Share your worst date stories


My worst date had a funny, meaningful ending.

Years ago I dated a guy who kept talking about himself, his life and his problems the whole time. I tried to change the subject, but he was like "no, let me tell you". At the end, he told me that I shouldn't pin my hopes on a relationship with him, because his dream was to have a blonde, blue-eyed girlfriend (I am a green-eyed brunette).
And the was this elder lady at the next table, who overhead him and - pointing down her belly - she snapped at him: "do you see this, boy? It's blonde and it has blue eyes! Idiot!". Then, to me: "you deserve someone better, sweetie". Bless her :)


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6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He sounds like an idiot. I recognize the symptoms because I have been an idiot, though I'd like to think I was never that bad.

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    I let my friend hook me up on a blind date. Huge mistake. I should have ended the date as soon as we ordered food. We went to a little Mexican place that got rave reviews. He seemed okay when we first sat down. A little bit chatty and interupted me a few times but I chalked it up to nerves. When the waiter came he decided to order for both of us, without asking me, in very broken Spanish. It was a very poor attempt to impress, especially considering I speak Spanish. When the waiter left I asked why he felt the need to order for me when I knew what I wanted. He insisted that he knew the menu best because he "spoke Spanish".

    So when the waiter came back with our drinks I told him I didn't want was ordered and what I actually wanted. My date was annoyed but hey so was I. We tried talking about what we did for work and our interests. But if I tried to contribute to the conversation he would just talk over me. I ended up messaging my roommate and asking her to call me and fake an emergency so I could just slip away without further awkwardness. Never spoke to him again.


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    Patricia Steward
    Community Member
    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why fake an emergency? Just say "Sorry, this isn't working," cancel the order, and leave.

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    Showed up to the restaurant only to find I was stood, ‘an emergency’. As I was leaving they showed up with someone else. Not my favourite night and not the best for the old self esteem


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    My first date took me to see Batman and Robin in the theatre. I was pretty into the movie, and I guess he was too. Didn't think much of it until he admitted he forgot I was with him the whole time. Not really the worst thing that could happen but I felt that he could have kept that to himself.

    A more annoying date. Me and my now-ex planned a date after a couple years without a date since our kid was born. His parents finally decided they would watch her for a couple hours. I explained we planned a dinner and a movie. This was a date I had saved up money for, and really needed. It would have been great to reconnect over dinner since he worked long hours at night, and spent a lot of time with his friends and we just weren't doing as well together.
    As we're dropping off our kid at her grandparent's house they ask if we would like to stay for supper and save money instead of a restaurant. I politely declined but their son happily obliged. 3 against 1, we stayed then went out to a movie. I should've just changed that plan to a cafe for dessert, or something else where we could hang out and chat. But I was too irritated and now I seemed like an ungrateful person for going against eating over-cooked meat and cucumber marinated in vinegar. It would be a very long time before we got to go on another date, as our parents were not the type of grandparents to be eager to babysit.


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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not really a super terrible. But I haven't gone on many dates in my life.


    I was about 19-20 & after my bartending shift, we all used to go to the local 24 hr restaurant, KC's. One of my customers wanted to take me out & I figured that would be a safe place for a 1st date, if you can call it that. It was also a bonus, I thought, that my mother was a hostess there, so I thought it was a wise choice.
    We meet there & are seated; all's good so far. I'm still in my uniform (short 'dress' & high heels, mules, to be exact), and things are going fairly well, at least at first...
    He was funny, but the more we talked, the more I realized he was more inebriated that I'd thought--no, he did not sit at my bar all night, and I swear he was not when he'd asked me out!
    Mom had just gotten off of her shift & was having coffee with a friend of hers, not too nearby to make me feel self-conscious, but close enough to see what was going on.
    Well, at some point, this fool reaches down under the table and grabs one of my shoes and proceeds to tell me something about how romantic it is to drink out of a woman's shoe...yeah, I know...we're ALL thinking "EWWW" right now. But he did it, with MILK, and since they were mules (open on both ends), he ends up wearing most of the milk. Well, I'm frozen like a deer in headlights because nothing like that has ever happened to me & I'm not sure what to do, nevermind that Mom's around somewhere!
    The next thing I know, Mom is standing at the table saying, "Young lady, bathroom, NOW!" in a very quiet, but stern voice that only mother's use when you're in serious trouble...
    I can't remember if I put my other shoe back on, but I'm guessing I did because I don't remember limping to the bathroom, and I sure wouldn't have taken the other one off and walked barefoot, but I slinked (slunk?) my way to the restroom, which was thankfully not far from us & braced myself for the onslaught of her tirade...what in the hell were you thinking? do you know how much you just embarrassed me--AT MY JOB?! Thankfully it didn't last long, and I apologized, though I'm still not sure WHY when *I* didn't do anything, but I did.
    I made my way out of the restroom, and after a brief stop at the table, left the restaurant, alone.
    Needless to say, there was not another date...
    (Sorry, Mom!)


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    Ending up in hospital with anaphylaxis because the restaurant we went to didn't label their menus with correct allergen information.



    I met a guy on on eHarmony and we hit it off. He was a lawyer in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We were both horror fans, so we decided to go see Hostel. He got way to excited by the movie. I declined to go home with him, which he was cool with at first. Then I got slammed with messages on my phone, my email, eHarmony and every social media account I had. He had some very graphic ideas of what to do to me. Naturally the police too k this very seriously and told me to go f**k myself. (also a suggestion from the lawyer.) Anyway, I blocked and ignored him and three months later he, two public defenders, several cops and a judge were arrested for running a human trafficking ring.


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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I tried to find the news article about that case, but there has been a human trafficking bust like twice a year (including one 7 hours ago). So maybe stay away from Grand Rapids.


    (This was obviously a long time ago). I had a blind date. I was instantly turned off by her appearance - loud, garish, and in poor taste. I took her to a recently-released movie "Tucker" (told you this was a while ago). During the movie's closing credits were pictures of the real Preston Tucker and archival photos of the car's launch. She Screamed "You mean this is real! There really was a Tucker car! And I knew nothing about it!!!" Then she caused a scene in the theatre, screaming about Government conspiracies to keep THE TRUTH from her. She was escorted out of the theatre and I DIED of embarrassment. (Three days later she called me and asked me to take her to see a show by an Elvis impersonator. I said "No").



    I had a date about 15 years ago shortly before i moved away for college. i never told the girl where i was moving to yet a week later she turned up at my door with a baby saying its mine. i only met her once and there was no sex. i had moved 400 miles away and none of my friends told her where i was. f**k knows how she found out where i was



    Worst date was my high school homecoming dance. Took my crush out and she ditched me halfway through to leave with some other dude, (no idea who.)
    I'm not salty about it because I found other people to hang out with and still had a lot of fun.
    I never attended another school dance though.


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    Online match...met at outside restaurant. He tells me he's a "self described a*****e", he also had hair in his nose (like hanging out), couldn't stop staring at my tits, and would continue to talk at me while his head was following any woman that would walk by.


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    I'm Gay and I was set up by a so called friend on a blind date with a guy who lived in a city about thirty miles away. At the time I didn't drive so I caught a train to meet him. He told me that the bus that ran closest to his house had just gone and that it would be better to get a taxi. When we arrived he told me that he hadn't brought any money out with him so I would have to pay. I was on minimun wage whereas he worked in a bank on a pretty good salary so, not a great start. He told me that he hadn't done any shopping so we would have to get a take away but, again he didn't have any cash so I would have to pay. Went for a night out and guess what, he still hadn't got any money so I suggested that we should simply go back to his place after one drink, well, that didn't go down well at all. Then, we spent all evening looking at his holiday photos while he whined about not being invited to family gatherings. We shared a bed but, that's all we did, and he tried to insist that I had to sleep on my right hand side and cuddle up to him. Well, I can't sleep that way and I would rather have cuddled a dead dog to be honest. In the morning he got up before me and I could smell cooking. So, I went down stairs only to be told that all he could offer me was a chocolate biscuit. Obviously I decided not to see him again but, he kept calling me and leaving passive/aggresive messages for me. Never went on a blind date again. Oh, and the so called friend who set this up told me that he thought it would be funny. Bye Bye.


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    Once I gave a note on about myself in my 4th standard, to my crush "Tanmai" and but he refuse (as boys always do awful) and throw it away with laughter. My friends asked me what was written on it, but I was 4th standard so I said it was something he had given me and I gave him back.
    It was embarrassing 😳 😳



    My worst date was years ago, before everyone had cell phones and Uber and Lyft. We went for Sushi, and I became ill afterwards, needing to use the bathroom a LOT. I begged him to take me home, and he wouldn't. We went to a dance club, where I was able to ditch him and walk a couple of miles home, stopping at every bathroom I could find, and sometimes couldn't find. I still don't let them pick me up on the first date. I meet them there.


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    Took me to a restaurant-bar establishment on a Friday night at around 10 pm. He asked the for a date earlier in the day but didn’t have a place in mind so decided to go to that one place he knew would be open at that time. It was jam-packed with Friday night partygoers drinking and smoking, the air so thick with cigarette smoke that you couldn’t see people on the table next to you.

    We ordered our own dishes and he decided to order some nachos “for the table” although we already had more than enough food (I couldn’t even finish what I ordered and in the end decided to get the remainder of it and his nachos to-go in order to not waste the food).

    And the icing on the cake? He “forgot” his wallet and didn’t have cash in the online payment app (can’t remember the excuse he gave for that). I was totally okay with paying for my own food but it was already expensive and with his food, it was quite an expense. He kept saying he’s going to pay me back and just to cut short the embarrassment (the waiter was waiting awkwardly for us to complete the payment) I just paid it off. (He did eventually pay me back some days later and it was in a load of change money that he had clearly collected from all over the place.)

    Then later that night while we were walking back home, around midnight, he told me that he had a gift for me but I need to close my eyes for it. We were in the middle of an empty street and he kept insisting. Stupid me excited at the thought of a gift followed through and luckily for me he simply gave me the said gift (not try to murder me, lol). I should have bailed out on him after that night itself but wasted another 2-3 years of my life being with him.


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    First worst date: I was set up on a date by a friend, I had met him previously on a celebratory pub crawl, he seemed interesting when I was intoxicated, maybe even cute. We met for dinner at a Texas Style BBQ restaurant, ran out of things to say after about 20 minutes, when our meals arrived, he proceeded to throw little bits of the parsley garnish from his meal into my cleavage - noped outta there in less than an hour.

    Second worse: Tried online dating - met a 'Human Rights Lawyer' for coffee, in the space of an hour of conversation he went from HRL, to Paralegal, Roving Consultant, Call Centre operator, to unemployed - it might not have mattered if his un-ironed shirt hadn't been stained with last nights (last weeks?) Marinara sauce, and an overpowering scent of BO.


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    Our college had a tradition called Screw Your Roommate, in which you fix your roomie on a date where you pick the partner without telling who it is and make them meet in a funny way, (ie guy has shoe and looks for girl without shoe like Cinderella.) I had a crush on a guy named Elliot S. and my roommate accidentally set me up with the wrong Elliot. I was given a sign that said ¨Clue¨ and I suddenly saw the wrong Elliot with a sign that said, ¨I have no clue.¨ When I told other friends who I was matched with, they all said, ¨Your roommate must HATE you!" It was a long night.


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    Oh I've got a couple. The first was in high school. My date and I were both shy awkward quiet types. We barely spoke two words to each other. We went to see a movie, which she thought was too violent and didn't like. We were planning to go out to eat after, but she wanted to go home, so it was a very uncomfortable drive back to her place. That's when I learned I work better with more outgoing people that will bring me out of my shell. Live and learn.

    The second terrible date was in college. A group of friends and I drove a couple hours to see a band play at a church (I was religious back then). Even though it was a group outing, it was also understood to be a date between one particular young lady and myself. Well at the venue, a friend of a friend that lived in the area met with us. He and my date got really flirty with each other, and she ended up disappearing with him for 20 minutes or so to take a ride in his convertible. That was it for me, date over as far as I was concerned. I enjoyed the show though. I saw Earthsuit, some of the members of which would go on to later form the band MUTEMATH. I even got them to sign my CD.


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