What’s the weirdest piece of furniture you’ve bought just because you can?
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A 2,4 Meter ( 7,8 Feet) Carved Giraffe.
Rocking Chair
Don't have a photo that shows the (weirdness of the) chair very well, so I also added a product photo. PS: it's not just design, it's the most comfy rocking chair ever!
This Giant Sea Slug Plush, He Hasnt Arrived Yet But I Got Him Instead Of A Beanbag Hes 120 Cm All Round 😂
"Ugly" Bust My Daughter Made
This Take On The Scream Called The Meep😁
This Statue I Found On The Street, That Scares My Cat.
That looks like: weird things started to happen in my house after I brought it...
My Beautiful "Not-Destroyed" Book Bench I Made From Left Over And Recycle Bits And Pieces Of Other Projects.
Wooden Bud. It's Really Heavy
The Doom+ Streaming Service, Circa 1885
This old 16x20” framed tintype photo jumped out at me in an antique mall while vacationing in Mt. Dora, Florida this past year. Writing on the back stated that the photo was restored by a Mr. Ralph Mctarian on January 10, 2005. It is attributed to a “Mr. & Mrs. Filliman Barkcomb of St. Albans, Vermont.” I guess that it is from the late 1800’s. It was the custom in the early years of portrait photography to carry forward the tradition of portraiture painting for subjects to look as stern and serious as possible and never, ever smile. My brain instantly connected it with a Bob Mankoff cartoon in the New Yorker that captured the doomscrolling zeitgeist of 2020 as a riff on Grant Wood’s “American Gothic.” With the help of some white ink on an acetate sheet, I superimposed Bob’s captions on the dour Barkcombs, and now have a reminder on my wall that no matter how sunny things may be in some corner of your life, you can always find a news feed to throw some shade. 😎 C2269198-A...d-jpeg.jpg
Kitchen Island Counter Top From An Old Door With Trim On The Outside Edges. Photo Pre-Install.
This Majestic Carving Of A Graceful Leopard, What I Bought In Namibia.
This Weird Bookworm Gnome My Family Has.
An original 'Rien Poortvliet' gnome. Rien was an illustrator and became famous with his book 'Leven en werken van de Kabouter' (Live and work of the Gnome), which sold more then 4M copies woldwide.
And these days he works for Travelocity.com in their TV commercials as the Roaming Gnome.
Load More Replies...Look At The Ceiling, Yep It's A Real Propeller...
So, you've installed a propeller in the ceiling to hang light bulbs on and NOT as part of a fan?! Okeydokey.
Not Weird, Just Love This Painting. Found It At A Flee Market In Ca
Found This Gem At IKEA And Decided To Buy It Because Why Not?
One Of My Mums Weirdest Works…
This Weird Metal Figurine My Grandpa Found When Digging For Their House Foundation
For some reason, I want to Clone it, line them up in my room...and FEEL LIKE A GOD 😇👼🧎♂️🧎🏼♀️🧎🧎♂️🧎🏼♀️🧎