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A cow


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I will bring this up to my English teacher and demand that this be taught in all her classes every year starting now.

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    Wil I ever have the choice
    To hear my voice?
    Above the crowd?
    Or will it be drowned out?
    Filled with doubt?
    Caught in my throat
    When I want to shout?
    Am I jejune?
    Stuck in my own sand dune?
    Or will I fly?
    And have the courage to cry?
    So hear ye, hear ye,
    Hear my plea.
    Let it ring in the ear
    And bring a tear
    To the people who hear me,
    Singing, shouting,
    Laughing, pouting.
    Let them hear my voice.




    What a horrible year

    It's like a beautiful painting

    But with a huge, giant smear


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    Hehe boi this is what the universe made me for! Imma share two poems because why not. (Btw these are taken from my wattpad-shameless self promotion)

    The girl and the boy

    I can't remember when it all started but

    I remember seeing this girl

    And seeing this boy

    And feeling attracted to both

    I can't remember what it was but

    Something about the way they were

    Made me feel so jittery

    And made my heart feel fluttery

    I was too young to understand

    This odd feeling

    But now I kind of do.

    I like boys and girls

    And there's nothing

    I can do.

    I haven't told anyone but

    There is a girl at school

    I think she's smart and hot

    But I've dated a boy in the past

    So I'd have to tell people fast

    I can't date her in secret

    Can I?

    No, I'll keep it

    Hidden away

    In the closet it'll stay

    With my emotions at bay.

    My parents would definitely not approve


    It's getting weird talking to them and not

    Telling them about my secret

    I don't know if I can keep it

    If they ask me one more time

    If they ask me if I'm fine

    I'm going to cry.

    -End, first poem done-

    The queen of the world (new poem)

    She didn't know where life would take her

    Or what she would do

    But she's an inspiration

    She hopes that you're one too

    She's got faults that make her better

    Don't fear her temper

    She's the queen of the world.




    Roses are red
    emeralds are green
    just like your eyes
    so green they make me feel so serene

    I am scared to tell you how I feel
    scared of rejection
    I'm scared you'll throw me into the trash can
    like a banana peel

    you make my heart beat
    u n s t e a d y
    when you
    stare at me

    get a clue
    or come through
    I would like to be with you

    I like you
    but I cant tell that
    your off limits
    I cant keep doing this

    I fall head over heels
    for you
    only you
    forever you

    - love, Star



    i love cats
    they are fats
    they love pats
    they eat rats
    cats are fats
    cats love pats
    cats eat rats
    cats claw mats
    get stuck in vats
    cats eat gnats
    cats are (sometimes) brats
    i love a cat
    that cat is a fat
    he sleeps on a mat
    gets stuck in vats
    loves to eat gnats
    loves a nice chat
    hates wearing a hat
    i love a good kitten
    who loves wearing mittens
    she loves eating chicken
    when it is given
    and in addition
    to that delicious chicken
    she'll go to prison
    and ask to be forgiven
    i love my kitten
    no matter the condition
    I have little kittens
    who love wearing mittens
    they all hail triton
    they all have conditions
    and many physicians
    but the only decisions
    made by these physicians
    is that the kittens
    ought to eat more chickens
    I have my suspicions
    Along with munitions
    that these kittens
    are little villains
    How do you like it???


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ... just fyi... i had to ... skirt.. kinda??? idk the wording. but its really hard to find a word that rhymes with kittens / kitten / etc. that means what i want it to mean.

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    *Please read all English or all Spanish for it to make sense. I was translating it and this the odd format*
    Is she tattered and worn? 
    ¿Está super acabada de tanto usar

    Or merely there to adorn? 
    O simplemente allí para adornar?
    Is she highlighted and underlined? 
    ¿Está destacada y subrayada
    Or something that is simply undermined? 
    o algo simplemente menospreciada?
    Is she treasured in your hand? 
    ¿Es atesorada en tu mano
    Or collecting dust on a stand? 
    O colectando polvo en vano?
    Does she transform your life 
    ¿Transforma tu vida
    and provide solution for strife? 
    y de cada asunto cuida?
    Is she simply occupying a spot over there
    ¿Simplemente ocupa un lugar por un hueco
    while your soul is left completely bare? 
    mientras tu ser está completamente seco?
    Does she provide you wisdom and knowledge? 
    ¿Te provee conocimiento y sabiduría
    Or is your life left empty and on edge? 
    o tu vida esta vacía y llena de furia?
    Are you fulfilled with her stories of history and courage, 
    ¿Sus historias valor te ha dado?
    does she leave you feeling blessed and encouraged? 
    ¿Te hace sentir bendecido e animado?
    By some she was loved and desired so, 
    Por algunas fue tan deseada e amada
    that their very lives they did forgo. 
    Que hasta sus vidas había sido sacrificada
    Others, to obtain or have her became outlaws... 
    Otros para obtenerla se hicieron hasta delincuente
    forced into hiding for this very cause. 
    forzados esconderse por esta causa la gente
    Does she bring you consolation in times of woe? 
    ¿Te trae consolación cuando la prueba cae?
    Is this, to you, what the Bible bestows?
    ¿Es esto lo que la Biblia te trae?



    I don’t know why I am writing this poem
    But it’s late at night and I am not as tired as before
    Writing poems is like breathing for me
    I love ‘em
    Once you get to writin’
    You can’t stop
    It’s like the doors of a room close
    And lock
    You’re locked in and can’t get out
    10: 30 p.m and everyone is asleep
    Except me because I am hooked
    On poems! :)

    -Kayla ...


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    Roses are red, violets are blue
    Here's John Quiñones with What Would You Do


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    It’s the rainy days I like
    Though, I can’t ride my bike
    I’ll splash in puddles all day
    In the rain I play play play
    I like to go and catch the frogs
    But they go and hide under logs
    The frogs, they like to dine on flys
    Trust me, they tell no lies
    So what I truly have to say
    Is that I love rainy days


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    Though December melted away
    I can see everywhere
    You, as winter; and I, as descended snow

    Like an amaranthine blue moon
    I feel all around me
    The wintertide ever on my snow-kissed skin

    How can these residual nights
    Be so breathtaking, yet cold?
    You, my winter, with the clouds' ascended flow

    I'll keep in my eyes brumal ghosts
    Ever frozen in time
    Until pale cascades lay to rest nevermore

    For you are everywhere


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    I wrote this poem for school, I can't stop thinking about it.

    Creativity is found in here
    Run run run
    Every little boy and girl
    Are here giving out thier ideas
    Time to show the whole world
    I wonder what you will find
    Very unique
    Time to show the whole world
    Your unique, awsome, ideas

    ~ Ella McKenney



    This is one I wrote for my Creative Writing class a few days ago. It's about a walk I went on a week ago.

    Though the cold chilled me to my bone,
    The sun brightly shone.
    Children's laughter filled the air,
    And birds were singing everywhere.

    The dogs walked to where I stood,
    And their hair between my fingers felt rather good.
    As I walked them back to their home,
    One of them began to roam.

    In the puddle he laid,
    As the idea of getting him home clean began to fade.
    Outside came the owner as I explained the situation,
    Her once white dog now looked like a dalmatian.

    Happy to head home, I took in my surroundings.
    As I listened closely, I heard a series of poundings.
    Seeing that house being built made me thankful it's almost spring,
    For I wished it was warmer as I laid back on the swing.

    I'm better at storytelling that writing poetry, so pls don't judge me.


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    Winter. Summer. Spring. Autumn.
    All four seasons
    Yeah. We gottem.
    Upstairs. Downstairs. Basement. Attic.
    Your home.
    Your body.
    Keep calm, not frantic.
    A sweet breeze in the morning
    Can keep you from yawning.

    This is my wish for you love.


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    When I am lost
    in the soul sucking darkest parts
    of my despairing mind
    and I stumble blindly through the cavernous shadows
    that envelop my daily existence,
    from the most protected part of my fragile heart comes a single note.
    The hint of a song -
    a tune that is as familiar me as my own heartbeat -
    just as often overlooked in its critical role to sustain me.

    The note becomes a melody.
    One that trips and weaves its way past my fear and shame and sadness
    persisting until its silvery thread wraps itself around me.
    As the song builds,
    I ease into its embrace.
    Because I know this voice,
    this echo from my once happy heart.

    Closing my eyes,
    I lean into the confident familiarity of the song.
    The peace I find in the moment does not erase the darkness
    that I know still surrounds me.
    It calms the demons.
    Allows me to find a brief moments peace.

    With this remnant of hope remembered,
    I can turn and take a step back into the things I dread.
    When they crowd and push against me
    with their insistent pulling fingers
    seeking to rip me away from the new course I am setting,
    I can lift my eyes and turn my head to catch the melody again.
    It is always there-
    sometimes faint
    sometimes in a different key
    or hidden in the harmonies of the symphony of life-
    but with me always.
    To help lead me back along the arduous road
    to myself.
    I am found.


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    when we're swallowed
    by the countless stars
    will our names twinkle
    in a velvety sky
    for a lifetime of night times?

    will we suspend there
    neither shadow nor light
    the ring of a sunspot
    but not quite the sun?

    not us! we we'll break free
    and rain down
    on the morning grass
    petrichor wafting
    across a parched field

    we'll glint from the dew
    we'll quench thirst
    the tender renew
    of countless springs
    and birds will drink from us

    we'll straddle a sky
    bluer than cobalt
    skate on the wind
    and skim across
    sheer mountainsides

    when the barreling winter
    drives its horses home
    we'll ride bareback in the cold
    then later stretch our fingers
    towards a warm, faraway sun

    when we're swallowed
    by the countless stars
    our names will twinkle
    for a velvety sky
    for a lifetime of night times

    original (Laurie Winter)


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    not mine but it's funny
    Roses are red
    violets are blue
    sugar is sweet
    and so are you

    after breaking up up:
    the roses are wilted
    violets are dead
    the sugar bowls empty
    and so is your head


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