Choose a well know movie plot and change it wildly while still keeping the premise, and we will guess the movie :D
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•No spamming
•Trolls will have their ankles snapped
•Know at all times you are loved
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A we!l to do society woman used a maritime disaster to murder the lower class bit of rough she had a fling with.
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The name's Donut or Sloth nice ta meet ya I am no longer blocked from commenting :D now i can tell you all how much i luv yall!! <3 Also apparently 'the troll' is spreading a rumor that nathaniel upvotes himself, until truth comes to light please dont be mean to nathaniel, and dont entertain troll. Its massivly easy to create a email and copy someones bp account, for all we know someone could be framing nathaniel but until then please be kind my sweets <3 Have a great day my sweets <3 and remember Do-nut touch da donut 😈 Sloth fact of the year: babi sloths are called pups Treehouse panic is my home and my homies are bean, rosie, and betta :P If youre reading this then u must be stalking me cause i just changed it after 2 years lol, but dont worry im stalking you too/j May is my sista (not irl) she is the chillest most awesome person i know and yeah :D i will have her back Bean is a wild an amazing person they are my cousin because theyre wild and i love it :3 Betta is my brother and i may or may not have dared him to lick the pole in the cold, YOU HAVE NO PROOFS Rosieee is obvi my sista, shes like a superspy princess (wow i did not expect to say those words at my age) and shes not a vampire ya here she is my human sister and give her garlic bread cause she loves it Shanila is def my neice she's so funny and kind and bruh i always wanted a neice Imp is meh cousin, such a funny and fun person to be around so obvi theyre my cousin :3 Waylon is my uncle, because theyre cooler and more mature than ill ever be lol, but dont worry he's a cool uncle ;) Oh youre still here? Well ok, people put heights in their bio, ig, well im 8'3" you can decide what to do with that ig I have a chihweewee who youve prolly seen pics of lol, i luv to draw, craft, etc I have a comic and a yt channel... [why did i say that lol] I am the 🍩DONUT QUEEN🍩all donuts come from me ig, No bullying ya here, lets restore bp to its golden days with zara, headless roach, and nathaniel Why are you still here? You can leave now Nothing left to see here You passed the test, here is your reward dear knight 🍩🍩
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Do-nut touch da donut
Author, Community member
The name's Donut or Sloth nice ta meet ya I am no longer blocked from commenting :D now i can tell you all how much i luv yall!! <3 Also apparently 'the troll' is spreading a rumor that nathaniel upvotes himself, until truth comes to light please dont be mean to nathaniel, and dont entertain troll. Its massivly easy to create a email and copy someones bp account, for all we know someone could be framing nathaniel but until then please be kind my sweets <3 Have a great day my sweets <3 and remember Do-nut touch da donut 😈 Sloth fact of the year: babi sloths are called pups Treehouse panic is my home and my homies are bean, rosie, and betta :P If youre reading this then u must be stalking me cause i just changed it after 2 years lol, but dont worry im stalking you too/j May is my sista (not irl) she is the chillest most awesome person i know and yeah :D i will have her back Bean is a wild an amazing person they are my cousin because theyre wild and i love it :3 Betta is my brother and i may or may not have dared him to lick the pole in the cold, YOU HAVE NO PROOFS Rosieee is obvi my sista, shes like a superspy princess (wow i did not expect to say those words at my age) and shes not a vampire ya here she is my human sister and give her garlic bread cause she loves it Shanila is def my neice she's so funny and kind and bruh i always wanted a neice Imp is meh cousin, such a funny and fun person to be around so obvi theyre my cousin :3 Waylon is my uncle, because theyre cooler and more mature than ill ever be lol, but dont worry he's a cool uncle ;) Oh youre still here? Well ok, people put heights in their bio, ig, well im 8'3" you can decide what to do with that ig I have a chihweewee who youve prolly seen pics of lol, i luv to draw, craft, etc I have a comic and a yt channel... [why did i say that lol] I am the 🍩DONUT QUEEN🍩all donuts come from me ig, No bullying ya here, lets restore bp to its golden days with zara, headless roach, and nathaniel Why are you still here? You can leave now Nothing left to see here You passed the test, here is your reward dear knight 🍩🍩

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Hey there, Pandas! My name is Diana (though some prefer to refer to me as Diane, Deanna, and even Liana sometimes), and I am a Community Post Moderator Lead for Bored Panda. As my position title states, I am one of the people (employed Pandas for bamboo) over here who work with the community side of things on this website to ensure all is well, and while at that, I also help various creators and artists get recognition for the incredible work they do by connecting them to a large worldwide audience. Other than that, outside of work, you can find me brewing a nice cup of coffee, making a pizza from scratch, or baking brownies. I also love traveling, concerts, and cats (heavy on that, because I am a cat mom).
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Diana Lopetaitė
BoredPanda staff
Hey there, Pandas! My name is Diana (though some prefer to refer to me as Diane, Deanna, and even Liana sometimes), and I am a Community Post Moderator Lead for Bored Panda. As my position title states, I am one of the people (employed Pandas for bamboo) over here who work with the community side of things on this website to ensure all is well, and while at that, I also help various creators and artists get recognition for the incredible work they do by connecting them to a large worldwide audience. Other than that, outside of work, you can find me brewing a nice cup of coffee, making a pizza from scratch, or baking brownies. I also love traveling, concerts, and cats (heavy on that, because I am a cat mom).