for suburbia. Eventually I got him as a puppy, we went to puppy classes, obedience classes, agility training, but something was off. He kept going for the other dogs, he bit me, he bit my other dog, he went for everyone, unpredictably and without warning ... we were asked to leave, we went for anger management classes. We found other people who had heelers and asked for advice. I tried everything. It was a nightmare but we were also so close, basically telepathic. I had up-to-then undiagnosed anxiety that I was just starting to deal with through therapy and medication and I think he felt very protective over me, but this ended up being a very unhealthy relationship, and after him attacking the neighbour's dog I had to surrender him. He was 6 years old. It's been almost 3 years and I live on a farm now and I think of him every day. I look out for him, hoping he somehow escaped and came looking for me. One part of me knows it was just 'one of those things' but I regret having to give him up, even though I honestly can't see how I could have managed to move out here sooner, or have done anything different. I wish we just ran away and figured something out. He was the most beautiful dog I've ever seen, the softest coat, and he was so smart! I cried so much I couldn't see through my puffy eyes the next day. The next month I resigned and started the process to move out of the city.


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    My parakeet named pie. He was blue and white and constantly tried to bite us. He tragically died when we were moving and he stayed with friends for a couple of days. They put him next to an open window at night and the next morning he was dead. He was our first pet and I miss him a lot.


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    Timmy - one of the first rescue dogs taken in by my rescue centre - St Giles, Taunton UK, when the cruel puppy farms were shut down. He ended up having both eyes removed , he couldn’t hear very well either. He was my shadow for 2 years never leaving my side, such a beautiful boy. When he became ill I knew he couldn’t cope with any treatment, so for his peace and wellbeing he went to his final sleep. X


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    We rescued Anakin from the middle of the road when he was just a tiny kitten. He was inches from getting hit. For the first couple of days, he was only able to eat by licking KRM off of my chest but I finally got him to drink from a bottle. He would sleep on my chest and just purr for hours.
    Unfortunately, he was also very good at getting out of the house, despite our best efforts and one morning, he was gone, just like that, because people have to speed up and down the road. He was barely one.



    When I was very little, the entire family lived with my grandma. I had a sweet doggy, Murphy that was with me my entire life. When I moved out of state when I was six, he always looked for me in the backyard every day hoping I could play with him. When I was nine, grandma called me and said he had died. I´m so glad I was able to know such a lovely dog.


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    My beautiful baby dog, who was nearly 2 years old, when he passed. His name was Bones/Cowboy. My family loved him so much. Sadly, he passes a few days before his birthday. He died of suffocation. :(


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    My Shetland Pony, Chester. He was the best. I had him trained to pull a small cart and he loved it! We'd take off down the road and just go. He was the best pony ever. I had him for about 8 years and he started developing laminitis, where the coffin bone rotates and it become very painful for them to walk. After giving him "bute" shots he'd get better and keeping him in a dry pen kept him sound, but eventually he got worse and I had to put him down. He was my best bud. I'll never forget him and miss him all the time.


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    Her name was 'Pen 170' at the animal shelter. She was a chow/German Shepherd mix. I had sent Koty over the rainbow bridge November 11, and had surgery on November 18 and December 3, so I'd waited a little while to get another baby. I saw her picture on the local shelter website on Christmas Day. I knew she was the one.

    She needed me, more than I could have ever imagined. She was roughly 6 years old. She'd recently had pups. She was found wandering the streets, searching for food. She was less than half her target weight. She was covered with scars, some fairly fresh.

    My parents went with me to meet her. She hadn't been spayed yet, so I couldn't take her home that day. The staff didn't think we'd choose her. Out in the yard, she ignored us. She wanted no part of us. My parents were dubious. I was adamant. I want this dog.

    We will never know what her story was, but she was not treated well. She didn't know how to dog. She was not affectionate. She didn't play with toys. She needed me to sit near her when she ate. She barked like a vicious beast when anyone came into a room where she was already.

    Three and a half years after I brought her home, she had a seizure. She was diagnosed with Lymphoma. The vet said she might live a month, if I was lucky maybe a month and a half. She lived a good four months before she had another seizure, on New Years Day 2019. By January 10, I was feeding her soft food by hand. I said I'd know when it was time.

    The night of January 15, she lay by my bed, and she looked at me and I felt her tell me it was time. I let her go the next morning. I am grateful for the 4 years of unconditional love I was able to give her. I wish I could have given her more. She deserved more.


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    This is more a loss my mom will never get over (even though I do miss her as well) but her chihuahua named Pepper. Pepper was the absolute opposite of what you’d expect from a chihuahua. She almost never barked or nipped or anything along those lines. She did have severe small-dog-itis, but was overall a very chill dog. She was also incredibly spoiled and knew it.

    My mom got her when I was about 2 years old, and the breeder had a granddaughter the same age who played with the puppies, so that’s probably why she acted so well around kids. Everyone loved Pepper, not just in the family, but literally everyone who met her loved her. My mom was especially bonded with her, and even now still refers to her as her "doggy soulmate."

    Sadly, she suddenly got sick at about age 11, and passed away. It devastated my mom the most (along with our other dog who Pepper practically raised). This was about 8 years ago.


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    My bird, Pancho. I was about 5 but I was heartbroken when he left. We had him for about 2 years and he was so sweet and would never fly out. He got to go outside whenever and he was beautiful colors! However one day we noticed he wasn't there. He had never done this before and it was so weird. I thought he was going to come back but he didn't. My dad thinks its because he was sick and went off to die (its something some birds do.) Love you Pancho!


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    I will never forget my fat orange cat who would always sleep with me. God I miss him


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    My dog, Marie was a great pet. I remember how i used to take care of her and her babies. She was a fun loving doggy. I always think of her:(


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    I rescued a beautiful buff Persian, when the "man" dropped him off at the shelter he said "well whenever he tries to get upstairs we just kick him down, it seems that he broke his jaw and several teeth, from that moment on he was mine with his tongue always sticking out, the sweetest, most loving cat until the day I had to help him cross the rainbow bridge, never to be forgotten


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    Birgit M
    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What kind of person is that who kicks his cat?! (Just a rhetorical question.) It‘s so good to hear that you saved your little friend, so that he got to know a good life!


    I have three

    1. Lavender- a lopped eared bunny. Had him in fourth grade. He was just like a puppy. He’d follow me around and cuddle me. And he’d nap in my backpack. We even went to the park and he dug in the weeds- we had to put him down cause he was paralyzed and lost the ability to move

    2. Gamera- a red eared slider turtle. My baby my love. She would seriously nap in my bed when it got cold and stay there all night with me. Came home one day and found her floating in her tank. Tried to give her cpr. Found out her nursery thermostat broke and poisoned her. Still feel it’s my fault to this day. Since I swore I saw her flailing around before I left and thought she was being silly

    3. Houdini - another beautiful bunny. He was being housed at an animal shelter that was boarding him for me since I couldn’t have a pet at the apartment. One day (on my birthday) when visiting him. He managed to get out. The owners dog grabbed him right in front of me and snapped his neck. And to add insult to injury the owner said. “Well that’s a dogs nature.


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    We adopted Zachary when he was about 4 months old from the shelter. He'd been hit by a car & had a broken leg. I loved him from the first moment I saw him sitting alone in a cage. After surgery, he fully recovered with just a limp. I've never loved the way I loved him & he loved me back. He's been gone for longer than I was privileged to have him & I'm crying as I write this. He was the smartest, sweetest little boy. He loved to tease his sister. He'd take his treat, drop it between his front paws & wait for Rachel to finish hers, then slowly eat it as she watched. He loved to jump in & run thru piles of leaves. He was my baby, my cuddle buddy, my happy little boy & someday I'll be with him again. I miss him every day.


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    30 years or more now We had a siamese cat named charlie. I was maybe in 3rd grade. My mom would put the cat on a leash outside during the summer. One summer morning I got up and I heard charlie out side on his lease meowing and didn't think of it. My younger sister got up and went out side to find him hanging dead off the deck. Back then there was no such thing as a quick release harness. I heard my sister crying I ran out side and released him from his collar. I held him until my uncle came over to bury him in out garden.


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    Every single rat I’ve ever had, one female, and 3 pairs of males, consecutively, and will feel same when current male passes. Rats are the most amazing, intelligent, gentle, loving little beings on the face of this cruel world, and their sweet sunshine brings me joy.


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    My tater tot was the greatest gift. I bottle fed her, as the mom was too old to tend her. She died one night while I was feeding her. I cried and begged God not to take her, as i was in an abusive relationship and needed someone or something to love me, that i could love right back. Somehow, by rubbing on her and blowing in her face, she revived. She was my heart,my child, my best friend for thirteen years. I swill never forget her. Never.


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    My cat Horus. He was literally sitting at our front door one morning when I opened the door to get the paper. His entire existence was to make everyone happy and he loved unconditionally. He even loved our mean, horrible cat Lulu. When our kids were babies and they'd cry, he'd sit and cry with them. He was always there for me and he died painfully of kidney failure and I never knew he was sick and I can never forgive myself for letting him down like that. I just want to hug him again and tell him I'm sorry.


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    He was lost, but we think he was killed on purpose, actually.

    My cat Sam Ting was a seal point siamese. He was an alley cat that my Grandma took in and gave it to us. I said something about how he was the "Same Thing", but couldn't pronounce, so he becamse Sam Ting.

    That cat was extremely smart. He learned to unhook the storm windows so he could go out any time he wanted. He needed to go out, since he'd been an outdoor cat. He could open doors by turning the doorknobs.

    He would lay by me if I cried. He got shot with a BB gun once. Went through his head and out his ear. Took a tooth out, but he seemed the same after.

    One day, he just disappeared. My Dad drove all over to see if he'd been hit by a car. But then the neighbors found out that the next day that one of their cousins had thrown their two puppies off of a bridge :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( We had sold those puppies to them! So, my two favorites, Big John and Elizabetha had been killed.

    My parents never said, but I figured they had to have done the same to our cat. I cried for 6 months. I dreamed about him for years.

    (The two puppies came from someone leaving a German Shepard and 9 tiny puppies in the back of my parents' car with a note asking that they be taken care of. We sold all the puppies for a small sum because we already had a big dog. My parents said that if you ask for a small sum - $5 - people are more likely to be responsible. Guess that didn't work out.)


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    That pet, my best friend, FatManWalkin. I think of him every day. I miss him everyday. Just writing these words, saying his name out loud fill me with such a sadness. It's been years since I lost him but the sorrow hasn't eased up. I've lost friends. I've lost family. I've lost my husband of 25 years. Loosing him hit me harder than any lose in this lifetime. I want him back so bad. Life is cruel because there is always death. "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." Is it? Is it really? Sometimes I doubt it...



    My moms dog maya
    She was the sweetest most gentle dog ever and it was so sad when she died I will forever miss her


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    The only cat I’ve known all my life, KitKat. He was there for me ever since I was a baby, but he died when I was 8. He would always sleep with me, and curl up right above my head. When I would go to school, he would hear the garage door open when I came back, so he would be sitting there at the door waiting for me. He was an adorable orange cat, with white paws and he was just the best. We buried him in our backyard, and every year on his birthday I go visit him because he was just so special.


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    Blackie, a neighborhood stray who at one time was the toughest cat in the neighborhood. He'd show up every few weeks or months and wait patiently at our back door for a handout, which we were always happy to oblige. He was always very skittish, though, and kept his distance. At some point, he was picked up a rescue organization, neutered, and then returned to the area. That calmed him down quite a bit, and he wintered one year in an insulated, heated dog house we keep for strays. After that, he became more sociable and began sitting in our laps when we were in the backyard. After we lost one of our indoor cats due to illness, he came inside and became our premier lap cat. He could literally sleep for hours in our laps. He became my 18-Lb. baby boy, and my best friend. Last year he passed unexpectedly due to a undiagnosed heart condition. I still express gratitude for the years we had together.


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    Birgit M
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is so touching. It‘s so good of you to take care of stray cats!


    I lost my beautiful long-haired black cat Morgoth in1996 to Feline leukemia, miss him still


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    Axle-my soul mate dog. Shh! Won’t tell the other pets.


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    I named a sheep Dinnerbone, but a wolf came and killed it. R.I.P. Dinnerbone (p.s. the wolf is enjoying itself in a hot place... a very, very hot place)


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    My sister's German Shepherd, Heidi. She was a year old when my son was born, but she acted like he was her pup. She'd play with him and protect him. She was his adoptive mom and made him giggle frequently. She lived to the ripe old age of 14 and was a sweet dog.


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    1987, my husband wants to go to the pound and rescue a pup. I’ve never had a dog, wasn’t really interested but tagged along. The last stall, a beautiful golden retriever. He was 11 months old, named Cujo and the owner gave him up because the dog chewed a leg off the deck of the house when the owners left him out there. I was liking this dog already! The owners deserved it. So, we adopted him and renamed him Nashua. We were a military family and Nash lived all over. He was happy, well loved, well cared for. As the years rolled on he could no longer jump on the bed with us but every night without fail, good ole Nash would lay on the floor on my side of the bed. The vet said it’s probably his time. I refused. As long as Nashua carry’s himself to our room and sleeps on the floor beside me, I would not put him down. 3 months later in August of 1998, I woke up and Nashua was not on the floor. I cried. I knew it was time. We were with him of course. I still think about him all these years later. I doubt I will ever have another dog. He took a part of me with him and I still cry when I talk about him or see photos of him. He truly was the best dog. ❤️🦮


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    a dog met at 1 Jan 2020....she was hit by a car...I took her to the doctor then she became my ❤


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    I had a specific bird,i went to school and my mom found him dead still on the floor


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    My duck. She was brutally murdered by a raccoon. Her name was little lady. A wonderful duck.


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    I think this made 2020 even worse. My cat was old. Her name was Charlotte and she was a boss b****. She basically ordered my family around. She was the best. She was turning 20 that spring. 2 days before her birthday she got really sick. She could barely even walk. She had lost her sense of smell a while ago. She died on a Tuesday. A day before her birthday. We had to put her down. I know it was the right thing to do. We didn’t want her to live in pain. Me and my mom took it the hardest. She was my moms cat, and she was my pet soulmate. F*** you 2020!!


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    Not my pet but my sisters, we were little and she had always wanted a pet fish. So my parents took her to Petco to pick out a fish. It was a dark blue Beta, super common and she named it Bodie (bow-dee). At some point he had died while we were at school and my parents found him and got a new one that looked nearly identical to the first one. My sister came home…didn’t notice and then about another month later, the second one died. My parents did the same thing until that one died about a week later, when they finally told her that he died. They didn’t tell her about the other ones who died though. She didn’t find out about all this until about 2 years ago and she’s 18 now. Rest in Peace Bodie 1, 2 and 3🐟


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    Our first dog was german shepherd, Hector - very calm, wise and patient creature, he was perfect. But I was 4, and dog was huge, I was afraid of him to the point that once I pissed myself because he just casually sleep near bathroom door. Parents found a new home for Hector, friend of a friend needed a guard dog at the construction site, so it suppose to be good place, where he get good care and could use his natural skills. After few years we found out that his new owner kept him in boiler room in the basement and Hector died because they forgot about him.
    Still I feel like it’s my fault.


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    The one n only friend I had was my lil 5 lb cocker-poo, Jazzy. One day my grandma and her husband went behind my back and had her killed, saying they gave her to our barber.


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    My girl Casey was my protector, always by my side, for 14 years. The last year of her life she grew weaker, I would sometimes have to carry her up the few steps of the front porch so she could come back into the house (no small feat as she weighed 95lbs). Then her kidneys began to fail and I knew I had no choice. Her last ride to town was a quiet one. The vet came out to us. When the needle went into her leg she looked at me with such betrayal that my heart shattered...Like it has a thousand times since then, every time I think of her. Like it is right now.


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    One of my dogs, Hydroux. He was a blind rescue we found on the side of the road.


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    Sheriff Nibbler. My beloved Cairn Terrier who kept law and order at the dog park. Dogs big and small understood that he was there to enforce the rules. Some of the more macho men would get upset when Nibbler would put their bad ass dogs in line. He was a character.


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    My Shar Pai. He was so loving and protective. He was stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction. He had to go to the emergency veterinary clinic where he died on my birthday. 😭


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    I've got a couple.

    First bunch are my guinea pigs. First trio I got when I was 14 - Biscuit, Waffle and Cookie, who were sisters. The first day we had them, Biscuit peed on my dad and he remarked "how much wee can something this small hold?!". I got a second trio when I was 17/18; Twinkie, Philadelphia and Snackajack, who probably weren't sisters. Philly and Twinkie hated each other and couldn't be housed together, so we had to split them up. When I was 19/20, I ended up leaving home for uni. I didn't get to be with Biscuit or Cookie when they died. Waffle died during the Christmas holiday and I cried like a baby because she died in my arms. As I got older, i developed a chronic pain syndrome so caring for them got harder and harder. I was 25 when Twinkie died in the night, then Snackajack followed when my parents were away, and my now fiance helped me bury her. Philly, the red eyed white devil, held on, rattling her cage bars and shrieking for her dinner for about a year. Losing her wasn't as hard as the others (mostly cause she was a devil) but it still hurt, especially when my younger dog Macduff would go looking for the guinea pigs. It's been two years and I miss the smelly, stinky, squealing turds still.

    Second is a hamster. His name was Mister T cause he was described as a 'teddy bear' hamster and cause my mum loved the A-Team. He was an angel - he used to snuggle up in the crook of my mum's elbow, would try and steal food she would eat. One time he decided it was a good idea to leap off of the couch, then when he realised that was a bad idea, stood beside a table leg staring up at my mum wanting to be picked back up. He was half blind when he passed at 3 years old.


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    My Shih Tzu, Toby. It was 29 years ago, I was 9 months pregnant and extremely uncomfortable so I-moved around the house a lot trying to find a place that felt right. Toby loyally followed me, as always. In the middle of the night I woke up when he literally screamed. If you’ve never heard a dog scream- trust me, you would never forget it. He was only 4 years old, and was having a horrible seizure (a first). We had a 4:30 a.m. emergency vet appt, but after many injections to settle him down he couldn’t stop seizing. The next next morning we transferred him to a 24 hour hospital in the City, but passed away early the next morning. I loved him, and miss him to this day.


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