Sure, no one wants to hear about your dreams. Well, we aren't no one. I, for one, have crazy interesting dreams that I love to tell people but sometimes, I've never gotten out of that phase. And I also like listening to people's dreams, which is totally not weird. But sometimes, if people aren't the type to be interested, I have to hold the story in! And your subconscious makes dreams for a reason. They have a message, and writing them out not only has added memory benefits but also might help you decode the message. So, what are your most recent dream experiences?


If you get grossed out easily then don’t read.
I had a dream where my stomach somehow came out of my body and it had a hole in it which meant that all the stomach acid was still in my body and it was dissolving my lungs and intestines. I didn’t feel any pain but I felt a lot of pressure and I could feel my tissues getting dissolved. Even after all that my parents told me that it was unnecessary to go to the doctor and that I could wait another half an hour



    I had a dream where I had psychic powers. Then an army of werewolves came to my schools and they were all bounty hunters looking for me. Then, I went to my house which was right down the street even though in reality, they are not even in the same state. I had to go to the house because my parents were getting married (They have been married since I was born). Then I got sucked into the TV and was inside of Stranger Things. I teamed up with Eleven and then we saved my school from the werewolves. Then I joined the party and accidentally got sucked inside of D&D, where I had to make friends with Tiamat.



    A symbolic dream I had more than 10 years ago, when I was going through a difficult period. It was so powerful that I still go back to it from time to time.

    I was with a larger group of hikers (my friends among them), somewhere on a mountain plateau. Night was falling and it was getting very cold. We split into small groups, each group gathering woods to make fire. Somehow, I was left alone, outside of any group. I gathered woods, and I went to get a lighter or some matches (I didn't have any). I asked - almost begged - everyone, but nobody wanted to give me something to light the fire, or to let me stay near their fire. Bitter and shaking, I returned to my pile of woods, wondering how I'll spend the night in the freezing cold.

    I haven't seen him coming. I haven't heard any steps. I just saw him standing in front of me. Even his calm, deep voice seemed out of this world.
    "May I sit next to your fire?"
    (My fire?! Is he mocking me??)
    "There is no fire here, as you can see for yourself!" I snapped at him. "I have nothing to light the fire with! I begged everyone, but they all turned me down! Even my friends refused to help me! And I'm freezing already!"

    Cold tears were running on my cheeks. He was waiting, patiently. He didn't seem upset. I slowly calmed down.

    "You can sit next to my pile of woods, if you wish. But you'll be freezing too. I can't help you. I can't even help myself!"
    "You're mistaken."
    "But I have no fire!!"
    "The fire is in you."

    His words reverberated in my mind. I looked into the distance: the sun was rising over the mountain top. The stranger had disappeared. To my surprise, my hands were warm in spite of the still freezing cold. I smiled and whispered, "thank you".



    I flew on the back of a giant pigeon that was also a taxi, it asked me where I was going and I said “I just want to fly around.” And then the pigeon said “ok.”



    I was prepared for this...

    I had a very random dream once where basically me and two of my cousins were transporting this child somewhere, running from this lady who was a mix between a zombie and a blob... at one point she attacks us and i suddenly realized i was dreaming and just electricuted her
    My dream changes and i forget im dreaming, now i was at my grandmas house (very common setting for my dreams) and there were the justice league, and a creeper who were corupt, except the creeper cause it just explodes lol..
    And i fight superman and WIN woooooo
    Everything was calming down, then a horde of zombies start coming and i have to somehow fit my entire family into a van, but i cant, because my aunt wont move her but and scoot over aagh!!
    At one point my grandpa tells me to leave him behind, and i realize im dreaming and basically banned all the zombies from my server...

    Then i woke up :3



    I always have dreams about moving to another school or another country or time travelling for some reason. A few weeks ago I had a dream about the principal of the new school showing me the way out, and at the exit were decomposing dead bodies half buried in the ground. didnt bother me though. and once when I was a young kid I had a dream about stepping on a scale and my feet were bleeding heavily and my toenails were falling off. but I dont know if that was a dream or not


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    …what do you mean you don’t know if that was a dream or not? 💀

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    I've had so many bizarre dreams, but one that sticks out to me is one I had when I was 6 years old, but I still remember vividly today.
    I'm in my bedroom, I wake up and the whole room is on fire. I ring the fire alarm and the school janitor comes up the stairs to save me. He walks in, throws more sticks in the fire, walks out and locks the door. It all felt so real, like I was actually burned alive by Mr Frater. I never looked at him the same again.


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    Omg literally last night I had a weird dream. I forget most of it, but I remember being in class and the teacher was lecturing everyone on not drawing on themselves with marker, especially because it doesn’t tend to come off easy or ever.

    I turn around in my seat, and see a girl sitting like 4 feet behind me. She’s purple. Not vibrant purple, but “stubborn marker that won’t come out” purple. 💀


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    I had a dream a few weeks ago, where I was leaving my school campus to go to my friend's house. And my parents were texting me like crazy and were so upset because my friend was driving us and she only had her learners permit. (She has her liscense irl) And they thought we would get pulled over or something, but I assured them it would be fine. So she's driving me to her house and we are on the highway, but the road brings us to this grey building. I've had a lot of dreams with this building, and they always have to do with cheer camp, like the location of the camp is this building. I've never actually been to cheer camp before. So in my dream I realize she is taking me there and I start throwing a fit, because I hate cheer camp. But, she drops me off and tells me to suck it up. So, I go register and the lady at the front tells me which dorm I'll be in and who my bunk mates are. So I go into my dorm, and I find one of my bunk mates plugging in a microwave, and holding his rats. The rats ended up getting lost later on and the rest of the dream was spent trying to find them. I remember that one of them was drawn to music, so we played music and it came out of it's hiding place. And the other one was drawn to T.V. screens. I don't really remember anymore of it lol. This actually seems really boring now that I think about it lol.


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