Many dog owners will agree that dogs are probably the most loyal creatures you could find. Loyalty is just a natural behavior for them because they are pack animals who prefer the company of other animals. While it’s natural for them, we, humans, admire this trait and choose them as our best friends. And as a dog owner, I can confirm that it doesn’t take long before the dog becomes your true friend.
This time, we invite you to share the cutest pics of your best friends—dogs. Whether he's waiting for his lunch, quietly sleeping next to you, or playing with his favorite toys, post a pic of a moment when he made you happy just by looking at him! And of course, don’t forget to upvote the photos of other dogs too!
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Refuses To Get Off The Couch But Insists On Overseeing Every Activity.
Never Estimate My Cuteness
My Little Tilly Pup!
My Sweet Girl Lola. She Went To Live With My Daughter Because She Didn't Get Along With Her Brother Momo. Miss Her Every Day !
This Is Shilo, My 6 Year Old Rescue Border Collie Puppy Who Is Always Ready To Play And Always Keeps A Toy Near Him To He Can Have A Game With Anyone Who Will Play With Him. He Puts The Play Ring Around His Neck Himself And Carries A Ball So We Can Have A Choice In What We Play With. He's The Perfect Mix Of Love And Fun And I Love Him With All My Heart
My Beautiful Dearly Departed Girl. She Gave Me The Best 12 Years Of My Life
Arnold, The Most Handsome Boy!
He Can Be A Little Crazy Sometimes
The Moment This Little Evil Became Our Family Member
Nambo In His Wagon, During His Recovery From His 4th Knee Surgery, With His New Tigger Toy
Barney & ❤️
Brothers Forever!
Lola.....thinking She’s A Cat.
Furio - Adopted 4 Months Ago - The Best Boy In The World :)
Hikama, Not Craba The Chipin
It's Too Hard To Choose The Cutest Picture From All Of Them, But This One Is Between My Top 10
Molly.....without A Care In The World!
This Is How Berne Loves To Sleep.
Doug The Pug Is A Swing!
Rusty, Our American Dachshund
Sleeping Puppy. Skygge — 12 Weeks Old. Service Dog Candidate In Alaska
Pug Pixel ....
Fuzzy Bleh.
depends on what she makes it. some days halo, some days, horns.
Can't Play Anymore. Must Sleep!!
He Loooooves The Snow!
My Girls
My Old Doggo Loves Cart-Ride. She Is 16 Years Old. She Has Many Warts, And Stinky, Messy, Grumpy. But She Is The Most Adorable Puppy In The World For Me.
So My 2 Gsds Having Snugging Down
My Little Angel Still 5 Years And Still Striking Bomb Poses ✨
Happiest Sophie.
Just Relaxing
Our Goofy Three Legged Girl That We Rescued A Couple Weeks Ago!
Betty Age 2 Months And 5 Months.
Charles Junior Cute Look :)
Beni Found A Delicious Pillow.
Nancy The Gamer
Henry, Our Little Chi-Apso Or Lhasa-Huahua (Which I Prefer)
She Loves Finding The Most Perfect, Special Rock During Our Walks. When She Identifies It She Picks It Up To Take Home And Refuses To Put It Down... For Any Reason
Ripley The Bat Dog 🦇
Sleeping After A "Ruff" Day At The Groomer
This Is Bonnie, My 7 Month Old Aussiedoodle. She’s A Bit Of A “Hot Mess”.
I wish when people referred to me as a "hot mess" they meant I was this adorable.
‘Big’, Our Lovable St. Bernard
A most appropriate name. XD I used to work as a vet tech, and I was asked to restrain a St. Bernard who had a lot of energy and didn't want to stay still during an app't one day. Okay, fine, I'm on it--literally, as it turned out. To try and keep Mr. Pupperdoggo from moving around, I--weighing 145 lb.--lay spread eagle on top of this 120 lb. St. Bernard. The dog *crawled along the floor* with me on its back. XD Before anyone complains about the fact I was laying on the dog's back, my weight was *not* concentrated on the spine; I was trying, as much as possible, to distribute my weight out over the dog's entire body (hence being spread eagle). The dog was still able to move freely with me on top of them, and after I stood up, the dog was generally exactly the same as it had been before I was foolish enough to think my body weight would be enough to keep it in one place. ;p Pretty sure the vet got the vet assistant w/ upper body strength to assist him.
Double Trouble! Boston Terrier Sisters Luna And Ru
This Is Harriet, But Beware She’s Not A Huge Doggo She’s Actually Very Smol.
Maverick The Football Star!!!
Doggo Saartje, With Our Cat Kareltje De Grote
This Is Max, In My Opinion All His Pictures Are Cute, But This Is One Of The Most Recent Ones
Best Buds!
Lawfawnda (black pug) and Lily (fawn one) were siblings. They always hung out together. It's been a couple of years since they've past but I always have the fondest and happiest memories of the two.
Olly, My Baby Boy 😊
She’s Like A Marshmallow
Loving Up To His Grandma - Huey Is His Name
Slurp Dog!
Friends Being Lazy
Maximum Comfort Level: Achieved.
Emma - Loves Relaxing In The Dirt And Looking Fabulous
This Is Tigger, A 7 Year Old Rescue Saluki Cross, Chilling Whilst He Recovers From His Accident
Jessie, My Beautiful Greyhound Baby (Yes She Has A Hoodie On Deal With It)
Love your dog, so adorable. I saw that you supported me on one of the comics post and I'm extremely glad and happy. Thank you so much. I'm following you. Btw, how old is your dog?
Luna (The Pitt) And Maggie (The Big Mutt). They Think They Fit Just Fine.
Odysseus (Odie) Saw The "Water Dog" And Had To Be Held So He Wouldn't Flip The Kayak
Molly Not A Fan Of Lola (The Pitt)!!!
The Bow Only Stayed In For 1 Hour Straight Lol
My Little Teddy Bear. Kodo, 11 Years Young.
Cuteness : 200%
Imma Tired Mommy Let Me Rest! Cutie Maaya
Just Arrived My Little, Furry "Monster-To-Be"
I Always Bring My Own Tent
My Little Pup Meeting My Bird.😁
The Grin On This Boys Face! 🥰
Wally Has The Biggest Smile!!!
Hugo, Tobey, Nola & Freddy Looking After Their Mumma Gee. Scrumptious Beans.
Not Mine.. She’s My Niece, Miranda. She Is A Rescue.. She Lives A Happy Life Now
Poochini. I Love My Sweet, Sweet Pooches!
She Got Into The Glitter!
Hank At Christmas 🐶🎄
My Support Dog Dogtanyan, Loves To Hide In Anything Soft
One Of My Favorite Photos Of Wrigley! Weirdly Enough, He Enjoys Wearing Sunglasses!
My French Bulldog Chewie When He Was Still A Puppy!
Handsome, yes. Adorable, yes.Magnificent eyes,yes. I'm listning, keep them comming.
What You Lookin At? Just A Pup In A Stroller With Her Toys. Nothing To See Here!
Not Amused With The Bee Costume
Love At First Sight
Just Enjoying The Deck Swing
Dog 1 Tippy And Dog 2 Nestle
My Best Boy ❤️ Opie. Sadly Lost His Battle With Addison’s Disease In March. I Miss Him So Much.
My Sweet Baby Hana The Day We Had To Put Her Down 3 Wks From 17th Bday..mama Misses You
"Ok, I Know I'm Cute. Just Take The Damn Picture And Then Get These Off Me!" It's Been 21 Years
21 years since she passed away and I still miss her terribly.
Pure Adoration!
Love Her Little Ears!
She Just Heard A Good Joke...
My Office Pup Scarlet, Just About Ready For Morning Nap. Watch Out For Death By Sweetness
BP needs to do a 'show us the cutest picture of your goat' post because I have some seriously adorable pics of a tiny baby goat in a onesie.
BP needs to do a 'show us the cutest picture of your goat' post because I have some seriously adorable pics of a tiny baby goat in a onesie.