Hey Pandas, Share Your Experiences Of Discovering That You’re A Part Of The LGBTQ+ Community (Closed)
Tell your story of what happened when you found out you support/are apart of LGBTQ+.
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I just discovered that I’m a cupioromantic cupiosexual. In simple terms I’m aroace. I feel attracted to women but it’s not enough to be considered a crush. Sometimes I can’t even tell if I want to be friends with someone or if I have a crush on them.
When I discovered that I was gay, I was still very much in the closet, and my boyfriend made me blush, and in that moment I realized that I was gay. Unfortunately there’s quite a few homophobic people at my school and they mock me for being gay, and that’s why I’m mostly in the closet about my sexuality.
I realized I was bisexual when i thought a kid I know was hawt (not spilling the name bc another friend just started using Bored Panda) but I also find a boy attractive. BTW most of the boys at my school are either ugly af or just stupid/annoying
I first realised I was attracted to girls back in sixth grade. Found out what asexual is from my bff who identifies that way later on. Just one month ago a user on bp suggested I might identify with the label cupiosexual
Sorry for posting twice but for some reason I’m unable to comment on anything. There’s no notification saying I was banned so I’m confused
Um don't give me weird comments and stuff but I think I'm semi-autosexual. I'm not exactly sureee but seems that way
I realized it when I realized that I really wanted to look at others in the locker
I realized it when I realized that I really wanted to look at others in the locker