In this day and age, we need to hear more good feels stories.

Tell me a situation you witnessed (or heard) that you stood up for someone who was wronged or stood up to someone treating someone poorly who didn't deserve it. Be it in the service industry, on the street, anything. Everyone should hear about these unsung heroes.

I haven't had the pleasure myself (yet), but on some of the posts I see, it really grinds my gears how some people can be to one another.


I'm not gonna talk about me but my two youngest. This is the day I became a proud mama. At the time my kids were in about 5th or 6th grade. I was enrolling them at a new school. While we were waiting for paperwork to process another mother came in with her very shy very quiet son and it was obvious he was special needs. He cowered in a corner as some kids going to their next class snickered and pointed. My kids looked up, my daughter jumped up and told the other kids to stop and my son went to the boy and introduced himself and started talking. My daughter joined them and they sandwiched this kid in the middle. Within a couple minutes all the kids were laughing and having a good time. The mom had tears in her eyes and they were all friends the rest of the year.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Aww, this made me tear up. You’ve done a wonderful job raising two very kind hearted and considerate children, you are clearly a great mum :)

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    For my brother many times. But one time I got into a bad altercation with a man..
    My brother is mentally challenged, but you don't see anything on the outside. He has the mind of an 8yo kid though he's 40. Once he was playing outside with my daughter and her friends. They had him run after them to catch them. Which he did many times. I sometimes had to call him inside, because I saw he was tired but didn't want to tell the girls he didn't want to run anymore.
    Some guy came by and said '' that is not normal, a grown man playing with little girls!!"
    I told him that the parents of the kids knew my brother was playing with their kids. Since he did that all the time.
    The man said we were all stupid that we allowed this.
    I got angry and told the guy to mind his own business. And that i didn't need to explain anything to him. But since he was so eager to put his nose in my business, I told him my brother is mentally 8. But someone who's that ignorant as he was wouldn't understand this anyway.
    Then I took my crying brother inside to calm him down.



    My dear partner was hospitalized with a collapsed lung three times. Twice at the same hospital with an awful, cold and mean doctor. The 2nd time there I pulled him aside and said though I know it is not easy to be a doctor and were thankful for hospitals- he is a good human in there in an incredible amount of pain - not a sack of potatoes! He was much kinder after that!



    Some kids were locking another kid outside the school by not opening the door and standing inside and taunting him. The doors can be opened from the inside but not the outside. I was inside and saw this happen for a few minutes and then I walked over, opened the door and went back to sitting alone on a bench.



    When sitting on the deck of a bar, my husband and I noticed a dark-skinned man looking at the entrance but not coming in. We live in a very racist area of NY. I greeted him and asked what was going on. He said he lived nearby but was hesitant to enter. I told him that he was safe with us and so he went in, got a beer, bumped into a couple of people he knew and sat at a table near us. The porch filled up with other patrons.

    One loud mouthed drunk started to rant about n*gg*rs. You could have heard a pin drop... every table fell silent. The man hung his head in embarrassment.

    Having experienced bullying, and hating racism, I loudly came to his defense. I said "You will apologize to him immediately!" She replied "mind your business". I said "THIS is MY business. Apologize now!" This exchange went back and forth for a while. She said something to imply she was going to kick my ass. I said "If I get up out of this chair, I WILL beat the snot out of you in front of all these people. And no one here will pull me off of you. You WILL apologize NOW."

    She uttered a sarcastic apology. I said "THAT is not good enough. He deserves a REAL apology!" Reluctantly, her next apology was more sincere.

    Everyone slowly went back to their beers. The man was still painfully embarrassed. He sat for a bit, said goodbye to his friends, stopped at my table to say thank you and left. We never saw him again.

    This is just one of the many times I've had to take a strong stand against the ugliness of racism in my community. May we all work together to create better days.


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    Sam rice
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you for standing up to uneducated brainwashing:)

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    I stood up to our class bully who was the new kid in our class in fifth grade. He challenged me to a fight, and I accepted. I whooped him, and he stopped being an a-hole.



    In 9th grade a kid was taunting me and throwing stuff at me. At first I didn't think too much about it but when the kid said something very rude about my life it pushed me over the edge. I turned around and stood in the kids face. He ended up pushing me and I stood my ground and fought back. I ended up slamming him into the ground and beating the s**t out of him. I heard later that he had a broken nose and also some broken teeth. It's a decision I don't regret.



    My brother was getting hit on by my mother. I finally told her to pick on someone her own size.



    Some girls were frustrated with a guy in P.E. because he did what they told him to (they were making up stupid reasons to be mad at him) and he sat out on the side because he said no one needed him to do anything apparently, and then they got mad at him for not hitting the ball when he was sitting out and i couldn't take it anymore and started yelling at them and cussing them out for being idiots and being so rude to him. I got sent out of the class but it was worth it, the guy came up to me later and said thanks.



    Oh, and I stood up for absent people, where others gossiped about them or talked behind their back. I just said that if they really think they are what they think they are, they should tell them directly, or otherwise, it's pointless to complain. Or I just said that I don't like the way they talk about certain people behind their back.


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    The Real Butters
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Theres a good quote you might enjoy I always loved " Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas!"

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    I whipped a bully with a stick. He doesn’t bother me no more but if he does he’s gonna get a licking



    My son’s daycare had a rule that you put on those little hospital booties over your feet/shoes before you went into their class room. We always had 2 women who’d go in barefoot to get/drop their kids. The staff asked them once to use the booties and these women basically told them off. After about the 3rd time, I asked them, in the class, why they refused to wear the booties. They said they didn’t have to. I pointed out that there were signs all over saying that was not true. I told them that they are putting all the children at risk with their nasty bare feet. No one knows where their feet have been, if they have pets at home and are transferring pet hair to daycare, etc. Some kids can be allergic. I asked them what they would do if I came in with athletes foot and their son crawled around where I walked. One mom said thats gross, but she’s going to do what she wants. They wore sandals and didn’t see the big deal in no booties. I told her it was the protect the kids from stuff we bring in on our shoes. She said f-off and left. The next day the 2 moms came in together before work. I came in behind them. Soon as they slipped off their shoes and went in barefoot again, I grabbed their shoes, took them to the manager and filed a complaint. They have cameras all over, so they could see what happened. I went back to the class, told the moms where they could find their shoes and that I’d continue this until they would follow the rules and wear the booties. I heard later that because this was an ongoing issue and a complaint was finally made, by non-staff, they removed the kids and told them to use a diff daycare. Too bad these moms didn’t even care about their own kids.



    When I was in grade school, I used to take a bus to go hone, and every day these two boys would pull back their eyes around me and my brother, and would say things such as "Ooh teach me karate" or "Don't you have any rice to share with us?" My mom told me just to ignore them but one time I just got so mad I used a front kick on his friend when we got off the bus and said, "First of all, we learn taekwondo. Second of all, 닥쳐!" My mom was so mad, my gosh. But my dad.... well, he laughed, and then my mom slapped his head.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm laughing, too. Hmmmm... I think I just felt something hit the back of my head... ;)

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    I was driving with my friend and her seventeen-year-old (nerdy, and very shy) daughter. We come to a stoplight. A bunch of guys from her school pulled up next to us - an SUV, so it held a lot of people. One of the boys mooned her - you could see everything. She was humiliated, and started crying.
    I rolled down my window, and the passenger did the same thing. I said, "Tell your friend it looks just like a real one, only smaller."
    He told the other guys, and they all (except one!) started shrieking with laughter. The driver was laughing so hard he didn't even go when the light turned green.


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    Once when I was 8-years-old, I wanted to play on the swings because my summer camp was at the playground that day. The only seat was next to a boy, who let's just say didn't really have the best reputation. He told me I couldn't sit next to him because I'm a girl. I didn't want to let him win, so I sat down anyway! To this day, I'm still proud of that ^^


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He can go dive into a pool of sour cream, get dumped on by a dump truck and go cartwheeling naked down Wall Street

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    When I was in My Dental Hygiene Program, we only had 14 students for the two years. We all got very close. One of the older women was failing in labs, the actual working IN a mouth part! None of the teachers took her on. I asked them to, as well, but no one stepped up. It seemed they wanted her to fail. I took her on after class for a full quarter and she graduated and passed her boards first time. (The smartest person who everyone favored had to take her boards twice!)


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    Norah Reilly
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When will we ever learn that hate/fear/dislike/meanness makes you stupid?

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    I was driving home from Miami, FL to Denver, CO for Christmas. I stopped at a Burger King in Atlanta, Georgia. There was a girl behind the counter, obviously new, and this huge, racist, country boy kept dropping the 'n' word and bitching about how slow she was. I mean he was just going on and on... Welp! I'd had enough. So I tapped him on the shoulder - him 6'4" and easily 300 lbs, me 5'6" and maybe 120 lbs - it was quite a reach up there. And I just cut loose... Completely went off... He was huge, pissed off, and stupid, but he didn't attack me - which is good cause he could have killed me in a second - instead he, and his three almost as big, and equally as nasty friends left the line and the restaurant. The girl at the cash register said thanks, and so did a few other people. I guess it's hard to stand up to someone being a racist jerk when it's all you're used to, but I hate that. Always have... And I will always stand up, speak up, and get in the way.



    My friend roasted someone bullying her and the guy tried to punch her and i pulled her out of the way



    I was being harassed and bullied when I was in 7th and 8th grade. This kid called me a stalker and made my life hell. Once, in 8th grade, he took it too far and I lost my already brewing emotional control. I shoved him against the locker, in a position he couldn't escape, and shouted "Stop calling me a stalker! What did I do to you? Go bother somebody else!" Of course, I regretted it instantly and wrote him a 3-page apology letter.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The bully was the stalker, not you! I don't think he knows what "stalker" means.

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    In another story, this guy having a really, really bad day, ran into my car at a stop light. back story - my 3 week old infant was in the car, guy was a little on the tipsy side, and happened to be Latinx. He was drunk enough not to realize what had happened, and there was a lot of traffic (still stopped at the light), so I got out of my car, got his keys from him, got him out of his car =, and called the police. Now, more back story - guy had just lost his job, and had a kid in the hospital and was having an epic bad day and of course, it just got worse. When the police showed up, one of whom was a regular at the restaurant I worked at, they asked what happened and I told them. They started questioning the guy, and one of them, not the one I knew, started trying to provoke him. Finally, it worked! The guy said, "F**k!" and the cop slammed him face first into the trunk of my car. Well, guy had been totally cooperative, completely polite, and told me his story and I had a lot of sympathy. No one was hurt - I mean the car was totalled, but me and my kid, and the guy were not hurt, so no biggie. It's just a car - I can get another car... But this cop went way too far - so I stepped between him and the guy. Cop gets pissed at me - Don't you want this asshole to pay?!? I said, well, he's gonna lose his license, have to do therapy, UA's and pay a shitton in fines - that's enough. No one was hurt. Cop tells me I have to come testify... * months later in court, I testify I tell the story, asking for lenience for the guy as it was his first offence, explain about his really bad day, and then explain about the cop. Judge asked if the cop was in the court room and I pointed right at him. "Yes, your honor. That officer right there slammed this poor guys face into my car. Guy was completely compliant and cop is an asshole if you'll pardon my language. If he can't do his job without being violent, perhaps he shouldn't be a cop." Cop lost his s**t and had to be escorted from the room. Guy got off easy and sent me a check for the damage to my car with a thankyou/apology note.


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    J. F.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cops in the US need better training for dealing with non-dangerous situations

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    When I was 9, this bully in my class started picking on a girl with cerebral palsy. She spent about half of her time at school in a wheelchair. He pushed her and called her names.
    Now I wasn’t the biggest kid. I was basically a lanky nerd at the time. He was one of the biggest kids in my year, but i still beat him up thoroughly.
    I got sent to the principals office and the called my dad to come get me. The principal was real angry and chewed me out good. My dad just sat there silently.
    When we were walking to the car my dad leaned over and told me he was very proud of me and asked if i wanted to go get some ice cream.


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    I flipped out on two bullies. one I hit with a brick, the other a bat. it was bad. court bad.


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    Norah Reilly
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope that you were treated leniently by the court (?)

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My grandmother had both dementia and Alzheimer's. She wanted to go to Subway, so we went. Most people quickly catch on that something is not quite right with my grandmother. This sandwich b*tch tried to treat my grandmother like cr*p and I let her have it. We were the only 2 patrons in the restaurant at the time and she had absolutely no patience. Then she had started to talk/treat my grandmother like she was a 3 year old. Not cool. On the other hand, there was this pizza joint my grandmother liked and the waitress, no matter how busy was so awesome. She had the patience of a saint and I always tipped her about 45 to 50%. After my grandmother died I stopped in for a slice to go and she asked about her. When I told her she had passed she actually got tears in her eyes. Such a great person!


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    At one of the first garage sales I attended in a new town, I saw a native woman spit after a discussion about the change she received. I suggested that it was still very early, and perhaps the till could be counted, which got her $5 back.


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    One night walking home from a bar, saw a young lady arguing with a man who had just snatched her phone. He was calling her a s**t and threatening to send sexual images to her family on her phone just because she decided not to sleep with him. So, I approached them and tried to talk him out of being a shitheel, he promptly kicked my ass out into the street while she took her phone back and jumped into a car full of friends that she had already called to come get her.
    Turns out she never needed my help in the first place and I got beat up for nothing. But srsly; f**k that guy.


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    A kid (we’ll call him John) asked to play with this other kid (let’s call him Harry) and his friends, who were all playing a board game. Harry laughs and says no, go away, so John walks away sort of sadly, and jumps up to touch one of the artworks hanging from the ceiling. He misses, and Harry turns to his friends and calls out “He can’t even touch the artwork” and starts laughing. John’s a friend of mine so I stand up angrily and say “Hey, leave him alone”. But Harry simply laughs and mocks me instead, saying in a stupid voice “leave him alone” and “what are you gonna do about it”. I didn’t get Harry to be nice, but then I went up to John and we hung out together. I don’t know. I didn’t feel very great afterwards.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're still a hero. We can't always get the Harry types of this world to behave, but you stood up to him and you gave support to John. Those are two important ways to help someone and you did both.

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    When I saw a bi girl getting harassed by two boys, I went up and punched them both in the face 😃



    I'm a very even tempered person. But sometimes I can be pushed too far. My husband had been in a serious accident and they were putting him on a gurney to transport him to the hospital. It was a distressing thing to see. I rushed to the hospital not knowing how bad his condition was. I pulled up to the ER entrance and was trying to get the attention of the valets to park my car. They were just standing there talking to each other, and ignoring me. One girl was extremely rude to me, brushing me off. Keep in mind that I didn't know if my husband was dead or alive. I just chewed her out good and she was speechless. Apparently, she had never had anyone stand up to her about her attitude. Fortunately, my husband was not badly injured. He did have to go to physical therapy for about a year.


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    A while back I was a waitress at a seedy bar. One night this guy comes in thinking he was the hottest sh*t around surrounded by a gaggle of girls. That loser puked all over the god dam floor because he couldn't hold his liquor. When i called the back staff to come out and do a cleaning that POS had the audacity to grab the mop out of our handi-capped cleaners hands and started making sounds mimicking him right in his face. I walked over and grabbed the mop from his hands and yelled at him to go pay his bill and get the hell out. He ran off but one of the girls had his credit card and gave me an amazing tip


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ha ha. I would like to have been there when he saw the charge on his credit card statement.

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    Back when I first started working retail, I worked for a large retailer (give me a W ... 😉). One of the Assistant Managers was a newly divorced douchebag who garnered a reputation for harassing young female employees, to the point where they were scared to work alone in their departments. I went to my Assistant Manager, and made a complaint. He supported my complaint but could do nothing because his wife had been hit on by that same douchebag at a social gathering. He directed me to go to a female assitant manager. So I did. The next day I was called to the manager's office, where a collection of Assistant Managers ( including the female one I had complained to) and the store Manager yelled at me for half an hour about minding my own business. After that, I put in a request for a transfer to the overnight crew. Lo and behold the douchebag ended up on that shift. I decided, after 4 years, it was time to move on and found a job as a management trainee with a smaller retailer. I heard through the grapevine that he started dating one of the employees on his shift, got caught and was only transferred, not fired.
    After I became a manager, I made sure my employees felt heard, felt safe and were never treated as badly as I had been.


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    Was at a known LGBQT club with my best friend and her GF. Got a bit late and out on the street there was this group of three young men harassing a dude for coming out of said club. Right after the first punch my friend and me immediately went in.

    Have to say that we aren't very intimitating by looks (I'm not a muscular man and she has average height) , and of course they tried to attack us as well - We walked away with bruises, they needed an ambulance.


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    My friend is going toxic relationship with also my another friend and i speak up my opinion why she letting him do that to her. But i never tell to break him up i just tell her my opinion now they both unfriend me and we never talk again


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    when people call me she / her my best friends always correct them :)



    In my high school sophomore biology class, there was a new girl that was exceptionally shy that sat a couple of rows behind me. There were 3 football players that were total assholes and I knew they picked on her, but I could never catch them at it. One day our teacher left the room for a long time to run some copies and one of the three guys went over to that girl and started pulling up his shirt and rubbing his nipples in front of her while the others threw their pocket change at her. She just kept her head down but I could see she was crying, so I went back and sat on her desk in front of her. The guy rubbing his nipples laughed and started to do some kind of stupid walk up to me, and I backhanded him, HARD. I lived on a farm and baled a lot of hay, so I wasn't f##king around. He held his face while tears ran down his pathetic cheeks. One of the money throwers asked, "Are you gonna let her get away with that?" He didn't say a word and went back to his seat. I then announced to them, "She's MINE. F##k with her and you f##k with me." and went back to my seat. No one said anything when the teacher finally came back. I kept an eye out for her the rest of the year. After that, she changed schools again. She never said anything to me, but that's okay.


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    When I was little neighborhood bully started hit my bro. I defended bro.



    Two students in my class, one was gay and proud of it. This other student started ragging on him about being gay and to stay away from him. Me: "Because he is gay it doesn't mean that he wants you its not about what you are its about personality and it looks like your personality sucks!" He shut up after that.


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    At one point, I had a non-binary friend, let's call them L. So they talked to me, and said someone in our group chat called them a bitch. So I opened a private chat and I, well, I went batshit crazy. I yelled at him, berated him, honestly said some awful things. I don't regret anything though.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So without any context of why said friend was called a bitch you went crazy on a stranger? You need to be more careful


    Recently at a super hipster rural craft brewery where entitled brewer had put hammocks out that had always worried me. They were just timber buried in the ground, diagonally outwards from the hung hammocks, not particularly thick. No cement, not treated wood.

    After about a year of worrying every time my kid went on them, I was at an event organised by a close friend. The wood (rotten from damp soil and termites) snapped, and somebody else’s kid ended up in ER getting a head wound stitched up. Both hammocks collapsed that day with children on them.

    Mister Hipster Barista leaned out of his car at me and asked angrily who he should speak to about all his stuff that had gotten broken that day.

    I lost it. “There’s a kid in the hospital because of your shoddy workmanship.”

    “They were hardwood!”

    “Buried not far enough in damp soil.”

    “But they were swinging way harder than they should have been!”

    “If it broke with a kid swinging on it, it would have broken with a drunk adult even sitting in it. I think you might find yourself getting sued for providing equipment that’s not fit for purpose.”

    “Let them try.”

    Just got to explain - small town - having enemies is inconvenient, especially when you run a small business yourself and they are a customer.

    But nope. You don’t endanger kids then blame the kids for being kids. I think he did get “told” by authorities - lucky for him the kid’s family put it down to normal misadventure not negligence.


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    Irdk. I have rlly bad memory. But I think that it’s when somebody knocked down my lunch+recess buddy’ s lunch and yogurt



    Some guys at work put a pizza box with a few slices left in the trash to bait another coworker into eating “garbage.” This guy is a little strange, but the one of the nicest people I work with. When they came over to get me in on the show, I walked over and pulled out the box and ate the slices myself while staring at them. I told them to never try to be so demeaning to another person in front of me again. The were visibly shook, and a few guys came over and apologized to me later in the day. I don’t even stand up for myself that often, but to do that to someone that is so nice... not on my watch.


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