I would like you to share your superpower, but be aware that some people in the comments might spoil it. Have fun!
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I upvote community posts. Even if I didn't like your collection crocheted llamas (bad example -I did like them, they were adorable.)
I know when something bad is going to happen or happened. I get a sick nervous feeling for days
I am psychic and am a trained medium. These gifts are shared by most of my family. In fact, they are fairly common to the whole general population! That 'gut feeling' you have, that sudden bit of knowing you get, knowing when you're being watched, the hunch - that's you being psychic. I have been scoffed at on BP before for mentioning this. I am NOT a fortune teller, I won't read your mind and I'm not a grifter or a fraud. Even more scoff worthy, I demonstrate for free at my local Spiritualist Churches in Perth, Western Australia. Also I aways know the time, how much time has passed and where north is. Maybe that's psychic too, but ... whatever. Scoff away.
I like this. What makes your post believable is that these gifts "are fairly common to the whole general population! That 'gut feeling' you have, that sudden bit of knowing you get, knowing when you're being watched, the hunch - that's you being psychic." I have always shared this perspective.
I can smell a particular odor coming from the breath of someone with liver cancer.
You can also tell by taste in case the breathing isn't an available option
I’ve never got fever. Never something over 37C. I don’t know when and if I’ve got influenza or some other illness.
I can read about 770 words per minute. Super useful.
Heres 20 little kids each asking you to read them a different book
I never get angry. Like never!
Sarcasm. Apparently I am quite well known for it.
I am Procrastination Man!
Good for you being pro-crustacean!! I'm neutral about this controversy since crabs don't matter to me that much
i read insanely fast and my spine looks like the letter of an alphabet
When I lay my hands on someone I can tell what nutrients are missing from their diets and how well their organs are functioning. Also feel old injuries and muscle tension .. it’s a gift and a curse
I think I'm missing vitamin s as in S.O. cuz I'm single as a pringle🥲
i dont have a superpower/im Quirkless, but my oc (still me) is part cat and can fly.
What's a can fly? Is it like a house fly but it lives in cans? (My other superpower is terrible dad jokes).
I can skip through time (aka fast forward through my classes I don't like)
I can read people’s emotions by staring into their eyes while making mine shake. It really works!
I have the power to be easily forgotten. Like at work, bosses have forgotten I was there because they haven't seen me in a while. In school, after attendance I have gotten up and walked out of the room many times. No one ever said a thing about it.
Are you related to 'The Glyph'? The Glyph is a character in the fantastic graphic novel by Alan Moore and Ian Gibson called "The Ballad of Halo Jones". A stowaway in her space liner cabin who only remains in the memory for a few minutes... Um. Why was I writing this again...
Talking total s**t for hours.
I have a colleague at work that is able to do the same ... I can't understand how she can talk like 8 hours straight every single day and always have something to say..its really amazing and annoying at the same time...I never saw her in silence...I don't like to talk when I'm working ( yes I know I'm a very boring person) but how she can find a subject and talk for hours?
I have really good memory. Sometimes I remember things my parents don't remember, and I can remember since I was a baby.
This sounds like a horrific curse who really wants to remember potty training?
I make terrible mistakes and normally pick the worst way of solving. If you want a faster solution don't follow me 😭
I have good memory and I can draw extremely realistic
I have no taste buds or sense of smell, but I can eat anything. I once ate spoiled milk on my cereal for three days until my husband took it way from me. (it did have chunks, but I apparently didn't notice) I was fine. I've eaten bad chicken, food that was left out, some sort of poisonous berry. (None of this was knowingly) and I have, at worse, had a stomach ache and that was from the berries.
But then you eat sharp shards of glass but don’t notice till you die of internal bleeding
I have the power of almost commenting on ever post, lol!
magic :0
But the magic is magically and suddenly remembering every single time as a kid you ever walked in on mommy and daddy ‘wrestling’ when your tryna sleep at 3am
The Goosegod, Guardian of the Glistening Waters, Arbiter of Avian Antics, and Merriment Deity of the Divine Realm. I bet your honks are as legendary as your rule. Beware, innocent hoomans, for the honk of destiny might just be coming your way (credit to (CascadedFalls)
But then you honk so loud all your slaves die and you have to fend for yourself
I'm very good at sensing living things around me. If you're there, then I can tell, not only that, but if you are currently near me, then please LEAVE WHY ARE YOU HERE-
But then you can sense bugs, microscopic bugs, which are everywhere,
i can make most people offended or pissed and wanting me to die in less than 5 min!
People choose to be offended you can't make someone offended. Get a real job
I can teleport to anywhere I think of
I can disappear from any conversation in a matter of minutes.
Well #1 is more of a curse, but I’m always prepared to lose any and all of my friends because I literally ALWAYS do in some way, and #2 is when I get deja vu (not sure I spelled that right), I don’t get a feeling something happened before, I get a distinct memory of something happening.
Also, forgot to add this, but I can hold my breath underwater a long time and swim really fast. (My doggy paddle is as fast as some people doing freestyle, and not super slow people!)
I understand every single Far Side cartoon. I don't always find the joke funny, but I understand it.
I have 2 i can think of.
1. I am super empathic and kind (almost to a fault)
2. I have a strong sense of smell. Which is wild cause i also have bad allergies (nose stuffy a lot) yet i can clearly smell dtuff ppl swear dont have a scent
This might not count but here I go: I'm a sympathic crier. Ex. My friend got stung in the foot by a yellow jacket or something, so someone pulled the stinger out. It was extremely painful for her, she was crying. I was crying cause I don't like seeing my friends in pain.
But then you cry whenever anyone’s in pain, and there is atleast 10 people in pain on the planet, problably more, so you turn into the crying child from fnaf
I can concern people with my rapid description of Heathers the Musical.
I have the ability to feel peoples... idk what you call it... auras? It takes form like a coloured fire in my head, and I'm an empath. Comes in handy sometimes, but the rest of the time it's awful Imagine a pulling sensation coming from the centre of your chest. Then imagine a sort of beaming light connecting yourself to someone else and taking their emotion and multiplying it. Then imagine that "skill" in a crowd full of angry, scared, sad, happy, excited, nervous, tired people and imagine like 1723 lights beaming out at other people, multiplying their emotions and giving half to you but 2x as bad. That's my power ^^
I have the ability to feel peoples... idk what you call it... auras? It takes form like a coloured fire in my head, and I'm an empath. Comes in handy sometimes, but the rest of the time it's awful Imagine a pulling sensation coming from the centre of your chest. Then imagine a sort of beaming light connecting yourself to someone else and taking their emotion and multiplying it. Then imagine that "skill" in a crowd full of angry, scared, sad, happy, excited, nervous, tired people and imagine like 1723 lights beaming out at other people, multiplying their emotions and giving half to you but 2x as bad. That's my power ^^