Let’s get into the Halloween spirit! Rather it is made up, based on a real story, or an altered version of another story, share it!


Pov: you go into the kitchen where you were working, and find your computer. You open it and type the password. You go to the website to find your student loans are overdue.🎃 Happy Halloween guys. i tried



    ...hey, where'd that spider go??



    I’ll tell you my story, but I have to ask you, no matter how crazy it seems, it’s true.

    So there I was, laying down on the dirt by the broken-down shack, I can’t remember why I was there, but I remember what happened, who wouldn’t? I felt something crawling on me, like a bug, an ant maybe. Then I felt it pinch, but not like a normal bug bite, it felt hungry, predatory, ravenous, like there was a knife poking me in the middle of my stomach. I felt a little bit of blood coming out of the bite, and that scared me because bug bites aren’t supposed to bleed, are they?
    I felt more of them as if the first called the rest, and I would soon know why. My panic was rising, but I couldn’t move, something not like normal fear, something like a venom that ate away all control but didn’t make you numb. The bugs distracted me from the thoughts of my paralysis, they were biting, no, tearing hungrily at me, making a hole just under my ribs, like they knew where the good stuff was. I could feel hot blood running down, soaking into the dirt, turning it into thick mud. My hands tensed as I tried to claw at the dirt to escape, but I was frozen, doomed to be these insects’ feast.
    As time passed, the hole in my stomach grew, spilling more blood and surrounding me with crimson-brown sludge. The ant-things didn’t slow, in fact, they seemed to get quicker in their act of devouring me. The pain was unbearable, I tried to scream, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was air, I was alone, defenseless, and vulnerable. Suddenly, the bugs seemingly broke through something, and I could feel them inside me, ripping at my insides. My lungs filled with blood and bugs, they came out of my mouth and crawled on my face, swollen from gorging themselves.
    That was when I gave up, it was hopeless to struggle, they already had me, and they were eating me from the inside out. Tears ran down my face, I couldn’t breathe, I was drowning in my own blood. I thought of what I could have been doing instead of this, and how long it would take for someone to find me, days, weeks, months? Maybe I’d be a rotting, filthy corpse with flies laying their eggs in me, once again food for the Earth’s lowest living things.
    I woke up with a jolt, still in the dirt, but I was.. fine. There was no hole in my stomach, nor were there ant-things and blood. I sat up, trembling, my breath catching in my throat as I sobbed, still very afraid. Just then, I coughed into my hand, leaving a splatter of blood and a small bug.



    the hated child half angel half demon half wolf gacha hybird lost princess who was bullied and abuse went to transformation class and after transformation class she found she was the lost princess and the ultimate legendary type. she then got back in contact with her real parents and then her abusive parents and bully sister became her servants.



    In college, my best friend in college and I got into the Ouija board somehow. Being broke college kids, we made our own: piece of paper, and a straw for a planchette. We "met" two beings who said they died in WWII, Jonathan and Wade. (Hi, Danielle/Wookie, if you're reading this!)

    A week or so passes, and nothing happens. One morning, we come back, and have a message on our answering machine (this dates me). In the middle of several normal messages, was "Wade... loves... Katie" -- that's me. We knew zero Wades personally or at college in any classes. We freaked out, played it over and over, then had the bright idea to let a friend of ours hear it. We run across campus, drag him back, get him upstairs, press the button... nothing. All other messages were there. Weird, but ok, it's a machine, and machines malfunction.

    A week or two later (and this was spring in Louisiana), I had gone out for a while. I walked back into my dorm room, and it was freezing. The room itself was symmetrical: two beds, two giant closets, and a desk with a shelf in between. The two closets made a slight hallway. All of a sudden, I saw a gigantic hand knock through the window; it knocked three times.

    Folks, we lived on the THIRD FLOOR.

    I said nothing, took one giant step back, turned out the light, locked the door, and booked it around the corner to my friend's room, and said, "You're never going to believe what happened. I'm staying here tonight even if I have to sleep on the floor!"

    We strategized and I realized I'd have to go back for contact lens solution and some other things. Danielle said, give it an hour or two. We'll open the door, and if it still feels cold and creepy, I'll duck in, get your stuff, and we'll go right back out. A plan was made.

    Walked in a couple of hours later, nothing out of place, normal temperature. Due to the weird message and the knocking THROUGH the window pane, so that it moved the blinds on the THIRD floor, we crumpled up the makeshift Ouija board, and snipped the planchette, then threw the trash out. No other manifestations ever occurred. Still, the creepiest, most unexplained thing I've ever witnessed, and I know what I saw.



    Last year, I took AP Physics. At the same table as me was this one girl. I'll call her Allison. Allison told us that she worked at a senior care center, helping out elderly folks. But one day, she was quieter than usual, and when we asked if she was okay, she told us that she had seen something she couldn't explain.

    At the senior care center, there was a sweet old lady called "Elly." Elly was a widow, and her children all lived far away from her. She often told Allison stories about her late husband, and about raising her children. Though she was often lonely, she confided in Allison, and Allison alone.

    One day, Elly started taking about a dream she'd had the night before. She had been in an empty train station, one that seemed so large she couldn't see the walls to the left and right. What she did see was a train track in front of her, a clock on the wall beyond, and a man, in a formal suit, sitting on a bench in front of the tracks.

    "Excuse me, sir," said Elly. "May I ask what you're doing?"

    The man gestured to the clock, which pointed, unmoving, at six. "I'm waiting for the train," he said. "I believe it will be coming soon."

    Elly couldn't remember anything beyond this. When Allison asked why she cared enough about the dream to tell her, Elly chuckled and shook her head.

    "Dreams have a power to them, young lady," she said. "If you just pay attention, they can tell you something."

    Then, the next day, Elly said that she had had the dream again.

    This time, the silent clock pointed to seven. The man still sat, hands gripping the bottom of the bench.

    "Sir?" Elly called to him. "Are you still waiting."

    "I'm afraid so," he replied. "And I believe you may still be here when it comes."

    Elly didn't eat her dinner that night. She said she felt sick.

    The next day, Elly spoke softly of the dream as Allison brought her medicine. The still clock had pointed towards eight, and the man slouched on the cold bench. "I'm afraid the train still isn't here," he said to Elly, "but if we just wait long enough, it'll come."

    Allison assured Elly that the dreams were nothing to fear, but Elly held firm that it meant something. "And I have to figure out what."

    That night, the dead clock pointed to ten. What little light had been in the station was beginning to fade, and the man hunched on the bench. His suit was now worn, threadbare in places.

    "Why are you still waiting for the train?" Elly asked. "You've been here a very long time."

    "There's somewhere I need to go," said to man. Then, he slowly rose to his feet. "Somewhere I need to take you."

    Elly stopped eating. She complained of nausea. Allison did her best, but could mostly just listen to Elly describing a dream that terrified her.

    The clock pointed to eleven, and the man faced towards Elly. She heard a sound like bones snapping as he slowly extended his rotting arm, and his voice seemed to tear his throat as he spoke.

    "The train is almost here," he rasped. "Take my hand, and we can go together

    "Take my hand."

    That night, Allison stayed late to make sure Elly was okay. Through protests that she didn't want to see the man again, she got her into bed and comfortable. She went into the closet to grab an extra blanket, and she heard something. Almost like a ticking clock, with a low hum in the background.

    She watched as a hole tore itself into the wall of the room.

    Terrified, she hid behind the closet door, as a single pitch black arm reached through the glowing red tear. Sickening snaps rent the air as a creature pulled itself into the room, sticking impossibly to the side of the wall. It crawled up the wall, and it sounded like it was breaking every bone in its body just to move an inch. Allison watched, horrified, as it hung over Elly, reaching down and grabbing her by the shoulders. Allison screamed, and the creature seemed to notice her for the first time. Just as the hum culminated into a blaring train horn, everything vanished.

    Elly's body was already cold.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Made this up on the spot at a scout camp a few years back. I think I accidentally traumatized some twelve year olds.

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    Doctor Oz and John Fetterman did a public political debate - and the USA lost a few IQ points.



    Taking you back about 15 years Halloween night. My first wife and I always threw big Hween parties. We were living in Michigan. Ann Arbor. A friend of ours had asked if anyone had heard of the legend of Denton Rd. Short of it was you had the choice of going to a cemetery where a child was hit by a car and if you drive a certain speed you can hear him crying for help and pounding on the roof of your car. Then there was the covered bridge where you'd see Willow-the-wisps.
    We chose the cemetery.
    Quick relevant backstory. I was in a phase of loving everything smiley faced. PJs, notepads, etc.
    So there were 2 cars. My wife and I were in the second and my friend driving didn't want to speed on the icy dirt road. Naturally I was a little disappointed but understood. Our friends in the car ahead of us took off seeing if they could manifest the child spirit. They, thank God, were okay after going into a ditch.
    Now I was in the driver's side back seat, then my wife, and friend X on the far end. I went to get out the car as we were all going to make sure they were okay. Here's where that backstory comes into play. As I went to open the door, there, on the OUTSIDE of the window was an eerily drawn smiley face looking as if it were drawn by a young child!
    I don't scare easily, but this did startle me quite a bit.



    This is one I did for a school assignment! Here goes:
    Take a moment, just a moment, to imagine, you lay with your eyes shut tight, your breathing in a heavy pattern. You look fast asleep. But the thing is, you’re not.

    You are reading a book when you hear humming upstairs. This is normal, as the walls in your apartment aren’t sound proof. But something feels off. You frantically stick a twig into your book to hold your page, and lay your cheek and temple into a pillow. You forget to turn off your lamp. The fabric is cold on your cheek, and your bony hip sinks into the mattress. For a moment, everything is quiet again, but then footsteps come down the stairs,

    ‘Tiki, tiki, thump. Tiki, tiki, thump, tiki, tiki, thump.’

    The door to your apartment swings open and the room floods with the smell of old cheese and vomit. And a tall and lanky man enters your room. His skin was the lightest pale, but strangely, it had almost a green tint to it. He looked young, possibly nineteen. And he carried a large burlap sack. He stuck his head into the doorway. Your light casts long shadows across the wall. The young man leaves your bedroom, only to come back less than five seconds later with his sack. He reaches his bony fingers into the back and pulls out a woman. Her neck is bent in the most horrid way, and the bone in her arm is protruding out of her skin. He walks her over the the foot of your bed and leans her on the wood. With a thud, she falls to the floor. The boy growls and shoves her arms underneath the mattress. You feel your legs lift along with it. He moves back to the center of the room and pulls a brunette out of the sack by her ankles. She is as flat as paper and white glue-like substance is leaking out of her clothing. He sits her in a rocking chair and faces it towards you. He smiles and nods. He leaves you apartment room and comes back with an old woman. Her eyes are blue and glazey. Her hair is coming out in patchy strips, and she’s ranting gibberish. Your heart wrenches as you watch her simply fall into the wall and split open her skull. The man checks her pulse and smiles. It must not be there, because he sits her, with her legs crossed, against the wall next to your bed. Out of the sack comes a child. Third degree burns cover her body, and her eyes simply aren’t there. He lays her right next to you, on her back, on your bed. You can smell burning flesh almost. He reaches into his back once more and produces another girl. You wonder how the bag is able to hold so many people. The girl is covered in dirt and more burns. The young man punches holes in the walls and places her into one. He pulls out a beautiful woman, with curly black hair, red lipstick, long lashes, and a crop top. There is a cable tied around her neck. He ties the cable to your ceiling fan. Out of the bag comes a baby. It looks as though it’s been beaten with rocks. He removes his shirt and wraps the baby in it. You can see every one of his ribs. He looks like he hasn’t eaten in weeks, he opens your window, and jumps out. His arms are outstretched almost like the letter T, his eyes are closed tightly, and his legs are curled into his chest. He falls silently. All the way to the seventh floor to the first.

    For weeks, you think he had murdered the women and made a run for it. It’s not until weeks later that you find out he was a kid from your class. He had been out with a friend one night, and when he returned, he found his entire family dead. He had survivors guilt and jumped from your window. Nobody knows why he put his deceased family in your room, but his friends had said you made him feel safe, and he loved you. And you didn’t even know he existed.

    That’s it, I hope you liked my story! I wrote it last week!


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    This is how I learned the high school auditorium was haunted.

    Was back stage crew and the only one left on the stage. Was resetting props for the next night. There was almost no light on the stage, but out at the seats there was dim lights on. The seat was a big wall with a door in the middle. Behind the wall was a man made hallway made from the wall and the back of the stage where actors could run back and forth from left to right sides of the stage (vice versa). The door would lead to the part of the stage where the audience could see and where the actors performed at. (This set up is important for the story)

    So I was walking from left stage to right stage in man made hallway in the mostly dark. Only one on stage, resetting props for the next day. I was about halfway through the hallway by the door. I looked up and see someone and ask if someone's there. I look closer and I realized the figure is 9 feet (meter and a half ) tall. No normal human is that tall. After I asked who's there the figure turns around supprised and it had no facial attributes. Just nothing on it's face. I panicked and ran out the door next to me onto the visible part of the stage and into the seats. (The performance was over a long time ago so I didn't ruin anything)


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    A nightmare I had a few days ago (Not the worse one though)

    My family and I were chilling in the Family Room, playing Mario Party 8, when we got a knock at the door. There was a man and a woman. The woman said that my mom was incapable of taking care of us and she (and the guy) were going to take us (which turns out they were lying). My mother started crying and said that it wasn’t true, and that she was perfectly capable of taking care of me and my 5 siblings. The woman then said that my mom and ‘her fat a**’ wasn't capable and she was going to sell us to a zoo. My mom got angry and lunged at the woman, who started screaming. I quickly pushed the babies upstairs and locked them in a room. I stood outside the room while the woman screamed bloody murder.
    Then there was silence. I came downstairs and froze. There was blood everywhere. My mom stood over the (now dead) woman. The man was sitting in a corner, a knife plunged through his chest. I asked my mom why the heck she did that. Her response was:
    “I couldn’t let them take you. Not my kids. That sh*t doesn’t slide here”
    She picked up the bodies and threw them in the tubs. Over the course of the days, you could smell them rotting upstairs. You could hear the flies buzzing. The stench was horrible. I’m surprised no one smelled it because of how bad it was. Eventually, my mother had to go to the store, and she asked me to go with her. I agreed (Afraid) and we set off.
    While we were shopping, a man came up to us and asked if we had seen the dead woman and man. My mother replied no and grabbed me and sped off.
    Suddenly, there were police cars all around the house. My mother panicked. She told me to put the babies in the hidden chamber below our house. She kissed me and told me to take care of them. Then she went outside.
    “*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*”
    “Big sis, what was that?”
    “Mommy went outside to play ‘Balloon Pop’”
    “Oh! You mean that game I have on my tablet”
    “Yes. Now sleep.”
    My older brother just looked at me and shed a tear.


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    There was once a wicked old blind man who lived alone in a big house. He liked to sit in an armchair by the fireplace and think of ways to make people’s lives more miserable.

    One night, he was sitting and thinking as usual when suddenly, he heard the door open and footsteps come into the room. The next thing he heard was the other armchair being dragged across the room and set by the fireplace, then a noise that sounded like someone was sitting in it. However, when he put his hands out to feel the person, there was nobody there, so he started to feel frightened. After a long silence, the thing said, “Ain’t nobody sitting here in this room but you and me.” The old blind man got up as quickly as he could and felt his way to the door, then closed and locked it. He then walked down the hall as fast as he could, hoping to get away from the thing. He had gotten about halfway down the hall when he suddenly heard the thing say, “Ain’t nobody walking down this hall but you and me.” The man immediately panicked and started running.

    Eventually, he made it to the front door, got outside, and kept running. After a while, the thing said, “Ain’t nobody running out here but you and me.” The man continued to run until he got to a fence that he climbed up as fast as he could since he couldn’t find a way around it. After he got to the top of the fence, he stopped to rest. A few minutes went by, then the thing said, “Ain’t nobody sitting on this cemetery fence but you and me.” Panicked, he fell over the cemetery fence and into a freshly dug grave. The thing immediately fell on top of him, then said, “Ain’t nobody here in this grave but YOU!” The man died of fright- or some THING.


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    Top SuperDude
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not gonna lie, this story seems more entertaining than scary to me personally.

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    Once upon a time....

    ... they didn't live happily ever after.


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    it was the 2nd tuesday of september 1989. my clock was set for 6 am. ( i was 27 ) when i awoke. i remembered waking up like i did that morning in my youth. not infrequent. it had been a restless night, covers wrapped around me like a python, mouth and throat dry, couldnt swallow. it was like someone injected me with 10 cups of bust a*s coffee.

    Instantly awake. ( BOOM )

    i'm staring at my bedroom door, at the end of a long hallway. there was a black (BLACK) silhouette of what could easily resemble a small grey alien. its head was much larger anatomically, and stood about 2 inches taller than the doorknob. Around the entire dark shadow figure was a bright white light about an inch thick.

    my first thought was what the hell is that? i looked around the room, and quickly determined, that i, was most certainly in my room. now,, the door was 3/4 open, i could see the houseplants shadows, and the tree branches from outside the big picture window, waving in a light wind. the shadow being was MUCH darker ( black ) and as if standing in front of the houseplant shadows cast on the bedroom door. i couldnt see the houseplants behind it.

    my next thought was WHAT THE FARK IS THAT?!!!!!

    in that moment i had the sense that it was a male, and it was like his attention was directed behind him, but there was no movement to indicate that.
    (it was like he had his buddies behind him saying, DUDE, c.mon, lets go )

    i never moved, never thought about moving and i could FEEL his attention coming back to me. this is when i felt my heart beating in my throat and thought, so this is what they mean when your heart is on your throat ( an old phrase) i chuckled to my self that THIS was NOT a comfortable feeling.

    i watch, and the small body shadow guy, turned and was like he was taking a step to his right ( the head never moved) but his arm went behind him, as if one were walking, and i could see where his arm bent at the elbow, and that white band of light made a triangle appearing behind him. and he took a half a step,
    ( and VANISHED ) ( poof ) ( gone )
    the energy in the room changed as well, seemed to be lighter now.

    i was wide awake, fully conscious and slipped my feet of the bed, looked at my alarm clock. it was 5:58 am. two minutes before the alarm. so i switched it off. laid back down on the bed, with my hands behind my head, fingers clasped, fully awake, thinking what the hell just happened.

    i woke up 4 hours later in the same position. late for work.

    so i called up my friend Sheila, a trance channeler, much like edgar cayce. www.asktheo.com to see if i could be able to wrap my head around this experience. ( i quit asking people my questions when i was 23, because no one could answer them, and only asked theo, which has always brought me greater understanding. )

    "Theo what was this, what can you tell me about this experience from the second tuesday of sept?"
    (that was all i asked, No further information.)
    Theo says " this being was one who was of your world, and it was curious about you, and attracted to the light"
    they wouldnt say much more, so i asked " what do i do if the damn thing comes back again?"
    they said,
    " if this one returns to you, tell this one that you are not interested in participating and ask higher sources to assist this one to the light"

    well, 2 weeks later, on the toilet after work, i started feeling a little dizzy, and watch as a small dark black shadow ( with the same bright white light surrounding it) started to grow bigger.

    closed my eyes and employed the offered technique for about a minute or less, and opened my eyes and it was gone, as well as any dizzyness.

    hey panda's,,,,,,,,, know that there are universal laws, and this technique works on aliens demons and ghosts. so no need to be afraid, or thinking that you are powerless. ( just say'n)

    have smile on face, have peace in heart


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