Share one of the coolest, scariest, or even funniest ways you got a scar. Please keep the details PG! 😬😇


Big scar on my whole back and sides and ribs from when my father set me on fire



    I have a scar on my hip. The doctors took out a piece of my bone from my hip and then put it in my skull to compensate for certain structural weaknesses in my skull.



    I was about three years old when this happened: I was just walking outside my house, minding my business, and this lady and her dog walked past. I didn't do ANYTHING to the dog or lady, but out of NOWHERE the dog lunged at me and almost tore my face off. My mom and dad rushed me to the ER and the bite was so deep they had to stitch my muscle, fat, and skin back together. They said it was the scariest moment of their lives. But the scar turned out really cool; it's a big "X" on the side of my head next to my ear. Looks pretty badass.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Edit: the dog was on a leash, and it was the surgeons who stitched me up not my parents, and it was my parent's scariest moment.

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    I was a little kid that wanted cherries, my grandmother told me to wait for her to get the cherry bowl, but I was impatient. I thought I could do it on my own, so I went to the fridge and tried to take the heavy glass cherry bowl out of a high shelf. The glass bowl fell out of the fridge and landed in my feet, some glass stuck in my foot, now I have two scars on my right foot. One is shaped vaguely like a trident.



    I was about two I think and one of my older sisters had my feet and another had my hands and they were pulling me across my parent's bed (don't ask me why, sisters). According to them one said "I'm gonna let go!" and the other said "No, I'm gonna let go!". They let go at the same time and I went flying off the bed and cut my chin open. It's kinda weird I can remember being wheeled into the hospital and seeing the lights go by even though I usually don't remember things from way back then. I've had a scar on my chin since.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m 41 and I remember getting my stitches on my chin when I was in kindergarten but not much else from that age.


    11 years old. Riding my bike. It was raining and a teenage boy was chasing me. I turned my bike to go down the alley behind my grandmother’s house and he hit my back tire. I went down on my right side and ripped open my knee on the gravel. I was tangled up in my bike and stuck there for about an hour before my aunt drove by. Then my grandmother dug gravel out of my knee with a spoon. She put me in the double sink, ass in one side and legs in the other. I still have a piece of gravel in my knee though. Few years back I was playing with it and popped it behind my knee cap. Now it hurts sometimes and my knee grinds. Oh well. I also have a scar on top of my foot from a broken beer bottle at the lake when I was around 5, a scar on my thumb where a broken glass rim cut me doing dishes when I was 15 (still made me finish them with one hand, the jerks), and quite a few scars on my wrists and arms that I think speak for themselves. I almost had a full face scar but medical intervention fixed me all up. Don’t tie your kid to a raft while white water rafting and then spill beer on their face. In summer. And then not rinse it off. I woke up with one hell of a massive sunburn. Guess that’s what happens when you fall asleep in a raft.



    When I was about 9 years old I was at school. It was the end of the day and we put our bags on our desks and sat on the floor waiting to go. When the bell rang to signify school was over I ran to get my bag off the table, and one of the class bullies decided it would be funny to stick his foot out to trip me, and I tripped and smashed the middle of my head (between my eyebrows) into the corner of the table. My mum said it was so deep that you could see down to my skull when you lifted the skin. I have a nice long scar that cuts through my eyebrow now:)



    Scar on my foot from stepping on a rusty nail as a kid.
    Some kids said I had a crush on a boy, and I had to run outside as fast as I could (sans shoes) just to tell them NO.
    I got a nail on my foot because I didn't want boy cooties 😆


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    The barista didn’t put the lid on my coffee on right and it spilled on my leg and gave me a 3rd degree burn.



    I was frying some vegetables and some of the oil splattered onto my wrist.


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    Ashley Nicole
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This but it was a roast, and the oil went all down my forearm and palm


    I was in kindergarten on the playground, got accidentally pushed off a slide and landed on my chin. Had to get stitches and can still see it. Oddly enough every so often I will get a dark thick hair or 2 grow on each end of the scar which I immediately pluck (I’m a 41 yr old female)

    When I was around 5-8ish? I went running down to the barn, tripped or slipped once I hit the cement and slid into a shovel, got a nice cut under my eye. Most people would never notice it anymore.

    Had chicken pox when I was really young, I picked a big scab on my forehead. That’s the most obvious/noticeable scab that I have.


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    I have a big scar on my knee from a Maypole Dancing accident. That's not something most folks can boast.



    When I was younger, around 5 I think, I said a curse word. My aunt told me i was going to go to hell for saying it. That night I dreamed I went to hell and backed into a hot rock while the devil was laughing at me. What really happened during my dream was that i was sleep walking and backed into a hot iron. My mom was doing laundry. I have the perfect imprint of about four inches of an iron on the back of my right leg. I did not go to hell for saying a curse word.



    Faceplanted onto a chair when I was 6 and picked at the glue on my head so scar


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same thing happened to my friend’s brother, but he was two and has a scar on his eyebrow.


    I have a small scar on my thumb that's barely visible anymore, but you can still see it. I got this scar when I was building Legos. I had gotten this awesome Harry Potter castle that was 6k pieces. On one of my last days building it I was doing one of the towers. Out of nowhere the tower collapsed on my hand and It cut my thumb pretty bad. There was a lot of blood. I couldn't even believe Legos could do that. I was embarrassed then but now I find it hilarious.


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    Moonwatcher the NightWing
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    3 years ago

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    I have a scar on my foot from falling off the side of a water slide when I was like 11.


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    I went for a 10 mile run up a mountain in Aspen. It was a very technical trail. When I got back to the parking lot I tripped on near my car on a stone in the road and split my knees open down to the bone. I had to drive my brand new white interior car to the ER with blood pouring everywhere. I have a massive scar that is still very visible 20 years later.


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    I was around 7/8 yrs old and was walking home from school with my childminders son who I had a major crush on! We walked past my house and I knew that my dads Gosh Hawk was in our back garden on his perch! Anyways I said to the boy “let’s go and see my dads bird” we walked in the back garden and I proceeded to show off and go right up to the bird not realising it was on a “long” leash! It attached right to my face with a claw right in my lip! Have a massive bump on my lip now with a scar next to it! Not funny at the time but looking back it was so silly of me!!!


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    When I was five I was trying to keep a balloon in the air and ran into the pointy corner where the wall met the doorway. I managed to crack my head open and had to spend 40 minutes in the car with a bag of peas on my face to try and numb the pain.


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    I kicked a price of grass while playing kickball barefoot. Cut my toe down to the bone. I didn't know grass could do that but I guess they are called "blades" of grass.


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    Scar down one leg when I decided to jump off a tree and onto a metal sign.


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    I have two scars near my kneecaps that occurred after I fell off a bike when I was a preteen. Almost seven years later they are still there.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was at church camp, a kid bashed into me with a burning marshmallow that was still on fire. It continued to burn on my arm and I have a nice scar from that, like 60 years later. Fell and broke my humerus in three places, had to have surgery because it would not knit together by itself. Long scar from top of arm to elbow.


    I had a mole removed from my butt cheek. I looked like I had poop on my butt. When I was 16 ish, I had it removed, it pretty noticeably a scar. Unfortunately our 15yo daughter has one too but hers is just below her butt cheek, but If she ever wants to get it removed, I’m totally fine with that.


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    I have 2 scars, one on each knee, I fell and scraped them in 2nd grade and then I scraped them again when on my bicycle.


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    Third grade, contracted chicken pox. I had a big old blister dead center of my forehead. While I was on the mend, overnight I turned my forehead through my pillow. Nice streak of blood on the pillowcase and no scab anymore on my forehead. Just a lovely scar that I still have at 52. No worries though. It became a part of me and I learned that I’ve never been judged by it.


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    Alright, I actually have two that I would like to share!
    The first scar story I have was from when I was younger (Maybe 14, can't remember exact age) and my sister and I were playing around in the tool shed. I wanted to try carving some wood (Should have known it was a bad idea). The woodcutting tool slipped and I got a decent cut on my thumb, and since my Father's girlfriend was a nurse, she helped me clean the wound and found a band-aid for it. It took about a week to heal, and now I have a badass scar on my hand.
    The other scar I have was from when I was a sophomore in high school and my friend and I realized we had lunch together. We hadn't ever had any classes with each other, so we may have gotten a bit too excited. (I'm a band kid, born and raised, just to add context). We were talking about our classes in the band hallway when we figured it out and she ended up tackling me. When we went down to the ground, I didn't think about the fact that my knee was right next to one of the stage lights, and I cut my knee on one of the wires. She stood up and held her hand out for me to take, but my knee felt like it was on fire. I moved my hand (since I was wearing jeans) and saw that I was bleeding. 20 minutes spent in the nurse's office later, I walked back to band and tried not to topple over for the rest of the day.


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    There was a long story but in third grade a girl angered me on purpose so i scratched her on the neck (the scar on her neck is still there). While fighting i fell on my elbow and blood started gushing out and it hurt. Eventually the teacher punished me called my parents and sent me home (the other girl got off scot free). That day there was a blood moon as well. I still got the scar mark


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    I was 14 and i was literally everywhere i should not be. Including a half glass roof top. It was a Holliday in Poland, and all kids from the block where playing with a ball. And that ball was kicked so hard it landed on a roof. It was ez for me to get on that roof. It was connected to a widow in my block, only thing was a 1,5m long glass panel that connected both buildings. Way on the roof i just jumped ( didn't do that first time), kicked the ball off and it was time to go back. Glass was 30+ year old with some metal inside to keep it sturdy and strong, but i always tried to not step on it. But i missed. My right leg fell in to the glass. I managed to catch a part of the building, so I didn't fell whole ( ot was around 12m above the ground level), and i pulled my leg put of the crack. Didn't look at it first, got to the building and than started to call for help. There was not much meat left on the front part of my leg, up to knee. Everything was cut of. Bone outside, some tendents just hanging around... Got to the hospital, they gave me total anesthesia, and after 4h i woke up with 179 stitches in side and out side in total. Leg working almost prefectly now. Just hurts af when the weather os hanging


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    I slammed my pinky in a door trying to pen the door for my aunt so i broke my pinky now it is still scarred and bends in a odd way.


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    I have a scar on my leg from when this huge driftwood log fell on me. It bounced off my leg and I'm pretty lucky it just gave me this huge scrape and that's all. I have a long scar on that leg now.


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    Compound skull fracture, lost all memory prior.


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    I was wearing roller skates while on a swing at the park. I went for a back flip and smashed up my nose. I ended up needing 2 surgeries-1 on nose, 1 on sinuses.


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    I got a scar on my side wrist below the thumb but in the wrist part (just to tell the exact location) I got it when Im in grade 1 and my boy classmate tried to play stabbing in me using a newly sharpened pencil and that cuts me.It naturally heals in just days.It is steal here but not visible enough.



    Mine is on my index finger. It was after a Super Bowl party years ago, and I may have been a bit tipsy. For some unknowable reason, I decided I didn't like the little prongs on the bottom of my kitty litter scooper, and that they had to come off. Grabbed my trusty Ginzu knife and started cutting them off. Knife slipped, and I have the scar to remind me not to do stupid things!


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    So I have some scars that are visible and here are the stories!
    In first grade, I did like a somersault around a bar ( English is not my first language, so I apologize if that isn’t the correct word). But the bar was higher than the regular ones I was familiar with so I let go and split my chin open.
    When I was a bit older, I tried to cut open a chestnut with my pocket knife. Spoiler: You can’t do that. And now I have a scar on my left index finger to remind me of that.
    Last one is on the back of my right hand. For the holidays, we rented a camper van and were at my aunts house before driving further. And when we packed up, I had packed the toothpaste in the van because it was with my stuff. But my sister still needed it and she was in a bad mood or something so she kind of yelled at me for taking the toothpaste. And then (I also got a bit angry) I held the toothpaste to her a bit aggressively. So she took it and scratched my hand so bad it was bleeding. Almost four years later I still have it, but it’s kinda a reminder of a cool holiday.


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    I was in forth grade and had just completed an advanced swimming course at our local swimming pool and got a badge to sow unto my towel. During my celebratory dance I slipped and fell on the floor. Although it didn't hurt, my knee bled profusely. Now I have a scar shaped like the continent of Africa on my left knee.


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    Was having a water fight with my sister in the bathroom, then slipped and rammed my knee into one of the drawer handles. Made a nice indent in my knee, and gave me a scar to remember it by. Funnily enough, I got a matching scar on my other knee years later from something completely unrelated.


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    One time i was at my dads friends house and my dad was trying their segway and accidentally activated it on my foot.
    Ohnestly i could not feel anything nor did it even bleed but for some reason it left a scar lol.


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    My only scar story: I was playing tag in preschool at a playground, but i suddenly tripped. Big scar on my forehead, and blood was everywhere :’)


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    I have a scar on my right wrist. It looks like I was trying to kill myself, but what actually happened was that when I was 17 and dating my then boyfriend (now husband), and I came home late, and I was trying to sneak in our back door, and it was a wood door with 3 glass pane windows in it. I was using my hip to push on the wood part of the door, and I had my hand resting on the glass. I didn’t know my dad had painted the door earlier that day, so it was stuck. I eventually pushed the door open, but my hand went through the glass. My mother comes running when she hears the glass breaks. I’m fine, I don’t feel anything at all. She turns on the light and there is blood EVERYWHERE!!!! I start screaming. I go to the hospital, but then I have to try to convince them I was NOT trying to commit suicide, I was just trying to sneak in after curfew, lol!!!


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    So I have this really BIG scar on my right elbow. It looks like it has a story to tell. But to put it simply: I was walking out of our basement about to walk the dog (a 1yr husky) she shot out of the apartment and I tried to pull her back. My elbow went through a glass window attached to the door and now I have a big scar with a pathetic story.


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    Kellie Whyte
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol I think that sounds f*****g awesome!!! I, myself have a scar on my left wrist from when I got angry and punched the window. My fist went straight through the glass, and then my wrist got snagged on the broken glass and sliced it open!!


    So one time I was at the boling alley at like 3 years old so I wanted to pick the bowling ball up like my brother. ended splitting my chin open by falling onto the bowling ball and have a scar on my chin


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    I was preparing chicken to cook. After putting the chicken in the pan, I turned to wash some dishes. I twirled my hand with a dishcloth inside a drinking glass to clean it, not realizing the glass was broken. I never felt anything. When I took my hand out of the dishwater I saw a lump of something on my hand. Thinking it was a piece of chicken or something, I tried to pick it off and it wouldn't come off. Turned out it was my own flesh! Almost all the skin over my knuckle was cut off, hanging by a small piece. My friends took me to the ER for about 12 stitches. It took months to heal, as your knuckles don't have much of a blood supply.


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