Is this post just an excuse for me to show off my pancake art? Yes. Will I be adding far too many submissions? Also yes. Do I still want to see cool food that other people have made? Also yes.
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Banana And Strawberry Snake Drinking From A Lake Of Honey With A Small Turtle Swimming In It. By Abigail, 9 Years Old
Bacon Roses I Make For My Husband Every Valentines Day
Octopus Pancake
My 9-Yo Daughter's Bear Cupcakes. She Baked Them And Designed And Made The Decoration
Spiderweb Pancake
Just take a cleaned out squeezable condiment bottle (mine is from grenadine syrup, but you could literally just use a ketchup bottle or something) and fill it with the pancake batter of your choosing. Then just draw the shapes you want in a pan and cook them the exact same way you would typically cook pancakes. Flipping them can be a bit tricky, you may need multiple spatulas if you're making sorting with a lot of little bits like a spiderweb or an octopus. And thank you! :D
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I Tried Getting Myself To Eat Healthier
Tiny Ghost Pancake Family
Snail Pancake
Wookie Cookie, R2d2 Cake And A Pink Storm Trooper Cake
Fish Tank Cake
Teenager Dinner!
I Call This One “The Different Approach On A “Failed” Pancake.” :)
Panda Shaved Ice Parfait
Ice Cream Cake
Rainbow Pancakes!
Yeeeeeee They look so good! When I ty to make colored pancakes the color bakes out and they turn weird grey colors... Any tips?
Openfaced Sandwich On Homeade Bread. It's Got Garlic Butter, Basil, Fresh Tomatoes, And Provolone
I burnt my mouth on molten tomato eating this, but it was delicious.
Some Random, Recipe-Less Blackberry Turnovers I Felt Like Making. :)
Canned biscuits past the "best by" date make wonderful tart/ empanada crusts. Just roll them out with a little flour to twice the size, fill with fruit or meat, pinch the edges, brush with butter and bake.for about recommended biscuit time. It makes it more like a pastry dough that doesn't rise.
Halloween Sausage Fingers
Dia De Los Muertos Cookies
Eggplant Parm
Homemade Chocolate Pie And Fresh Vanilla Whipped Cream
My First Time Baking An Apple Pie
Feeling Saucy? Bring Your Pasta Ms Thing Went Overboard Again
Not Exactly Creative But I Thought I Would Share Anyway
I Forgot To Buy The Pie Crusts, So I Made Chicken With Homemade Dumplings
Severed Foot Meat Loaf
Scratch Chocolate Cake With Caramel Filling, Chocolate Frosting With Carmel On Top, Pecans And Homemade Cowboy Cookies On The Side
Oven Roast With Brown Sugar Glaze, Baby Carrots, Golden Potatoes, Basil And Lemon Pepper Seasoning Made For My Mom On Mother's Day
Unicorn Butter Golden Cake With Lemon Frosting And Buttercream Trimming Made For My Mother On Mother's Day
Eggplant Parm
Dia De Los Muertos Cookies
Fruit Pie, Butter Cookie Crust,cream Cheese, Apple Slices,strawberries With Jelly Glaze Over Fruit To Keep Preserved
just by looking at this i am too hungry for existence also i cant be within a 10 foot radius of a kitchen or it'll burn down (i promise i don't TRY to burn it, its only a curse)
fair_weather_rose (they/she), thanks for making this! it shows how some people can be so creative with food! These are so clever and cute.
just by looking at this i am too hungry for existence also i cant be within a 10 foot radius of a kitchen or it'll burn down (i promise i don't TRY to burn it, its only a curse)
fair_weather_rose (they/she), thanks for making this! it shows how some people can be so creative with food! These are so clever and cute.