I love cats. I really do! I even love every single cat! And I want to see more of the silly and funny cats you own. 


My cat gets jumpy sometimes. So one time me and my friend were having a sleepover. Then I touch Ringo (my cat) and he jumps up maybe a foot then lands on his hind feet, then jumps ANOTHER time and repeats two more times. IT WAS HILARIOUS!


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    My girl is very polite but she's still a cat so things get interesting some times. She'll jump on someone's lap and waits for them to give her a couple of pets before she'll lay down on them. It's her way of asking permission. If you don't pet her she just looks at you like 'what are you waiting for, the deal is you pet me I sit, cause I'm polite' and it gets a little weird because she just stood moving and stares at the human like it's broken. She'll jump down and get all offended after that.

    She also comes to a whistle. She has very specific meows so if I haven't seen her for a while I'll whistle and I'll get her 'I'm still alive but not moving' meow. She loves the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow, so I whistle or sing it to her. If I sing something she doesn't like she'll try to bite me but she doesn't have teeth anymore.

    Once had a cat that legit would turn her back on you if you undressed or were naked. She was very prim and proper. God forbid you accidentally looked at her while she was grooming herself or using the litter box. She'd be offended for days.



    When your cat with anxiety hops on the table spawning Satan because he wants to summon the devil to murder our dog...


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    I had met a guy from California in a chat room and he came to Toronto visit me. We did a bit of shopping and he purchased a lovely expensive pair of pants among other things.
    We had a fine time but once he got home, he called to tell me that one of my cats had crawled up one of the legs of those expensive pants, and coughed up a nice big fur ball. He could not stop laughing, and we've been together 20 years.


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    My cat is a cuddler, she’ll get her cuddles/pets when she wants them, so one time I was sitting under a blanket, and she just crawls on in, lays down, and goes to sleep, and uh, I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood still


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cat only lays by my feet on my bunk bed. But one time he noticed that we were packing up to go to green bay and he slept by my chest!😊


    My Spanish report card said, and I quote, “***** is a great student and very hardworking, even with la gata on her desk and her lap”. (Keep in mind this is on zoom) Also, all of my classmates know my cat’s name. (Arial)


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    My cat sketch who is a blue Russian is an indoor/outdoor kitty . Last summer for a week straight he brought me a fish . I do not live near water and I’m sure there is an angry neighborhood somewhere with a empty pond . I felt awful and he was so proud . 7 days of raw fish left at my front door !


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Our cat used to leave us squirrel and bird skeletons, so count your blessings lol

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    I have a ragdoll cat that's usually pretty chill so one year in mid-October I was decorating for Halloween with a garland covered in pompoms shaped like spiders since I have a cat I naturally gave him one because he would go crazy if I didn't the next morning I wake up to a garland of detached pompoms I eventually found them but some of them are his permanently now I also found of mangled pompoms recently so...yeah


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    One of our cats would sniff at a random spot on the family room carpet, jump at least a foot into the air, run out of the room, run a lap through the house, then walk back into the family room from the other hallway.


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    I have two cats, my black one is territorial and my orange one has no sense of personal space. So one of them will be sitting in the corner as far away from everyone for hours at a time, meanwhile the other one will be sitting on my chest. So I’ll find them fighting, hissing, and growling at each other over a freaking towel that they both want to sit on. It’s hilarious how much they’ll act like toddlers


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    This not my cat. this my Grandpas cat. When ever you call their names they turn around and give you the -_- face


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    Heard pitiful meowing from the conservatory. Walked in to find the idiot hanging from a sheet on the airing rack, swinging back and forth!
    Yes she was stuck and yes I had to save her.
    Lost her earlier this year and still miss the adorable weirdo.


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    Once I thought that my cat Lola had a piece of string in her mouth. I went closer, and it was actually a lizard. I spent the next few minutes watching the lizard try to escape, but Lola ate it in the end.



    Years ago, my mom's cat was a lover and not a fighter. But he was best friends with my brother's dog. So the dog dug a cat sized hole under the gate and when the cat who was a bully chased him he would head for the gate and slip inside. Had to ask my mom to stop filling in the hole.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My cat is scared of everybody in the house but me and my dad. Duda (my cat) is vary lazy. When i come home from school i would always see him on my bed sleeping. One time i went into my room he was sleeping on the bed when i reached my hand out to pet him he got SO scared that he HISSED at me AND he Hit me.


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    My cat Clara is so jumpy she can jump like feet and its hilarious than she got her head stuck in a boot and played hockey with a piece of dog food


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    when you're cat is on the stairs and is purr-fectly camouflaged with one of the steps, so you walk down the stairs, step on the cat for a millisecond. The cat freaks out and scrams down the stairs, making you almost having a heart attack, stumble down 20 steps of stairs


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    I.. don’t have a cat. This story is not about MY cat, but it’s still a cat that’s a relative’s cat, when I was like 7. So this happened:

    I was shooting a nerf gun around my uncle’s house and I ended up in my cousin’s room looking for the darts, I placed the nerf gun on his chair, but suddenly the cat ran into the room and jumped on THE SAME CHAIR. I found the darts, and I prepared to stuff the darts into the gun for maximum shooting, when I turned around.. I saw the cat on the nerf gun. The only logical thing to do that my idiot kid brain could think of was either: Grab the nerf gun from under the cat, or pick up the cat. I couldn’t grab the nerf gun from under the cat, as the cat was too comfy. I attempted to pick up the cat, ANNND.... he bit and scratched the soul out of my hand. My whole entire hand was just BLEEDING. ... Somehow I didn’t cry... like AT ALL. I showed my parents calmly and then my entire hand was engulfed in bandaids. Well... at least the cat ran away after that. I got to shoot my nerf gun again.


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    Our cat constantly underestimates her size and weight, she thinks she's the same as when she was a kitten. Anyway, a few years ago, we got her a new car tree with a bed and a hole for her to stay warm while sleeping. This new tree is a good 1 1/2 foot lower than her old cat tree.

    Anyway, a few days after we got her this new tree, she saw a squirrel in the front yard, so she excitedly ran to the backyard to see if she could see that squirrel there. She was running, jumped, and completely overshot her new cat tree, did a face plant on our glass patio door, and fell, then turned around, and flared at us for laughing at her. Lucky, she wasn't injured


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    My cat Cupcake used to hop up on my oscillating table fan and sit there regally while it turned back and forth. Then she growed, tush got heavy, crash went fan. She felt very betrayed.


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    My cat Muffin had a game she liked to play. She'd gallop at 90 mph from the back bedroom out into the living room, up the back of the rocking chair, dig her claws into the top, and just swing back and forth until the chair stopped rocking. She must have really liked it because she did it almost every day.


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    One time, I made up a story to impress my friends, but then it actually happened. So I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. Then, suddenly I heard I noise from the closet. I don't know what I thought it was, but I was so darn scared, that I grabbed my knife (Which I keep in my room JIC=Just In Case.) I grabbed all of the courage that I had and opened that door. My cat jumped off the shelf in my closet and onto my face. I still have scars from where she scratched me! Haha! Good times.....


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    jeez a knife? sounds like an old boomer carrying a gun in his purse all day long...

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    Because of COVID-19 my Meetups are now by videoconferencing. One time I was on Zoom (or something similar) and I didn't realize my cat Aida, who likes to jump up on my desk when I'm on the computer, was in camera range till one of my friends pointed that out.


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    Slowly, a lump emerged under the cover from the side of the bed. Ever so carefully, the cat crept towards it, not daring to make a sound. Everything seemed to be standing still as she prowled closer. She took a sniff at the mysterious lump and AHHHHH! Cat #2 sneak attack!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I own 3 cats, the youngest kitty loathes the fattest, oldest cat, and the one in between them likes both. There was this time when the youngest kitty was licking himself, then the fat old cat sniffed him, then received a very hard blow and hiss from the young kitty. They had a chase. As for the cat in between- he was the spectator, enjoying the watch.


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