I have depression, and COVID has been making it worse. I need to hear some good news for once instead of all the bad stuff.


Made it to month two free from self harm!!! Been hard but feels good to see how far I've gotten. Hopefully I keep this one going!


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Lsai Aeon
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Congrats. I have found at least for me, when I feel like harming myself, a tattoo or piercing makes a good substitute.

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    This is just one of those little wins, but my cat (who normally likes to hide and isn’t a fan of being social) came out of whatever hole she was hiding in and listened to me playing the guitar :D I’m not that good and I think she was critiquing me, but it was still cute


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cats always come close and start snoozing when I play my ukulele. I am okay at it but they love it.

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    My dad had a kidney transplant in February (less than a month after he got put on the wait list), was in the hospital for all of June with internal bleeding and got diagnosed with Lymphoma. We almost lost him. But after 4 rounds of Chemo, he is cancer free and feeling better than he has in years! 2021 was a very difficult year for us, but we have been so blessed!


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    Miss Frankfurter
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What a terrifying health roller-coaster. I'm so glad your Dad has come through it all and is well.

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    I think I’m gay…….or at least Bisexual


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    Whitey Black
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I too recently became bi-sexual. No, I don't dig men, but only sex I'm having is bi-myself.

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    I just got fully vaccinated and my puppy isn't sick anymore.



    I finally found the right resources. A new custom wheelchair should be here in February and I also submitted an application for a service dog. I should be approved for the dog, but it could be up to a 2-year wait to be matched.
    Also advocated for my son (14) to get more help for his autism and ADHD at school, they gave him everything he asked for.



    My wife has been sick with various illnesses since 1996 or so. Back then we had a car accident that screwed up her neck and spine. A few years later she got an unrelated autoimmune disease, followed by many surgeries, a bad heart, runs to the Emergency room. The works.

    She tried so hard to work and contribute to the family finances, but each job took more and more out of her. She just could not promise an employer not to be sick or in pain and companies are not charities. She had to quit all her jobs.

    Three years ago, I helped her open a store on Etsy to sell her handmade glass earrings.

    I taught her all I could about using the web, working on her computer, photographing her products, post-production in Photoshop and how to post them on Etsy (I am a web developer and also a photographer/graphic designer, so for me it was basic stuff, but not for her, she is very analog).

    Little by little she learned basic computer skills, she assisted me in setting up the lights and backdrop for picture taking, but she was afraid of the camera and its many buttons.
    The Etsy interface was a big mystery to her for the longest time, and cruelly, she wasn't making that many sales.
    Opening a shop on Etsy is rarely an overnight success.

    Yet, she persisted and about a year ago she started selling a little bit more. She doubled up on those things she needed to improve on (beside making glass, she is good at that), and got better and better at those tasks, to the point where my assistance was no longer required.

    No one was getting rich, but she persisted.

    As of last summer, her Etsy shop started taking off, little by little. She actually had a small fan club waiting for new designs to launch, but it was still very small.

    In addition, working with glass requires lifting heavy kiln shelves, very precise and intense work, often leaning over a table. It was, and still is, very hard on her.
    Throughout I tried to make her job easier, I reminded her to take breaks so she wouldn’t work for three hours only to be in bed for three days in excruciating pain.

    On the medical front, she was given a new Cpap machine that made her sleep better at night and more alert during the day. It helped immensely.

    Then this fall the floodgates opened. She started selling something everyday. She would get so excited every time her phone made the "Cha-ching" sound, but we didn't allow ourselves to get too excited about it. It wasn't a lot of money, her items are fairly inexpensive, and she worked very hard for it.

    Finally, this past November her sales really ramped up and Etsy made her a "Star Seller" and in December 2021, for the first time ever, she handily passed the $2,000 monthly mark in sales.

    We can certainly use the money, but it goes so far beyond that. Neither of us realized it as it was happening, but for at least the past year she has done the whole process on her own. She made her art, she photographed it, she wrote descriptions, she shipped it with very minimal help on my part.

    I might have taught her the basics, but she made an almost superhuman effort to learn, despite pain, illness and really, really bad days, and took over the entire production.

    It wasn't just her art. It was her art and her photography, her photoshop skills, her writing, and her website management that got her to this point.

    I sat her down and told her that no matter what happens, even if this one was a Christmas season fluke, she has built her own business selling her art. Art that people appreciate. Art that people praise. And she did it on her own.

    Sure, I helped her, we are not islands, we all have to have someone to lean on when the going gets tough (wasn't that a song?), but her recent successes have been all her.

    I could not be prouder. I am actually f#%*ing crying.



    On the personal front: I tried making yogurt again. It's much better than the last time. I learned to make crepes and my husband really likes them. In 2021, I learned the term "demi-girl" and it felt perfect for my gender identity. Good news for LGBTQ+ people in Canada: conversion therapy has been banned. Even most members of our more conservative party voted for the ban.



    This sounds not good but...

    I've been quarantined for the past week because of what we think was a false positive on my family. Anyways I have 5 more days and was just feeling super bummed about the whole thing. SO (finally the good part) my 5 year old brother, who like most 5 year olds doesn't think much about how others feel, came in and looked at me and just said "I love you so much." But yeah I can't stop smiling.



    We're getting a new sofa so we took the old one out into the garden and paid £23 for the council to take it away. They take three things per £23 so two sofas and we added an old barbecue just to take advantage really. Anyway, my neighbour knocks on my door at 11am and wants to take the sofa as it's in better condition than his is. All good. So I cancel the council collection and save £23 but I still have the old barbecue cluttering my patio. I s**t you not, at 11:30 the rag and bone man comes down my street - he hasn't been in ages, in fact, I thought he'd given up - and hey presto! No more barbecue! The stars aligned for me today - and my neighbour - and the rag and bone man! It's a full house of wins!

    So yeah, in short, I saved £23.



    I got my first pregnancy at age 31, 6 months after marriage, fighting with PCOS for 9 years, was told I won't conceive. Took no medication at all, just a healthier lifestyle, home cooked food, and a supportive and loving partner



    You only have to fight the depression one single day.
    Yesterday is gone, it's over, you've allready 'did' that day.
    Tomorrow isn't here yet. You don't know what tomorrow will bring, so don't waste your energy guessing on it.
    You only have today to worry about. Everybody can get themselves through one sh.... day.
    You can do this, you've got it.
    Look for the ray of sunshine, the pretty flower, the smile on a strangers face, the sale on cauliflower.... They are all there for you, to help you get throug the day.
    I'm sending some good energy your way 😊

    I'm also living with cronically depression.



    1. My fish ( the 3rd one) is the longest living fish in my family EVER!

    2. i got the 1st Covid shot, and i had no side effects :3



    I apologized to my old friend for dropping her because of a mistake we made not hoping anything and now we're back to being friends. It's a little awkward sometimes but the feeling of guilt is long gone.



    I had a darn good day today. My oncologist called and said the treatment for the cancer is actually slowing it down. My landlord (good guy) came by to check and see how the last roomie left things; I was cleaning out the refrigerator and he told me that he would be sending over a second one which we had been waiting for for months. "This "roomie" had trashed the bathroom, and we were tired of cleaning up after him, so he told me that he would pay me (generously) to take care of it and is even providing top of the line supplies to do so. When he first got there I was on the front porch waiting for the Wal-Mart delivery to come. When she was pulling the bags out of her car a glass bottle of top of the line spaghetti sauce fell out of the bag and smashed on the street. She called back and then gave me a number to call. I spoke to the young lady and told her that this was for our dinner tonight. Another bottle was here within the hour. When I got online later I saw that I had even gotten a refund from an insurance company I had dealt with. Good Lord, I haven't had a day go this well in years.



    I got a nice bf and my parents started to talk to me again! They used to tell me off because I’m gay :v



    My cat was been getting better from an injury



    I've had a great run selling stuff on Craigslist lately. Among other things, I've sold a 5-CD changer for a home stereo, the stock door panels from our cargo van (replaced with better-looking home-made ones), a 15-year old radar detector, and an antique saxophone. Seems there's a buyer for practically anything if you just have some patience.


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    I'm starting a new business from home. Very exciting time for me.



    I have a new bunny and doggo and im now at grade two!!!


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    Samia Guled
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    good for you! i cant get furry animals so enjoy ur awesome pets :3

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    Our dog we got back in May is now asking for scritches and will sit on the couch with us. We can't yet get a collar/leash on him for walks but he loves playing with his ball in the snow in the yard. When we got him he would just cower in the corner. He spent his first 4 years in a trailer with dozens of other dogs before the SPCA got them out so he really has come quite a ways.


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    Good girl wanna be.
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I donate to the ASPCA and our local Humane Society. I also adopt from our Human Society. Thanks again!!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Not super big- but I’ve been waiting to go to school overseas for 8 months because of COVID. Well this week, I quit my awful job and after a long wait, I’ve finally started packing for university!! :)


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    My wife and I both have an appointment to get our driver's licenses updated at the end of the month to reflect the fact that we have a new (combined) last name!


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    Coming closer to landing a roll in a show I have been wanting for awhile I’m very excited even though it’s super small :)



    The James Webb Telescope is still not junk.


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    Freya the Wanderer
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Right on! The sunshields deployed perfectly, the secondary mirror deployed perfectly, now only the side panels of the primary mirror and fine-tuning it are left. I can hardly wait to learn what secrets of the cosmos it will unlock!

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    Every year in February I celebrate the anniversary of my last suicide attempt. I know it sounds morbid, but it's actually a celebration of another year without suicidal thoughts and another year full of loving life! I make a giant meal, do a butt load of self care, and just think about how grateful I am to be alive. It's an annual reminder that it does get better, and to hang in there when times get tough.


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    I have always battled manic-depression and bipolar disorder. After being with a narcissist for 5 years, I have recently took control of my life. Bought myself my dream vehicle (Jeep Wrangler) for my birthday and then lost my job 3 weeks later. I was super low and in a very dark place. My 13 year old daughter had opened up to me and told me how she views me. She pointed out that I have lost track of myself and haven't been the true me for years. She then pointed out all the trauma she has witnessed me survive and told me how much she looks up to me and pointed out things that I do for others. She gave me strength to stand up to the a$$hole boyfriend, and go back to a job that I had enjoyed the first 5 yrs ago. Still catching up on bills from being unemployed for 2 months, Christmas came and her 14th birthday was a week after. All she asked for from me is not to lose the Jeep. I have been able to make 3 payments now, and almost caught up on Bill's. She did receive plenty of gifts because there are people who care about her/us. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderfully empathetic daughter who is not afraid to speak up when needed. She has taught me that life is complicated, but it is important not to lose yourself. Not for anyone. And when you speak up, those who truly care will step up. The world is a wonderful place, you just have to look a little harder for the positive things. Even if it is just a smile from a child, or an elderly holding the door for you. It's life; we all get through it.


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    I got some rare pokemon cards for christmas



    I actually recently overcame my severe case of Bipolar Depression. I had struggled with it for I think a little more than five years and finally got the help I needed. I had always felt that nobody really cared about me and that secretly everyone hated me. I could go from Super happy and uplifting to "I want to die" in seconds. I eventually turned to self harm and might have permanent scarring, but I've made a vow that if I see anyone needing help I would do all that I could. So seeing how you made this post makes me feel for you, and I know I may not be able to help, but if you need somebody to talk to, I'm here a lot... :)


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    I have not been depressed for most of today!



    I haven’t seen my parents in 5 years, in 2 weeks I’m surprising my mom at her work!



    Hi again,btw, i know Jeweled Dragon, everything is now tough thanks to the Covid-19, many people are sacrificing their lives but don't give up!! Keep trying!!😁😁😁



    nothing too dramatic or anything, just really happy that i can spend time with my gf even though it's not in person. i just love how she makes everything so much better and more special when i'm around her. just really enjoying the little things rn.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I came out as gay a few months ago to my husband and he was so happy for me. We are getting a divorce, and he is moving back to our home state, but both of us could not be happier for each other. I am going to be able experience independence, really for the first time in my life, as I met him shortly after getting out of a bad relationship. My husband and I have always been amazing partners, but I always felt like I couldn't do life on my own and now I am proving to myself that I can. Also started anti-depressants and finally feel like a happy functioning human being. I have never been so happy in my life, and with my life.



    i tested negative. 17 times... 🙈


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    we finally have good memes


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    I’m eating a cracker
