For example:
I LOVE the color of your house and we can meet up there sometime.
I WILL let her know that we love it when she goes home.
YOU ARE doing better than that green bean casserole was.
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Wish i could use the screenshot. Typed
Is canni
Is cannibalism legal in Idaho
Is cannibalism vegan
Is canning meat safe
Commit canibalism or not just do it for you and you want me to do something with it and I will be sure that I can help with my life lol lol you know me and I will never do that anymore and you have no money for you anymore and you don’t have anything to do anymore lol I love it lol I just wanted you like me too I just wanted to say hello and you guys
I have to do a math test tomorrow and I have to do a math test tomorrow morning and I have a headache and I’m going to sleep now I’m just finished with the math
I’m just looking at my new phone and I saw this one but it was not cool I just can’t believe that lol!
NOBODY KNOWS about what happened in the past but it’s not that painful to eat.
AUTOCORRECT IS wrong about my life and other problems.
MY FRIENDS call me back but I’m not sure if I’m alive.
THIS POST is stupid and it’s stupid to say that too.
Here is the best time to comment on your favourite book and the most interesting part of your head down is your face and your eyes are still in your face
Here is the best time to comment on your favourite book and the most interesting part of your head down is your face and your eyes are still in your face