Borrowing stuff is great; however, sometimes it stays borrowed for the long haul. Share items that have stayed with you for a while now.
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Squeaky, The Cat. He Walked In My Front Door. 2 Weeks Later A Bunch Of Kids Told Me He Was Theirs. He Went Back And Forth For A While. While He Was At My House, They Moved
This Afghan
Borrowed From My Grandparents, But Neither They Nor My Cousins Want Me To Bring It Back To Their House
Some (Don't Remember Which) Of These
After lending some of my own books that I didn't get back, I feel even worse about returning them. After I was lent them, we didn't see the family again, until 10+ years later when my sister joined the same scout group as their granddaughter, but I was too embarrassed to return them.
Tenchu: Fatal Shadows
But it was only because we lost touch after school. Luke, if somehow in some way you see this, hit me up. :P
A World With Out Princes I Miss Her So Much She Moved Away
This Horseshoe, My Friend Left It At My House After A Ride (Her Horse Pulled A Shoe Off). I Painted It Cause It’s Been 5 Years Since The Incident And She Doesn’t Remember The Incident Lol
I Borrowed This Aunt Jemima Lanyard From A Friend And Told Her I'd Give It Back The Following Weekend. That Was 10years Ago. I've Only Seen This One Ever And I Love It
When I moved out from my parents' place, I took a few things, mostly from the kitchen or garage. I prefer to say 'rescue' or 'commandeered' lol. But either I was the only one who used it, or it had just sat for years.
When I moved out from my parents' place, I took a few things, mostly from the kitchen or garage. I prefer to say 'rescue' or 'commandeered' lol. But either I was the only one who used it, or it had just sat for years.