Share them—we're all going through tough times.


When my Mom met me step dad, we had to move to another city. They didn't even TELL me we were switching schools, so I could never say goodbye to my teacher or best friends or anyone...


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    Its kinda stupid but this happened Tuesday and we got back from break and we were talking about what we did over vacation. My crush, Ive never liked a guy like ive liked him he was perfect, he was tall, he had light hair, he loved Juice Wrld, he was perfect. Well he was talking about him and his gf hung out on valentines day and how they kissed and hugged. I was trying so hard to hold back my tears in class. That i had to go to the restroom and started balling my eyes out silently. Theres alot more but its way to much.


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    i have a few that i can remember:
    when i found out my bestfriend died my mom said his funeral was in a few days and i asked if i could go and my whole life i have been fascinated by the end and all of that and she knew that but she was still like "nO yOuR tOo YoUnG" (i was 11) "aNd ItS nOt SoMeThInG a LiTtLe GiRl LiKe YoU nEeDs To SeE"
    when i got cheated on at like 9 and i know its not really that big of a deal to some of you since worse things have probably happened but it still hurts me
    being in an on and off relationship where i just wasnt happy anymore
    when i stayed awake the whole entire weekend just straight up crying the whole time
    these two that im about to put happened recently
    my grandma has been diagnosed with cancer
    and my boyfriend rn has told me he loved me before but hes going through a rough time rn and i told him ill be with him the whole way and he texted me back and said "i love you so much" and that made me sad because he lets me be part of his life and he accepts all of my imperfections and i just love him do much he makes my life happy and i want to thank all of the pandas on here who look at what i write and comment or like and im glad i can answer questions and share my experiences on her without being judged. so thank you!



    2021 started out bad for my family. In the first week I found out that my cat, that I had really been very close to for a year, had cancer. I remember waking up to my mom coming in my room and crying. About a month later, he died. He was the sweetest and smartest cat ever. If you were having a bad day he would come up to you and cuddle with you, while purring. So yeah, 2021 isn't that great.


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    having a best friend of about 7 years leave without a trace



    I've had many heartbreaks in my life. When I was about 15 or so, I loved a girl, and she didn't love me back. After I figured that I have no chances with her, I got extremely depressed and wasn't handling it well. To make things worse, her friend's circle were my only friends at the time, so I had no-one to talk to because I was ostracized by them.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    im so sorry this happened to you, but youll find someone better who actually loves you. so if you havent already i wish you luck

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    My black dad (I'm black too) just beat me because I was doing assignments for school and he called me a slave.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wth. Im so sorry. Thats kinda stupid though. Like you just dont wanna fail that class. It isnt being a slave...

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    1: when my neighbor’s dog ate my hamster when I was like 5 or 6 but I held back so many tears because I didn’t want my neighbor to feel bad
    2: when I know I have autism and OBVIOUSLY show many symptoms but my dad denying it because he says “I would see symptoms” and me realizing he just doesn’t pay attention to me ;—;


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OMG sooo relatable so I always feel scared to tell my parents something that I think is wrong and when I do they’re just like “ur fine” even though I don’t feel fine

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    Some of my saddest times are right now. I have a really close bond with my teacher and all the people in my class, but I’m moving schools next year because my school only goes up to my grade. I’ve been in the same class with the same teacher, and together we have overcame my anxiety together. Not only is my teacher my friend, she’s like family and I don’t want to leave the San Gabriel classroom.


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