Ah, weddings. Some people love them, some people hate them. And while most have their fair share of drama, some definitely take the cake, the trophy, and the whole drama enchilada. What's your most dramatic wedding story?


I was to be a little bridesmaid for my cousins wedding in the 80’s. My Mum told me that under absolutely no circumstances should I do anything other than stand behind the bride with my older sister beside me (who was also a bridesmaid) and keep still, smile and not fidget around, while the service went on.
But…it was a super hot day and we had three layers of big Meringue 1980’s bridesmaid dresses on. And…my sister Vicki passed out. She just suddenly hit the deck. I didn’t even flinch, just held my spot behind the bride. Didn’t turn around and didn’t look. Ignoring poor sis spattered out on the floor in the hot church with a big fake scared smile on my face.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lmao you just reminded my instructor ( i'm a former firefighter ), but he had an expression for when we where practicing parade formation lol " pode-te passar um caralho nas ventas mas tu não mexes ", basicaly translates in to " you may have a c..ck shoved in to your mouth but you WONT move " of course we where all adults.


    Not so dramatic but when I was a toddler/kid I was at a wedding of my mom's relative and my dad had me up on his shoulders to see the ceremony. Well I must've been very bored bc I threw my little pink ball and hit the priest smack in the forehead. No idea if I was aiming, and still it would've been impressive if I were


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    My ex tried to kill me. His friend tried to poison my husband on his stag night .. And then gatecrashed my wedding declaring his love for me ... My mother also severely assaulted me the night before my wedding but that's another story...



    Leading up to my first wedding my parents - very controlling and abusive - kept saying if I changed my mind they could call off the wedding at any stage. A few weeks before the day I had to admit they were right. I had known my fiancé wasn't a good choice all along but I wanted someone to love me so badly. I knew he was cheating on me but he denied it. I told my mother that I did want to call it off. She insisted I go through with it. She was enjoying planning the whole thing and didn't want to call off "her" big day. Stupidly I kept quiet and got married. (I shook violently and uncontrollably the whole way through the ceremony.) A month later it was so much worse than I could have imagined and I got out despite my mother saying I should stay because "What will people think?".



    We had a 3 day campout on a mountain for our wedding. The day before we went up, I was playing with my dog before we dropped her off at the boarding house. We wrestled a little and she punched her dirty, sharp dog paw directly into my mouth, cutting my gums. No biggie, right? Well day 2 on the mountain was the wedding at the campsite. It was a Sunday 100+ miles from the nearest town with amenities. I woke up to an infected mouth, intense pain, and the choice to either cancel our plans to get medical help (6 hours driving with however long sitting in an ER) or power through. It was too painful to eat and I wept that the only traditional thing I wanted at my wedding was to kiss my husband after our vows and I didn't think I could. My sis is a doctor and she had me regularly flushing liquor in my mouth throughout the day to get me through to Monday. Learned how to drink warm gin straight! I was effectively a drunk hangry bride most of the day. Luckily the adrenaline from joy got me through my vows, first kiss as a wife, and through the campfire celebration. Thank you, gin.



    When I was twelve I was asked to bring up the rings at my mom and stepdad's wedding. And I somehow managed to snap the ring box shut on the priest's fingers, making his squeak of pain echo around the church for an awkward thirty seconds...not great but it's the best I've got. And that would have been the end of it if one of my uncles hadn't decided to jokingly tease me about it. I drank his beer while he was in the toilet and blamed his son. And yeah that's the first time I've ever admitted it was me. If you're reading this Uncle Phillip, thanks for accidentally introducing me to my Heineken, which remains my favourite...


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh that would have been a good one to have captured on film!

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    My husband and I were on a very tight budget and paid for the wedding completely on our own. My mothers friend offered to do my hair and take our photos for free, which should have deterred me right there, but I was desperate. When it was time to get ready, she was 3 hours late leaving us an hour to get my hair done so I could put my dress on. My hair ended up being in a very tight not on top of my head instead of a loose bun with cascading curls ( I showed her a photo of what I wanted and she swore she could do it). And our photos, all double exposed! Every single one! This was in 2002 when digital cameras weren't that prevalent yet.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your mother friend is terrible person. Promising something she couldn't deliver.

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    When I was around five, I attended my mom's cousin's wedding. At the reception, there was a table with paper hearts where you could write a message of congratulations to the newly-wed couple. A lot of people decided to write jokes on the hearts. My favorites were "You had better get a dog," "Your shoes aren't as pretty as mine" (from one of my younger cousins to the bride), and "I hope it works out..." The bride and groom did not find it amusing and stated their disappointment over the hearts in their Christmas cards to the family later that year.

    Maybe this one's not that dramatic, but I have a story from when my aunt and uncle got married. At the reception, my newly-wed uncle gave a toast. He looked my aunt right in the eye and said, "I don't like weddings. I'm here against my will." He didn't say much else and it left everyone feeling uncomfortable.


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    My husband's ex allegedly put a curse to us, which almost killed my husband and his uncle. I didn't believe in curse too much, but indeed there were many strange things happened during and after our wedding.


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    Thinking.... "What did I just do?" 15 minutes after the ceremony was done...



    I haven't been to a wedding since I was little (formal wear and gender issues clash so they stopped making me go to distant relatives' ceremonies) but 2 weddings in a row I managed to slip in and get food long before my table's turn without knowing it wasn't allowed and then proceed to throw a tantrum when I found out.


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    Not dramatic, just very very embarassing, my cousin marriage, i was seated at the table and accidentaly fell backwards taking the chair with me and kicking the table on the way down.... ( Alcohol may or may not have been the cause of said accident.... )


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    Groom’s parents were divorced, his father had came out as gay. They hated each other, but were sat together. Mother and father of the bride who hadn’t spoken in decades and hated each other also were sat together. Mother of the bride brought new boyfriend who was only dating her to be closer to sister of the bride (literally said “I’m only going cuz she’s going to be there.” right before the wedding). Maid of honor was sister of the bride’s best friend through high school (and had hated the bride the entire time), disclosed secret crush on said sister. Guy hired to sing at the ceremony was former bride’s boyfriend who still was in love with her. Night before the ceremony had a stripper for the bride who left his underwear in the hall, wedding almost called off over it. This was one wedding.


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    I was a bridesmaid at my Grandma's wedding (I was like 10) and there was one of their friends that was carrying an air conditioner up the stairs, I saw somee ink stains and thought I heard my grandma say something, after I went up to the man and told him that 'someone' thought he was messy and left messes everywhere he went. I then proceeded to tell him it was the bride, he told his wife this was why he hated kids. Next to his then-15 year old daughter. I was petrified.


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