I'll go first: I never have time to read BP posts so I save them and now I just have a massive document full of links to read later...

Send help!


Although I'm not deeply close to anyone here, I love seeing many pandas around the site, it always feels like I'm meeting a friend on the street...



    Every morning,when my dog wakes up and is still tired,I kiss her on the forehead and walk away quickly so by the time she looks back,she thinks she got a mystery kiss



    My friend asked me where I got all the best memes (BP, of course) and I told him I couldn't tell him because the website is addictive.

    Truth is, I'm afraid he'll guess my username and find out I have a crush on him.🙃



    Sometimes I go out and sit next to the pond on my property and look for frogs and turtles


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I miss going to my aunt and uncles lake house, they have so many little frogs on the shore of the lake that I would just lay in the mud and let them jump on me...that was 20 years ago...alright I'm gonna go open up a bag of chips


    I am about to turn 46 and I still eat all the marshmallows out if a box of Lucky Charms and halfway thru, I mix up the box and leave it for the kids while I open a new one…



    So this is not my confession, more something I recently found out...

    So many years ago I started a YouTube channel, I got busy, it wasn't really picked up by the algorithm and I stopped doing it.

    My husband decently started a League of Legends shorts channel which made me want to start a new quiz channel.
    We jokingly said we would compete to see who could get to monetization faster (knowing neither of us would). Like all new channels viewership is tiny. Suddenly a few of my videos went from like 5views to 40 views which was very exciting. Today, I found out that my husband has been plugging my channel on reddit. He knows that I don't really do social media and don't have an online presence for things like this so he found forums and plugged my content so that I don't get discouraged and keep making videos. I truly love him.

    I don't have socials to plug him on but,
    in an effort to return a bit of the favour, check out Heimerdingedya if you feel so inspired, no pressure though obviously.



    after scrolling TikTok for hours on my phone, sometimes i take my football player bear plushie and go eat cereal at 1:00 in the morning with him,,, i’m about to turn 18



    TW: Suícide

    My online friend recently killed themselves. We were both fans of this Chinese movie called Little Door Gods and I’d write some fanfic about it for them to read. I’d also posted one to Wattpad so they could read it easier and I didn’t have to send screenshots of my notes app, plus we could potentially meet other fans. (Although nobody has read any of my works other than my old friend 🙃)

    One time they requested one where the two main characters just messed around outside after a winter storm and stuff. I never got around to it, so they never got to see it before dying.

    I’m gonna write it in their honour.



    I pulled out my old keyboard and started playing on it and I realized that I’ve gotten better at playing it and the batteries haven’t died.



    my family's garage is super dark and kinda creepy, and i watch a lot of analog horror, so i was nervous. i started to sing Boulevard of broken dreams, and that helped somehow



    I tried making an account that people could use to post stuff anonymously, or just vent if they needed to, but I am completely incapable of reading the room, so it failed miserably. Everyone thought it was a scam lol. I ended up deleting the account, so now I'm ok with admitting that it was me.



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    Stardust she/her
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So it was you! i was kind of thinking it wasn’t a scam but I didn’t message that account just in case

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    I passed the whole time of online classes with bored panda or reddit on split screen with the boring video calls.
    Never got caught.
    Got best score in my batch.
    Never regretted not paying attention to the class


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    Huddo's sister
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Today I 'watched' first aid pre-coursework videos on mute while reading bored panda. (I had to play each video to get to the quiz, but I've done the course every year for 10 years. I still got 20/20 on the quiz)

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I buy my mom things when she irritates me. My dad never gave her anything. So if she so much as looks at me funny, I buy her something. And she can't stop me. I also trained my Chihuahua to cuddle with my mom whenever she cries.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow..... I have worked for many many decades to have compassion at this Jedi level...... empathy I have, but my hurts are still squishing its expression and make it very challenging to do action at this level ..... gold stars for you <3

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    I recently started missing the days when I was a painter. Even though I'm a photographer and videographer, I missed getting "dirty" creating art. Yet, I wasn't feeling drawn to the canvas. So I started to throw pottery. If you think throwing clay on a wheel is easy, damn...it's WAY harder than you think. Yesterday, I felt like I was wasting my time until I looked at what I've made on my shelf. It's a progression of my abilities, since they are displayed in order. And seeing my first piece to my latest gave me such joy and sense of pride, that I felt reinvigorated. Researching pottery get aways now so I can have a "creative vacation."


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    So i have gained a nickname used by all my cousins..

    The story is one of my cousins (he has autism) couldnt really pronounce my name correctly so he called me annie as oposed to anna :)

    I ofc thought it was adorable and never corrected him as i loved the nickname and thought it was sweet...

    Well somewhere along the way the nickname spread to all my cousins on my moms side (which is alot)

    So now im known as annie to my cousins :)

    Boy are newborns gonna be confused



    Me and my dad go on a 20 km bike ride every Saturday morning since the start of this year. We always greet everybody that we pass along the road, even though we don't actually know them. This week was the first time I saw a whole group of guys we have been greeting for a while jump up when they saw us, and they all cheered as we passed and greeted them.


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    Jane No Dough
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's awesome, all of it. So nice you have that kind of relationship with your dad, and that you recognize the small rewards in your efforts.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    At the farm I work at, we’re not supposed to do anything with the chickens. And especially not the meat birds. We go in, give them food and water, and go out.
    I feel so bad for the meat birds, and once in a while I’ll switch their normal fattening grain for the one with dry corn and sunflower seeds. I know I shouldn’t, but I just want to give them a little happiness before they’re killed.


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    I have a crush on my friend who is also a girl 🫠


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    When I was about 20-21, and still a virgin, I was hanging out drinking at a nearby park with this girl who was a neighbor in the apartment complex I lived in. I liked her, but she was living with this other dude, so it was just friendly. In addition to having never had sex, I had also never smoked a cigarette. At one point she tells me that if I took a drag off a cigarette she'd give me a really long kiss down there. I was so focused on having self control and not letting myself be manipulated into doing something I didn't want to do, I ended the night still a virgin and having never smoked a cigarette. Fast forward 30 years and I've still never smoked a cigarette, but I did lose my virginity to that same girl a short time after that night and we've been married since 95.


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    I offend make up a picture in my head what other pandas look like! And I sometimes wonder if they do the same thing


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    Stardust she/her
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes I do that when I’m talking with Pandas who’ve only shared half their face or if their pfp is a digital drawing of them

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    I originally wanted to make a batch of stickers for myself but now I’ve decided to also make a batch for my crush because I feel like she’s going through a lot of stress right now so maybe those stickers will temporarily make her a bit happier


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    Sending help :)


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    See Also on Bored Panda