You can pick any topic or genre, such as fears or romance, or even something spooky


Life makes no mistakes
Or so they say
They say to do whatever it takes
To make this your best day

But what if at the end of every good day
There were consequences for being happy
What if at the end of hours of play
Everything changed from great to crappy



    lost in my mind
    and honestly I’m downing
    can’t get in a breath
    all I hear is the shouting

    it’s coming from all angles
    and they left me for dead
    all the angels ran
    now I’m stuck with the demons in my head



    Once I wished to love
    Once I wished to smile
    Once I wished to be free
    Once I wished to be me

    Then I hoped to stay
    Wishing things were fine
    Now I hope to be okay
    Knowing things don't shine


    See Also on Bored Panda

    you said you’d never lie,
    you promised i could trust you,
    yet your lies reek, and your dishonesty is like a hammer
    every reassuring word like another swing at my already shattered heart.
    the bloodied pieces dirty the floor, some of them still pulsing.
    you apologize again, then demand i clean it up.

    I need my heart to live, my dear,
    i want to stay alive.
    but it’s okay, take another swing,
    because unlike you,
    i meant it when i said i’d die for you

    (i know it’s a bit longer and it’s only the first draft, so please excuse the silly wording)


    See Also on Bored Panda